package Spreadsheet::Template::Generator::Parser::Excel; use Moose::Role; use List::MoreUtils 'any'; with 'Spreadsheet::Template::Generator::Parser'; requires '_build_excel'; has excel => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Object', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_excel', ); sub parse { my $self = shift; return $self->_parse_workbook; } sub _parse_workbook { my $self = shift; my $data = { selection => $self->excel->{SelectedSheet}, # XXX worksheets => [], }; for my $sheet ($self->excel->worksheets) { push @{ $data->{worksheets} }, $self->_parse_worksheet($sheet); } return $data; } sub _parse_worksheet { my $self = shift; my ($sheet) = @_; my $data = { name => $sheet->get_name, row_heights => [ $sheet->get_row_heights ], column_widths => [ $sheet->get_col_widths ], selection => $sheet->{Selection}, # XXX cells => [], }; my ($rmin, $rmax) = $sheet->row_range; my ($cmin, $cmax) = $sheet->col_range; splice @{ $data->{row_heights} }, $rmax + 1; splice @{ $data->{column_widths} }, $cmax + 1; for my $row (0..$rmin - 1) { push @{ $data->{cells} }, []; } for my $row ($rmin..$rmax) { my $row_data = []; for my $col (0..$cmin - 1) { push @$row_data, {}; } for my $col ($cmin..$cmax) { if (my $cell = $sheet->get_cell($row, $col)) { push @$row_data, $self->_parse_cell($cell); } else { push @$row_data, {}; } } push @{ $data->{cells} }, $row_data } return $data; } sub _parse_cell { my $self = shift; my ($cell) = @_; my $contents = $cell->unformatted; my $type = $cell->type; my $formula = $cell->{Formula}; # XXX my $format = $cell->get_format; if ($type eq 'Numeric') { $type = 'number'; } elsif ($type eq 'Text') { $type = 'string'; } elsif ($type eq 'Date') { $type = 'date_time'; } else { die "unknown type $type"; } my $format_data = {}; if ($format) { my %halign = ( 0 => 'none', 1 => 'left', 2 => 'center', 3 => 'right', 4 => 'fill', 5 => 'justify', 6 => 'center_across', # XXX this isn't supported by Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 7 => 'distributed', ); my %valign = ( 0 => 'top', 1 => 'vcenter', 2 => 'bottom', 3 => 'vjustify', # XXX this isn't supported by Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 4 => 'vdistributed', ); my %border = ( 0 => 'none', 1 => 'thin', 2 => 'medium', 3 => 'dashed', 4 => 'dotted', 5 => 'thick', 6 => 'double', 7 => 'hair', 8 => 'medium_dashed', 9 => 'dash_dot', 10 => 'medium_dash_dot', 11 => 'dash_dot_dot', 12 => 'medium_dash_dot_dot', 13 => 'slant_dash_dot', ); my %fill = ( 0 => 'none', 1 => 'solid', 2 => 'medium_gray', 3 => 'dark_gray', 4 => 'light_gray', 5 => 'dark_horizontal', 6 => 'dark_vertical', 7 => 'dark_down', 8 => 'dark_up', 9 => 'dark_grid', 10 => 'dark_trellis', 11 => 'light_horizontal', 12 => 'light_vertical', 13 => 'light_down', 14 => 'light_up', 15 => 'light_grid', 16 => 'light_trellis', 17 => 'gray_125', 18 => 'gray_0625', ); if (!$format->{IgnoreFont}) { $format_data->{size} = $format->{Font}{Height}; $format_data->{color} = $format->{Font}{Color} unless lc($format->{Font}{Color}) eq '#ffffff'; # XXX } if (!$format->{IgnoreFill}) { if ($format->{Fill}[0] != 0) { $format_data->{pattern} = $fill{$format->{Fill}[0]}; # XXX this seems pretty wrong, but... not sure what the # actually right way is, and this works for now if ($format_data->{pattern} eq 'solid') { $format_data->{bg_color} = $format->{Fill}[1]; } else { $format_data->{fg_color} = $format->{Fill}[1]; $format_data->{bg_color} = $format->{Fill}[2]; } } } if (!$format->{IgnoreBorder}) { $format_data->{border_color} = $format->{BdrColor}; if (any { $_ != 0 } @{ $format->{BdrStyle} }) { # XXX $format_data->{border} = [ map { $border{$_} } @{ $format->{BdrStyle} } ]; } } if (!$format->{IgnoreAlignment}) { $format_data->{align} = $halign{$format->{AlignH}} unless $format->{AlignH} == 0; $format_data->{valign} = $valign{$format->{AlignV}} unless $format->{AlignV} == 2; $format_data->{text_wrap} = JSON::true if $format->{Wrap}; } if (!$format->{IgnoreNumberFormat}) { my $wb = $self->excel; $format_data->{num_format} = $wb->{FormatStr}{$format->{FmtIdx}} unless $wb->{FormatStr}{$format->{FmtIdx}} eq 'GENERAL'; } } my $data = { contents => $contents, type => $type, ($formula ? (formula => $formula) : ()), (keys %$format_data ? (format => $format_data) : ()), }; return $data; } no Moose::Role; 1;