use crate::prelude::*; use rand::Rng as _; const HEARTBEAT_DURATION: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(30); const RECONNECT_BACKOFF_BASE: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(1); const RECONNECT_BACKOFF_FACTOR: f32 = 2.0; const RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MAX: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(60); const OAUTH_LISTEN_ADDRESS: &str = ""; const OAUTH_BROWSER_SUCCESS_MESSAGE: &str = "authenticated successfully! now close this page and return to your terminal."; enum ReadSocket< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { NotConnected, Connected(crate::protocol::FramedReadHalf), Reading( Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = ( crate::protocol::Message, crate::protocol::FramedReadHalf, ), Error = Error, > + Send, >, ), Processing( crate::protocol::FramedReadHalf, Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = crate::protocol::Message, Error = Error, > + Send, >, ), } enum WriteSocket< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { NotConnected, Connecting( Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = S, Error = crate::error::Error, > + Send, >, ), Connected(crate::protocol::FramedWriteHalf), Writing( Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = crate::protocol::FramedWriteHalf, Error = Error, > + Send, >, ), } pub enum Event { ServerMessage(crate::protocol::Message), Disconnect, Connect, } pub type Connector = Box< dyn Fn() -> Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = S, Error = crate::error::Error, > + Send, > + Send, >; pub struct Client< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { connect: Connector, auth: crate::protocol::Auth, buffer_size: usize, term_type: String, heartbeat_timer: tokio::timer::Interval, reconnect_timer: Option, reconnect_backoff_amount: std::time::Duration, last_server_time: std::time::Instant, rsock: ReadSocket, wsock: WriteSocket, on_login: Vec, to_send: std::collections::VecDeque, last_error: Option, } impl Client { pub fn stream( connect: Connector, auth: &crate::protocol::Auth, buffer_size: usize, ) -> Self { Self::new( connect, auth, buffer_size, &[crate::protocol::Message::start_streaming()], ) } pub fn watch( connect: Connector, auth: &crate::protocol::Auth, buffer_size: usize, id: &str, ) -> Self { Self::new( connect, auth, buffer_size, &[crate::protocol::Message::start_watching(id)], ) } pub fn list( connect: Connector, auth: &crate::protocol::Auth, buffer_size: usize, ) -> Self { Self::new(connect, auth, buffer_size, &[]) } fn new( connect: Connector, auth: &crate::protocol::Auth, buffer_size: usize, on_login: &[crate::protocol::Message], ) -> Self { let term_type = std::env::var("TERM").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string()); let heartbeat_timer = tokio::timer::Interval::new_interval(HEARTBEAT_DURATION); Self { connect, auth: auth.clone(), buffer_size, term_type, heartbeat_timer, reconnect_timer: None, reconnect_backoff_amount: RECONNECT_BACKOFF_BASE, last_server_time: std::time::Instant::now(), rsock: ReadSocket::NotConnected, wsock: WriteSocket::NotConnected, on_login: on_login.to_vec(), to_send: std::collections::VecDeque::new(), last_error: None, } } pub fn send_message(&mut self, msg: crate::protocol::Message) { self.to_send.push_back(msg); } pub fn reconnect(&mut self) { self.rsock = ReadSocket::NotConnected; self.wsock = WriteSocket::NotConnected; } pub fn last_error(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.last_error.as_ref().map(std::string::String::as_str) } fn set_reconnect_timer(&mut self) { let delay = rand::thread_rng().gen_range( self.reconnect_backoff_amount / 2, self.reconnect_backoff_amount, ); let delay = delay.max(RECONNECT_BACKOFF_BASE); self.reconnect_timer = Some(tokio::timer::Delay::new(std::time::Instant::now() + delay)); self.reconnect_backoff_amount = self .reconnect_backoff_amount .mul_f32(RECONNECT_BACKOFF_FACTOR); self.reconnect_backoff_amount = self.reconnect_backoff_amount.min(RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MAX); } fn reset_reconnect_timer(&mut self) { self.reconnect_timer = None; self.reconnect_backoff_amount = RECONNECT_BACKOFF_BASE; } fn has_seen_server_recently(&self) -> bool { let since_last_server = std::time::Instant::now().duration_since(self.last_server_time); if since_last_server > HEARTBEAT_DURATION * 2 { return false; } true } fn handle_successful_connection(&mut self, s: S) -> Result<()> { self.last_server_time = std::time::Instant::now(); log::info!