use crate::prelude::*; mod play; mod record; mod server; mod stream; mod watch; struct Command { name: &'static str, cmd: &'static dyn for<'a, 'b> Fn(clap::App<'a, 'b>) -> clap::App<'a, 'b>, config: &'static dyn Fn( Option, ) -> Result>, log_level: &'static str, } const COMMANDS: &[Command] = &[ Command { name: "stream", cmd: &stream::cmd, config: &stream::config, log_level: "error", }, Command { name: "server", cmd: &server::cmd, config: &server::config, log_level: "info", }, Command { name: "watch", cmd: &watch::cmd, config: &watch::config, log_level: "error", }, Command { name: "record", cmd: &record::cmd, config: &record::config, log_level: "error", }, Command { name: "play", cmd: &play::cmd, config: &play::config, log_level: "error", }, ]; pub fn parse<'a>() -> Result> { let mut app = clap::App::new(program_name()?) .about("Stream your terminal for other people to watch") .author(clap::crate_authors!()) .version(clap::crate_version!()) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("config-file") .long("config-file") .takes_value(true) .value_name("FILE") .help("Read configuration from FILE"), ) .global_setting(clap::AppSettings::DontCollapseArgsInUsage) .global_setting(clap::AppSettings::GlobalVersion) .global_setting(clap::AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage) .global_setting(clap::AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands); for cmd in COMMANDS { let subcommand = clap::SubCommand::with_name(; app = app.subcommand( (cmd.cmd)(subcommand).setting(clap::AppSettings::NextLineHelp), ); } app.get_matches_safe().context(crate::error::ParseArgs) } pub fn run(matches: &clap::ArgMatches<'_>) -> Result<()> { let mut chosen_cmd = &COMMANDS[0]; let mut chosen_submatches = &clap::ArgMatches::<'_>::default(); for cmd in COMMANDS { if let Some(submatches) = matches.subcommand_matches( { chosen_cmd = cmd; chosen_submatches = submatches; } } env_logger::from_env( env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or(chosen_cmd.log_level), ) .init(); let config = crate::config::config( matches.value_of("config-file").map(std::path::Path::new), )?; let mut cmd_config = (chosen_cmd.config)(config)?; cmd_config.merge_args(chosen_submatches)?; log::debug!("{:?}", cmd_config); // XXX ideally we'd be able to run everything on the current_thread // runtime, but this is blocked on // (fixed in the 0.2 branch // which is not yet stable) // let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new() // .unwrap(); // runtime // .block_on(|e| { // log::error!("{}", e); // })) // .unwrap(); tokio::run(|e| { log::error!("{}", e); })); Ok(()) } fn program_name() -> Result { let program = std::env::args().next().context(crate::error::MissingArgv)?; let path = std::path::Path::new(&program); let filename = path.file_name(); Ok(filename .ok_or_else(|| Error::NotAFileName { path: path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), })? .to_string_lossy() .to_string()) }