use crate::prelude::*; use gotham::handler::IntoHandlerError as _; use gotham::state::FromState as _; #[derive( serde::Deserialize, gotham_derive::StateData, gotham_derive::StaticResponseExtender, )] pub struct QueryParams { username: String, } #[derive(serde::Serialize)] struct Response { username: String, } pub fn run( mut state: gotham::state::State, ) -> Box< dyn futures::Future< Item = (gotham::state::State, hyper::Response), Error = (gotham::state::State, gotham::handler::HandlerError), > + Send, > { let username = { let query_params = QueryParams::borrow_from(&state); query_params.username.clone() }; let config = crate::web::Config::borrow_from(&state); let (_, address) = config.server_address; let connector: crate::client::Connector<_> = Box::new(move || { Box::new( tokio::net::tcp::TcpStream::connect(&address) .context(crate::error::Connect { address }), ) }); let auth = crate::protocol::Auth::plain(&username); let client = crate::client::Client::raw( "teleterm-web", connector, &auth, crate::protocol::AuthClient::Web, ); let (w_login, r_login) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn( Client::new(client, auth, w_login) // XXX if this happens, we might not have sent anything on the // channel, and so the wait might block forever .map_err(|e| log::error!("error logging in: {}", e)), ); Box::new(r_login.then(|res| { let session = gotham::middleware::session::SessionData::< crate::web::SessionData, >::borrow_mut_from(&mut state); match res { Ok(login) => { let session = gotham::middleware::session::SessionData::< crate::web::SessionData, >::borrow_mut_from(&mut state); match login { Ok(login) => { session.login = Some(login); futures::future::ok(( state, hyper::Response::new(hyper::Body::from( serde_json::to_string(&Response { username }) .unwrap(), )), )) } Err(e) => { session.login = None; log::error!("error logging in: {}", e); futures::future::err(( state, e.into_handler_error().with_status( hyper::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ), )) } } } Err(e) => { session.login = None; log::error!("error logging in: {}", e); futures::future::err(( state, e.into_handler_error().with_status( hyper::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ), )) } } })) } pub(crate) struct Client< S: tokio::io::AsyncRead + tokio::io::AsyncWrite + Send + 'static, > { client: crate::client::Client, auth: crate::protocol::Auth, w_login: Option>>, } impl Client { pub(crate) fn new( client: crate::client::Client, auth: crate::protocol::Auth, w_login: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender>, ) -> Self { Self { client, auth, w_login: Some(w_login), } } } impl Client { const POLL_FNS: &'static [&'static dyn for<'a> Fn( &'a mut Self, ) -> component_future::Poll< (), Error, >] = &[&Self::poll_client]; fn poll_client(&mut self) -> component_future::Poll<(), Error> { let res = match component_future::try_ready!(self.client.poll()).unwrap() { crate::client::Event::ServerMessage(msg) => match msg { crate::protocol::Message::Disconnected => { Err(Error::ServerDisconnected) } crate::protocol::Message::Error { msg } => { Err(Error::Server { message: msg }) } crate::protocol::Message::LoggedIn { username } => { Ok(super::LoginState { auth: self.auth.clone(), username, }) } _ => { return Ok(component_future::Async::DidWork); } }, _ => unreachable!(), }; self.w_login.take().unwrap().send(res).unwrap(); Ok(component_future::Async::Ready(())) } } impl futures::Future for Client { type Item = (); type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll { component_future::poll_future(self, Self::POLL_FNS) } }