#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use Test::More; use Test::Handlebars; use Text::Xslate 'mark_raw'; render_ok( { helpers => { link => sub { my ($context, $object) = @_; return mark_raw( "" . $object->{text} . "" ); }, }, }, <<'TEMPLATE', {{{link story}}} TEMPLATE { story => { url => 'http://example.com/', text => "

It's an example!

", }, }, <<'RENDERED',

It's an example!

RENDERED "basic helpers" ); render_ok( { helpers => { link => sub { my ($context, $text, $url) = @_; return mark_raw( "" . $text . "" ); }, }, }, <<'TEMPLATE', {{{link "See more..." story.url}}} TEMPLATE { story => { url => 'http://example.com/', }, }, <<'RENDERED', See more... RENDERED "helpers with literal args" ); { local $TODO = "unimplemented"; render_ok( { helpers => { link => sub { my ($context, $text, $options) = @_; my @attrs; for my $key (sort keys %$options) { push @attrs, $key . '="' . $options->{$key} . '"'; } return mark_raw( "" . $text . "" ); }, }, }, <<'TEMPLATE', {{{link "See more..." href=story.url class="story"}}} TEMPLATE { story => { url => 'http://example.com/', }, }, <<'RENDERED', See more... RENDERED "helpers with literal args" ); } done_testing;