pub trait Output { fn cur(&self) -> &vt100::Parser; fn cur_mut(&mut self) -> &mut vt100::Parser; fn next(&self) -> &vt100::Parser; fn next_mut(&mut self) -> &mut vt100::Parser; fn write_u16(&mut self, i: u16) { // vt100::Parser::write can never fail itoa::write(self.next_mut(), i).unwrap_or_else(|_| unreachable!()); } fn write_u8(&mut self, i: u8) { // vt100::Parser::write can never fail itoa::write(self.next_mut(), i).unwrap_or_else(|_| unreachable!()); } } pub trait Input { fn buf(&self) -> &[u8]; fn buf_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8]; fn buf_mut_vec(&mut self) -> &mut Vec; fn consume(&mut self, n: usize); fn unconsume(&mut self, n: usize); fn buf_is_empty(&self) -> bool; fn buf_at_beginning(&self) -> bool; fn should_parse_utf8(&self) -> bool; fn should_parse_ctrl(&self) -> bool; fn should_parse_meta(&self) -> bool; fn should_parse_special_keys(&self) -> bool; fn should_parse_single(&self) -> bool; fn try_read_string(&mut self) -> Option { if !self.should_parse_utf8() { return None; } let prefix: Vec<_> = self .buf() .iter() .copied() .take_while(|&c| matches!(c, 32..=126 | 128..=247)) .collect(); if !prefix.is_empty() { match std::string::String::from_utf8_lossy(&prefix) { std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(s) => { self.consume(s.len()); return Some(crate::Key::String(s.to_string())); } std::borrow::Cow::Owned(mut s) => { for (i, window) in s.as_bytes().windows(3).enumerate() { if window == [0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd] { if i > 0 { self.consume(i); s.truncate(i); return Some(crate::Key::String(s)); } // not quite correct, but figuring out how to // take only the invalid utf8 seems hard (and // this should come up very rarely) self.consume(prefix.len()); return Some(crate::Key::Bytes(prefix)); } } self.consume(s.len()); return Some(crate::Key::String(s)); } } } None } fn try_read_bytes(&mut self) -> Option { #[allow(clippy::match_same_arms)] let prefix: Vec<_> = self .buf() .iter() .copied() .take_while(|&c| match c { 0 => true, 1..=26 => !self.should_parse_ctrl(), 27 => { !self.should_parse_meta() && !self.should_parse_special_keys() } 28..=31 => true, 32..=126 => !self.should_parse_utf8(), 127 => !self.should_parse_special_keys(), 128..=247 => !self.should_parse_utf8(), 248..=255 => true, }) .collect(); if !prefix.is_empty() { self.consume(prefix.len()); return Some(crate::Key::Bytes(prefix)); } None } fn normalize_to_bytes(&self, key: crate::Key) -> crate::Key { if let crate::Key::Byte(c) = key { crate::Key::Bytes(vec![c]) } else { key } } fn read_single_key(&mut self) -> Option { match self.getc() { Some(0) => Some(crate::Key::Byte(0)), Some(c @ 1..=26) => { if self.should_parse_ctrl() { Some(crate::Key::Ctrl(b'a' + c - 1)) } else { Some(crate::Key::Byte(c)) } } Some(27) => { if self.should_parse_meta() || self.should_parse_special_keys() { self.read_escape_sequence() } else { Some(crate::Key::Byte(27)) } } Some(c @ 28..=31) => Some(crate::Key::Byte(c)), Some(c @ 32..=126) => { if self.should_parse_utf8() { Some(crate::Key::Char(char::from(c))) } else { Some(crate::Key::Byte(c)) } } Some(127) => { if self.should_parse_special_keys() { Some(crate::Key::Backspace) } else { Some(crate::Key::Byte(127)) } } Some(c @ 128..=255) => { if self.should_parse_utf8() { self.read_utf8_char(c) } else { Some(crate::Key::Byte(c)) } } None => None, } } fn read_escape_sequence(&mut self) -> Option { enum EscapeState { Escape, Csi(Vec), Ckm, } let mut seen = vec![b'\x1b']; macro_rules! fail { () => {{ for &c in seen.iter().skip(1).rev() { self.ungetc(c); } if self.should_parse_special_keys() { return Some(crate::Key::Escape); } return Some(crate::Key::Byte(27)); }}; } macro_rules! next_byte { () => { match self.getc() { Some(c) => c, None => { fail!() } } }; } let mut state = EscapeState::Escape; loop { let c = next_byte!