path: root/t/rjbs.t
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2011-07-08 00:12:03 -0500
committerJesse Luehrs <>2011-07-08 00:12:03 -0500
commit046119999e010e4a38b67f5f194baaf60e7c8707 (patch)
treec2d6538a95f7f1ab4ab258bf001829f34144e5ef /t/rjbs.t
parenta79d39cd43b59afc13543365c730f90150b4ec0e (diff)
some tests for the rjbs engine
Diffstat (limited to 't/rjbs.t')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/rjbs.t b/t/rjbs.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b94e893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/rjbs.t
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use smartmatch 'rjbs';
+ package SmartOverload;
+ use overload '~~' => sub {
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ return $_[1] eq ${ $_[0] };
+ }, fallback => 1;
+ package RegexOverload;
+ use overload 'qr' => sub {
+ return $_[0]->[0];
+ }, fallback => 1;
+ package StringOverload;
+ use overload '""' => sub {
+ return $_[0]->{val};
+ }, fallback => 1;
+sub smart { my $val = shift; bless \$val, SmartOverload:: }
+sub regex { my $val = shift; bless [qr/$val/], RegexOverload:: }
+sub string { my $val = shift; bless { val => $val }, StringOverload:: }
+my @tests = (
+ # undef
+ [ 1, undef, undef ],
+ [ 0, '', undef ],
+ [ 0, 0, undef ],
+ [ 0, '0', undef ],
+ [ 0, '0.0', undef ],
+ [ 0, '0 but true', undef ],
+ [ 0, 1, undef ],
+ [ 0, 'x', undef ],
+ [ 0, [], undef ],
+ [ 0, {}, undef ],
+ [ 0, sub {}, undef ],
+ [ 0, smart(''), undef ],
+ [ 0, regex(''), undef ],
+ [ 0, string(''), undef ],
+ # smart match overload
+ [ 1, "smart", smart('smart') ],
+ [ 1, string('smart'), smart('smart') ],
+ [ 0, "SMART", smart('smart') ],
+ [ 0, string('SMART'), smart('smart') ],
+ [ 0, smart('smart'), smart('smart') ],
+ [ 0, undef, smart('smart') ],
+ [ 0, 1, smart('smart') ],
+ # regex
+ [ 0, undef, qr/a/ ],
+ [ 1, undef, qr/a?/ ],
+ [ 1, "foo", qr/f/ ],
+ [ 0, "foo", qr/g/ ],
+ [ 1, 1, qr/1/ ],
+ [ 0, ['z'], qr/z/ ],
+ [ 1, ['z'], qr/^ARRAY/ ],
+ [ 0, {'y' => 'y'}, qr/y/ ],
+ [ 1, {'y' => 'y'}, qr/^HASH/ ],
+ [ 1, string('foo'), qr/^foo$/ ],
+ [ 0, regex('foo'), qr/foo/ ],
+ [ 1, regex('foo'), qr/^Regex/ ],
+ [ 1, qr/foo/, qr/\(\?\^\:foo\)/ ],
+ # regex overload
+ [ 0, undef, regex('a') ],
+ [ 1, undef, regex('a?') ],
+ [ 1, "foo", regex('f') ],
+ [ 0, "foo", regex('g') ],
+ [ 1, 1, regex('1') ],
+ [ 0, ['z'], regex('z') ],
+ [ 1, ['z'], regex('^ARRAY') ],
+ [ 0, {'y' => 'y'}, regex('y') ],
+ [ 1, {'y' => 'y'}, regex('^HASH') ],
+ [ 1, string('foo'), regex('^foo$') ],
+ [ 0, regex('foo'), regex('foo') ],
+ [ 1, regex('foo'), regex('^Regex') ],
+ [ 1, qr/foo/, regex('\(\?\^\:foo\)') ],
+ # code
+ [ 1, undef, sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, '', sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, 0, sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, '0', sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, '0.0', sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, '0 but true', sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, 1, sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, 'x', sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, [], sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, {}, sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, sub {}, sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, smart(''), sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, regex(''), sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 1, string(''), sub { 1 } ],
+ [ 0, undef, sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, '', sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, 0, sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, '0', sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, '0.0', sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, '0 but true', sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, 1, sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, 'x', sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, [], sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, {}, sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, sub {}, sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, smart(''), sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, regex(''), sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 0, string(''), sub { 0 } ],
+ [ 1, ['a', 'b'], sub { ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' } ],
+ [ 1, ['a', 'b'], sub { $_[0]->[0] eq 'a' } ],
+ [ 1, string('x'), sub { $_[0] eq 'x' } ],
+ [ 1, smart('x'), sub { 'x' ~~ $_[0] } ],
+ [ 0, smart('x'), sub { 'y' ~~ $_[0] } ],
+ # any
+ [ 'die', undef, '' ],
+ [ 'die', undef, 0 ],
+ [ 'die', undef, '0' ],
+ [ 'die', undef, '0.0' ],
+ [ 'die', undef, '0 but true' ],
+ [ 'die', undef, 1 ],
+ [ 'die', undef, 'x' ],
+ [ 'die', undef, [] ],
+ [ 'die', undef, {} ],
+ [ 0, undef, sub {} ],
+ [ 1, undef, smart('') ],
+ [ 1, undef, regex('') ],
+ [ 'die', undef, string('') ],
+for my $test (@tests) {
+ # shut up warnings about undef =~ regex
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { } unless defined $test->[1];
+ if ($test->[0] eq 'die') {
+ ok(!eval { $test->[1] ~~ $test->[2]; 1 });
+ like($@, qr/invalid smart match/);
+ }
+ elsif ($test->[0]) {
+ ok($test->[1] ~~ $test->[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(!($test->[1] ~~ $test->[2]));
+ }
+ delete $SIG{__WARN__};