package Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX; use strict; use warnings; use Archive::Zip; use Scalar::Util 'openhandle'; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; use XML::Twig; sub new { bless {}, shift; } sub parse { my $self = shift; my ($file) = @_; my $zip = Archive::Zip->new; if (openhandle($file)) { $zip->readFromFileHandle($file) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK or die "Can't open filehandle as a zip file"; } elsif (!ref($file)) { $zip->read($file) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK or die "Can't open file '$file' as a zip file"; } else { die "Argument to 'new' must be a filename or open filehandle"; } return $self->_parse_workbook($zip); } sub _parse_workbook { my $self = shift; my ($zip) = @_; my $files = $self->_extract_files($zip); my $workbook = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->new; my ($version) = $files->{workbook}->find_nodes('//fileVersion'); my ($properties) = $files->{workbook}->find_nodes('//workbookPr'); $workbook->{Version} = join('-', map { $version->att($_) } qw(appName lowestEdited) ); $workbook->{Flag1904} = $properties->att('date1904') ? 1 : 0; $workbook->{FmtClass} = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault->new; # XXX my $themes = $self->_parse_themes((values %{ $files->{themes} })[0]); # XXX $workbook->{Color} = $themes->{Color}; my $styles = $self->_parse_styles($workbook, $files->{styles}); $workbook->{Format} = $styles->{Format}; $workbook->{FormatStr} = $styles->{FormatStr}; $workbook->{Font} = $styles->{Font}; $workbook->{PkgStr} = $self->_parse_shared_strings($files->{strings}); # $workbook->{StandardWidth} = ...; # $workbook->{Author} = ...; # $workbook->{PrintArea} = ...; # $workbook->{PrintTitle} = ...; my @sheets = map { my $idx = $_->att('r:id'); my $sheet = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet->new( Name => $_->att('name'), _Book => $workbook, _SheetNo => $idx, ); $self->_parse_sheet($sheet, $files->{sheets}{$idx}); $sheet } $files->{workbook}->find_nodes('//sheets/sheet'); $workbook->{Worksheet} = \@sheets; $workbook->{SheetCount} = scalar(@sheets); my ($node) = $files->{workbook}->find_nodes('//workbookView'); my $selected = $node->att('activeTab'); $workbook->{SelectedSheet} = defined($selected) ? 0+$selected : 0; return $workbook; } sub _parse_sheet { my $self = shift; my ($sheet, $sheet_xml) = @_; # XXX need a fallback here, the dimension tag is optional my ($dimension) = $sheet_xml->find_nodes('//dimension'); my ($topleft, $bottomright) = split ':', $dimension->att('ref'); my ($rmin, $cmin) = $self->_cell_to_row_col($topleft); my ($rmax, $cmax) = $self->_cell_to_row_col($bottomright); $sheet->{MinRow} = $rmin; $sheet->{MinCol} = $cmin; $sheet->{MaxRow} = $rmax; $sheet->{MaxCol} = $cmax; for my $cell ($sheet_xml->find_nodes('//sheetData/row/c')) { my ($row, $col) = $self->_cell_to_row_col($cell->att('r')); my $val = $cell->first_child('v') ? $cell->first_child('v')->text : undef; my $type = $cell->att('t') || 'n'; my $long_type; if ($type eq 's') { $long_type = 'Text'; $val = $sheet->{_Book}{PkgStr}[$val]{Text}; } elsif ($type eq 'n') { $long_type = 'Numeric'; $val = defined($val) ? 