("connected to server"); let (rs, ws) = s.split(); self.rsock = ReadSocket::Connected( crate::protocol::FramedReader::new(rs, self.buffer_size), ); self.wsock = WriteSocket::Connected( crate::protocol::FramedWriter::new(ws, self.buffer_size), ); self.to_send.clear(); self.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::login( &self.auth, &self.term_type, &crate::term::Size::get()?, )); Ok(()) } fn handle_message( &mut self, msg: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result<( component_future::Async>, Option< Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = crate::protocol::Message, Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, )> { log::debug!("recv_message({})", msg.format_log()); match msg { crate::protocol::Message::OauthRequest { url, id } => { let mut state = None; let parsed_url = url::Url::parse(&url).unwrap(); for (k, v) in parsed_url.query_pairs() { if k == "state" { state = Some(v); } } open::that(url).context(crate::error::OpenLink)?; Ok(( component_future::Async::DidWork, Some(self.wait_for_oauth_response(|s| s.to_string()), &id, )?), )) } crate::protocol::Message::LoggedIn { username } => { log::info!("successfully logged into server as {}", username); self.reset_reconnect_timer(); for msg in &self.on_login { self.to_send.push_back(msg.clone()); } self.last_error = None; Ok(( component_future::Async::Ready(Some(Event::Connect)), None, )) } crate::protocol::Message::Heartbeat => { Ok((component_future::Async::DidWork, None)) } _ => Ok(( component_future::Async::Ready(Some(Event::ServerMessage( msg, ))), None, )), } } fn wait_for_oauth_response( &self, state: Option, id: &str, ) -> Result< Box< dyn futures::future::Future< Item = crate::protocol::Message, Error = Error, > + Send, >, > { lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref RE: regex::Regex = regex::Regex::new( r"^GET (/[^ ]*) HTTP/[0-9.]+$" ).unwrap(); } let auth_type = self.auth.auth_type(); let id = id.to_string(); let address = OAUTH_LISTEN_ADDRESS .parse() .context(crate::error::ParseAddr)?; let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(&address) .context(crate::error::Bind { address })?; Ok(Box::new( listener .incoming() .into_future() .map_err(|(e, _)| e) .context(crate::error::Acceptor) .and_then(|(sock, _)| { let sock = sock.unwrap(); tokio::io::lines(std::io::BufReader::new(sock)) .into_future() .map_err(|(e, _)| e) .context(crate::error::ReadSocket) }) .and_then(move |(buf, lines)| { let buf = buf.unwrap(); let path = &RE .captures(&buf) .context(crate::error::ParseHttpRequest)?[1]; let base = url::Url::parse(&format!( "http://{}", OAUTH_LISTEN_ADDRESS )) .unwrap(); let url = base .join(path) .context(crate::error::ParseHttpRequestPath)?; let mut req_code = None; let mut req_state = None; for (k, v) in url.query_pairs() { if k == "code" { req_code = Some(v.to_string()); } if k == "state" { req_state = Some(v.to_string()); } } if state != req_state { return Err(Error::ParseHttpRequestCsrf); } let code = if let Some(code) = req_code { code } else { return Err(Error::ParseHttpRequestMissingCode); }; Ok(( crate::protocol::Message::oauth_response(&code), lines.into_inner().into_inner(), )) }) .and_then(move |(msg, sock)| { crate::oauth::save_client_auth_id(auth_type, &id) .map(|_| (msg, sock)) }) .and_then(|(msg, sock)| { let response = format!( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n{}", OAUTH_BROWSER_SUCCESS_MESSAGE ); tokio::io::write_all(sock, response) .context(crate::error::WriteSocket) .map(|_| msg) }), )) } } impl Client { // XXX rustfmt does a terrible job here const POLL_FNS: &'static [&'static dyn for<'a> Fn( &'a mut Self, ) -> component_future::Poll< Option, Error, >] = &[ &Self::poll_reconnect_server, &Self::poll_read_server, &Self::poll_write_server, &Self::poll_heartbeat, ]; fn poll_reconnect_server( &mut self, ) -> component_future::Poll, Error> { match &mut self.wsock { WriteSocket::NotConnected => { if let Some(timer) = &mut self.reconnect_timer { component_future::try_ready!(timer .poll() .context(crate::error::TimerReconnect)); } self.set_reconnect_timer(); self.wsock = WriteSocket::Connecting((self.connect)()); } WriteSocket::Connecting(ref mut fut) => match fut.poll() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready(s)) => { self.handle_successful_connection(s)?; } Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => { return Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady); } Err(e) => { log::warn!