package smartmatch::engine::core; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; # ABSTRACT: default smartmatch implementation from 5.10 - 5.14 use parent 'DynaLoader'; sub dl_load_flags { 0x01 } if (!$smartmatch::engine::core::USE_PP) { __PACKAGE__->bootstrap( # we need to be careful not to touch $VERSION at compile time, # otherwise DynaLoader will assume it's set and check against it, which # will cause fail when being run in the checkout without dzil having # set the actual $VERSION exists $smartmatch::engine::core::{VERSION} ? ${ $smartmatch::engine::core::{VERSION} } : (), ); smartmatch::engine::core::init(__PACKAGE__->can('match')); } use B; use Carp qw(croak); use Hash::Util::FieldHash qw(idhash); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed looks_like_number reftype); use overload (); sub type { my ($thing) = @_; if (!defined($thing)) { return 'undef'; } elsif (blessed($thing) && reftype($thing) ne 'REGEXP') { return 'Object'; } elsif (my $reftype = reftype($thing)) { if ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { return 'Array'; } elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') { return 'Hash'; } elsif ($reftype eq 'REGEXP') { return 'Regex'; } elsif ($reftype eq 'CODE') { return 'CodeRef'; } else { return 'unknown ref'; } } else { my $b = B::svref_2object(\$thing); my $flags = $b->FLAGS; if ($flags & (B::SVf_IOK | B::SVf_NOK)) { return 'Num'; } elsif (looks_like_number($thing)) { return 'numish'; } else { return 'unknown'; } } } sub match { my ($a, $b, $seen) = @_; if (type($b) eq 'undef') { return !defined($a); } elsif (type($b) eq 'Object') { my $overload = overload::Method($b, '~~'); # XXX this is buggy behavior and may be changed # see if (!$overload && overload::Overloaded($b)) { $overload = overload::Method($a, '~~'); return $a->$overload($b, 0) if $overload; } croak("Smart matching a non-overloaded object breaks encapsulation") unless $overload; return $b->$overload($a, 1); } elsif (type($b) eq 'CodeRef') { if (type($a) eq 'Hash') { return !grep { !$b->($_) } keys %$a; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Array') { return !grep { !$b->($_) } @$a; } else { return $b->($a); } } elsif (type($b) eq 'Hash') { if (type($a) eq 'Hash') { my @a = sort keys %$a; my @b = sort keys %$b; return unless @a == @b; for my $i (0..$#a) { return unless $a[$i] eq $b[$i]; } return 1; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Array') { return grep { exists $b->{$_ // ''} } @$a; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Regex') { return grep /$a/, keys %$b; } elsif (type($a) eq 'undef') { return; } else { return exists $b->{$a}; } } elsif (type($b) eq 'Array') { if (type($a) eq 'Hash') { return grep { exists $a->{$_ // ''} } @$b; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Array') { return unless @$a == @$b; if (!$seen) { $seen = {}; idhash %$seen; } for my $i (0..$#$a) { if (defined($b->[$i]) && $seen->{$b->[$i]}++) { return $a->[$i] == $b->[$i]; } return unless match($a->[$i], $b->[$i], $seen); } return 1; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Regex') { return grep /$a/, @$b; } elsif (type($a) eq 'undef') { return grep !defined, @$b; } else { if (!$seen) { $seen = {}; idhash %$seen; } return grep { if (defined($_) && $seen->{$_}++) { return $a == $_; } match($a, $_, $seen) } @$b; } } elsif (type($b) eq 'Regex') { if (type($a) eq 'Hash') { return grep /$b/, keys %$a; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Array') { return grep /$b/, @$a; } else { return $a =~ $b; } } elsif (type($a) eq 'Object') { my $overload = overload::Method($a, '~~'); return $a->$overload($b, 0) if $overload; } # XXX perlsyn currently has this undef case after the Num cases, but that's # not how it's currently implemented if (type($a) eq 'undef') { return !defined($b); } elsif (type($b) eq 'Num') { no warnings 'uninitialized', 'numeric'; # ugh return $a == $b; } elsif (type($a) eq 'Num' && type($b) eq 'numish') { return $a == $b; } else { return $a eq $b; } } 1;