DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ints; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS scheduled_subtransactions; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS scheduled_transactions; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS subtransactions; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS transactions; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS payees; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS categories_by_month; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS months; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS categories; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS category_groups; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS accounts; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS cleared_t; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS flag_color_t; DROP TYPE IF EXISTS frequency_t; CREATE TABLE accounts ( id text PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, on_budget boolean NOT NULL, closed boolean NOT NULL, balance bigint NOT NULL, cleared_balance bigint NOT NULL, uncleared_balance bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE category_groups ( id text PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, hidden boolean NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE categories ( id text PRIMARY KEY, category_group_id text REFERENCES category_groups(id) NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, hidden boolean NOT NULL, budgeted bigint NOT NULL, activity bigint NOT NULL, balance bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE months ( month date PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE categories_by_month ( month date REFERENCES months(month), id text REFERENCES categories(id), category_group_id text REFERENCES category_groups(id) NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, hidden boolean NOT NULL, budgeted bigint NOT NULL, activity bigint NOT NULL, balance bigint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (month, id) ); CREATE TABLE payees ( id text PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, transfer_account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) ); CREATE TYPE cleared_t AS ENUM ('reconciled', 'cleared', 'uncleared'); CREATE TYPE flag_color_t AS ENUM('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple'); CREATE TABLE transactions ( id text PRIMARY KEY, date date NOT NULL, amount bigint NOT NULL, memo text, cleared cleared_t NOT NULL, approved boolean NOT NULL, flag_color flag_color_t, account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) NOT NULL, payee_id text REFERENCES payees(id), category_id text REFERENCES categories(id), transfer_account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) ); CREATE TABLE subtransactions ( id text PRIMARY KEY, transaction_id text REFERENCES transactions(id) NOT NULL, amount bigint NOT NULL, memo text, payee_id text REFERENCES payees(id), category_id text REFERENCES categories(id), transfer_account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) ); CREATE TYPE frequency_t AS ENUM ( 'never', 'daily', 'weekly', 'everyOtherWeek', 'twiceAMonth', 'every4Weeks', 'monthly', 'everyOtherMonth', 'every3Months', 'every4Months', 'twiceAYear', 'yearly', 'everyOtherYear' ); CREATE TABLE scheduled_transactions ( id text PRIMARY KEY, date date NOT NULL, frequency frequency_t NOT NULL, amount bigint NOT NULL, memo text, flag_color flag_color_t, account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) NOT NULL, payee_id text REFERENCES payees(id), category_id text REFERENCES categories(id), transfer_account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) ); CREATE TABLE scheduled_subtransactions ( id text PRIMARY KEY, scheduled_transaction_id text REFERENCES scheduled_transactions(id) NOT NULL, amount bigint NOT NULL, memo text, payee_id text REFERENCES payees(id), category_id text REFERENCES categories(id), transfer_account_id text REFERENCES accounts(id) ); CREATE TABLE ints ( i integer PRIMARY KEY ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS denorm_transactions; CREATE VIEW denorm_transactions AS ( WITH transactions_with_subtransactions AS ( SELECT transactions.id, subtransactions.id AS subtransaction_id, transactions.date, coalesce(subtransactions.amount, transactions.amount) AS amount, coalesce(subtransactions.memo, transactions.memo) AS memo, transactions.cleared, transactions.approved, transactions.flag_color, transactions.account_id, coalesce(subtransactions.payee_id, transactions.payee_id) AS payee_id, coalesce(subtransactions.category_id, transactions.category_id) AS category_id, coalesce(subtransactions.transfer_account_id, transactions.transfer_account_id) AS transfer_account_id FROM transactions LEFT JOIN subtransactions ON ( transactions.id = subtransactions.transaction_id ) ) SELECT transactions_with_subtransactions.id, subtransaction_id, date, amount / 1000.0 as amount, memo, cleared, approved, flag_color, accounts.name AS account, payees.name AS payee, category_groups.name AS category_group, categories.name AS category, transfer_accounts.name AS transfer_account FROM transactions_with_subtransactions LEFT JOIN accounts ON ( transactions_with_subtransactions.account_id = accounts.id ) LEFT JOIN payees ON ( transactions_with_subtransactions.payee_id = payees.id ) LEFT JOIN categories ON ( transactions_with_subtransactions.category_id = categories.id ) LEFT JOIN category_groups ON ( categories.category_group_id = category_groups.id ) LEFT JOIN accounts transfer_accounts ON ( transactions_with_subtransactions.transfer_account_id = transfer_accounts.id ) ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS denorm_scheduled_transactions; CREATE VIEW denorm_scheduled_transactions AS ( WITH scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions AS ( SELECT scheduled_transactions.id, scheduled_subtransactions.id AS scheduled_subtransaction_id, scheduled_transactions.date, scheduled_transactions.frequency, coalesce(scheduled_subtransactions.amount, scheduled_transactions.amount) AS amount, coalesce(scheduled_subtransactions.memo, scheduled_transactions.memo) AS memo, scheduled_transactions.flag_color, scheduled_transactions.account_id, coalesce(scheduled_subtransactions.payee_id, scheduled_transactions.payee_id) AS payee_id, coalesce(scheduled_subtransactions.category_id, scheduled_transactions.category_id) AS category_id, coalesce(scheduled_subtransactions.transfer_account_id, scheduled_transactions.transfer_account_id) AS transfer_account_id FROM scheduled_transactions LEFT JOIN scheduled_subtransactions ON ( scheduled_transactions.id = scheduled_subtransactions.scheduled_transaction_id ) ) SELECT scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions.id, subtransaction_id, date, frequency, amount / 1000.0 as amount, memo, flag_color, accounts.name AS account, payees.name AS payee, category_groups.name AS category_group, categories.name AS category, transfer_accounts.name AS transfer_account FROM scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions LEFT JOIN accounts ON ( scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions.account_id = accounts.id ) LEFT JOIN payees ON ( scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions.payee_id = payees.id ) LEFT JOIN categories ON ( scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions.category_id = categories.id ) LEFT JOIN category_groups ON ( categories.category_group_id = category_groups.id ) LEFT JOIN accounts transfer_accounts ON ( scheduled_transactions_with_subtransactions.transfer_account_id = transfer_accounts.id ) ); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS future_transactions; CREATE VIEW future_transactions AS ( WITH daily AS ( SELECT 'daily'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '1 day' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 750 ), weekly AS ( SELECT 'weekly'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '1 week' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 120 ), every_other_week AS ( SELECT 'everyOtherWeek'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '2 weeks' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 60 ), twice_a_month AS ( SELECT 'twiceAMonth'::frequency_t AS frequency, make_interval(months => a.i, days => b.i) AS span FROM ints a CROSS JOIN ints b WHERE a.i <= 30 and (b.i = 0 or b.i = 15) ), every_four_weeks AS ( SELECT 'every4Weeks'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '4 weeks' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 30 ), monthly AS ( SELECT 'monthly'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '1 month' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 30 ), every_other_month AS ( SELECT 'everyOtherMonth'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '2 months' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 15 ), every_three_months AS ( SELECT 'every3Months'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '3 months' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 10 ), every_four_months AS ( SELECT 'every4Months'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '4 months' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 10 ), twice_a_year AS ( SELECT 'twiceAYear'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '6 months' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 5 ), yearly AS ( SELECT 'yearly'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '1 year' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 5 ), every_other_year AS ( SELECT 'everyOtherYear'::frequency_t AS frequency, (ints.i - 1) * interval '2 years' AS span FROM ints WHERE ints.i <= 5 ), repeated_transactions AS ( SELECT id, scheduled_subtransaction_id, CASE WHEN frequency = 'never' THEN date WHEN frequency = 'daily' THEN date + daily.span WHEN frequency = 'weekly' THEN date + weekly.span WHEN frequency = 'everyOtherWeek' THEN date + every_other_week.span WHEN frequency = 'twiceAMonth' THEN date + twice_a_month.span WHEN frequency = 'every4Weeks' THEN date + every_four_weeks.span WHEN frequency = 'monthly' THEN date + monthly.span WHEN frequency = 'everyOtherMonth' THEN date + every_other_month.span WHEN frequency = 'every3Months' THEN date + every_three_months.span WHEN frequency = 'every4Months' THEN date + every_four_months.span WHEN frequency = 'twiceAYear' THEN date + twice_a_year.span WHEN frequency = 'yearly' THEN date + yearly.span WHEN frequency = 'everyOtherYear' THEN date + every_other_year.span ELSE NULL END AS date, amount, memo, flag_color, account, payee, category_group, category, transfer_account_id FROM denorm_scheduled_transactions LEFT JOIN daily USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN weekly USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN every_other_week USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN twice_a_month USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN every_four_weeks USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN monthly USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN every_other_month USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN every_three_months USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN every_four_months USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN twice_a_year USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN yearly USING (frequency) LEFT JOIN every_other_year USING (frequency) ) SELECT id, scheduled_subtransaction_id, date amount, memo, flag_color, account, payee, category_group, category, transfer_account_id FROM repeated_transactions WHERE date <= CURRENT_DATE + interval '2 years' );