for 0.0.1 ========= - make sure that using this for non-full-screen apps works sanely - should be able to just initialize a Term object and use it to write with colors in a regular program (although maybe not doing this functionality with an actual Term object makes more sense?) - for instance, .read() shouldn't try to parse escape sequences if we aren't in cbreak mode, and cbreak mode and keypad mode should possibly be tied together (or should .read() even make sense in cooked mode?) - error handling - probably should be able to initialize the escape code trie with a lot more options, and optionally disable them if the terminfo capability doesn't exist - some output capabilities can also be emulated if the capability doesn't exist - should be able to do this stuff on file descriptors other than the currently hardcoded stdin/stdout (should have a way to do colored error messages on stderr at the very least) - figure out rustdoc - figure out rustpkg future ====== - rgb colors - line drawing - scroll regions - mouse?