0+$val : undef; } elsif ($type eq 'd') { $long_type = 'Date'; } else { die "unimplemented type $type"; # XXX } $sheet->{Cells}[$row][$col] = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell->new( Val => $val, Type => $long_type, Format => $sheet->{_Book}{Format}[$cell->att('s') || 0], ($cell->first_child('f') ? (Formula => $cell->first_child('f')->text) : ()), ); } my @column_widths; my @row_heights; my ($format) = $sheet_xml->find_nodes('//sheetFormatPr'); my $default_row_height = $format->att('defaultRowHeight') || 15; my $default_column_width = $format->att('baseColWidth') || 10; for my $col ($sheet_xml->find_nodes('//col')) { $column_widths[$col->att('min') - 1] = $col->att('width'); } for my $row ($sheet_xml->find_nodes('//row')) { $row_heights[$row->att('r') - 1] = $row->att('ht'); } $sheet->{DefRowHeight} = 0+$default_row_height; $sheet->{DefColWidth} = 0+$default_column_width; $sheet->{RowHeight} = [ map { defined $_ ? 0+$_ : 0+$default_row_height } @row_heights ]; $sheet->{ColWidth} = [ map { defined $_ ? 0+$_ : 0+$default_column_width } @column_widths ]; my ($selection) = $sheet_xml->find_nodes('//selection'); my $cell = $selection->att('activeCell'); $sheet->{Selection} = [ $self->_cell_to_row_col($cell) ]; } sub _parse_shared_strings { my $self = shift; my ($strings) = @_; return [ map { { Text => $_->text } # XXX are Unicode, Rich, or Ext important? } $strings->find_nodes('//t') ]; } sub _parse_themes { my $self = shift; my ($themes) = @_; my @color = map { $_->name eq 'a:sysClr' ? $_->att('lastClr') : $_->att('val') } $themes->find_nodes('//a:clrScheme/*/*'); # this shouldn't be necessary, but the documentation is wrong here # see ($color[0], $color[1]) = ($color[1], $color[0]); ($color[2], $color[3]) = ($color[3], $color[2]); return { Color => \@color, } } sub _parse_styles { my $self = shift; my ($workbook, $styles) = @_; my %halign = ( center => 2, centerContinuous => 6, distributed => 7, fill => 4, general => 0, justify => 5, left => 1, right => 3, ); my %valign = ( bottom => 2, center => 1, distributed => 4, justify => 3, top => 0, ); my %border = ( dashDot => 9, dashDotDot => 11, dashed => 3, dotted => 4, double => 6, hair => 7, medium => 2, mediumDashDot => 10, mediumDashDotDot => 12, mediumDashed => 8, none => 0, slantDashDot => 13, thick => 5, thin => 1, ); my %fill = ( darkDown => 7, darkGray => 3, darkGrid => 9, darkHorizontal => 5, darkTrellis => 10, darkUp => 8, darkVertical => 6, gray0625 => 18, gray125 => 17, lightDown => 13, lightGray => 4, lightGrid => 15, lightHorizontal => 11, lightTrellis => 16, lightUp => 14, lightVertical => 12, mediumGray => 2, none => 0, solid => 1, ); my @fills = map { [ $fill{$_->att('patternType')}, $self->_color($workbook->{Color}, $_->first_child('fgColor')), $self->_color($workbook->{Color}, $_->first_child('bgColor')), ] } $styles->find_nodes('//fills/fill/patternFill'); my @borders = map { my $border = $_; # XXX specs say "begin" and "end" rather than "left" and "right", # but... that's not what seems to be in the file itself (sigh) { colors => [ map { $self->_color( $workbook->{Color}, $border->first_child($_)->first_child('color') ) } qw(left right top bottom) ], styles => [ map { $border{$border->first_child($_)->att('style') || 'none'} } qw(left right top bottom) ], diagonal => [ 0, # XXX ->att('diagonalDown') and ->att('diagonalUp') 0, # XXX ->att('style') $self->_color( $workbook->{Color}, $border->first_child('diagonal')->first_child('color') ), ], } } $styles->find_nodes('//borders/border'); my %format_str = map { $_->att('numFmtId') => $_->att('formatCode') } $styles->find_nodes('//numFmt'); $format_str{0} = 'GENERAL'; # XXX others? my @font = map { Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font->new( Height => 0+$_->first_child('sz')->att('val'), # Attr => $iAttr, # XXX not sure if there's a better way to keep the indexing stuff # intact rather than just going straight to #xxxxxx Color => $self->_color( $workbook->{Color}, $_->first_child('color') ), # Super => $iSuper, # UnderlineStyle => $iUnderline, Name => $_->first_child('name')->att('val'), # Bold => $bBold, # Italic => $bItalic, # Underline => $bUnderline, # Strikeout => $bStrikeout, ) } $styles->find_nodes('//font'); my @format = map { my $alignment = $_->first_child('alignment'); Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format->new( IgnoreFont => !