package org.perl8.test import scala.util.matching.Regex import org.perl8.test.tap.TestBuilder class TestMore (plan: Plan = NoPlan) extends Test with DelayedInit { def delayedInit (body: => Unit) { testBody = { terminalInUse => todo = None builder = new TestBuilder(plan, terminalInUse) plan match { case SkipAll(_) => () case _ => body } } } def runTests (terminalInUse: Boolean): Int = { if (testBody == null) { delayedInit { } } testBody(terminalInUse) builder.doneTesting builder.exitCode } def ok (cond: Boolean): Boolean = test(cond) def ok (cond: Boolean, desc: String): Boolean = testWithDesc(cond, desc) def is[T] (got: T, expected: T): Boolean = test(got == expected, isMessage(got, expected)) def is[T] (got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean = testWithDesc(got == expected, desc, isMessage(got, expected)) def isnt[T] (got: T, expected: T): Boolean = test(got != expected, isntMessage(got)) def isnt[T] (got: T, expected: T, desc: String): Boolean = testWithDesc(got != expected, desc, isntMessage(got)) def like (got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean = test(rx.findFirstIn(got).nonEmpty, likeMessage(got, rx)) def like (got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean = testWithDesc(rx.findFirstIn(got).nonEmpty, desc, likeMessage(got, rx)) def unlike (got: String, rx: Regex): Boolean = test(rx.findFirstIn(got).isEmpty, unlikeMessage(got, rx)) def unlike (got: String, rx: Regex, desc: String): Boolean = testWithDesc(rx.findFirstIn(got).isEmpty, desc, unlikeMessage(got, rx)) def pass: Boolean = ok(true) def pass (desc: String): Boolean = ok(true, desc) def fail: Boolean = ok(false) def fail (desc: String): Boolean = ok(false, desc) def diag (message: String) { builder.diag(message) } def BAIL_OUT { builder.bailOut } def BAIL_OUT (desc: String) { builder.bailOut(desc) } def todo (reason: String)(body: => Unit) { val oldTodo = todo try { todo = Some(reason) body } finally { todo = oldTodo } } def skip (count: Int)(body: => Unit) { for (i <- 1 to count) { builder.skip } } def skip (count: Int, reason: String)(body: => Unit) { for (i <- 1 to count) { builder.skip(reason) } } def subtest ( name: String, plan: Plan = NoPlan )(body: => Unit): Boolean = { val oldBuilder = builder val success = try { builder = oldBuilder.cloneForSubtest(plan) body builder.doneTesting } finally { builder = oldBuilder } ok(success, name) } private def isMessage[T] (got: T, expected: T): String = " got: '" + got + "'\n" + " expected: '" + expected + "'\n" private def isntMessage[T] (got: T): String = " got: '" + got + "'\n" + " expected: anything else\n" private def likeMessage (got: String, rx: Regex): String = " '" + got + "'\n" + " doesn't match '" + rx + "'\n" private def unlikeMessage (got: String, rx: Regex): String = " '" + got + "'\n" + " matches '" + rx + "'\n" private def testWithDesc ( cond: Boolean, desc: String ): Boolean = { todo match { case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond, "- " + desc) case None => builder.ok(cond, "- " + desc) } if (!cond) { failed(Some(desc), None) } cond } private def testWithDesc ( cond: Boolean, desc: String, reason: => String ): Boolean = { todo match { case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond, "- " + desc) case None => builder.ok(cond, "- " + desc) } if (!cond) { failed(Some(desc), Some(reason)) } cond } private def test (cond: Boolean): Boolean = { todo match { case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond) case None => builder.ok(cond) } if (!cond) { failed(None, None) } cond } private def test (cond: Boolean, reason: => String): Boolean = { todo match { case Some(t) => builder.todo(t, cond) case None => builder.ok(cond) } if (!cond) { failed(None, Some(reason)) } cond } private def failed (desc: Option[String], reason: Option[String]) { val stack = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace.drop(1).filter { frame => !ignoreFrame(frame) } val idx = stack.lastIndexWhere { frame => frame.getClassName == "org.perl8.test.TestMore" && frame.getMethodName == "hideTestMethod" } val caller = idx match { case -1 => stack.headOption // one level to jump out of hideTestMethod and one level to jump out of // the method that called hideTestMethod case i => stack.drop(i + 2).headOption } val (file, line) = caller match { case Some(frame) => (frame.getFileName, frame.getLineNumber) case None => ("", "") } val message = " " + (todo match { case Some(_) => "Failed (TODO) test" case None => "Failed test" }) + (desc match { case Some(m) => " '" + m + "'\n " case None => " " }) val trace = "at " + file + " line " + line + "." val explanation = message + trace +"\n" + _).getOrElse("") if (todo.isDefined) { builder.note(explanation) } else { builder.diag(explanation) } } // this just adds a method call with a known name to the stack trace, so // that we can detect it later def hideTestMethod[T] (body: => T): T = { body } protected def ignoreFrame (frame: StackTraceElement): Boolean = { val className = frame.getClassName val methodName = frame.getMethodName // ignore everything in this class, except the hideTestMethod call which we // use as a stack trace marker (className == "org.perl8.test.TestMore" && methodName != "hideTestMethod") || // when you call a method in a class when the method is defined in a // trait, it calls a stub which calls the real definition in the trait. // the trait is represented under the hood as a class with the same name // as the trait, except with $class appended. this is a gross reliance on // implementation details that could change at any moment, but i don't // really see any better options. """\$class$""".r.findFirstIn(className).nonEmpty } private var todo: Option[String] = _ private var builder: TestBuilder = _ private var testBody: Boolean => Unit = _ }