" Base {{{ function Foldtext_base(...) " use the argument for display if possible, otherwise the current line {{{ if a:0 > 0 let line = a:1 else let line = getline(v:foldstart) endif " }}} " remove the marker that caused this fold from the display {{{ let foldmarkers = split(&foldmarker, ',') let line = substitute(line, '\V' . foldmarkers[0] . '\%(\d\+\)\?', ' ', '') " }}} " remove comments that vim knows about {{{ let comment = split(&commentstring, '%s') if comment[0] != '' let comment_begin = comment[0] let comment_end = '' if len(comment) > 1 let comment_end = comment[1] end let pattern = '\V' . comment_begin . '\s\*' . comment_end . '\s\*\$' if line =~ pattern let line = substitute(line, pattern, ' ', '') else let line = substitute(line, '.*\V' . comment_begin, ' ', '') if comment_end != '' let line = substitute(line, '\V' . comment_end, ' ', '') endif endif endif " }}} " remove any remaining leading or trailing whitespace {{{ let line = substitute(line, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') " }}} " align everything, and pad the end of the display with - {{{ let line = printf('%-' . (62 - v:foldlevel) . 's', line) let line = strpart(line, 0, 62 - v:foldlevel) let line = substitute(line, '\%( \)\@<= \%( *$\)\@=', '-', 'g') " }}} " format the line count {{{ let cnt = printf('%13s', '(' . (v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1) . ' lines) ') " }}} return '+-' . v:folddashes . ' ' . line . cnt endfunction " }}} " Latex {{{ let s:latex_types = {'thm': 'Theorem', 'cor': 'Corollary', \ 'lem': 'Lemma', 'defn': 'Definition'} function s:lower_letter(i) " {{{ return tolower(s:upper_letter(a:i)) endfunction " }}} function s:roman_numeral(i) " {{{ let numeral = '' let chars = 'ivxlcdm' let i = a:i for base in [0, 2, 4] let c1 = strpart(chars, base, 1) let c5 = strpart(chars, base + 1, 1) let c10 = strpart(chars, base + 2, 1) let digit = i % 10 if digit == 1 let numeral = c1 . numeral elseif digit == 2 let numeral = c1 . c1 . numeral elseif digit == 3 let numeral = c1 . c1 . c1 . numeral elseif digit == 4 let numeral = c1 . c5 . numeral elseif digit == 5 let numeral = c5 . numeral elseif digit == 6 let numeral = c5 . c1 . numeral elseif digit == 7 let numeral = c5 . c1 . c1 . numeral elseif digit == 8 let numeral = c5 . c1 . c1 . c1 . numeral elseif digit == 9 let numeral = c1 . c10 . numeral endif let i = i / 10 if i == 0 break end endfor return repeat('m', i) . numeral endfunction " }}} function s:upper_letter(i) " {{{ if a:i <= 26 return nr2char(char2nr('A') + a:i - 1) else return 'ERROR' endif endfunction " }}} function s:enumeration(depth, index) " {{{ if a:depth == 0 return a:index + 1 elseif a:depth == 1 return '(' . s:lower_letter(a:index + 1) . ')' elseif a:depth == 2 return s:roman_numeral(a:index + 1) elseif a:depth == 3 return s:upper_letter(a:index + 1) else return 'Error: invalid depth' endif endfunction " }}} function Foldtext_latex() " {{{ let line = getline(v:foldstart) " format theorems/etc nicely {{{ let matches = matchlist(line, '\\begin{\([^}]*\)}') if !empty(matches) && has_key(s:latex_types, matches[1]) let type = s:latex_types[matches[1]] let label = '' let linenum = v:foldstart - 1 while linenum <= v:foldend let linenum += 1 let line = getline(linenum) let matches = matchlist(line, '\\label{\([^}]*\)}') if !empty(matches) let label = matches[1] break endif endwhile if label != '' let label = ": " . label endif return Foldtext_base(type . label) endif " }}} " format list items nicely {{{ " XXX: nesting different types of lists doesn't give quite the correct " result - an enumerate inside an itemize inside an enumerate should use " (a), but here it will go back to using 1. if line =~ '\\item' let item_name = [] let item_depth = 0 let nesting = 0 let type = '' for linenum in range(v:foldstart, 0, -1) let line = getline(linenum) if line =~ '\\item' if nesting == 0 let label = matchstr(line, '\\item\[\zs[^]]*\ze\]') if