use crate::prelude::*; use tokio::util::FutureExt as _; pub mod tls; enum ReadSocket< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { Connected(crate::protocol::FramedReadHalf), Reading( Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = ( crate::protocol::Message, crate::protocol::FramedReadHalf, ), Error = Error, > + Send, >, ), Processing( crate::protocol::FramedReadHalf, Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, ), } enum WriteSocket< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { Connected(crate::protocol::FramedWriteHalf), Writing( Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = crate::protocol::FramedWriteHalf, Error = Error, > + Send, >, ), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct TerminalInfo { term: String, size: crate::term::Size, } #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] // XXX #[allow(dead_code)] enum ConnectionState { Accepted, LoggingIn { term_info: TerminalInfo, }, LoggedIn { username: String, term_info: TerminalInfo, }, Streaming { username: String, term_info: TerminalInfo, term: vt100::Parser, }, Watching { username: String, term_info: TerminalInfo, watch_id: String, }, } impl ConnectionState { fn new() -> Self { Self::Accepted } fn username(&self) -> Option<&str> { match self { Self::Accepted => None, Self::LoggingIn { .. } => None, Self::LoggedIn { username, .. } => Some(username), Self::Streaming { username, .. } => Some(username), Self::Watching { username, .. } => Some(username), } } fn term_info(&mut self) -> Option<&TerminalInfo> { match self { Self::Accepted => None, Self::LoggingIn { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), Self::LoggedIn { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), Self::Streaming { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), Self::Watching { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), } } fn term_info_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut TerminalInfo> { match self { Self::Accepted => None, Self::LoggingIn { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), Self::LoggedIn { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), Self::Streaming { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), Self::Watching { term_info, .. } => Some(term_info), } } fn term(&self) -> Option<&vt100::Parser> { match self { Self::Accepted => None, Self::LoggingIn { .. } => None, Self::LoggedIn { .. } => None, Self::Streaming { term, .. } => Some(term), Self::Watching { .. } => None, } } fn term_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut vt100::Parser> { match self { Self::Accepted => None, Self::LoggingIn { .. } => None, Self::LoggedIn { .. } => None, Self::Streaming { term, .. } => Some(term), Self::Watching { .. } => None, } } fn watch_id(&self) -> Option<&str> { match self { Self::Accepted => None, Self::LoggingIn { .. } => None, Self::LoggedIn { .. } => None, Self::Streaming { .. } => None, Self::Watching { watch_id, .. } => Some(watch_id), } } fn login_plain( &mut self, username: &str, term_type: &str, size: crate::term::Size, ) { if let Self::Accepted = self { *self = Self::LoggedIn { username: username.to_string(), term_info: TerminalInfo { term: term_type.to_string(), size, }, }; } else { unreachable!() } } fn login_oauth_start( &mut self, term_type: &str, size: crate::term::Size, ) { if let Self::Accepted = self { *self = Self::LoggingIn { term_info: TerminalInfo { term: term_type.to_string(), size, }, }; } else { unreachable!() } } fn stream(&mut self) { if let Self::LoggedIn { username, term_info, } = std::mem::replace(self, Self::Accepted) { let size = term_info.size; *self = Self::Streaming { username, term_info, term: vt100::Parser::new(size.rows, size.cols, 0), }; } else { unreachable!() } } fn watch(&mut self, id: &str) { if let Self::LoggedIn { username, term_info, } = std::mem::replace(self, Self::Accepted) { *self = Self::Watching { username, term_info, watch_id: id.to_string(), }; } else { unreachable!() } } } struct Connection< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { id: String, rsock: Option>, wsock: Option>, to_send: std::collections::VecDeque, closed: bool, state: ConnectionState, last_activity: std::time::Instant, oauth_client: Option>, } impl Connection { fn new(s: S) -> Self { let (rs, ws) = s.split(); let id = format!("{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()); log::info!