use std::convert::TryInto as _; const DEFAULT_MULTI_PARAMS: &[i64] = &[0]; #[derive(enumset::EnumSetType, Debug)] enum Output { AudibleBell, VisualBell, } #[derive(enumset::EnumSetType, Debug)] enum Mode { KeypadApplication, ApplicationCursor, HideCursor, BracketedPaste, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum MouseProtocolMode { None, Press, PressRelease, // Highlight, ButtonMotion, AnyMotion, // DecLocator, } impl Default for MouseProtocolMode { fn default() -> Self { Self::None } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] enum MouseProtocolEncoding { Default, Utf8, Sgr, // Urxvt, } impl Default for MouseProtocolEncoding { fn default() -> Self { Self::Default } } struct State { grid: crate::grid::Grid, alternate_grid: crate::grid::Grid, use_alternate_grid: bool, attrs: crate::attrs::Attrs, title: String, icon_name: String, outputs: enumset::EnumSet, modes: enumset::EnumSet, mouse_protocol_mode: MouseProtocolMode, mouse_protocol_encoding: MouseProtocolEncoding, } impl State { fn new(rows: u16, cols: u16) -> Self { let size = crate::grid::Size { rows, cols }; Self { grid: crate::grid::Grid::new(size), alternate_grid: crate::grid::Grid::new(size), use_alternate_grid: false, attrs: crate::attrs::Attrs::default(), title: String::default(), icon_name: String::default(), outputs: enumset::EnumSet::default(), modes: enumset::EnumSet::default(), mouse_protocol_mode: MouseProtocolMode::default(), mouse_protocol_encoding: MouseProtocolEncoding::default(), } } fn new_grid(&self) -> crate::grid::Grid { crate::grid::Grid::new(*self.grid().size()) } fn grid(&self) -> &crate::grid::Grid { if self.use_alternate_grid { &self.alternate_grid } else { &self.grid } } fn grid_mut(&mut self) -> &mut crate::grid::Grid { if self.use_alternate_grid { &mut self.alternate_grid } else { &mut self.grid } } fn row(&self, pos: crate::grid::Pos) -> Option<&crate::row::Row> { self.grid().row(pos) } fn cell(&self, pos: crate::grid::Pos) -> Option<&crate::cell::Cell> { self.grid().cell(pos) } fn cell_mut( &mut self, pos: crate::grid::Pos, ) -> Option<&mut crate::cell::Cell> { self.grid_mut().cell_mut(pos) } fn current_cell_mut(&mut self) -> &mut crate::cell::Cell { self.grid_mut().current_cell_mut() } fn enter_alternate_grid(&mut self) { self.use_alternate_grid = true; } fn exit_alternate_grid(&mut self) { self.use_alternate_grid = false; } fn set_output(&mut self, output: Output) { self.outputs.insert(output); } fn clear_output(&mut self, output: Output) { self.outputs.remove(output); } fn check_output(&mut self, output: Output) -> bool { let ret = self.outputs.contains(output); self.clear_output(output); ret } fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode) { self.modes.insert(mode); } fn clear_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode) { self.modes.remove(mode); } fn mode(&self, mode: Mode) -> bool { self.modes.contains(mode) } fn set_mouse_mode(&mut self, mode: MouseProtocolMode) { self.mouse_protocol_mode = mode; } fn clear_mouse_mode(&mut self, mode: MouseProtocolMode) { if self.mouse_protocol_mode == mode { self.mouse_protocol_mode = MouseProtocolMode::default(); } } fn set_mouse_encoding(&mut self, encoding: MouseProtocolEncoding) { self.mouse_protocol_encoding = encoding; } fn clear_mouse_encoding(&mut self, encoding: MouseProtocolEncoding) { if self.mouse_protocol_encoding == encoding { self.mouse_protocol_encoding = MouseProtocolEncoding::default(); } } } impl State { fn text(&mut self, c: char) { let pos = *self.grid().pos(); if pos.col > 0 { let prev_cell = self .cell_mut(crate::grid::Pos { row: pos.row, col: pos.col - 1, }) .unwrap(); if prev_cell.is_wide() { prev_cell.reset(); } } let width = crate::unicode::char_width(c); let attrs = self.attrs; self.grid_mut().col_wrap(width); let cell = self.current_cell_mut(); if width == 0 { if pos.col > 0 { let prev_cell = self .cell_mut(crate::grid::Pos { row: pos.row, col: pos.col - 1, }) .unwrap(); prev_cell.append(c); } else if pos.row > 0 { let prev_row = self .row(crate::grid::Pos { row: pos.row - 1, col: 0, }) .unwrap(); if prev_row.wrapped() { let prev_cell = self .cell_mut(crate::grid::Pos { row: pos.row - 1, col: self.grid().size().cols - 1, }) .unwrap(); prev_cell.append(c); } } } else { cell.set(c.to_string(), attrs); self.grid_mut().col_inc(width); } } // control codes fn bel(&mut self) { self.set_output(Output::AudibleBell); } fn bs(&mut self) { // XXX is this correct? is backwards wrapping a thing? self.grid_mut().col_dec(1); } fn tab(&mut self) { self.grid_mut().col_tab(); } fn lf(&mut self) { self.grid_mut().row_inc_scroll(1); } fn vt(&mut self) { self.lf(); } fn ff(&mut self) { self.lf(); } fn cr(&mut self) { self.grid_mut().col_set(0); } // escape codes // ESC 7 fn decsc(&mut self) { self.grid_mut().save_pos(); } // ESC 8 fn decrc(&mut self) { self.grid_mut().restore_pos(); } // ESC = fn deckpam(&mut self) { self.set_mode(Mode::KeypadApplication); } // ESC > fn deckpnm(&mut self) { self.clear_mode(Mode::KeypadApplication); } // ESC M fn ri(&mut self) { self.grid_mut().row_dec_scroll(1); } // ESC c fn ris(&mut self) { self.grid = self.new_grid(); self.alternate_grid = self.new_grid(); self.use_alternate_grid = false; self.attrs = crate::attrs::Attrs::default(); self.modes = enumset::EnumSet::default(); self.mouse_protocol_mode = MouseProtocolMode::default(); self.mouse_protocol_encoding = MouseProtocolEncoding::default(); } // ESC g fn vb(&mut self) { self.set_output(Output::VisualBell); } // csi codes // CSI @ fn ich(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().insert_cells(count); } // CSI A fn cuu(&mut self, offset: u16) { self.grid_mut().row_dec_clamp(offset); } // CSI B fn cud(&mut self, offset: u16) { self.grid_mut().row_inc_clamp(offset); } // CSI C fn cuf(&mut self, offset: u16) { self.grid_mut().col_inc_clamp(offset); } // CSI D fn cub(&mut self, offset: u16) { self.grid_mut().col_dec(offset); } // CSI G fn cha(&mut self, col: u16) { self.grid_mut().col_set(col - 1); } // CSI H fn cup(&mut self, (row, col): (u16, u16)) { self.grid_mut().set_pos(crate::grid::Pos { row: row - 1, col: col - 1, }); } // CSI J fn ed(&mut self, mode: u16) { match mode { 0 => self.grid_mut().erase_all_forward(), 1 => self.grid_mut().erase_all_backward(), 2 => self.grid_mut().erase_all(), _ => {} } } // CSI ? J fn decsed(&mut self, mode: u16) { self.ed(mode); } // CSI K fn el(&mut self, mode: u16) { match mode { 0 => self.grid_mut().erase_row_forward(), 1 => self.grid_mut().erase_row_backward(), 2 => self.grid_mut().erase_row(), _ => {} } } // CSI ? K fn decsel(&mut self, mode: u16) { self.el(mode); } // CSI L fn il(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().insert_lines(count); } // CSI M fn dl(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().delete_lines(count); } // CSI P fn dch(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().delete_cells(count); } // CSI S fn su(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().scroll_up(count); } // CSI T fn sd(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().scroll_down(count); } // CSI X fn ech(&mut self, count: u16) { self.grid_mut().erase_cells(count); } // CSI d fn vpa(&mut self, row: u16) { self.grid_mut().row_set(row - 1); } // CSI h fn sm(&mut self, _params: &[i64]) { // nothing, i think? } // CSI ? h fn decset(&mut self, params: &[i64]) { for param in params { match param { 1 => self.set_mode(Mode::ApplicationCursor), 6 => self.grid_mut().set_origin_mode(true), 9 => self.set_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::Press), 25 => self.clear_mode(Mode::HideCursor), 47 => self.enter_alternate_grid(), 1000 => self.set_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::PressRelease), 1002 => self.set_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::ButtonMotion), 1003 => self.set_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::AnyMotion), 1005 => self.set_mouse_encoding(MouseProtocolEncoding::Utf8), 1006 => self.set_mouse_encoding(MouseProtocolEncoding::Sgr), 1049 => { self.decsc(); self.alternate_grid = self.new_grid(); self.enter_alternate_grid(); } 2004 => self.set_mode(Mode::BracketedPaste), _ => {} } } } // CSI l fn rm(&mut self, _params: &[i64]) { // nothing, i think? } // CSI ? l fn decrst(&mut self, params: &[i64]) { for param in params { match param { 1 => self.clear_mode(Mode::ApplicationCursor), 6 => self.grid_mut().set_origin_mode(false), 9 => self.clear_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::Press), 25 => self.set_mode(Mode::HideCursor), 47 => { self.exit_alternate_grid(); } 1000 => { self.clear_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::PressRelease) } 1002 => { self.clear_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::ButtonMotion) } 1003 => self.clear_mouse_mode(MouseProtocolMode::AnyMotion), 1005 => { self.clear_mouse_encoding(MouseProtocolEncoding::Utf8) } 1006 => self.clear_mouse_encoding(MouseProtocolEncoding::Sgr), 1049 => { self.exit_alternate_grid(); self.decrc(); } 2004 => self.clear_mode(Mode::BracketedPaste), _ => {} } } } // CSI m fn sgr(&mut self, params: &[i64]) { let mut i = 0; macro_rules! next_param { () => { if i >= params.len() { return; } else if let Some(n) = i64_to_u8(params[i]) { i += 1; n } else { return; } }; } loop { match next_param!() { 0 => self.attrs = crate::attrs::Attrs::default(), 1 => self.attrs.set_bold(true), 3 => self.attrs.set_italic(true), 4 => self.attrs.set_underline(true), 7 => self.attrs.set_inverse(true), 22 => self.attrs.set_bold(false), 23 => self.attrs.set_italic(false), 24 => self.attrs.set_underline(false), 27 => self.attrs.set_inverse(false), n if n >= 30 && n <= 37 => { self.attrs.fgcolor = crate::color::Color::Idx(n - 30); } 38 => match next_param!() { 2 => { let r = next_param!(); let g = next_param!(); let b = next_param!(); self.attrs.fgcolor = crate::color::Color::Rgb(r, g, b); } 5 => { self.attrs.fgcolor = crate::color::Color::Idx(next_param!()); } _ => {} }, 39 => { self.attrs.fgcolor = crate::color::Color::Default; } n if n >= 40 && n <= 47 => { self.attrs.bgcolor = crate::color::Color::Idx(n - 40); } 48 => match next_param!() { 2 => { let r = next_param!(); let g = next_param!(); let b = next_param!(); self.attrs.bgcolor = crate::color::Color::Rgb(r, g, b); } 5 => { self.attrs.bgcolor = crate::color::Color::Idx(next_param!()); } _ => {} }, 49 => { self.attrs.bgcolor = crate::color::Color::Default; } n if n >= 90 && n <= 97 => { self.attrs.fgcolor = crate::color::Color::Idx(n - 82); } n if n >= 100 && n <= 107 => { self.attrs.bgcolor = crate::color::Color::Idx(n - 92); } _ => {} } } } // CSI r fn csr(&mut self, (top, bottom, left, right): (u16, u16, u16, u16)) { self.grid_mut().set_scroll_region( top - 1, bottom - 1, left - 1, right - 1, ); } // osc codes fn osc0(&mut self, s: &[u8]) { self.osc1(s); self.osc2(s); } fn osc1(&mut self, s: &[u8]) { if let Ok(s) = std::str::from_utf8(s) { self.icon_name = s.to_string(); } } fn osc2(&mut self, s: &[u8]) { if let Ok(s) = std::str::from_utf8(s) { self.title = s.to_string(); } } } impl vte::Perform for State { fn print(&mut self, c: char) { self.text(c) } fn execute(&mut self, b: u8) { match b { 7 => self.bel(), 8 =>, 9 =>, 10 => self.lf(), 11 => self.vt(), 12 => self.ff(), 13 =>, _ => { log::warn!("unhandled control character: {}", b); } } } fn esc_dispatch( &mut self, _params: &[i64], intermediates: &[u8], _ignore: bool, b: u8, ) { match intermediates.get(0) { None => match b { b'7' => self.decsc(), b'8' => self.decrc(), b'=' => self.deckpam(), b'>' => self.deckpnm(), b'M' => self.ri(), b'c' => self.ris(), b'g' => self.vb(), _ => { log::warn!