#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use Test::More; use Test::Handlebars; render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',


{{#with author}}

By {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

TEMPLATE { title => 'My first post!', author => { firstName => 'Charles', lastName => 'Jolley', }, }, <<'RENDERED',

My first post!

By Charles Jolley

RENDERED "with helper" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE', TEMPLATE { people => [ "Yehuda Katz", "Alan Johnson", "Charles Jolley", ], }, <<'RENDERED', RENDERED "each helper" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',
{{#if author}}

{{firstName}} {{lastName}}

RENDERED "if helper (false)" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',
{{#if author}}

{{firstName}} {{lastName}}

TEMPLATE { author => 1, firstName => "Yehuda", lastName => "Katz", }, <<'RENDERED',

Yehuda Katz

RENDERED "if helper (true)" ); { local $TODO = "unimplemented"; render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',
{{#if author}}

{{firstName}} {{lastName}}


Unknown Author


Unknown Author

RENDERED "if/else helper (false)" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',
{{#if author}}

{{firstName}} {{lastName}}


Unknown Author

TEMPLATE { author => 1, firstName => "Yehuda", lastName => "Katz", }, <<'RENDERED',

Yehuda Katz

RENDERED "if/else helper (true)" ); } render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',
{{#unless license}}

WARNING: This entry does not have a license!


WARNING: This entry does not have a license!

RENDERED "unless helper (false)" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',
{{#unless license}}

WARNING: This entry does not have a license!

TEMPLATE { license => 1, }, <<'RENDERED',
RENDERED "unless helper (true)" ); done_testing;