path: root/fortune-mod/.local/share/fortune/yasd-fortune
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authorJesse Luehrs <>2023-10-08 12:09:20 -0400
committerJesse Luehrs <>2023-10-08 12:59:10 -0400
commit49570c8dd03448240897b37b68567352b790f16f (patch)
tree6c192a52046d5d0dd1b84a838befd8e777cfeafb /fortune-mod/.local/share/fortune/yasd-fortune
parent66939c71da756c1d9e07a88a4a8ea2a018650060 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'fortune-mod/.local/share/fortune/yasd-fortune')
1 files changed, 2517 insertions, 0 deletions
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/fortune-mod/.local/share/fortune/yasd-fortune
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+<Nerull> ?? it burns
+<GreyKnight> Nerull: you have spicy food last night?
+<Magus> Vlad appears before you! You wield a thoroughly rusted thoroughly corroded tin opener. Vlad looks worried! "I could get tetanus from that!"
+< Rodney> Aleister (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 34 points, killed by a water moccasin
+< WEERD> when will they learn?
+< WEERD> my death rate went down so fast ever since I stopped drinking from the fountins
+< WEERD> actully also while I stopped drinking while playing 'hack
+< SpeedEvi1> Shopkeeper wanted 20K for my vorpal blade.
+< blindcoder> until he lost his head?
+<lorimer> new subject: boobies
+<Eidolos> I seriously doubt Rodney would use a constant rng seed.
+<`Masque> The source would doubt that too.
+<Eidolos> I didn't feel like loading up the ole browser. :)
+<lorimer> BOOBIES
+<lorimer> firm, round boobies the size of canteloupes
+<Eidolos> Lorimer makes an interesting point.
+<ZenMasterJG> shouldnt it use the length of @arg in rand() instead of just @arg?
+<lorimer> going bugejabugejabugejabugeja
+<GreyKnight> Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to learn more.
+<lorimer> ZenMasterJG: boobies
+* ZenMasterJG gets distracted by boobies.
+* cjfp missed the pun because he isn't part of the mmorpg world
+< itsblah> be glad you are not
+< cjfp> why?
+< itsblah> it draws you in like nethack
+< cjfp> i can believe it
+< itsblah> but you also get the added bonus of annoying asses
+<zid> cool my holy water is blessed
+<mucknert> Heh.
+<tomp> uhhh, holy water is always blessed, it's blessed water
+<mucknert> Blessed holy water would be a funny thing to see. ;)
+<Jove_> Now with TWICE the uncursing power. It's Blessed Holy Water(tm). Available at fine temples near you.
+<fontp> like twice baked potatos
+<fontp> this water is so holy, it will cure your MOTHER's lycanthropy!
+<Jove_> Refried beans.
+<tomp> unless you mother is chaotic of course...
+< semi_> heh. shop keeper wants me to leave the cursed axe i'm wielding outside. so inconsiderate :(
+< rast> at least he axed nicely
+<Shabby^> You wrest one last charge from the worn-out wand.--More--
+<Shabby^> For what do you wish? a blessed rustproof +2 helm of brilliance
+<GreyPaladin> Shabby^: bored?
+<Shabby^> obsessed.
+<Shabby^> Your helm of brilliance named Helm #18 violently glows silver for a while, then
+<Shabby^> evaporates.--More--
+< itsblah> now you must prepare for the menace of conduct games
+< itsblah> lets start you off as atheist genoless wishless polyless polyselfless?
+< fishbowl> i'll start with "polearm-less"
+< kupior> The only reason anyone would ever need to be su on someone else's box would be to ensure Nethack works properly
+< Cheapy|> Reene: What I don't get is how they can be protected with such small clothing.
+< Violist> yeah... you'd think a sword would knock off a breast with one swipe
+< Cheapy|> "Even though I am showing roughly 85% of my skin, this bullet does nothing to me!"
+< Reene> Cheapy|: They can't. But somehow despite the huge knockers they can evade everything?
+< Cheapy|> Yes. The Huge Knockers have AC bonus of +5 and they cause displacement.
+<sjdevnull> Apparently I just passed out on my keybord. Luckily my wizard survived it.
