

class TestMore extends Test with DelayedInit

This class is an implementation of the excellent Test::More testing library for Perl. It provides a simple assertion-based testing API, which produces TAP, which can be parsed by any TAP consumer. This library includes several TAP-consuming harnesses to use with tests using this class, including one that supports testing via sbt test.


The most basic test looks like this:

class MyTest extends TestMore {

This runs a test containing a single assertion. This will generate a TAP stream that looks like this:

ok 1

which can be parsed by one of the test harnesses provided by this library.

Running tests

The simplest way to run tests is through sbt. You can register this framework with sbt by adding this line to your build.sbt file:

testFrameworks += new TestFramework("com.iinteractive.test.sbt.Framework")

Then, any classes in your test directory which extend TestMore will be automatically detected and run.


This class contains many more assertion methods than just ok. Here is a more extensive example (borrowed from Test::More's documentation):

class MyTest extends TestMore {
  ok(got == expected, testName)

  is(got, expected, testName)
  isnt(got, expected, testName)

  diag("here's what went wrong")

  like(got, """expected""".r, testName)
  unlike(got, """expected""".r, testName)

  skip(howMany, why) {
    ok(foo(), testName)
    is(foo(42), 23, testName)

  todo(why) {
    ok(foo(), testName)
    is(foo(42), 23, testName)



The difference between the simple ok method and the more specific methods like is and like is in how failures are reported. If you write this:

ok(1 == 2)

the output will look like this:

not ok 1
#   Failed test at MyTest.scala line 4.

On the other hand, a more specific assertion such as:

is(1, 2)

will produce more useful output:

not ok 1
#   Failed test at MyTest.scala line 4.
#          got: 1
#     expected: 2

In addition to assertions, there are also several methods which take a block of code to run, to modify the assertions contained in that block.

The todo method runs tests which are expected to fail. If they do fail, the failure is reported to the test harness as a normal succeeding test, and nothing happens. If they succeed, they are still reported as a succeeding test, but a message is displayed to the user indicating that the todo indication can be removed.

The skip method takes a block which should not be run at all. This is similar to todo, except that it is useful for tests which could cause problems if they were to actually run. Since the tests are never run, it's not possible to count how many tests there should be, so this must be specified as a parameter.

The subtest method runs a block of assertions as though they were an entirely separate test, and then reports the result of that test as a single assertion in the test that called subtest.

Test plans

Normally, you can run any number of assertions within your class body, and the framework will assume that if no exceptions were thrown, all of the assertions that were meant to be run were actually run. Sometimes, however, that may not be a safe assumption, especially with heavily callback-driven code. In this case, you can specify exactly how many tests you intend to run, and the number of tests actually run will be checked against this at the end. To declare this, give a number to the TestMore constructor:

class MyTest extends TestMore(5) {

In addition, if the entire test should be skipped, you can give a plan of SkipAll():

class MyTest extends TestMore(SkipAll()) {


These assertion methods are written with the intention of being composable. You can write your own test methods which call is or ok on more specific bits of data. The one issue here is that, as shown above, test failure messages refer to the file and line where the is or ok call was made. If you want this to instead point at the line where your assertion helper method was called, you can use the hideTestMethod method like this:

trait MyTestHelpers { this: TestMore =>
  def notok (cond: Boolean) = hideTestMethod {

This way, the test failure will be reported from the line where notok was called, not from the call to ok in the notok method.

Linear Supertypes
DelayedInit, Test, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. TestMore
  2. DelayedInit
  3. Test
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TestMore(plan: Plan = test.this.`package`.NoPlan)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. def BAIL_OUT(desc: String): Unit

    Halt execution of the entire test suite.

    Halt execution of the entire test suite.

    1. BAIL_OUT("can't connect to the database!")

  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  8. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  9. def delayedInit(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Definition Classes
    TestMore → DelayedInit
  10. def diag(message: String): Unit

    Output a comment to Console.err.

    Output a comment to Console.err. This is intended to be visible to users even when running the test under a summarizing harness.

    1. diag("Testing with Scala " + util.Properties.versionString)

  11. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  12. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  13. def fail(desc: String): Boolean

    An assertion that always fails, with a reason.

    An assertion that always fails, with a reason.

    1. fail("we should never get here")

  14. def fail: Boolean

    An assertion that always fails.

    An assertion that always fails.

    1. fail()

  15. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  16. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  17. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  18. def hideTestMethod[T](body: ⇒ T): T

    A helper method which should be used to wrap test utility methods.

    A helper method which should be used to wrap test utility methods. Normally, when tests fail, a message is printed giving the file and line number of the call to the test method. If you write your own test methods, they will typically use the existing methods to generate assertions, and so the file and line numbers will likely be much less useful. Wrapping the body of your method in this method will ensure that the file and line number that is reported is the line where your helper method is called instead.

