use futures::future::Future as _; use futures::sink::Sink as _; use futures::stream::Stream as _; use snafu::futures01::FutureExt as _; use snafu::ResultExt as _; use std::convert::{TryFrom as _, TryInto as _}; #[derive(Debug, snafu::Snafu)] pub enum Error { #[snafu(display("failed to read packet: {}", source))] Read { source: std::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to read packet: {}", source))] ReadAsync { source: tokio::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to write packet: {}", source))] Write { source: std::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to write packet: {}", source))] WriteAsync { source: tokio::io::Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to parse string: {}", source))] ParseString { source: std::string::FromUtf8Error }, #[snafu(display("failed to parse int: {}", source))] ParseInt { source: std::array::TryFromSliceError, }, #[snafu(display("failed to parse string: {:?}", data))] ExtraMessageData { data: Vec }, #[snafu(display("invalid message type: {}", ty))] InvalidMessageType { ty: u32 }, #[snafu(display("eof"))] EOF, } pub type Result = std::result::Result; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Session { pub id: String, pub username: String, pub term_type: String, pub size: (u32, u32), pub idle_time: u32, pub title: String, } pub struct FramedReader( tokio::codec::FramedRead< tokio::io::ReadHalf, tokio::codec::length_delimited::LengthDelimitedCodec, >, ); impl FramedReader { pub fn new(rs: tokio::io::ReadHalf) -> Self { Self( tokio::codec::length_delimited::Builder::new() .length_field_length(4) .new_read(rs), ) } } pub struct FramedWriter( tokio::codec::FramedWrite< tokio::io::WriteHalf, tokio::codec::length_delimited::LengthDelimitedCodec, >, ); impl FramedWriter { pub fn new(ws: tokio::io::WriteHalf) -> Self { Self( tokio::codec::length_delimited::Builder::new() .length_field_length(4) .new_write(ws), ) } } pub const PROTO_VERSION: u32 = 1; // XXX #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Message { Login { proto_version: u32, username: String, term_type: String, size: (u32, u32), }, StartCasting, StartWatching { id: String, }, Heartbeat, TerminalOutput { data: Vec, }, ListSessions, Sessions { sessions: Vec, }, Disconnected, Error { msg: String, }, Resize { size: (u32, u32), }, } const MSG_LOGIN: u32 = 0; const MSG_START_CASTING: u32 = 1; const MSG_START_WATCHING: u32 = 2; const MSG_HEARTBEAT: u32 = 3; const MSG_TERMINAL_OUTPUT: u32 = 4; const MSG_LIST_SESSIONS: u32 = 5; const MSG_SESSIONS: u32 = 6; const MSG_DISCONNECTED: u32 = 7; const MSG_ERROR: u32 = 8; const MSG_RESIZE: u32 = 9; impl Message { pub fn login(username: &str, term_type: &str, size: (u32, u32)) -> Self { Self::Login { proto_version: PROTO_VERSION, username: username.to_string(), term_type: term_type.to_string(), size, } } pub fn start_casting() -> Self { Self::StartCasting } pub fn start_watching(id: &str) -> Self { Self::StartWatching { id: id.to_string() } } pub fn heartbeat() -> Self { Self::Heartbeat } pub fn terminal_output(data: &[u8]) -> Self { Self::TerminalOutput { data: data.to_vec(), } } pub fn list_sessions() -> Self { Self::ListSessions } pub fn sessions(sessions: &[Session]) -> Self { Self::Sessions { sessions: sessions.to_vec(), } } pub fn disconnected() -> Self { Self::Disconnected } pub fn error(msg: &str) -> Self { Self::Error { msg: msg.to_string(), } } pub fn resize(size: (u32, u32)) -> Self { Self::Resize { size } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn read(r: R) -> Result { Packet::read(r).and_then(Self::try_from) } pub fn read_async( r: FramedReader, ) -> impl futures::future::Future { Packet::read_async(r).and_then(|(packet, r)| { Self::try_from(packet).map(|msg| (msg, r)) }) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn write(&self, w: W) -> Result<()> { Packet::from(self).write(w) } pub fn write_async( &self, w: FramedWriter, ) -> impl futures::future::Future { Packet::from(self).write_async(w) } } struct Packet { ty: u32, data: Vec, } impl Packet { fn read(mut r: R) -> Result { let mut len_buf = [0_u8; std::mem::size_of::()]; r.read_exact(&mut len_buf).context(Read)?; let len = u32::from_be_bytes(len_buf.try_into().unwrap()); let mut data = vec![0_u8; len.try_into().unwrap()]; r.read_exact(&mut data).context(Read)?; let (ty_buf, rest) = data.split_at(std::mem::size_of::()); let ty = u32::from_be_bytes(ty_buf.try_into().unwrap()); Ok(Self { ty, data: rest.to_vec(), }) } fn read_async( r: FramedReader, ) -> impl futures::future::Future { r.0.into_future() .map_err(|(e, _)| Error::ReadAsync { source: e }) .and_then(|(data, r)| match data { Some(data) => Ok((data, r)), None => Err(Error::EOF), }) .map(|(buf, r)| { let (ty_buf, data_buf) = buf.split_at(std::mem::size_of::()); let ty = u32::from_be_bytes(ty_buf.try_into().unwrap()); let data = data_buf.to_vec(); (Self { ty, data }, FramedReader(r)) }) } fn write(&self, mut w: W) -> Result<()> { let bytes = self.as_bytes(); let len: u32 = bytes.len().try_into().unwrap(); let len_buf = len.to_be_bytes(); let buf: Vec = len_buf.iter().chain(bytes.iter()).copied().collect(); Ok(w.write_all(&buf).context(Write)?) } fn write_async( &self, w: FramedWriter, ) -> impl futures::future::Future { w.0.send(bytes::Bytes::from(self.as_bytes())) .map(FramedWriter) .context(WriteAsync) } fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec { self.ty .to_be_bytes() .iter() .chain( .cloned() .collect() } } impl From<&Message> for Packet { fn from(msg: &Message) -> Self { fn u32_from_usize(n: usize) -> u32 { // XXX this can actually panic n.try_into().unwrap() } fn write_u32(val: u32, data: &mut Vec) { data.extend_from_slice(&val.to_be_bytes()); } fn write_bytes(val: &[u8], data: &mut Vec) { write_u32(u32_from_usize(val.len()), data); data.extend_from_slice(val); } fn write_str(val: &str, data: &mut Vec) { write_bytes(val.as_bytes(), data); } fn write_session(val: &Session, data: &mut Vec) { write_str(&, data); write_str(&val.username, data); write_str(&val.term_type, data); write_u32(val.size.0, data); write_u32(val.size.1, data); write_u32(val.idle_time, data); write_str(&val.title, data); } fn write_sessions(val: &[Session], data: &mut Vec) { write_u32(u32_from_usize(val.len()), data); for s in val { write_session(s, data); } } match msg { Message::Login { proto_version, username, term_type, size, } => { let mut data = vec![]; write_u32(*proto_version, &mut data); write_str(username, &mut data); write_str(term_type, &mut data); write_u32(size.0, &mut data); write_u32(size.1, &mut data); Self { ty: MSG_LOGIN, data, } } Message::StartCasting => Self { ty: MSG_START_CASTING, data: vec![], }, Message::StartWatching { id } => { let mut data = vec![]; write_str(id, &mut data); Self { ty: MSG_START_WATCHING, data, } } Message::Heartbeat => Self { ty: MSG_HEARTBEAT, data: vec![], }, Message::TerminalOutput { data: output } => { let mut data = vec![]; write_bytes(output, &mut data); Self { ty: MSG_TERMINAL_OUTPUT, data: data.to_vec(), } } Message::ListSessions => Self { ty: MSG_LIST_SESSIONS, data: vec![], }, Message::Sessions { sessions } => { let mut data = vec![]; write_sessions(sessions, &mut data); Self { ty: MSG_SESSIONS, data, } } Message::Disconnected => Self { ty: MSG_DISCONNECTED, data: vec![], }, Message::Error { msg } => { let mut data = vec![]; write_str(msg, &mut data); Self { ty: MSG_ERROR, data, } } Message::Resize { size } => { let mut data = vec![]; write_u32(size.0, &mut data); write_u32(size.1, &mut data); Self { ty: MSG_RESIZE, data, } } } } } impl std::convert::TryFrom for Message { type Error = Error; fn try_from(packet: Packet) -> Result { fn read_u32(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(u32, &[u8])> { let (buf, rest) = data.split_at(std::mem::size_of::()); let val = u32::from_be_bytes(buf.try_into().context(ParseInt)?); Ok((val, rest)) } fn read_bytes(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec, &[u8])> { let (len, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (buf, rest) = data.split_at(len.try_into().unwrap()); let val = buf.to_vec(); Ok((val, rest)) } fn read_str(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(String, &[u8])> { let (bytes, rest) = read_bytes(data)?; let val = String::from_utf8(bytes).context(ParseString)?; Ok((val, rest)) } fn read_session(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(Session, &[u8])> { let (id, data) = read_str(data)?; let (username, data) = read_str(data)?; let (term_type, data) = read_str(data)?; let (cols, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (rows, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (idle_time, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (title, data) = read_str(data)?; Ok(( Session { id, username, term_type, size: (cols, rows), idle_time, title, }, data, )) } fn read_sessions(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec, &[u8])> { let mut val = vec![]; let (len, mut data) = read_u32(data)?; for _ in 0..len { let (subval, subdata) = read_session(data)?; val.push(subval); data = subdata; } Ok((val, data)) } let data: &[u8] =; let (msg, rest) = match packet.ty { MSG_LOGIN => { let (proto_version, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (username, data) = read_str(data)?; let (term_type, data) = read_str(data)?; let (cols, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (rows, data) = read_u32(data)?; ( Self::Login { proto_version, username, term_type, size: (cols, rows), }, data, ) } MSG_START_CASTING => (Self::StartCasting, data), MSG_START_WATCHING => { let (id, data) = read_str(data)?; (Self::StartWatching { id }, data) } MSG_HEARTBEAT => (Self::Heartbeat, data), MSG_TERMINAL_OUTPUT => { let (output, data) = read_bytes(data)?; (Self::TerminalOutput { data: output }, data) } MSG_LIST_SESSIONS => (Self::ListSessions, data), MSG_SESSIONS => { let (sessions, data) = read_sessions(data)?; (Self::Sessions { sessions }, data) } MSG_DISCONNECTED => (Self::Disconnected, data), MSG_ERROR => { let (msg, data) = read_str(data)?; (Self::Error { msg }, data) } MSG_RESIZE => { let (cols, data) = read_u32(data)?; let (rows, data) = read_u32(data)?; (Self::Resize { size: (cols, rows) }, data) } _ => return Err(Error::InvalidMessageType { ty: packet.ty }), }; if !rest.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ExtraMessageData { data: rest.to_vec(), }); } Ok(msg) } }