package Spreadsheet::Template::Writer::Excel; use Moose::Role; use Class::Load 'load_class'; use List::Util 'first'; with 'Spreadsheet::Template::Writer'; requires 'excel_class'; has excel => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Object', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; load_class($self->excel_class); $self->excel_class->new($self->_fh); }, ); has _fh => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'FileHandle', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; open my $fh, '>', $self->_output or die "Failed to open filehandle: $!"; binmode $fh; return $fh; }, ); has _output => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ScalarRef[Maybe[Str]]', default => sub { \(my $str) }, ); has _colors => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[Int]', default => sub { { black => 8, blue => 12, brown => 16, cyan => 15, gray => 23, green => 17, lime => 11, magenta => 14, navy => 18, orange => 53, pink => 33, purple => 20, red => 10, silver => 22, white => 9, yellow => 13, } }, ); has _formats => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub { {} }, ); sub write { my $self = shift; my ($data) = @_; $self->_write_workbook($data); $self->excel->close; return ${ $self->_output }; } sub _write_workbook { my $self = shift; my ($data) = @_; # XXX no way to write default cell properties if (exists $data->{properties}) { $self->excel->set_properties(%{ $data->{properties} }); } for my $sheet (@{ $data->{worksheets} }) { $self->_write_worksheet($sheet); } if (exists $data->{selected}) { $self->excel->sheets($data->{selected})->activate; } } sub _write_worksheet { my $self = shift; my ($data) = @_; my $sheet = $self->excel->add_worksheet( exists $data->{name} ? ($data->{name}) : () ); if (exists $data->{tab_color}) { $sheet->set_tab_color($self->_color($data->{tab_color})); } if (exists $data->{zoom}) { $sheet->set_zoom($data->{zoom}); } if (exists $data->{hidden}) { # XXX this won't work on the first worksheet, since you can't hide # active worksheets - need to restructure things a bit to fix this $sheet->hide; } if (exists $data->{selection}) { $sheet->set_selection(@{ $data->{selection} }); } if (exists $data->{freeze}) { $sheet->freeze_panes(@{ $data->{freeze} }); } if (exists $data->{split}) { $sheet->split_panes(@{ $data->{split} }); } if (exists $data->{column_widths}) { for my $i (0..$#{ $data->{column_widths} }) { # XXX hidden columns? $sheet->set_column($i, $i, $data->{column_widths}[$i]); } } if (exists $data->{row_heights}) { for my $i (0..$#{ $data->{row_heights} }) { # XXX hidden rows? $sheet->set_row($i, $data->{row_heights}[$i]); } } for my $row (0..$#{ $data->{cells} }) { for my $col (0..$#{ $data->{cells}[$row] }) { $self->_write_cell($data->{cells}[$row][$col], $sheet, $row, $col); } } } sub _write_cell { my $self = shift; my ($data, $sheet, $row, $col) = @_; my $write_method = 'write'; if (exists $data->{type}) { $write_method = "write_$data->{type}"; } my $format; if (exists $data->{format}) { my %border = ( thin => 1, ); my $properties = { %{ $data->{format} } }; if (my $border = delete $properties->{border}) { $properties = { left => $border->[0], right => $border->[1], top => $border->[2], bottom => $border->[3], %$properties, }; } if (my $border_color = delete $properties->{border_color}) { $properties = { left_color => $border_color->[0], right_color => $border_color->[1], top_color => $border_color->[2], bottom_color => $border_color->[3], %$properties, }; } $properties = { map { my $v = $properties->{$_}; $_ => JSON::is_bool($v) ? ($v ? 1 : 0) : $_ eq 'left' ? $border{$v} : $_ eq 'right' ? $border{$v} : $_ eq 'top' ? $border{$v} : $_ eq 'bottom' ? $border{$v} : $_ =~ /color/ ? $self->_color($v) : $v } keys %$properties }; $format = $self->_format($properties); } # XXX handle merged cells if (defined $data->{formula}) { $sheet->write_formula( $row, $col, $data->{formula}, (defined $format ? ($format) : (undef)), $data->{contents}, ); } else { $sheet->$write_method( $row, $col, $data->{contents}, (defined $format ? ($format) : ()), ); } } sub _color { my $self = shift; my ($color) = @_; if (exists $self->_colors->{$color}) { return $self->_colors->{$color}; } else { my $hex = qr/[0-9a-fA-F]/; my ($r, $g, $b) = $color =~ /^#($hex$hex)($hex$hex)($hex$hex)$/; my %used_colors = reverse %{ $self->_colors }; my $new_idx = first { !exists $used_colors{$_} } 8..63; die "too many colors" unless defined $new_idx; $self->excel->set_custom_color( $new_idx, map { oct("0x$_") } $r, $g, $b ); $self->_colors->{$color} = $new_idx; return $new_idx; } } sub _format { my $self = shift; my ($format_properties) = @_; my %pattern = ( none => 0, solid => 1, medium_gray => 2, dark_gray => 3, light_gray => 4, dark_horizontal => 5, dark_vertical => 6, dark_down => 7, dark_up => 8, dark_grid => 9, dark_trellis => 10, light_horizontal => 11, light_vertical => 12, light_down => 13, light_up => 14, light_grid => 15, light_trellis => 16, gray_125 => 17, gray_0625 => 18, ); if (exists $format_properties->{pattern}) { $format_properties->{pattern} = $pattern{$format_properties->{pattern}} unless $format_properties->{pattern} =~ /^\d+$/; } my $key = JSON->new->canonical->encode($format_properties); if (exists $self->_formats->{$key}) { return $self->_formats->{$key}; } else { my $format = $self->excel->add_format(%$format_properties); $self->_formats->{$key} = $format; return $format; } } no Moose::Role; 1;