This library implements some of the more useful parts of the Test:: and TAP:: namespaces from Perl. Currently, we have: - a class for writing tests (TestMore, similar to Test::More) - a TAP generator (tap.TestBuilder, similar to Test::Builder) - a TAP parser (tap.Parser, similar to TAP::Parser) - a standalone test harness (harness.TestHarness, similar to Test::Harness) - a harness which integrates into sbt More features to come as requested! This library is on the Maven Central Repository, as the artifact com.iinteractive#scala-test-more_2.10;0.01 To use this library with your project, just add these two lines to your build.sbt: libraryDependencies += "com.iinteractive" % "scala-test-more_2.10" % "0.01" % "test" testFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.iinteractive.test.sbt.Framework") Further documentation can be found at