package com.iinteractive.test import import com.iinteractive.test.tap.Parser trait NumberZero { this: TestMore => def is_zero (i: Int, desc: String): Boolean = hideTestMethod { is(i, 0, desc) } } trait NumberZeroWrapped extends NumberZero { this: TestMore => def isZero (i: Int): Boolean = hideTestMethod { is_zero(i, "the number is zero") } } class ExtensionTest extends TestMore { val lineZero = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace()(1).getLineNumber + 3 def line (offset: Int) = lineZero + offset private class ExtensionTestTest extends TestMore with NumberZeroWrapped { is_zero(0, "it's zero") is_zero(1, "it's not zero") isZero(0) isZero(1) } val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val exitCode = Console.withOut(out) { Console.withErr(out) { (new ExtensionTestTest).run } } is((new Parser).parse(out).exitCode, 2) is(exitCode, 2) val tap = "ok 1 - it's zero\n" + "not ok 2 - it's not zero\n" + "# Failed test 'it's not zero'\n" + "# at ExtensionTest.scala line " + line(2) + ".\n" + "# got: '1'\n" + "# expected: '0'\n" + "ok 3 - the number is zero\n" + "not ok 4 - the number is zero\n" + "# Failed test 'the number is zero'\n" + "# at ExtensionTest.scala line " + line(4) + ".\n" + "# got: '1'\n" + "# expected: '0'\n" + "1..4\n" + "# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4.\n" is(out.toString, tap) }