#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use Test::More; use Test::Handlebars; render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE', Shown. {{#nothin}} Never shown! {{/nothin}} TEMPLATE { person => 1, nothin => 0, }, <<'RENDERED', Shown. RENDERED "section with no value" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE', Shown. {{#nothin}} Never shown! {{/nothin}} TEMPLATE { person => 1, nothin => [], }, <<'RENDERED', Shown. RENDERED "section with no value" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE',

Today{{! ignore me }}.



RENDERED "comments" ); render_ok( '{{#l1}}{{#l2}}{{#l3}}{{l4}}{{/l3}}{{/l2}}{{/l1}}', { l1 => { l2 => { l3 => { l4 => 'FOO' } } } }, 'FOO', "multi-level nesting" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE', l1: {{#l1}} l2: {{#l2}} l3: {{#l3}} l4: {{l4}} {{/l3}} {{/l2}} {{/l1}} TEMPLATE { l1 => [ { l2 => { l3 => [ { l4 => 'FOO' }, { l4 => 'BAR' }, { l4 => 'BAZ' }, ], }, }, { l2 => { l3 => [ { l4 => 'foo' }, { l4 => 'bar' }, { l4 => 'baz' }, ], }, }, ], }, <<'RENDERED', l1: l2: l3: l4: FOO l4: BAR l4: BAZ l2: l3: l4: foo l4: bar l4: baz RENDERED "multi-level nesting" ); render_ok( <<'TEMPLATE', {{#name}} Name: {{name}} {{/name}} TEMPLATE { name => [ { name => 'foo' }, { name => 'bar' }, { name => 'baz' }, ], }, <<'RENDERED', Name: foo Name: bar Name: baz RENDERED "reusing variable names while nesting" ); done_testing;