//! Implements a stream of terminal resize events. //! //! # Overview //! //! Whenever the user resizes their terminal, a notification is sent to the //! application running in it. This crate provides those notifications in the //! form of a stream. //! //! # Synopsis //! //! ``` //! # use futures::future::Future as _; //! # use futures::stream::Stream as _; //! let stream = tokio_terminal_resize::resizes().flatten_stream(); //! let prog = stream //! .for_each(|(rows, cols)| { //! println!("terminal is now {}x{}", cols, rows); //! Ok(()) //! }) //! .map_err(|e| eprintln!("error: {}", e)); //! tokio::run(prog); //! ``` #![warn(clippy::pedantic)] #![warn(clippy::nursery)] use futures::future::Future as _; use futures::stream::Stream as _; use snafu::futures01::FutureExt as _; use snafu::futures01::StreamExt as _; use snafu::ResultExt as _; use std::convert::TryInto as _; /// Errors returned by this crate. #[derive(Debug, snafu::Snafu)] pub enum Error { /// failed to get terminal size #[snafu(display("failed to get terminal size"))] GetTerminalSize, /// invalid terminal size found #[snafu(display("invalid terminal size found: {}", source))] InvalidTerminalSize { source: std::num::TryFromIntError }, /// SIGWINCH handler failed #[snafu(display("SIGWINCH handler failed: {}", source))] SigWinchHandler { source: std::io::Error }, } /// Creates a stream which receives the new terminal size every time the /// user's terminal is resized. pub fn resizes() -> ResizeFuture { ResizeFuture::default() } /// Future which sets up the terminal size stream pub struct ResizeFuture { stream_fut: Box< dyn futures::future::Future + Send, >, } impl Default for ResizeFuture { fn default() -> Self { let stream_fut = tokio_signal::unix::Signal::new( tokio_signal::unix::libc::SIGWINCH, ) .context(SigWinchHandler) .and_then(|stream| { futures::future::ok(ResizeStream { winches: Box::new( stream.map(|_| ()).context(SigWinchHandler), ), sent_initial_size: false, }) }); Self { stream_fut: Box::new(stream_fut), } } } #[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"] impl futures::future::Future for ResizeFuture { type Item = ResizeStream; type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll { self.stream_fut.poll() } } /// Stream which returns the new terminal size every time it changes pub struct ResizeStream { winches: Box + Send>, sent_initial_size: bool, } #[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"] impl futures::stream::Stream for ResizeStream { type Item = (u16, u16); type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll, Self::Error> { if !self.sent_initial_size { self.sent_initial_size = true; return Ok(futures::Async::Ready(Some(term_size()?))); } futures::try_ready!(self.winches.poll()); Ok(futures::Async::Ready(Some(term_size()?))) } } fn term_size() -> Result<(u16, u16), Error> { if let Some((cols, rows)) = term_size::dimensions() { Ok(( rows.try_into().context(InvalidTerminalSize)?, cols.try_into().context(InvalidTerminalSize)?, )) } else { Err(Error::GetTerminalSize) } }