    1. def testFixtures = hideTestMethod { ??? }

  19. def ignoreFrame(frame: StackTraceElement): Boolean

  20. def is[T](got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean

    Assert that two objects are equal (using ==), and describe the assertion.

    Assert that two objects are equal (using ==), and describe the assertion.

    1. is(response.status, 200, "we got a 200 OK response")

  21. def is[T](got: T, expected: T): Boolean

    Assert that two objects are equal (using ==).

    Assert that two objects are equal (using ==).

    1. is(response.status, 200)

  22. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  23. def isnt[T](got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean

    Assert that two objects are not equal (using !=), and describe the assertion.

    Assert that two objects are not equal (using !=), and describe the assertion.

    1. isnt(response.body, "", "we got a response body")

  24. def isnt[T](got: T, expected: T): Boolean

    Assert that two objects are not equal (using !=).

    Assert that two objects are not equal (using !=).

    1. isnt(response.body, "")

  25. def like(got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean

    Assert that a string matches a regular expression, and describe the assertion.

    Assert that a string matches a regular expression, and describe the assertion.

    1. like(response.header("Content-Type"), """text/x?html""".r, "we got an html content type")

  26. def like(got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean

    Assert that a string matches a regular expression.

    Assert that a string matches a regular expression.

    1. like(response.header("Content-Type"), """text/x?html""".r)

  27. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  28. def note(message: String): Unit

    Output a comment to Console.out.

    Output a comment to Console.out. This is intended to only be visible when viewing the raw TAP stream.

    1. note("Starting the response tests")

  29. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  30. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  31. def ok(cond: Boolean, desc: String): Boolean

    Assert that a condition is true, and describe the assertion.

    Assert that a condition is true, and describe the assertion.

    1. ok(response.isSuccess, "the response succeeded")

  32. def ok(cond: Boolean): Boolean

    Assert that a condition is true.

    Assert that a condition is true.

    1. ok(response.isSuccess)

  33. def pass(desc: String): Boolean

    An assertion that always succeeds, with a reason.

    An assertion that always succeeds, with a reason.

    1. pass("this line of code should be executed")

  34. def pass: Boolean

    An assertion that always succeeds.

    An assertion that always succeeds.

    1. pass()

  35. def run: Int

    Runs the test.

    Runs the test. The TAP stream will be written to Console.out and Console.err, so you can swap these out as required in order to parse it.


    The exit code that the test produced. Success is indicated by 0, failure to run the correct number of tests by 255, and any other failure by the number of tests that failed. This should be used by reporters which run a single test, which can call sys.exit(exitCode)

    Definition Classes
  36. def runInHarness: Int

    Runs the test just like run, but in a way that makes sense when test results are being summarized rather than directly displayed.

    Runs the test just like run, but in a way that makes sense when test results are being summarized rather than directly displayed.

    Summarizing test reporters tend to repeatedly update the same line on the terminal, so this method makes calls to diag (which sends messages to stderr, where they are typically displayed as-is) prefix the message with a newline, to ensure that the output starts on its own line.

    Definition Classes
  37. def runTests(terminalInUse: Boolean): Int

    Definition Classes
  38. def skip(count: Int, reason: String)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Mark a block of tests that should not be run at all.

    Mark a block of tests that should not be run at all. They are treated as always passing.

    1. skip(3, "too dangerous to run for now") { ??? }

  39. def subtest(name: String, plan: Plan = NoPlan)(body: ⇒ Unit): Boolean

    Declare a logical group of assertions, to be run as a single test.

    Declare a logical group of assertions, to be run as a single test. This is effectively an entirely separate test, which is run, and the result of that test is reported as a single assertion in the test that contains it. The subtest can specify its own plan in the same way that the overall test is allowed to. The name will be used as the description for the single assertion that the overall test sees.

    1. subtest("response tests") { ??? }

  40. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  41. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  42. def todo(reason: String)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Mark a block of tests as expected to fail.

    Mark a block of tests as expected to fail. If the tests which run in the todo block fail, they will not be treated as test failures, and if they succeed, the user will be notified.

    1. todo("waiting on fixes elsewhere") { ??? }

  43. def unlike(got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean

    Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.

    Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.

    1. unlike(response.header("Authorization"), """^Digest.*""".r, "we don't support digest authentication")

  44. def unlike(got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean

    Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.

    Assert that a string doesn't match a regular expression.

    1. unlike(response.header("Authorization"), """^Digest.*""".r)

  45. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  46. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  47. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from DelayedInit

Inherited from Test

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
