diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2012-03-06 01:07:07 -0600
committerJesse Luehrs <>2012-03-06 01:08:20 -0600
commit0af0e74c701d229484c491af52dc20ae4b29e552 (patch)
parent5b5f95a7da3d31ba815d139f146ad2adebe71b58 (diff)
2 files changed, 142 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Term/ b/lib/Term/
index 814d87d..8f4fc32 100644
--- a/lib/Term/
+++ b/lib/Term/
@@ -10,8 +10,38 @@ use Term::ReadKey ();
+ package My::Term::Filter;
+ use Moose;
+ with 'Term::Filter';
+ sub munge_input {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($got) = @_;
+ $got =~ s/\ce/E- Elbereth\n/g;
+ $got;
+ }
+ sub munge_output {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($got) = @_;
+ $got =~ s/(Elbereth)/\e[35m$1\e[m/g;
+ $got;
+ }
+ My::Term::Filter->new->run('nethack');
+This module is a L<Moose role/Moose::Role> which implements running a program
+in a pty while being able to filter the data that goes into and out of it. This
+can be used to alter the inputs and outputs of a terminal based program (as in
+the L</SYNOPSIS>), or to intercept the data going in or out to record it or
+rebroadcast it (L<App::Ttyrec> or L<App::Termcast>, for instance).
+This role is intended to be consumed by a class which implements its callbacks
+as methods; for a simpler callback-based API, you may want to use
+L<Term::Filter::Callback> instead.
subtype 'Term::Filter::TtyFileHandle',
@@ -21,6 +51,8 @@ subtype 'Term::Filter::TtyFileHandle',
=attr input
+The input filehandle to attach to the pty's input. Defaults to STDIN.
has input => (
@@ -34,6 +66,8 @@ sub _build_input { \*STDIN }
=attr output
+The output filehandle to attach the pty's output to. Defaults to STDOUT.
has output => (
@@ -45,15 +79,24 @@ has output => (
sub _build_output { \*STDOUT }
-=attr input_handles
+=method input_handles
+Returns the filehandles which will be monitored for reading. This list defaults
+to C<input> and C<pty>.
-=method add_input_handle
+=method add_input_handle($fh)
+Add an input handle to monitor for reading. After calling this method, the
+C<read> callback will be called with C<$fh> as an argument whenever data is
+available to be read from C<$fh>.
-=method remove_input_handle
+=method remove_input_handle($fh)
+Remove C<$fh> from the list of input handles being watched for reading.
@@ -69,6 +112,10 @@ has input_handles => (
add_input_handle => 'push',
_grep_input_handles => 'grep',
+ trigger => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_clear_select;
+ },
sub _build_input_handles {
@@ -82,11 +129,12 @@ sub remove_input_handle {
[ $self->_grep_input_handles(sub { $_ != $fh }) ]
- $self->_clear_select;
=attr pty
+The L<IO::Pty::Easy> object that the subprocess will be run under.
has pty => (
@@ -128,7 +176,11 @@ has _raw_mode => (
-=method run
+=method run(@cmd)
+Run the command specified by C<@cmd>, as though via C<system>. The callbacks
+that have been defined will be called at the appropriate times, to allow for
+manipulating the data that is sent or received.
@@ -225,6 +277,60 @@ sub _read_from_handle {
return $buf;
+The following methods may be defined to interact with the subprocess:
+=over 4
+=item setup
+Called when the process has just been started. The parameters to C<run> are
+passed to this callback.
+=item cleanup
+Called when the process terminates. Will not be called if C<setup> is never run
+(for instance, if the process fails to start).
+=item munge_input
+Called whenever there is new data coming from the C<input> handle, before it is
+passed to the pty. Must return the data to send to the pty (and the default
+implementation does this), but can do other things with the data as well.
+=item munge_output
+Called whenever the process running on the pty has produced new data, before it
+is passed to the C<output> handle. Must return the data to send to the
+C<output> handle (and the default implementation does this), but can do other
+things with the data as well.
+=item read
+Called when a filehandle other than C<input> or C<pty> has data available (so
+will never be called unless you call C<add_input_handle> to register your
+handle with the event loop). Receives the handle with data available as its
+only argument.
+=item read_error
+Called when an exception state is detected in any handle in C<input_handles>
+(including the default ones). Receives the handle with the exception state as
+its only argument.
+=item winch
+Called whenever the parent process receives a C<SIGWINCH> signal, after it
+propagates that signal to the subprocess. C<SIGWINCH> is sent to a process
+running on a terminal whenever the dimensions of that terminal change. This
+callback can be used to update any other handles watching the subprocess about
+the new terminal size.
sub setup { }
sub cleanup { }
sub munge_input { $_[1] }
diff --git a/lib/Term/Filter/ b/lib/Term/Filter/
index 4a32352..d5920a0 100644
--- a/lib/Term/Filter/
+++ b/lib/Term/Filter/
@@ -6,12 +6,43 @@ with 'Term::Filter';
+ use Term::Filter::Callback;
+ my $term = Term::Filter::Callback->new(
+ callbacks => {
+ munge_input => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($got) = @_;
+ $got =~ s/\ce/E- Elbereth\n/g;
+ $got;
+ },
+ munge_output => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($got) = @_;
+ $got =~ s/(Elbereth)/\e[35m$1\e[m/g;
+ $got;
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ $term->run('nethack');
+This module provides a callback-based API to L<Term::Filter>. The desired
+callbacks can just be passed into the constructor of this class, rather than
+requiring a new class to be manually defined. This class consumes the
+L<Term::Filter> role, so the rest of the documentation in that module applies
=attr callbacks
+A hashref of callbacks for L<Term::Filter>. The keys are
+L<callback names|Term::Filter/CALLBACKS> and the values are coderefs to call
+for those callbacks.
has callbacks => (