package WWW::YNAB; use Moose; # ABSTRACT: Wrapper for the YNAB API use WWW::YNAB::Account; use WWW::YNAB::Budget; use WWW::YNAB::CategoryGroup; use WWW::YNAB::Category; use WWW::YNAB::Month; use WWW::YNAB::Payee; use WWW::YNAB::ScheduledSubTransaction; use WWW::YNAB::ScheduledTransaction; use WWW::YNAB::SubTransaction; use WWW::YNAB::Transaction; use WWW::YNAB::UA; use WWW::YNAB::User; with 'WWW::YNAB::ModelHelpers'; has access_token => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1, ); has base_uri => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => '', ); has ua => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HTTP::Tiny', lazy => 1, default => sub { HTTP::Tiny->new }, ); has _ua => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'WWW::YNAB::UA', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; WWW::YNAB::UA->new( access_token => $self->access_token, base_uri => $self->base_uri, ua => $self->ua, ) }, ); sub user { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->_ua->get('/user'); my $user = $data->{data}{user}; $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::User', $user); } sub budgets { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->_ua->get('/budgets'); map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Budget', $_) } @{ $data->{data}{budgets} }; } sub budget { my $self = shift; my ($id, $server_knowledge) = @_; my $params; if (defined $server_knowledge) { $params = { last_knowledge_of_server => $server_knowledge, } } my $data = $self->_ua->get("/budgets/$id", $params); my $budget = $data->{data}{budget}; my %budget = %$budget; my @accounts = map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Account', $_) } @{ $budget{accounts} }; $budget{accounts} = \@accounts; my @payees = map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Payee', $_) } @{ $budget{payees} }; $budget{payees} = \@payees; my @category_groups = map { my %category_group = %$_; $category_group{categories} = [ map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Category', $_) } grep { $_->{category_group_id} eq $category_group{id} } @{ $budget{categories} } ]; $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::CategoryGroup', \%category_group) } @{ $budget{category_groups} }; $budget{category_groups} = \@category_groups; my @months = map { my %month = %$_; $month{categories} = [ map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Category', $_) } @{ $month{categories} } ]; $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Month', \%month) } @{ $budget{months} }; $budget{months} = \@months; my @transactions = map { my %transaction = %$_; if ($transaction{account_id}) { ($transaction{account_name}) = map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{id} eq $transaction{account_id} } @{ $budget{accounts} }; } if ($transaction{payee_id}) { ($transaction{payee_name}) = map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{id} eq $transaction{payee_id} } @{ $budget{payees} }; } if ($transaction{category_id}) { ($transaction{category_name}) = map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{id} eq $transaction{category_id} } @{ $budget{categories} }; } $transaction{subtransactions} = [ map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::SubTransaction', $_) } grep { $_->{transaction_id} eq $transaction{id} } @{ $budget{subtransactions} } ]; $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::Transaction', \%transaction) } @{ $budget{transactions} }; $budget{transactions} = \@transactions; my @scheduled_transactions = map { my %transaction = %$_; if ($transaction{account_id}) { ($transaction{account_name}) = map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{id} eq $transaction{account_id} } @{ $budget{accounts} }; } if ($transaction{payee_id}) { ($transaction{payee_name}) = map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{id} eq $transaction{payee_id} } @{ $budget{payees} }; } if ($transaction{category_id}) { ($transaction{category_name}) = map { $_->{name} } grep { $_->{id} eq $transaction{category_id} } @{ $budget{categories} }; } $transaction{subtransactions} = [ map { $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::ScheduledSubTransaction', $_) } grep { $_->{scheduled_transaction_id} eq $transaction{id} } @{ $budget{scheduled_subtransactions} } ]; $self->model_from_data('WWW::YNAB::ScheduledTransaction', \%transaction) } @{ $budget{scheduled_transactions} }; $budget{scheduled_transactions} = \@scheduled_transactions; $self->model_from_data( 'WWW::YNAB::Budget', \%budget, $data->{data}{server_knowledge}, ); } sub rate_limit { my $self = shift; $self->_ua->rate_limit } sub knows_rate_limit { my $self = shift; $self->_ua->knows_rate_limit } sub total_rate_limit { my $self = shift; $self->_ua->total_rate_limit } sub knows_total_rate_limit { my $self = shift; $self->_ua->knows_total_rate_limit } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Moose; 1;