use std::io::{Read, Write}; const PROJECT_NAME: &str = "ynab"; // XXX is this fixed? or is it specific to my account? const SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID: &str = "4f42d139-ded2-4782-b16e-e944868fbf62"; const SCHEMA: &str = include_str!("../data/schema.sql"); pub fn api_key() -> std::path::PathBuf { directories::ProjectDirs::from("", "", PROJECT_NAME) .unwrap() .config_dir() .join("api-key") } pub fn read_api_key() -> String { let mut key = String::new(); let key_file = api_key(); std::fs::File::open(key_file.clone()) .unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut key) .unwrap(); let key = key.trim(); key.to_string() } #[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] fn main() { if std::env::args().nth(1).as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()) == Some("schema") { print!("{}", SCHEMA); std::process::exit(0); } let key = read_api_key(); let mut ynab_config = ynab_api::apis::configuration::Configuration::new(); ynab_config.api_key = Some(ynab_api::apis::configuration::ApiKey { prefix: Some("Bearer".to_string()), key: key.to_string(), }); let api = ynab_api::apis::client::APIClient::new(ynab_config); let budget_id = api .budgets_api() .get_budgets() .unwrap() .data .budgets .iter() .next() .unwrap() .id .clone(); let budget = api .budgets_api() .get_budget_by_id(&budget_id, None) .unwrap() .data .budget; let mut file = std::fs::File::create("accounts.tsv").unwrap(); for account in budget.accounts.unwrap() { if account.deleted { continue; } file.write_all( [,, if account.on_budget { "1" } else { "0" }, if account.closed { "1" } else { "0" }, &format!("{}", account.balance), &format!("{}", account.cleared_balance), &format!("{}", account.uncleared_balance), ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("category_groups.tsv").unwrap(); for category_group in budget.category_groups.unwrap() { if category_group.deleted { continue; } file.write_all( [,, if category_group.hidden { "1" } else { "0" }, ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("categories.tsv").unwrap(); for category in budget.categories.unwrap() { if category.deleted { continue; } file.write_all( [, category.category_group_id.as_ref(),, if category.hidden { "1" } else { "0" }, &format!("{}", category.budgeted), &format!("{}", category.activity), &format!("{}", category.balance), ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("payees.tsv").unwrap(); for payee in budget.payees.unwrap() { if payee.deleted { continue; } let name: &str =; file.write_all( [, name.trim(), payee .transfer_account_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("transactions.tsv").unwrap(); for transaction in budget.transactions.unwrap() { if transaction.deleted { continue; } let parts: &[&str] = &[,, &format!("{}", transaction.amount), transaction .memo .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), cleared_to_str(transaction.cleared), if transaction.approved { "1" } else { "0" }, transaction .flag_color .map(t_flag_color_to_str) .unwrap_or("\\N"), transaction.account_id.as_ref(), transaction .payee_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), transaction .category_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .and_then(|id| { // the split category doesn't appear to be in the // categories data, so we have to exclude it or else // the NOT NULL constraint will fail if id == SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID { None } else { Some(id) } }) .unwrap_or("\\N"), transaction .transfer_account_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), ]; file.write_all(parts.join("\t").as_bytes()).unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("subtransactions.tsv").unwrap(); for subtransaction in budget.subtransactions.unwrap() { if subtransaction.deleted { continue; } file.write_all( [, subtransaction.transaction_id.as_ref(), format!("{}", subtransaction.amount).as_ref(), subtransaction .memo .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), subtransaction .payee_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), subtransaction .category_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), subtransaction .transfer_account_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("months.tsv").unwrap(); let mut file2 = std::fs::File::create("categories_by_month.tsv").unwrap(); for month in budget.months.unwrap() { if month.deleted { continue; } file.write_all([month.month.as_ref()].join("\t").as_bytes()) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); for category in month.categories { if category.deleted { continue; } file2 .write_all( [ month.month.as_ref(),, category.category_group_id.as_ref(),, if category.hidden { "1" } else { "0" }, &format!("{}", category.budgeted), &format!("{}", category.activity), &format!("{}", category.balance), ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file2.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } } file.sync_all().unwrap(); file2.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("scheduled_transactions.tsv").unwrap(); for scheduled_transaction in budget.scheduled_transactions.unwrap() { if scheduled_transaction.deleted { continue; } let parts: &[&str] = &[, scheduled_transaction.date_next.as_ref(), frequency_to_str(scheduled_transaction.frequency), &format!("{}", scheduled_transaction.amount), scheduled_transaction .memo .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), scheduled_transaction .flag_color .map(st_flag_color_to_str) .unwrap_or("\\N"), scheduled_transaction.account_id.as_ref(), scheduled_transaction .payee_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), // the split category doesn't appear to be in the categories // data, so we have to exclude it or else the NOT NULL // constraint will fail if scheduled_transaction .category_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) == Some(SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID) { "\\N" } else { scheduled_transaction .category_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N") }, scheduled_transaction .transfer_account_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), ]; file.write_all(parts.join("\t").as_bytes()).unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); let mut file = std::fs::File::create("scheduled_subtransactions.tsv").unwrap(); for scheduled_subtransaction in budget.scheduled_subtransactions.unwrap() { if scheduled_subtransaction.deleted { continue; } file.write_all( [, scheduled_subtransaction.scheduled_transaction_id.as_ref(), format!("{}", scheduled_subtransaction.amount).as_ref(), scheduled_subtransaction .memo .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), scheduled_subtransaction .payee_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), scheduled_subtransaction .category_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), scheduled_subtransaction .transfer_account_id .as_ref() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .unwrap_or("\\N"), ] .join("\t") .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); file.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); } file.sync_all().unwrap(); } fn cleared_to_str( cleared: ynab_api::models::transaction_summary::Cleared, ) -> &'static str { use ynab_api::models::transaction_summary::Cleared::*; match cleared { Cleared => "cleared", Uncleared => "uncleared", Reconciled => "reconciled", } } fn t_flag_color_to_str( flag_color: ynab_api::models::transaction_summary::FlagColor, ) -> &'static str { use ynab_api::models::transaction_summary::FlagColor::*; match flag_color { Red => "red", Orange => "orange", Yellow => "yellow", Green => "green", Blue => "blue", Purple => "purple", } } fn st_flag_color_to_str( flag_color: ynab_api::models::scheduled_transaction_summary::FlagColor, ) -> &'static str { use ynab_api::models::scheduled_transaction_summary::FlagColor::*; match flag_color { Red => "red", Orange => "orange", Yellow => "yellow", Green => "green", Blue => "blue", Purple => "purple", } } fn frequency_to_str( frequency: ynab_api::models::scheduled_transaction_summary::Frequency, ) -> &'static str { use ynab_api::models::scheduled_transaction_summary::Frequency::*; match frequency { Never => "never", Daily => "daily", Weekly => "weekly", EveryOtherWeek => "everyOtherWeek", TwiceAMonth => "twiceAMonth", Every4Weeks => "every4Weeks", Monthly => "monthly", EveryOtherMonth => "everyOtherMonth", Every3Months => "every3Months", Every4Months => "every4Months", TwiceAYear => "twiceAYear", Yearly => "yearly", EveryOtherYear => "everyOtherYear", } }