len(item_name) == item_depth if label != '' let item_name += [label] else let item_name += [0] endif else if type(item_name[item_depth]) == type(0) && label == '' let item_name[item_depth] += 1 endif endif endif elseif line =~ '\\begin{document}' break elseif line =~ '\\begin' if nesting > 0 let nesting -= 1 else let new_type = matchstr(line, '\\begin{\zs[^}]*\ze}') if type == '' let type = new_type elseif type != new_type let item_name = item_name[0:-2] break endif let item_depth += 1 endif elseif line =~ '\\end' let nesting += 1 endif endfor " XXX: vim crashes if i just reverse the actual list " should be fixed in patch 7.1.287 "let item_name = reverse(item_name) let item_name = reverse(deepcopy(item_name)) for i in range(len(item_name)) if type(item_name[i]) != type('') let item_name[i] = s:enumeration(i, item_name[i]) endif endfor let type = toupper(strpart(type, 0, 1)) . strpart(type, 1) let line = type . ': ' . join(item_name, '.') return Foldtext_base(line) endif " }}} return Foldtext_base(line) endfunction " }}} " }}} " C++ {{{ function Foldtext_cpp() let line = getline(v:foldstart) " strip out // comments {{{ let block_open = stridx(line, '/*') let line_open = stridx(line, '//') if block_open == -1 || line_open < block_open return Foldtext_base(substitute(line, '//', ' ', '')) endif " }}} return Foldtext_base(line) endfunction " }}} " Perl {{{ function Foldtext_perl() let line = getline(v:foldstart) " format sub names with their arguments {{{ let matches = matchlist(line, \ '^\s*\(sub\|around\|before\|after\|guard\)\s*\(\w\+\)') if !empty(matches) let linenum = v:foldstart - 1 let sub_type = matches[1] let params = [] while linenum <= v:foldend let linenum += 1 let next_line = getline(linenum) " skip the opening brace and comment lines and blank lines if next_line =~ '\s*{\s*' || next_line =~ '^\s*#' || next_line == '' continue endif " handle 'my $var = shift;' type lines let var = '\%(\$\|@\|%\|\*\)\w\+' let shift_line = matchlist(next_line, \ 'my\s*\(' . var . '\)\s*=\s*shift\%(\s*||\s*\(.\{-}\)\)\?;') if !empty(shift_line) if shift_line[1] == '$self' && empty(params) if sub_type == 'sub' let sub_type = '' endif let sub_type .= ' method' elseif shift_line[1] == '$class' && empty(params) if sub_type == 'sub' let sub_type = '' endif let sub_type .= ' static method' elseif shift_line[1] != '$orig' let arg = shift_line[1] " also catch default arguments if shift_line[2] != '' let arg .= ' = ' . shift_line[2] endif let params += [l:arg] endif continue endif " handle 'my ($a, $b) = @_;' type lines let rest_line = matchlist(next_line, 'my\s*(\(.*\))\s*=\s*@_;') if !empty(rest_line) let rest_params = split(rest_line[1], ',\s*') let params += rest_params continue endif " handle 'my @args = @_;' type lines let array_line = matchlist(next_line, 'my\s*\(@\w\+\)\s*=\s*@_;') if !empty(array_line) let params += [array_line[1]] continue endif " handle 'my %args = @_;' type lines let hash_line = matchlist(next_line, 'my\s*%\w\+\s*=\s*@_;') if !empty(hash_line) let params += ['paramhash'] continue endif " handle unknown uses of shift if next_line =~ '\%(\\%(\s*@\)\@!\)' let params += ['$unknown'] continue endif " handle unknown uses of @_ if next_line =~ '@_\>' let params += ['@unknown'] continue endif endwhile let params = filter(params[0:-2], 'strpart(v:val, 0, 1) != "@"') + \ [params[-1]] return Foldtext_base(sub_type . ' ' . matches[2] . \ '(' . join(params, ', ') . ')') endif " }}} return Foldtext_base(line) endfunction " }}} if exists("g:Foldtext_enable") && g:Foldtext_enable set foldtext=Foldtext_base() endif if exists("g:Foldtext_tex_enable") && g:Foldtext_tex_enable autocmd FileType tex setlocal foldtext=Foldtext_latex() endif if exists("g:Foldtext_cpp_enable") && g:Foldtext_cpp_enable autocmd FileType cpp setlocal foldtext=Foldtext_cpp() endif if exists("g:Foldtext_perl_enable") && g:Foldtext_perl_enable autocmd FileType perl setlocal foldtext=Foldtext_perl() endif