package com.iinteractive.test import import com.iinteractive.test.tap.Parser class ExceptionTest extends TestMore { val lineZero = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace()(1).getLineNumber + 3 def line (offset: Int) = lineZero + offset private class MyBasicTest extends TestMore { private case class MyException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) private case class OtherException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) lives_ok { val _ = "no exception" } lives_ok { throw MyException("foo") } dies_ok[MyException] { val _ = "no exception" } dies_ok[MyException] { throw OtherException("foo") } dies_ok[MyException] { throw MyException("foo") } throws_ok(MyException("foo")) { val _ = "no exception" } throws_ok(MyException("foo")) { throw MyException("bar") } throws_ok(MyException("foo")) { throw MyException("foo") } is( exception { val _ = "no exception" }, None ) is( exception { throw MyException("foo") }, Some(MyException("foo")) ) } val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val exitCode = Console.withOut(out) { Console.withErr(out) { (new MyBasicTest).run } } is((new Parser).parse(out).exitCode, 5, "got the right plan") is(exitCode, 5, "got the right plan") val expected = ("""^ok 1 - didn't throw an exception not ok 2 - didn't throw an exception # Failed test 'didn't throw an exception' # at ExceptionTest.scala line """ + line(9) + """. # got: [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* # expected: normal exit not ok 3 - threw a [^\s]*MyException exception # Failed test 'threw a [^\s]*MyException exception' # at ExceptionTest.scala line """ + line(13) + """. # got: normal exit # expected: a [^\s]*MyException exception not ok 4 - threw a [^\s]*MyException exception # Failed test 'threw a [^\s]*MyException exception' # at ExceptionTest.scala line """ + line(16) + """. # got: [^\s]*OtherException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* # expected: a [^\s]*MyException exception ok 5 - threw a [^\s]*MyException exception not ok 6 - threw [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* # Failed test 'threw [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]*' # at ExceptionTest.scala line """ + line(23) + """. # got: normal exit # expected: [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* not ok 7 - threw [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* # Failed test 'threw [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]*' # at ExceptionTest.scala line """ + line(26) + """. # got: [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*bar[^\n]* # expected: [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* ok 8 - threw [^\s]*MyException[^\n]*foo[^\n]* ok 9 ok 10 1..10 # Looks like you failed 5 tests of 10. $""").r like(out.toString, expected, "correct tap") }