$_->att('applyFont'), IgnoreFill => !$_->att('applyFill'), IgnoreBorder => !$_->att('applyBorder'), IgnoreAlignment => !$_->att('applyAlignment'), IgnoreNumberFormat => !$_->att('applyNumberFormat'), FontNo => 0+$_->att('fontId'), Font => $font[$_->att('fontId')], FmtIdx => 0+$_->att('numFmtId'), # Lock => $iLock, # Hidden => $iHidden, # Style => $iStyle, # Key123 => $i123, AlignH => $alignment ? $halign{$alignment->att('horizontal') || 'general'} : 0, Wrap => $alignment ? $alignment->att('wrapText') : 0, AlignV => $alignment ? $valign{$alignment->att('vertical') || 'bottom'} : 2, # JustLast => $iJustL, # Rotate => $iRotate, # Indent => $iInd, # Shrink => $iShrink, # Merge => $iMerge, # ReadDir => $iReadDir, BdrStyle => $borders[$_->att('borderId')]{styles}, BdrColor => $borders[$_->att('borderId')]{colors}, BdrDiag => $borders[$_->att('borderId')]{diagonal}, Fill => $fills[$_->att('fillId')], ) } $styles->find_nodes('//cellXfs/xf'); return { FormatStr => \%format_str, Font => \@font, Format => \@format, } } sub _extract_files { my $self = shift; my ($zip) = @_; my $type_base = ''; my $rels = $self->_parse_xml( $zip, $self->_rels_for('') ); my $wb_name = ($rels->find_nodes( qq ))[0]->att('Target'); my $wb_xml = $self->_parse_xml($zip, $wb_name); my $path_base = $self->_base_path_for($wb_name); my $wb_rels = $self->_parse_xml( $zip, $self->_rels_for($wb_name) ); my $strings_xml = $self->_parse_xml( $zip, $path_base . ($wb_rels->find_nodes( qq ))[0]->att('Target') ); my $styles_xml = $self->_parse_xml( $zip, $path_base . ($wb_rels->find_nodes( qq ))[0]->att('Target') ); my %worksheet_xml = map { $_->att('Id') => $self->_parse_xml($zip, $path_base . $_->att('Target')) } $wb_rels->find_nodes(qq); my %themes_xml = map { $_->att('Id') => $self->_parse_xml($zip, $path_base . $_->att('Target')) } $wb_rels->find_nodes(qq); return { workbook => $wb_xml, strings => $strings_xml, styles => $styles_xml, sheets => \%worksheet_xml, themes => \%themes_xml, }; } sub _parse_xml { my $self = shift; my ($zip, $subfile) = @_; my $member = $zip->memberNamed($subfile); die "no subfile named $subfile" unless $member; my $xml = XML::Twig->new; $xml->parse($member->contents); return $xml; } sub _rels_for { my $self = shift; my ($file) = @_; my @path = split '/', $file; my $name = pop @path; $name = '' unless defined $name; push @path, '_rels'; push @path, "$name.rels"; return join '/', @path; } sub _base_path_for { my $self = shift; my ($file) = @_; my @path = split '/', $file; pop @path; return join('/', @path) . '/'; } sub _cell_to_row_col { my $self = shift; my ($cell) = @_; my ($col, $row) = $cell =~ /([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)/; $col =~ tr/A-Z/0-9A-P/; $col = POSIX::strtol($col, 26); $row = $row - 1; return ($row, $col); } sub _color { my $self = shift; my ($colors, $color_node) = @_; my $color; # XXX if ($color_node) { $color = '#000000' # XXX if $color_node->att('auto'); $color = '#' . Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->ColorIdxToRGB( # XXX $color_node->att('indexed') ) if defined $color_node->att('indexed'); $color = '#' . substr($color_node->att('rgb'), 2, 6) if defined $color_node->att('rgb'); $color = '#' . $colors->[$color_node->att('theme')] if defined $color_node->att('theme'); # XXX tint? } return $color; } 1;