use pty_process::Command as _; use smol::io::{AsyncReadExt as _, AsyncWriteExt as _}; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd as _; use textmode::TextmodeExt as _; pub struct RawGuard { termios: nix::sys::termios::Termios, } #[allow(clippy::new_without_default)] impl RawGuard { pub fn new() -> Self { let stdin = std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(); let termios = nix::sys::termios::tcgetattr(stdin).unwrap(); let mut termios_raw = termios.clone(); nix::sys::termios::cfmakeraw(&mut termios_raw); nix::sys::termios::tcsetattr( stdin, nix::sys::termios::SetArg::TCSANOW, &termios_raw, ) .unwrap(); Self { termios } } } impl Drop for RawGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { let stdin = std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd(); let _ = nix::sys::termios::tcsetattr( stdin, nix::sys::termios::SetArg::TCSANOW, &self.termios, ); } } enum Command { NewWindow, NextWindow, } enum Event { Input(Vec), Output, WindowExit(usize), Command(Command), } struct Window { child: std::sync::Arc, vt: std::sync::Arc>, screen: vt100::Screen, } struct State { windows: std::collections::BTreeMap, current_window: usize, next_window_id: usize, wevents: smol::channel::Sender, revents: smol::channel::Receiver, } impl State { fn new() -> Self { let (sender, receiver) = smol::channel::unbounded(); Self { windows: std::collections::BTreeMap::new(), current_window: 0, next_window_id: 0, wevents: sender, revents: receiver, } } fn current_window(&self) -> &Window { &[&self.current_window] } fn current_window_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Window { } fn next_window(&mut self) { self.current_window = self .windows .keys() .copied() .cycle() .skip_while(|&id| id < self.current_window) .nth(1) .unwrap(); } fn spawn_input_task(&self, ex: &smol::Executor<'_>) { let notify = self.wevents.clone(); ex.spawn(async move { let mut waiting_for_command = false; let mut stdin = smol::Unblock::new(std::io::stdin()); let mut buf = [0u8; 4096]; loop { match buf).await { Ok(bytes) => { waiting_for_command = Self::handle_input( &buf[..bytes], notify.clone(), waiting_for_command, ) .await; } Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}", e); break; } } } }) .detach(); } async fn new_window( &mut self, ex: &smol::Executor<'_>, notify: smol::channel::Sender, ) { let child = smol::process::Command::new("zsh") .spawn_pty(Some(&pty_process::Size::new(24, 80))) .unwrap(); let child = std::sync::Arc::new(child); let vt = vt100::Parser::new(24, 80, 0); let screen = vt.screen().clone(); let vt = std::sync::Arc::new(smol::lock::Mutex::new(vt)); let id = self.next_window_id; self.next_window_id += 1; let window = Window { child: child.clone(), vt: vt.clone(), screen, };, window); self.current_window = id; ex.spawn(async move { let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096]; loop { match child.pty().read(&mut buf).await { Ok(bytes) => { vt.lock_arc().await.process(&buf[..bytes]); notify.send(Event::Output).await.unwrap(); } Err(e) => { // EIO means that the process closed the other // end of the pty if e.raw_os_error() != Some(libc::EIO) { eprintln!("pty read failed: {:?}", e); } notify.send(Event::WindowExit(id)).await.unwrap(); break; } } } }) .detach(); } async fn handle_input( buf: &[u8], notify: smol::channel::Sender, mut waiting_for_command: bool, ) -> bool { let bytes = buf.len(); let mut real_buf = Vec::with_capacity(bytes); for &c in buf { if waiting_for_command { match c { // ^N 14 => { real_buf.push(c); } // c 99 => { notify .send(Event::Command(Command::NewWindow)) .await .unwrap(); } // n 110 => { notify .send(Event::Command(Command::NextWindow)) .await .unwrap(); } _ => {} } waiting_for_command = false; } else { match c { // ^N 14 => { if !real_buf.is_empty() { notify .send(Event::Input(real_buf.clone())) .await .unwrap(); real_buf.clear(); } waiting_for_command = true; } _ => { real_buf.push(c); } } } } if !real_buf.is_empty() { notify.send(Event::Input(real_buf.clone())).await.unwrap(); } return waiting_for_command; } async fn redraw_current_window(&self, tm: &mut textmode::Textmode) { let window = self.current_window(); tm.clear(); tm.write(&window.vt.lock_arc().await.screen().contents_formatted()); tm.refresh().await.unwrap(); } async fn update_current_window(&mut self, tm: &mut textmode::Textmode) { let window = self.current_window_mut(); let new_screen = window.vt.lock_arc().await.screen().clone(); let diff = new_screen.contents_diff(&window.screen); tm.write(&diff); tm.refresh().await.unwrap(); window.screen = new_screen; } } #[must_use] struct Tmux { _raw: RawGuard, tm: textmode::Textmode, state: State, } impl Tmux { async fn new() -> Self { let _raw = RawGuard::new(); let tm = textmode::Textmode::new().await.unwrap(); let state = State::new(); Self { _raw, tm, state } } async fn run(self, ex: &smol::Executor<'_>) { let Self { _raw, mut tm, mut state, } = self; state.new_window(ex, state.wevents.clone()).await; state.spawn_input_task(ex); { loop { match state.revents.recv().await { Ok(Event::Output) => { state.update_current_window(&mut tm).await; } Ok(Event::Input(buf)) => { state .current_window() .child .pty() .write_all(&buf) .await .unwrap(); } Ok(Event::WindowExit(id)) => { let mut dropped_window =; // i can get_mut because at this point the future // holding the other copy of child has already been // dropped std::sync::Arc::get_mut(&mut dropped_window.child) .unwrap() .status() .await .unwrap(); if { break; } if state.current_window == id { state.next_window() } state.redraw_current_window(&mut tm).await; } Ok(Event::Command(c)) => match c { Command::NewWindow => { state .new_window(&ex, state.wevents.clone()) .await; state.redraw_current_window(&mut tm).await; } Command::NextWindow => { state.next_window(); state.redraw_current_window(&mut tm).await; } }, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}", e); break; } } } }) .await; tm.cleanup().await.unwrap(); } } async fn async_main(ex: &smol::Executor<'_>) { let tmux = Tmux::new().await;; } fn main() { let ex = smol::Executor::new(); smol::block_on(async { async_main(&ex).await }) }