("unhandled escape code: ESC {}", b); } }, Some(i) => { log::warn!("unhandled escape code: ESC {} {}", i, b); } } } fn csi_dispatch( &mut self, params: &[i64], intermediates: &[u8], _ignore: bool, c: char, ) { match intermediates.get(0) { None => match c { '@' => self.ich(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'A' => self.cuu(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'B' => self.cud(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'C' => self.cuf(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'D' => self.cub(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'G' => self.cha(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'H' => self.cup(canonicalize_params_2(params, 1, 1)), 'J' => self.ed(canonicalize_params_1(params, 0)), 'K' => self.el(canonicalize_params_1(params, 0)), 'L' =>, 1)), 'M' => self.dl(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'P' => self.dch(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'S' =>, 1)), 'T' =>, 1)), 'X' => self.ech(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'd' => self.vpa(canonicalize_params_1(params, 1)), 'h' =>, 'l' => self.rm(canonicalize_params_multi(params)), 'm' => self.sgr(canonicalize_params_multi(params)), 'r' => self.csr(canonicalize_params_csr( params, *self.grid().size(), )), _ => { if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Warn) { log::warn!( "unhandled csi sequence: CSI {} {}", param_str(params), c ) } } }, Some(b'?') => match c { 'J' => self.decsed(canonicalize_params_1(params, 0)), 'K' => self.decsel(canonicalize_params_1(params, 0)), 'h' => self.decset(canonicalize_params_multi(params)), 'l' => self.decrst(canonicalize_params_multi(params)), _ => { if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Warn) { log::warn!( "unhandled csi sequence: CSI ? {} {}", param_str(params), c ) } } }, Some(i) => { if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Warn) { log::warn!( "unhandled csi sequence: CSI {} {} {}", i, param_str(params), c ) } } } } fn osc_dispatch(&mut self, params: &[&[u8]]) { match (params.get(0), params.get(1)) { (Some(&b"0"), Some(s)) => self.osc0(s), (Some(&b"1"), Some(s)) => self.osc1(s), (Some(&b"2"), Some(s)) => self.osc2(s), _ => { if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Warn) { log::warn!( "unhandled osc sequence: OSC {}", osc_param_str(params), ) } } } } fn hook(&mut self, params: &[i64], intermediates: &[u8], _ignore: bool) { if log::log_enabled!(log::Level::Warn) { // TODO: include the final byte here (it seems to be a bug that // the vte parser doesn't currently pass it to this method) match intermediates.get(0) { None => log::warn!( "unhandled dcs sequence: DCS {}", param_str(params), ), Some(i) => log::warn!( "unhandled dcs sequence: DCS {} {}", i, param_str(params), ), } } } fn put(&mut self, _: u8) {} fn unhook(&mut self) {} } pub struct Screen { parser: vte::Parser, state: State, } impl Screen { pub fn new(rows: u16, cols: u16) -> Self { Self { parser: vte::Parser::new(), state: State::new(rows, cols), } } pub fn rows(&self) -> u16 { self.state.grid().size().rows } pub fn cols(&self) -> u16 { self.state.grid().size().cols } pub fn set_window_size(&mut self, rows: u16, cols: u16) { self.state.grid.set_size(crate::grid::Size { rows, cols }); self.state .alternate_grid .set_size(crate::grid::Size { rows, cols }); } pub fn process(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) { for byte in bytes { self.parser.advance(&mut self.state, *byte); } } pub fn cell(&self, row: u16, col: u16) -> Option<&crate::cell::Cell> { self.state.cell(crate::grid::Pos { row, col }) } pub fn window_contents( &self, row_start: u16, col_start: u16, row_end: u16, col_end: u16, ) -> String { self.state .grid() .window_contents(row_start, col_start, row_end, col_end) } pub fn window_contents_formatted( &self, row_start: u16, col_start: u16, row_end: u16, col_end: u16, ) -> String { self.state .grid() .window_contents_formatted(row_start, col_start, row_end, col_end) } pub fn cursor_position(&self) -> (u16, u16) { (self.state.grid().pos().row, self.state.grid().pos().col) } pub fn fgcolor(&self) -> crate::color::Color { self.state.attrs.fgcolor } pub fn bgcolor(&self) -> crate::color::Color { self.state.attrs.bgcolor } pub fn bold(&self) -> bool { self.state.attrs.bold() } pub fn italic(&self) -> bool { self.state.attrs.italic() } pub fn underline(&self) -> bool { self.state.attrs.underline() } pub fn inverse(&self) -> bool { self.state.attrs.inverse() } pub fn title(&self) -> &str { &self.state.title } pub fn icon_name(&self) -> &str { &self.state.icon_name } pub fn hide_cursor(&self) -> bool { self.state.mode(Mode::HideCursor) } pub fn alternate_buffer_active(&self) -> bool { self.state.use_alternate_grid } pub fn application_cursor(&self) -> bool { self.state.mode(Mode::ApplicationCursor) } pub fn application_keypad(&self) -> bool { self.state.mode(Mode::KeypadApplication) } pub fn bracketed_paste(&self) -> bool { self.state.mode(Mode::BracketedPaste) } pub fn mouse_reporting_press(&self) -> bool { self.state.mouse_protocol_mode == MouseProtocolMode::Press } pub fn mouse_reporting_press_release(&self) -> bool { self.state.mouse_protocol_mode == MouseProtocolMode::PressRelease } pub fn mouse_reporting_button_motion(&self) -> bool { self.state.mouse_protocol_mode == MouseProtocolMode::ButtonMotion } pub fn mouse_reporting_any_motion(&self) -> bool { self.state.mouse_protocol_mode == MouseProtocolMode::AnyMotion } pub fn mouse_reporting_utf8_mode(&self) -> bool { self.state.mouse_protocol_encoding == MouseProtocolEncoding::Utf8 } pub fn mouse_reporting_sgr_mode(&self) -> bool { self.state.mouse_protocol_encoding == MouseProtocolEncoding::Sgr } pub fn check_audible_bell(&mut self) -> bool { self.state.check_output(Output::AudibleBell) } pub fn check_visual_bell(&mut self) -> bool { self.state.check_output(Output::VisualBell) } } fn canonicalize_params_1(params: &[i64], default: u16) -> u16 { let first = params.get(0).copied().unwrap_or(0); if first == 0 { default } else { i64_to_u16(first) } } fn canonicalize_params_2( params: &[i64], default1: u16, default2: u16, ) -> (u16, u16) { let first = params.get(0).copied().unwrap_or(0); let first = if first == 0 { default1 } else { i64_to_u16(first) }; let second = params.get(1).copied().unwrap_or(0); let second = if second == 0 { default2 } else { i64_to_u16(second) }; (first, second) } fn canonicalize_params_multi(params: &[i64]) -> &[i64] { if params.is_empty() { DEFAULT_MULTI_PARAMS } else { params } } fn canonicalize_params_csr( params: &[i64], size: crate::grid::Size, ) -> (u16, u16, u16, u16) { let top = params.get(0).copied().unwrap_or(0); let top = if top == 0 { 1 } else { i64_to_u16(top) }; let bottom = params.get(1).copied().unwrap_or(0); let bottom = if bottom == 0 { size.rows } else { i64_to_u16(bottom) }; let left = params.get(2).copied().unwrap_or(0); let left = if left == 0 { 1 } else { i64_to_u16(left) }; let right = params.get(3).copied().unwrap_or(0); let right = if right == 0 { size.cols } else { i64_to_u16(right) }; (top, bottom, left, right) } fn i64_to_u16(i: i64) -> u16 { if i < 0 { 0 } else if i > i64::from(u16::max_value()) { u16::max_value() } else { i.try_into().unwrap() } } fn i64_to_u8(i: i64) -> Option { if i < 0 || i > i64::from(u8::max_value()) { None } else { Some(i.try_into().unwrap()) } } fn param_str(params: &[i64]) -> String { let strs: Vec<_> = params .iter() .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .collect(); strs.join(" ; ") } fn osc_param_str(params: &[&[u8]]) -> String { let strs: Vec<_> = params .iter() .map(|b| format!("\"{}\"", std::string::String::from_utf8_lossy(*b))) .collect(); strs.join(" ; ") }