path: root/lib/Bot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Bot/')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Bot/ b/lib/Bot/
index 6f40d4f..ce7fc66 100644
--- a/lib/Bot/
+++ b/lib/Bot/
@@ -1,159 +1,5 @@
package Bot::Games;
-use Bot::Games::OO;
-use List::Util qw/first/;
-use Module::Pluggable
- search_path => 'Bot::Games::Game',
- except => qr/Bot::Games::Game::Role/,
- sub_name => 'games';
-extends 'Bot::BasicBot';
-has prefix => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'Str',
- default => '!',
-has active_games => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'HashRef[Bot::Games::Game]',
- lazy => 1,
- default => sub { {} },
- init_arg => undef,
-has alias => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'HashRef[Str]',
- lazy => 1,
- default => sub { {
- sg => 'superghost',
- xg => 'xghost',
- } },
-my $say;
-my $say_args;
-sub BUILD {
- my $self = shift;
- $say = sub {
- shift;
- unshift @_, 'body' if @_ % 2 == 1;
- my %overrides = @_;
- my $formatter = delete $overrides{formatter};
- $overrides{body} = $formatter->($overrides{body})
- if $formatter && exists $overrides{body};
- return $self->say(%$say_args, %overrides);
- };
- require Bot::Games::Game;
- Bot::Games::Game->meta->add_method(say => $say);
- Bot::Games::Game->meta->make_immutable;
-sub said {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- my $prefix = $self->prefix;
- $say_args = $args;
- return if $args->{channel} eq 'msg';
- return unless $args->{body} =~ /^$prefix(\w+)(?:\s+(.*))?/;
- my ($game_name, $action) = (lc($1), $2);
- return join ' ', map { $self->prefix . $_} $self->game_list
- if $game_name eq 'games';
- if ($game_name eq 'help') {
- $game_name = $action;
- $game_name =~ s/^-//;
- $action = '-help';
- }
- $game_name = $self->find_game($game_name);
- return unless $game_name;
- my $output;
- my $game = $self->active_games->{$game_name};
- if (!defined $game) {
- my $game_package = $self->game_package($game_name);
- eval "require $game_package";
- if ($@) {
- warn $@;
- $self->$say((split /\n/, $@)[0]);
- return;
- }
- $game = $game_package->new;
- $self->active_games->{$game_name} = $game;
- }
- if (!$self->active_games->{$game_name}->is_active
- && (!defined($action) || $action !~ /^-/)) {
- $self->$say($game->init($args->{who})) if $game->can('init');
- $self->active_games->{$game_name}->is_active(1);
- }
- return unless defined $action;
- if ($action =~ /^-(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
- my ($action, $arg) = ($1, $2);
- if (my $method_meta = $game->meta->get_command($action)) {
- if ($method_meta->needs_init
- && !$self->active_games->{$game_name}->is_active) {
- $self->$say("Game $game_name hasn't started yet!");
- return;
- }
- my $body = $method_meta->execute($game, $arg,
- {player => $args->{who}});
- my @extra_args = $method_meta->meta->does_role('Bot::Games::Trait::Method::Formatted') ? (formatter => $method_meta->formatter) : ();
- $self->$say($body, @extra_args);
- }
- else {
- $self->$say("Unknown command $action for game $game_name");
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- # XXX: need better handling for "0", but B::BB doesn't currently
- # handle that properly either, so
- # also, this should probably be factored into $say, i think?
- my $turn = $game->turn($args->{who}, $action);
- $self->$say($turn) if $turn;
- }
- if (!$game->is_active) {
- delete $self->active_games->{$game_name};
- }
- return;
-sub valid_game {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $package = $self->game_package($name);
- return (grep { $package eq $_ } $self->games) ? 1 : 0;
-sub game_package {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($name) = @_;
- return first { /\Q::$name\E$/i } $self->games;
-sub game_list {
- my $self = shift;
- return sort map { s/Bot::Games::Game:://; lc } $self->games;
-sub find_game {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($abbrev) = @_;
- return $abbrev if $self->valid_game($abbrev);
- return $self->alias->{$abbrev}
- if exists $self->alias->{$abbrev}
- && $self->valid_game($self->alias->{$abbrev});
- my @possibilities = grep { /^$abbrev/ } $self->game_list;
- return $possibilities[0] if @possibilities == 1;
- return;
-no Bot::Games::OO;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IM::Engine::Plugin::Commands;