(); seen.push(c); match state { EscapeState::Escape => match c { b'[' => { if self.should_parse_special_keys() { state = EscapeState::Csi(vec![]); } else { fail!() } } b'O' => { if self.should_parse_special_keys() { state = EscapeState::Ckm; } else { fail!() } } b' '..=b'N' | b'P'..=b'Z' | b'\\'..=b'~' => { if self.should_parse_meta() { return Some(crate::Key::Meta(c)); } fail!() } _ => fail!(), }, EscapeState::Csi(ref mut param) => match c { b'A' => return Some(crate::Key::Up), b'B' => return Some(crate::Key::Down), b'C' => return Some(crate::Key::Right), b'D' => return Some(crate::Key::Left), b'H' => return Some(crate::Key::Home), b'F' => return Some(crate::Key::End), b'0'..=b'9' => param.push(c), b'~' => match param.as_slice() { [b'2'] => return Some(crate::Key::Insert), [b'3'] => return Some(crate::Key::Delete), [b'5'] => return Some(crate::Key::PageUp), [b'6'] => return Some(crate::Key::PageDown), [b'1', b'5'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(5)), [b'1', b'7'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(6)), [b'1', b'8'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(7)), [b'1', b'9'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(8)), [b'2', b'0'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(9)), [b'2', b'1'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(10)), [b'2', b'3'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(11)), [b'2', b'4'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(12)), [b'2', b'5'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(13)), [b'2', b'6'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(14)), [b'2', b'8'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(15)), [b'2', b'9'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(16)), [b'3', b'1'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(17)), [b'3', b'2'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(18)), [b'3', b'3'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(19)), [b'3', b'4'] => return Some(crate::Key::F(20)), _ => fail!(), }, _ => fail!(), }, EscapeState::Ckm => match c { b'A' => return Some(crate::Key::KeypadUp), b'B' => return Some(crate::Key::KeypadDown), b'C' => return Some(crate::Key::KeypadRight), b'D' => return Some(crate::Key::KeypadLeft), b'P' => return Some(crate::Key::F(1)), b'Q' => return Some(crate::Key::F(2)), b'R' => return Some(crate::Key::F(3)), b'S' => return Some(crate::Key::F(4)), _ => fail!(), }, } } } fn read_utf8_char(&mut self, initial: u8) -> Option { let mut buf = vec![initial]; macro_rules! fail { () => {{ for &c in buf.iter().skip(1).rev() { self.ungetc(c); } return Some(crate::Key::Byte(initial)); }}; } macro_rules! next_byte { () => { match self.getc() { Some(c) => { if (0b1000_0000..=0b1011_1111).contains(&c) { c } else { self.ungetc(c); fail!() } } None => return None, } }; } match initial { 0b0000_0000..=0b0111_1111 => {} 0b1100_0000..=0b1101_1111 => { buf.push(next_byte!()); } 0b1110_0000..=0b1110_1111 => { buf.push(next_byte!()); buf.push(next_byte!()); } 0b1111_0000..=0b1111_0111 => { buf.push(next_byte!()); buf.push(next_byte!()); buf.push(next_byte!()); } _ => fail!(), } match std::string::String::from_utf8(buf) { Ok(s) => Some(crate::Key::Char( // buf always contains at least the initial character, and we // have already done the parsing to ensure that it contains a // valid utf8 character before getting here s.chars().next().unwrap_or_else(|| unreachable!()), )), Err(e) => { buf = e.into_bytes(); fail!() } } } fn getc(&mut self) -> Option { self.buf().get(0).copied().map(|c| { self.consume(1); c }) } fn ungetc(&mut self, c: u8) { if self.buf_at_beginning() { self.buf_mut_vec().insert(0, c); } else { self.unconsume(1); *self.buf_mut().get_mut(0).unwrap() = c; } } #[allow(clippy::match_same_arms)] fn expected_leading_utf8_bytes(&self, c: u8) -> usize { match c { 0b0000_0000..=0b0111_1111 => 1, 0b1100_0000..=0b1101_1111 => 2, 0b1110_0000..=0b1110_1111 => 3, 0b1111_0000..=0b1111_0111 => 4, _ => 1, } } }