("error while connecting, reconnecting: {}", e); self.reconnect(); self.last_error = Some(format!("{}", e)); return Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(Some( Event::Disconnect, ))); } }, WriteSocket::Connected(..) | WriteSocket::Writing(..) => { if self.has_seen_server_recently() { return Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo); } else { log::warn!( "haven't seen server in a while, reconnecting", ); self.reconnect(); self.last_error = Some("haven't seen server in a while".to_string()); return Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(Some( Event::Disconnect, ))); } } } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } fn poll_read_server( &mut self, ) -> component_future::Poll, Error> { match &mut self.rsock { ReadSocket::NotConnected => { Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo) } ReadSocket::Connected(..) => { if let ReadSocket::Connected(s) = std::mem::replace( &mut self.rsock, ReadSocket::NotConnected, ) { let fut = crate::protocol::Message::read_async(s); self.rsock = ReadSocket::Reading(Box::new(fut)); } else { unreachable!() } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } ReadSocket::Reading(ref mut fut) => match fut.poll() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready((msg, s))) => { self.last_server_time = std::time::Instant::now(); match self.handle_message(msg) { Ok((poll, fut)) => { if let Some(fut) = fut { self.rsock = ReadSocket::Processing(s, fut); } else { self.rsock = ReadSocket::Connected(s); } Ok(poll) } Err(e) => { log::warn!( "error handling message, reconnecting: {}", e ); self.reconnect(); self.last_error = Some(format!("{}", e)); Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(Some( Event::Disconnect, ))) } } } Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } Err(e) => { log::warn!("error reading message, reconnecting: {}", e); self.reconnect(); self.last_error = Some(format!("{}", e)); Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(Some( Event::Disconnect, ))) } }, ReadSocket::Processing(_, fut) => match fut.poll() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready(msg)) => { if let ReadSocket::Processing(s, _) = std::mem::replace( &mut self.rsock, ReadSocket::NotConnected, ) { self.rsock = ReadSocket::Connected(s); self.send_message(msg); } else { unreachable!() } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } Err(e) => { log::warn!( "error processing message, reconnecting: {}", e ); self.reconnect(); self.last_error = Some(format!("{}", e)); Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(Some( Event::Disconnect, ))) } }, } } fn poll_write_server( &mut self, ) -> component_future::Poll, Error> { match &mut self.wsock { WriteSocket::NotConnected | WriteSocket::Connecting(..) => { Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo) } WriteSocket::Connected(..) => { if self.to_send.is_empty() { return Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo); } if let WriteSocket::Connected(s) = std::mem::replace( &mut self.wsock, WriteSocket::NotConnected, ) { let msg = self.to_send.pop_front().unwrap(); log::debug!("send_message({})", msg.format_log()); let fut = msg.write_async(s); self.wsock = WriteSocket::Writing(Box::new(fut)); } else { unreachable!() } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } WriteSocket::Writing(ref mut fut) => match fut.poll() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready(s)) => { self.wsock = WriteSocket::Connected(s); Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } Err(e) => { log::warn!("error writing message, reconnecting: {}", e); self.reconnect(); self.last_error = Some(format!("{}", e)); Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(Some( Event::Disconnect, ))) } }, } } fn poll_heartbeat( &mut self, ) -> component_future::Poll, Error> { let _ = component_future::try_ready!(self .heartbeat_timer .poll() .context(crate::error::TimerHeartbeat)); self.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::heartbeat()); Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } } #[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"] impl futures::stream::Stream for Client { type Item = Event; type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll, Self::Error> { component_future::poll_stream(self, Self::POLL_FNS) } }