("{}: new connection", id); Self { id, rsock: Some(ReadSocket::Connected( crate::protocol::FramedReader::new(rs), )), wsock: Some(WriteSocket::Connected( crate::protocol::FramedWriter::new(ws), )), to_send: std::collections::VecDeque::new(), closed: false, state: ConnectionState::new(), last_activity: std::time::Instant::now(), oauth_client: None, } } fn session(&self, watchers: u32) -> Option { let (username, term_info) = match &self.state { ConnectionState::Accepted => return None, ConnectionState::LoggingIn { .. } => return None, ConnectionState::LoggedIn { username, term_info, } => (username, term_info), ConnectionState::Streaming { username, term_info, .. } => (username, term_info), ConnectionState::Watching { username, term_info, .. } => (username, term_info), }; let title = self .state .term() .map_or("", |parser| parser.screen().title()); // i don't really care if things break for a connection that has been // idle for 136 years #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] Some(crate::protocol::Session { id:, username: username.clone(), term_type: term_info.term.clone(), size: term_info.size, idle_time: std::time::Instant::now() .duration_since(self.last_activity) .as_secs() as u32, title: title.to_string(), watchers, }) } fn send_message(&mut self, message: crate::protocol::Message) { self.to_send.push_back(message); } fn close(&mut self, res: Result<()>) { let msg = match res { Ok(()) => crate::protocol::Message::disconnected(), Err(e) => crate::protocol::Message::error(&format!("{}", e)), }; self.send_message(msg); self.closed = true; } } pub struct Server< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { read_timeout: std::time::Duration, acceptor: Box + Send>, connections: std::collections::HashMap>, rate_limiter: ratelimit_meter::KeyedRateLimiter>, allowed_auth_types: std::collections::HashSet, oauth_configs: std::collections::HashMap< crate::protocol::AuthType, crate::oauth::Config, >, } impl Server { pub fn new( acceptor: Box + Send>, read_timeout: std::time::Duration, allowed_auth_types: std::collections::HashSet< crate::protocol::AuthType, >, oauth_configs: std::collections::HashMap< crate::protocol::AuthType, crate::oauth::Config, >, ) -> Self { Self { read_timeout, acceptor, connections: std::collections::HashMap::new(), rate_limiter: ratelimit_meter::KeyedRateLimiter::new( std::num::NonZeroU32::new(300).unwrap(), std::time::Duration::from_secs(60), ), allowed_auth_types, oauth_configs, } } fn handle_message_login( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, auth: &crate::protocol::Auth, auth_client: crate::protocol::AuthClient, term_type: &str, size: crate::term::Size, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { if size.rows >= 1000 || size.cols >= 1000 { return Err(Error::TermTooBig { size }); } let ty = auth.auth_type(); if !self.allowed_auth_types.contains(&ty) { return Err(Error::AuthTypeNotAllowed { ty }); } match &auth { crate::protocol::Auth::Plain { username } => { log::info!( "{}: login({}, {})",,, username ); conn.state.login_plain(username, term_type, size); conn.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::logged_in( username, )); } oauth if oauth.is_oauth() => match auth_client { crate::protocol::AuthClient::Cli => { return self .handle_oauth_login_cli(conn, auth, term_type, size); } crate::protocol::AuthClient::Web => { return self.handle_oauth_login_web(); } }, _ => unreachable!(), } Ok(None) } fn handle_oauth_login_cli( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, auth: &crate::protocol::Auth, term_type: &str, size: crate::term::Size, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { let ty = auth.auth_type(); let config = self .oauth_configs .get(&ty) .context(crate::error::AuthTypeMissingOauthConfig { ty })?; let refresh = auth.oauth_id().is_some(); let client = auth.oauth_client(config).unwrap(); conn.oauth_client = Some(client); let client = conn.oauth_client.as_ref().unwrap(); log::info!( "{}: login(oauth({}), {:?})",,, client.user_id() ); let token_filename = client.server_token_file(true); if let (Some(token_filename), true) = (token_filename, refresh) { let term_type = term_type.to_string(); let client = conn.oauth_client.take().unwrap(); let fut = tokio::fs::File::open(token_filename.clone()) .with_context(move || crate::error::OpenFile { filename: token_filename.to_string_lossy().to_string(), }) .and_then(|file| { tokio::io::lines(std::io::BufReader::new(file)) .into_future() .map_err(|(e, _)| e) .context(crate::error::ReadFile) }) .and_then(|(refresh_token, _)| { // XXX unwrap here isn't super safe let refresh_token = refresh_token.unwrap(); client .get_access_token_from_refresh_token( refresh_token.trim(), ) .and_then(|access_token| { client .get_username_from_access_token(&access_token) }) }) .map(move |username| { ( ConnectionState::LoggedIn { username: username.clone(), term_info: TerminalInfo { term: term_type, size, }, }, crate::protocol::Message::logged_in(&username), ) }); Ok(Some(Box::new(fut))) } else { conn.state.login_oauth_start(term_type, size); let authorize_url = client.generate_authorize_url(); let user_id = client.user_id().to_string(); conn.