# teleterm ## Overview When I was first learning to program, one of the things I did in my spare time was play NetHack. In particular, I played on the [nethack.alt.org](https://alt.org/nethack/) public server, and hung out in \#nethack on IRC. One of the things that made this a great learning environment was that all games played on this server are automatically recorded and livestreamed. This allowed you to both watch other people play to pick up tips, as well as ask other people to look at your game and give you advice. After a while, a group of us realized that this model could be used for more than just playing games, and set up a similar terminal re-broadcaster for general purpose use. This allowed us to see what other peoples' development environments and workflows were like in real time, and made collaborating on projects much more seamless. `teleterm` is an attempt to recreate that environment that was so helpful in my own learning process, while fixing some of the issues that the original version had. In particular, `teleterm` is intended to be able to be run entirely transparently (you shouldn't even know it's running while you're streaming), and you should be able to keep a window open to watch other peoples' terminals in the corner of your screen without it being disruptive. `teleterm` doesn't include any functionality to control your local terminal remotely, and doesn't include any communication functionality (other than the terminal itself) - it is best used in an already existing community with more featureful communication methods. ## Features * Transparently broadcast your terminal session, optionally using TLS encryption and secure authentication * Automatically reconnect in the background when you lose internet connectivity, without the work you're doing in your terminal session being disrupted * Record and play back [ttyrec](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ttyrec) files ## Installation If you have a working [rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) installation, `teleterm` can be installed from source by running `cargo install teleterm`. Otherwise, we provide prebuilt packages for a couple operating systems: ### Arch Linux TODO ### Ubuntu/Debian TODO ## Usage ### Streaming You can start streaming by simply running `tt` (or `tt stream`). It will prompt you for some information about the server you would like to connect to, and store that information in a configuration file in your home directory. (Note that I am not running any publically accessible server, because I believe this works better as a tool for smaller, already existing communities, so you'll need to run your own or find someone else to host one first.) ### Watching To watch existing streams, run `tt watch`. This will display a menu of currently active streams - select one, and it will be displayed in your terminal. Press `q` to return to the menu. ### Recording You can record your terminal session to a file by running `tt record`. This uses the standard [ttyrec](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ttyrec) file format, which can be understood by many different applications (including `tt play`). Note that both `tt stream` and `tt record` can be given a command to run instead of just a shell, so you can broadcast your terminal and record the session to a file at once by running `tt stream tt record`. ### Playback You can play back previously recorded ttyrec files by using `tt play`. ## Contributing I'm very interested in contributions! I have a list of todo items in this repository at TODO.md, but I'm also open to any other patches you think would make this more useful. Send me an email, or open a ticket or pull request on Github or Gitlab.