#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX; use Spreadsheet::Template; use Spreadsheet::Template::Generator; my $data; { my $generator = Spreadsheet::Template::Generator->new; $data = $generator->generate('t/data/Test.xlsx'); my $expected = do { local $/; local @ARGV = ('t/data/Test.json'); <> }; is($data, $expected, "got the correct serialization"); } { my $template = Spreadsheet::Template->new; my $excel = $template->render($data, {}); open my $fh, '<', \$excel; my $wb = Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX->new->parse($fh); isa_ok($wb, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook'); is($wb->worksheet_count, 1); # is($workbook->get_filename, $filename); # XXX my $ws = $wb->worksheet(0); isa_ok($ws, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Worksheet'); is($ws->get_name, 'Sheet1'); is_deeply([$ws->row_range], [0, 5]); is_deeply([$ws->col_range], [0, 4]); { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(0, 0); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "Colored Cell"); is($cell->value, "Colored Cell"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [1, '#9BBB59', '#FFFFFF']); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); is($font->{Height}, 12); is($font->{Color}, '#FFFF00'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(0, 1); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "Wide Cell (25.00)"); is($cell->value, "Wide Cell (25.00)"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(0, 2); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "Bordered Cell w/ Text Wrap"); is($cell->value, "Bordered Cell w/ Text Wrap"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok($format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(1) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [('#000000') x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(0, 3); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "Middle Valigned"); is($cell->value, "Middle Valigned"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 1); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(0, 4); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "Right Aligned and text wrapped"); is($cell->value, "Right Aligned and text wrapped"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 3); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok($format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } for my $i (0..4) { is($ws->get_cell(1, $i), undef); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(2, 0); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, 10); is($cell->value, 10); is($cell->type, 'Numeric'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } for my $i (1..4) { is($ws->get_cell(2, $i), undef); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(3, 0); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, 20); is($cell->value, 20); is($cell->type, 'Numeric'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } for my $i (1..2) { is($ws->get_cell(3, $i), undef); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(3, 3); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, 2.5); is($cell->value, "\$2.50"); is($cell->type, 'Numeric'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(3, 4); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "<< currency cell"); is($cell->value, "<< currency cell"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 2); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); is($font->{Height}, 12); is($font->{Color}, '#4BACC6'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(4, 0); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, 30); is($cell->value, 30); is($cell->type, 'Numeric'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } for my $i (1..4) { is($ws->get_cell(4, $i), undef); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(5, 0); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, 60); is($cell->value, 60); is($cell->type, 'Numeric'); is($cell->{Formula}, 'SUM(A3:A5)'); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 0); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [0, undef, undef]); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); { local $TODO = "default font heights don't work well"; is($font->{Height}, 12); } is($font->{Color}, '#000000'); } { my $cell = $ws->get_cell(5, 1); isa_ok($cell, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell'); is($cell->unformatted, "<< formula cell"); is($cell->value, "<< formula cell"); is($cell->type, 'Text'); is($cell->{Formula}, undef); my $format = $cell->get_format; isa_ok($format, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format'); is($format->{AlignH}, 3); is($format->{AlignV}, 2); ok(!$format->{Wrap}); is_deeply($format->{Fill}, [1, '#EEECE1', '#FFFFFF']); is_deeply($format->{BdrStyle}, [(0) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrColor}, [(undef) x 4]); is_deeply($format->{BdrDiag}, [0, 0, undef]); my $font = $format->{Font}; isa_ok($font, 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Font'); is($font->{Name}, 'Calibri'); is($font->{Height}, 12); is($font->{Color}, '#F79646'); } for my $i (2..4) { is($ws->get_cell(5, $i), undef); } } done_testing;