Welcome, doy. Please select your species.a - Humanj - Trolls - Vine Stalkerb - High Elfk - Nagat - Demigodc - Deep Elfl - Centauru - Demonspawnd - Deep Dwarfm - Merfolkv - Mummye - Hill Orcn - Minotaurw - Ghoulf - Halflingo - Tengux - Vampireg - Koboldp - Draconiany - Felidh - Sprigganq - Gargoylez - Octopodei - Ogrer - FormicidHumans advance quickly in levels and have equal abilities in most skills.   + - Viable species* - Random species# - Viable character ! - Random character% - List aptitudes Space - Pick background first? - HelpTab - Human Necromancer