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::oauth_cli_request( &authorize_url, &user_id, )); Ok(None) } } fn handle_oauth_login_web( &mut self, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { unimplemented!() } fn handle_message_start_streaming( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, ) -> Result<()> { let username = conn.state.username().unwrap(); log::info!("{}: stream({})",, username);; Ok(()) } fn handle_message_start_watching( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, id: String, ) -> Result<()> { let username = conn.state.username().unwrap(); if let Some(stream_conn) = self.connections.get(&id) { let term = stream_conn.state.term().ok_or_else(|| { Error::InvalidWatchId { id: id.to_string() } })?; let (rows, cols) = term.screen().size(); let data = term.screen().contents_formatted(); log::info!("{}: watch({}, {})",, username, id);; conn.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::resize( crate::term::Size { rows, cols }, )); conn.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::terminal_output( &data, )); Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::InvalidWatchId { id }) } } fn handle_message_heartbeat( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, ) -> Result<()> { conn.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::heartbeat()); Ok(()) } fn handle_message_terminal_output( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, data: &[u8], ) -> Result<()> { let parser = conn.state.term_mut().unwrap(); let screen = parser.screen().clone(); parser.process(data); let diff = parser.screen().contents_diff(&screen); for watch_conn in self.watchers_mut() { let watch_id = watch_conn.state.watch_id().unwrap(); if == watch_id { watch_conn.send_message( crate::protocol::Message::terminal_output(&diff), ); } } conn.last_activity = std::time::Instant::now(); Ok(()) } fn handle_message_list_sessions( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, ) -> Result<()> { let mut watcher_counts = std::collections::HashMap::new(); for watcher in self.watchers() { let watch_id = if let ConnectionState::Watching { watch_id, .. } = &watcher.state { watch_id } else { unreachable!() }; watcher_counts.insert( watch_id, *watcher_counts.get(&watch_id).unwrap_or(&0) + 1, ); } let sessions: Vec<_> = self .streamers() .flat_map(|streamer| { streamer .session(*watcher_counts.get(& }) .collect(); conn.send_message(crate::protocol::Message::sessions(&sessions)); Ok(()) } fn handle_message_resize( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, size: crate::term::Size, ) -> Result<()> { let term_info = conn.state.term_info_mut().unwrap(); term_info.size = size; if let Some(parser) = conn.state.term_mut() { parser.set_size(size.rows, size.cols); } for watch_conn in self.watchers_mut() { let watch_id = watch_conn.state.watch_id().unwrap(); if == watch_id { watch_conn .send_message(crate::protocol::Message::resize(size)); } } Ok(()) } fn handle_message_oauth_cli_response( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, code: &str, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { let client = conn.oauth_client.take().ok_or_else(|| { Error::UnexpectedMessage { message: crate::protocol::Message::oauth_cli_response(code), } })?; let term_info = conn.state.term_info().unwrap().clone(); let fut = client .get_access_token_from_auth_code(code) .and_then(|access_token| { client.get_username_from_access_token(&access_token) }) .map(|username| { ( ConnectionState::LoggedIn { term_info, username: username.clone(), }, crate::protocol::Message::logged_in(&username), ) }); Ok(Some(Box::new(fut))) } fn handle_accepted_message( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, message: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { match message { crate::protocol::Message::Login { auth, auth_client, term_type, size, .. } => self.handle_message_login( conn, &auth, auth_client, &term_type, size, ), m => Err(Error::UnauthenticatedMessage { message: m }), } } fn handle_logging_in_message( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, message: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { match message { crate::protocol::Message::OauthCliResponse { code } => { self.handle_message_oauth_cli_response(conn, &code) } m => Err(Error::UnauthenticatedMessage { message: m }), } } fn handle_logged_in_message( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, message: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result<()> { match message { crate::protocol::Message::Heartbeat => { self.handle_message_heartbeat(conn) } crate::protocol::Message::Resize { size } => { self.handle_message_resize(conn, size) } crate::protocol::Message::ListSessions => { self.handle_message_list_sessions(conn) } crate::protocol::Message::StartStreaming => { self.handle_message_start_streaming(conn) } crate::protocol::Message::StartWatching { id } => { self.handle_message_start_watching(conn, id) } m => Err(crate::error::Error::UnexpectedMessage { message: m }), } } fn handle_streaming_message( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, message: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result<()> { match message { crate::protocol::Message::Heartbeat => { self.handle_message_heartbeat(conn) } crate::protocol::Message::Resize { size } => { self.handle_message_resize(conn, size) } crate::protocol::Message::TerminalOutput { data } => { self.handle_message_terminal_output(conn, &data) } m => Err(crate::error::Error::UnexpectedMessage { message: m }), } } fn handle_watching_message( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, message: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result<()> { match message { crate::protocol::Message::Heartbeat => { self.handle_message_heartbeat(conn) } crate::protocol::Message::Resize { size } => { self.handle_message_resize(conn, size) } m => Err(crate::error::Error::UnexpectedMessage { message: m }), } } fn handle_disconnect(&mut self, conn: &mut Connection) { if let Some(username) = conn.state.username() { log::info!("{}: disconnect({})",, username); } else { log::info!("{}: disconnect",; } for watch_conn in self.watchers_mut() { let watch_id = watch_conn.state.watch_id().unwrap(); if == watch_id { watch_conn.close(Ok(())); } } } fn handle_message( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, message: crate::protocol::Message, ) -> Result< Option< Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (ConnectionState, crate::protocol::Message), Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, > { if let crate::protocol::Message::TerminalOutput { .. } = message { // do nothing, we expect TerminalOutput spam } else { let username = conn.state.username().map(std::string::ToString::to_string); if self.rate_limiter.check(username).is_err() { let display_name = conn.state.username().unwrap_or("(non-logged-in users)"); log::info!("{}: ratelimit({})",, display_name); return Err(Error::RateLimited); } } log::debug!("{}: recv({})",, message.format_log()); match conn.state { ConnectionState::Accepted { .. } => { self.handle_accepted_message(conn, message) } ConnectionState::LoggingIn { .. } => { self.handle_logging_in_message(conn, message) } ConnectionState::LoggedIn { .. } => { self.handle_logged_in_message(conn, message).map(|_| None) } ConnectionState::Streaming { .. } => { self.handle_streaming_message(conn, message).map(|_| None) } ConnectionState::Watching { .. } => { self.handle_watching_message(conn, message).map(|_| None) } } } fn poll_read_connection( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, ) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { match &mut conn.rsock { Some(ReadSocket::Connected(..)) => { if let Some(ReadSocket::Connected(s)) = conn.rsock.take() { let fut = Box::new( crate::protocol::Message::read_async(s) .timeout(self.read_timeout) .context(crate::error::ReadMessageWithTimeout), ); conn.rsock = Some(ReadSocket::Reading(fut)); } else { unreachable!() } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } Some(ReadSocket::Reading(fut)) => match fut.poll() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready((msg, s))) => { let res = self.handle_message(conn, msg); match res { Ok(Some(fut)) => { conn.rsock = Some(ReadSocket::Processing(s, fut)); } Ok(None) => { conn.rsock = Some(ReadSocket::Connected(s)); } e @ Err(..) => { conn.close(|_| ())); conn.rsock = Some(ReadSocket::Connected(s)); } } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } Err(e) => classify_connection_error(e), }, Some(ReadSocket::Processing(_, fut)) => { let (state, msg) = component_future::try_ready!(fut.poll()); if let Some(ReadSocket::Processing(s, _)) = conn.rsock.take() { conn.state = state; conn.send_message(msg); conn.rsock = Some(ReadSocket::Connected(s)); } else { unreachable!() } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } _ => Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo), } } fn poll_write_connection( &mut self, conn: &mut Connection, ) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { match &mut conn.wsock { Some(WriteSocket::Connected(..)) => { if let Some(msg) = conn.to_send.pop_front() { if let Some(WriteSocket::Connected(s)) = conn.wsock.take() { log::debug!( "{}: send({})",, msg.format_log() ); let fut = msg .write_async(s) .timeout(self.read_timeout) .context(crate::error::WriteMessageWithTimeout); conn.wsock = Some(WriteSocket::Writing(Box::new(fut))); } else { unreachable!() } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } else if conn.closed { Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(())) } else { Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo) } } Some(WriteSocket::Writing(fut)) => match fut.poll() { Ok(futures::Async::Ready(s)) => { conn.wsock = Some(WriteSocket::Connected(s)); Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } Err(e) => classify_connection_error(e), }, _ => Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo), } } fn streamers(&self) -> impl Iterator> { self.connections.values().filter(|conn| match conn.state { ConnectionState::Streaming { .. } => true, _ => false, }) } fn watchers(&self) -> impl Iterator> { self.connections.values().filter(|conn| match conn.state { ConnectionState::Watching { .. } => true, _ => false, }) } fn watchers_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator> { self.connections .values_mut() .filter(|conn| match conn.state { ConnectionState::Watching { .. } => true, _ => false, }) } } impl Server { const POLL_FNS: &'static [&'static dyn for<'a> Fn( &'a mut Self, ) -> component_future::Poll< (), Error, >] = &[&Self::poll_accept, &Self::poll_read, &Self::poll_write]; fn poll_accept(&mut self) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { if let Some(sock) = component_future::try_ready!(self.acceptor.poll()) { let conn = Connection::new(sock); self.connections.insert(, conn); Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } else { unreachable!() } } fn poll_read(&mut self) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { let mut did_work = false; let mut not_ready = false; let keys: Vec<_> = self.connections.keys().cloned().collect(); for key in keys { let mut conn = self.connections.remove(&key).unwrap(); match self.poll_read_connection(&mut conn) { Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(())) => { self.handle_disconnect(&mut conn); continue; } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) => { did_work = true; } Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) => { not_ready = true; } Err(e) => { log::error!( "error reading from active connection: {}", e ); continue; } _ => {} } self.connections.insert(key.to_string(), conn); } if did_work { Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } else if not_ready { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } else { Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo) } } fn poll_write(&mut self) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { let mut did_work = false; let mut not_ready = false; let keys: Vec<_> = self.connections.keys().cloned().collect(); for key in keys { let mut conn = self.connections.remove(&key).unwrap(); match self.poll_write_connection(&mut conn) { Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(())) => { self.handle_disconnect(&mut conn); continue; } Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) => { did_work = true; } Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) => { not_ready = true; } Err(e) => { log::error!("error writing to active connection: {}", e); continue; } _ => {} } self.connections.insert(key.to_string(), conn); } if did_work { Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork) } else if not_ready { Ok(component_future::Async::NotReady) } else { Ok(component_future::Async::NothingToDo) } } } fn classify_connection_error(e: Error) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { let source = match e { Error::ReadMessageWithTimeout { source } => source, Error::WriteMessageWithTimeout { source } => source, _ => return Err(e), }; if source.is_inner() { let source = source.into_inner().unwrap(); let tokio_err = match source { Error::ReadPacket { source: ref tokio_err, } => tokio_err, Error::WritePacket { source: ref tokio_err, } => tokio_err, Error::EOF => { return Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(())); } _ => { return Err(source); } }; if tokio_err.kind() == tokio::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof { Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(())) } else { Err(source) } } else if source.is_elapsed() { Err(Error::Timeout) } else { let source = source.into_timer().unwrap(); Err(Error::TimerReadTimeout { source }) } } #[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"] impl futures::Future for Server { type Item = (); type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll { component_future::poll_future(self, Self::POLL_FNS) } }