package router import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.util.matching.Regex class Router[T] { val routes = new ArrayBuffer[Route[T]]() def addRoute ( path: String, target: T, defaults: Map[String, String] = Map(), validations: Map[String, Regex] = Map() ) { routes += new Route(path, defaults, validations, target) } def insertRoute ( path: String, target: T, defaults: Map[String, String] = Map(), validations: Map[String, Regex] = Map(), at: Int = 0 ) { routes insert ( at min routes.length, new Route(path, defaults, validations, target) ) } def route (path: String): Option[Match[T]] = { def testRoutes ( components: Seq[String], routes: List[Route[T]] ): Option[Match[T]] = routes match { case r :: rs => r.route(components) match { case Some(found) => Some(found) case None => testRoutes(components, rs) } case _ => None } testRoutes(path.split("/"), routes.toList) } private class AmbiguousRouteMapping( mapping: Map[String, String], paths: Seq[String] ) extends RuntimeException { override def getMessage (): String = { "Ambiguous path descriptor (specified keys " + mapping.keys.mkString(", ") + "): could match paths " + paths.mkString(", ") } } def uriFor (mapping: Map[String, String]): Option[String] = { // first remove all routes that can't possibly match // - if the route requires a variable component that doesn't exist in the // mapping, then it can't match // - if the route contains a value for a variable component that doesn't // pass the validation for that component, it can't match // - if the route contains a default value, and that component also exists // in the mapping, then the values must match val possible = routes.flatMap(r => { r.pathWithMapping(mapping) match { case Some(path) => Some(r -> path) case None => None } }) possible.toList match { case Nil => None case (r, path) :: Nil => Some(path) case rs => { // then try to disambiguate the remaining possibilities // - we want the route with the fewest number of "extra" items in the // mapping, after removing defaults and variable path components val possibleByRemainder = possible.groupBy { case (r, path) => { (mapping.keys.toSet -- r.defaults.keys.toSet -- r.variables).size } } val found = possibleByRemainder(possibleByRemainder.keys.min) found.toList match { case Nil => None case (r, path) :: Nil => Some(path) case rs => throw new AmbiguousRouteMapping(mapping, } } } } } class Route[T] ( val path: String, val defaults: Map[String, String], val validations: Map[String, Regex], val target: T ) { import Route._ lazy val variables = components.flatMap(getVariableName) def route( parts: Seq[String], components: Seq[String] = components, mapping: Map[String, String] = defaults ): Option[Match[T]] = { if (components.filter(!isOptional(_)).length == 0 && parts.length == 0) { Some(new Match[T](path, mapping, target)) } else if (components.length == 0 || parts.length == 0) { None } else { components.head match { case Optional(name) => { if (validate(name, parts.head)) { route(parts.tail, components.tail, mapping + (name -> parts.head)) } else { route(parts, components.tail, mapping) } } case Variable(name) => { if (validate(name, parts.head)) { route(parts.tail, components.tail, mapping + (name -> parts.head)) } else { None } } case literal => parts.head match { case `literal` => route(parts.tail, components.tail, mapping) case _ => None } } } } override def toString = path def pathWithMapping (mapping: Map[String, String]): Option[String] = { val requiredDefaults = defaults.keys.filter { k => mapping.isDefinedAt(k) && !variables.contains(k) } if (requiredDefaults.forall(k => defaults(k) == mapping(k)) && requiredVariables.forall(mapping.isDefinedAt)) { val boundComponents = components.flatMap { case Optional(v) => { val component = (mapping get v).flatMap(validComponentValue(v, _)) defaults get v match { case Some(default) => { component.flatMap { case `default` => None case c => Some(c) } } case None => component } } case Variable(v) => validComponentValue(v, (mapping(v))) case literal => Some(literal) } Some(boundComponents.mkString("/")) } else { None } } private lazy val components = path.split("/").filter(_.length > 0) private lazy val requiredVariables = components.filter(!isOptional(_)).flatMap(getVariableName) private lazy val hasVariable = variables.toSet private def isOptional (component: String) = Optional.findFirstIn(component).nonEmpty private def isVariable (component: String) = Variable.findFirstIn(component).nonEmpty private def getVariableName (component: String) = component match { case Variable(name) => Some(name) case _ => None } private def validate (name: String, component: String) = validations get name match { case Some(rx) => rx.findFirstIn(component).nonEmpty case None => true } private def validComponentValue (name: String, component: String) = if (validate(name, component)) { Some(component) } else { None } } object Route { private val Optional = """^\?:(.*)$""".r private val Variable = """^\??:(.*)$""".r } class Match[T] ( val path: String, val mapping: Map[String, String], val target: T )