From 4a51de214ad742d5b5d007e44bb18e794fbf3109 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shawn M Moore Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 13:14:59 -0500 Subject: Import my vimrc. woot. --- vimrc | 350 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 350 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vimrc diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3da069f --- /dev/null +++ b/vimrc @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +" vim:foldmethod=marker commentstring="%s + +" General options {{{ +" Miscellaneous {{{ +" fuck vi! long live vim! +set nocompatible + +" indentation FTW.. also plugins FTW! heh +filetype indent plugin on + +" automatically flush to disk when using :make, etc. +set autowrite +"}}} +" Display {{{ +" color! +syntax on + +" lines, cols in status line +set ruler + +" current mode in status line +set showmode + +" display the number of (characters|lines) in visual mode, also cur command +set showcmd + +" a - terse messages (like [+] instead of [Modified] +" t - truncate file names +" I - no intro message when starting vim fileless +set shortmess=atI + +" no extra status lines +set laststatus=0 + +" display as much of the last line as possible if it's really long +" also display unprintable characters as hex +set display=lastline,uhex + +" give three lines of context when moving the cursor around +set scrolloff=3 + +" don't redraw the screen during macros etc (NetHack's runmode:teleport) +set lazyredraw + +" highlight all matches, we'll see if this works with a different hilight +set hlsearch + +" highlight matching parens for .2s +set showmatch +set matchtime=2 + +" threshold for reporting number of lines changed +set report=0 + +" highlight advanced perl vars inside strings +let perl_extended_vars=1 + +" POD! +let perl_include_pod=1 + +" I generally don't want to have to space through things.. :) +set nomore +"}}} +" Improve power of commands {{{ +" incremental search! +set incsearch + +" make tilde (flip case) an operator +set tildeop + +" backspace over autoindent, end of line (to join lines), and preexisting test +set backspace=indent,eol,start + +" add the dictionary to tab completion +set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words +set complete+=k + +" tab completion in ex mode +set wildmenu + +" when doing tab completion, ignore files with any of the following extensions +set wildignore+=.log,.out,.o + +" remember lotsa fun stuff +set viminfo=!,'1000,f1,/1000,:1000,<1000,@1000,h,n~/.viminfo + +" add : as a file-name character (mostly for Perl's mod::ules) +set isfname+=: +"}}} +" Make vim less whiny {{{ +" :bn with a change in the current buffer? no prob! +set hidden + +" no bells whatsoever +set vb t_vb= + +" if you :q with changes it asks you if you want to continue or not +set confirm + +" 100 milliseconds for escape timeout instead of 1000 +set ttimeoutlen=100 +"}}} +" Indentation {{{ +" no-longer skinny tabs! +set tabstop=4 + +" set to the same as tabstop (see #4 in :help tabstop) +set shiftwidth=4 + +" if it looks like a tab, we can delete it like a tab +set softtabstop=4 + +" no tabs! spaces only.. +set expandtab + +" < and > will hit indentation levels instead of always -4/+4 +set shiftround + +" new line has indentation equal to previous line +set autoindent + +" braces affect autoindentation +set smartindent + +" figure out indent when ; is pressed +set cinkeys+=; + +" align break with case in a switch +set cinoptions+=b1 +"}}} +" Folding {{{ +" fold only when I ask for it damnit! +set foldmethod=marker + +" close a fold when I leave it +set foldclose=all +"}}} +" Tags {{{ +set tags+='./.tags,.tags' " add .tags files +set tags+='./../tags,../tags,./../.tags,../.tags' " look in the level above +"}}} +"}}} + +" Colors {{{ +" miscellaneous {{{ +set bg=light +" }}} +" word completion menu {{{ +highlight Pmenu ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue +highlight PmenuSel ctermfg=red ctermbg=darkblue +highlight PmenuSbar ctermbg=cyan +highlight PmenuThumb ctermfg=red + +highlight WildMenu ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue +"}}} +" folding {{{ +highlight Folded ctermbg=black ctermfg=darkgreen +"}}} +" hlsearch {{{ +highlight Search NONE ctermfg=lightred +"}}} +"}}} + +" Autocommands {{{ +" When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position {{{ +autocmd BufReadPost * +\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | +\ exe "normal g`\"" | +\ endif +"}}} +" Skeletons {{{ +autocmd BufNewFile *.pl silent 0read ~/.vim/skeletons/ | normal G +autocmd BufNewFile *.pm silent 0read ~/.vim/skeletons/ | normal G3k +autocmd BufNewFile *.c silent 0read ~/.vim/skeletons/c.c | normal 4j$ +autocmd BufNewFile *.hs silent 0read ~/.vim/skeletons/haskell.hs | normal Gk$ +"}}} +" Auto +x {{{ +au BufWritePost *.sh !chmod +x % +au BufWritePost *.pl !chmod +x % +"}}} +" Automatically distribute my vimrc to the servers I use {{{ +autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc !scp ~/.vimrc +autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc !scp ~/.vimrc +autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vim/skeletons/* !scp % +autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vim/skeletons/* !scp % +"}}} +" Perl {{{ +autocmd FileType perl setlocal makeprg=$VIMRUNTIME/tools/\ -c\ %\ $* +autocmd FileType perl setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:%m +autocmd FileType perl setlocal keywordprg=perldoc\ -f +"}}} +"}}} + +" Insert-mode remappings/abbreviations {{{ +" Hit in insert mode after a bad paste (thanks absolon) {{{ +inoremap u:set paste.:set nopastegi +"}}} +" Words I misspell.. {{{ +iabbrev lamdba lambda +"}}} + +" Normal-mode remappings {{{ +" spacebar (in command mode) inserts a single character before the cursor +nmap i r + +" have Y behave analogously to D rather than to dd +nmap Y y$ + +nnoremap \\ \ +nmap \/ :nohl +nmap \s :syntax sync fromstart +nmap \m :set syn=mason:syntax sync fromstart +nmap \n :set invnumber +nmap \c :make + +" darcs convenience mappings {{{ +nmap \da :execute 'w !darcs add %' +nmap \dA :execute 'wa !darcs amend-record' +nmap \dr :execute 'wa !darcs record' +nmap \dR :execute 'w !darcs record %' +nmap \dn :execute 'wa !darcs whatsnew less' +nmap \dN :execute 'w !darcs whatsnew % less' +nmap \dd :execute 'wa !darcs diff -u less' +nmap \dD :execute 'w !darcs diff -u % less' +nmap \dc :execute '!darcs changes less' +nmap \dqm :execute '!darcs query manifest less' +nmap \dt :execute '!darcs tag' +nmap \dp :execute '!darcs push' +nmap \du :execute '!darcs unrecord' +nmap \db :execute "w :execute '!darcs revert %' :execute 'e'" +nmap \dB :execute "w :execute '!darcs unrevert %' :execute 'e'" +"}}} + +" testing mappings +autocmd FileType perl nnoremap \t :execute 'wa !prove -l t 1>/dev/null' +autocmd FileType perl nnoremap \T :execute 'wa !prove -lv t' + +nmap :bn +nmap :bp + +autocmd FileType help nnoremap +autocmd FileType help nnoremap + +" damnit cbus, you've won me over +vnoremap < >gv +" Make the tab key useful {{{ +function TabWrapper() + if strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1) =~ '^\s*$' + return "\" + elseif exists('&omnifunc') && &omnifunc != '' + return "\\" + else + return "\" + endif +endfunction +imap =TabWrapper() +"}}} +" Painless spell checking (F11) {{{ +function s:spell() + if !exists("s:spell_check") || s:spell_check == 0 + echo "Spell check on" + let s:spell_check = 1 + setlocal spell spelllang=en_us + else + echo "Spell check off" + let s:spell_check = 0 + setlocal spell spelllang= + endif +endfunction +map :call spell() +imap :call spell() +"}}} +"}}} + +" Text object ('i,' and 'a,') for function parameters {{{ +" Notes: +" * "i," can't be used to select several parameters with several uses of +" "i," ; use "a," instead (-> va,a,a,). This is because of single +" letter parameters. +" However, "v2i," works perfectly. +" * Vim7+ only +" * The following should be resistant to &magic, and other mappings +onoremap i, :call SelectParam(1,0) +xnoremap i, :call SelectParam(1,1)gv +onoremap a, :call SelectParam(0,0) +xnoremap a, :call SelectParam(0,1)gv + +function! s:SelectParam(inner, visual) + let pos = getpos('.') + if a:visual ==1 && s:CurChar("'>") =~ '[(,]' + normal! gvl + else + let b = searchpair('\V(\zs','\V,\zs','\V)','bcW','s:Skip()') + if 0 == b + throw "Not on a parameter" + endif + normal! v + endif + let cnt = v:count <= 0 ? 1 : v:count + + while cnt > 0 + let cnt -= 1 + let e = searchpair('\V(', '\V,','\V)', 'W','s:Skip()') + if 0 == e + exe "normal! \" + call setpos('.', pos) + throw "Not on a parameter2" + endif + if cnt > 0 + normal! l + endif + endwhile + if a:inner == 1 + normal! h + endif +endfunction + +function! s:CurChar(char) + let c = getline(a:char)[col(a:char)-1] + return c +endfunction + +func! s:Skip() + return synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0),'name') =~? + \ 'string\|comment\|character\|doxygen' +endfun +" }}} + +" Plugin configuration {{{ +" Rainbowy parens, braces, and brackets {{{ +let g:rainbow = 1 +let g:rainbow_nested = 1 +let g:rainbow_paren = 1 +let g:rainbow_brace = 1 +let g:rainbow_bracket = 1 +"autocmd BufReadPost * source $HOME/.vim/rainbow_paren.vim +"autocmd BufNewFile * source $HOME/.vim/rainbow_paren.vim +"}}} +" YankRing {{{ +"let g:yankring_n_keys = 'yy,dd,cc,yw,dw,cw,ye,de,ce,yE,dE,cE,yiw,diw,ciw,yaw,daw,caw,y$,d$,c$,Y,D,C,yG,dG,cG,ygg,dgg,cgg,yi{,di{,ci{,ya{,da{,ca{,yip,dip,cip,yap,dap,cap,yi(,di(,ci(,ya(,da(,ca(,yi/,di/,ci/,ya/,da/,ca/,yi[,di[,ci[,ya[,da[,ca[,yW,dW,cW,yit,dit,cit,yat,dat,cat,yi<,di<,ci<,ya<,da<,ca<' +let g:yankring_n_keys = 'yy,dd,yw,dw,ye,de,yE,dE,yiw,diw,yaw,daw,y$,d$,Y,D,yG,dG,ygg,dgg,yi{,di{,ya{,da{,yip,dip,yap,dap,yi(,di(,ya(,da(,yi/,di/,ya/,da/,yi[,di[,ya[,da[,yW,dW,yit,dit,yat,dat,yi<,di<,ya<,da<' + +function! YRRunAfterMaps() + nnoremap Y :YRYankCount 'y$' +endfunction +" }}} +"}}} +" }}} + -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf