function s:read_skeleton(pattern) set modifiable " the skeleton file should be a file in ~/.vim/skeletons that matches the " glob pattern of files that it should be loaded for let skeleton_file = glob("~/.vim/skeletons/".a:pattern) " read leaves a blank line at the top of the file exe "silent read ".skeleton_file." | normal ggdd" let lines = getline(1, "$") normal ggdG for line in lines " sigh... this is *so* dumb let remove_extra_line = 0 if line('$') == 1 && col('$') == 1 let remove_extra_line = 1 endif " lines starting with :: will start with a literal : if line =~ '^::' call append(line('$'), strpart(line, 1)) normal G if remove_extra_line normal ggdd endif " lines not starting with a : will just be appended literally elseif line !~ '^:' call append(line('$'), line) normal G if remove_extra_line normal ggdd endif else exe line endif endfor redraw endfunction function Skeleton(pattern) exe "autocmd BufNewFile ".a:pattern." silent call s:read_skeleton(\"".a:pattern."\")" endfunction