# ScheduledTransactionDetail ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **id** | **String** | | **date_first** | [***String**](string.md) | The first date for which the Scheduled Transaction was scheduled. | **date_next** | [***String**](string.md) | The next date for which the Scheduled Transaction is scheduled. | **frequency** | **String** | | **amount** | **i64** | The scheduled transaction amount in milliunits format | **memo** | **String** | | **flag_color** | **String** | The scheduled transaction flag | **account_id** | **String** | | **payee_id** | **String** | | **category_id** | **String** | | **transfer_account_id** | **String** | If a transfer, the account_id which the scheduled transaction transfers to | **deleted** | **bool** | Whether or not the scheduled transaction has been deleted. Deleted scheduled transactions will only be included in delta requests. | **account_name** | **String** | | **payee_name** | **String** | | **category_name** | **String** | | **subtransactions** | [**Vec<::models::ScheduledSubTransaction>**](ScheduledSubTransaction.md) | If a split scheduled transaction, the subtransactions. | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)