+<Rodney> nailbunny (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 6879 points, killed by a winter wolf, while helpless
+<nailbunny> ...
+<nailbunny> note to self: sleep rays bounce
+< bclewis> Heh. I was in a vault, and I ate a mimic corpse:
+< bclewis> Suddenly one of the Vault's guards enters!
+< bclewis> Puzzled, he turns around and leaves.
+< _Q> "Hey! Who left that orange in here?"
+< itsblah> yasd : yet another school day
+< itsblah> i mean, yasds suck either way, right?
+* Mucknert throws daggers after Cheapy|
+< Mucknert> erm
+* Mucknert throws daggers after cbus_
+< paxed> you aiming sucks, Mucknert
+< Rodney> MadCow (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1934 points, killed by an elven arrow
+< sawtooth> go team elven arrow!
+< Violist> go team elvish chicks with big weapons! :)
+< greycat> and green leather!
+< fishbowl> a twelfth spellbook of invisibility! Thanks Mars!!!
+<ashel> For once, I'd like to meet some non-killer bees
+<fizztpok> Yeah, I know, hehe
+<GreyKnight> a - a fuzzy wuzzy bumble bee
+<fizztpok> See, that would be so much nicer!
+<fraggsta> I think "slightly annoying bees which just sting a bit" might not be too good a foe..
+<ashel> Sure, they sting a bit, but you'd only encounter them at 1hp remaining
+<Exedor> a wave of psychic energy pours over me
+<Exedor> he's getting closer
+<Exedor> it locks on to my latent telepathy
+<sjdevnull> They are not that tough to kill, but if they hit you it really sucks.
+<DW`> hmmm
+<DW`> that was a tad silly
+<DW`> checking through my inventory
+<DW`> wondering why i am burdened
+<DW`> i notice i am carrying 51 rocks
+<DW`> that probably does it
+<Rodney> zid (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 35 points, killed by a water demon
+<zid> wtf that water demon had a potion of gain level :P
+<Eidolos> Something tells me that the gain level potion was irrelevant in your death.
+< cbus> madness: my illiterate rocks!
+< madness> cbus: then why are you typing to me ? ;)
+< madness> cbus: you're obviously not an rp'er :P
+< cbus> rp:er? :)
+< madness> cbus: "roleplayer"
+< cbus> madness: hmm how should i play? ;)
+< madness> cbus: otherwise you'd be like all ... "dlwkjwlejw,cnwoiyehrkjh"
+< joshk> e - the blessed partly eaten Hand of Vecna
+< joshk> | choked on the |
+< joshk> | Hand of Vecna |
+< pakaran> however, line drawing characters on makes the walls look like walls, not | and - and such
+< pakaran> and more specifically makes them NOT look like altars
+< greycat> but... but... | is a wall! It looks very wall-like!
+< Soul-Burn> grey, the | has blank spots in it's sides
+< greycat> crevices!
+<braindancer> dracony: next item should be an eyepatch that makes you see all gold on the level and changes all messages you get to pirate speak
+<_Masque> braindancer: Now THAT is a GOOD idea.
+* _Masque &
+<SpeedEvil> braindancer: New B: parrot.
+<dracony> whats pirate speak?
+<braindancer> arr
+<dracony> oh
+<braindancer> a voice booms out 'shiver ye timbers mortal' -more-
+<braindancer> kos is displeased
+< TauPan> uhm, I ascended in 3.4.3 and vlad had teleported to the rogue level
+< TauPan> which was kind of smart of him, since it's black and white :-)
+< TauPan> I'm just ze regular vampire, you don't haf a grudge viz me!
+< TauPan> But the power of '/' exposed him, ha!
+<sjdevnull> So my wizard is entering Sokoban with AC -4, magic missile/sleep/force bolt/detect foot, and +7 frost brand.
+<aioli> detect foot, hehe
+<sjdevnull> You see a foot at the end of your leg.
+<GreyKnight> Your nose tingles, and you smell feet!
+< Lyss> ole.. yeah, i wann take all my clothes off, but i think its a bit dangerous with a troll.. ill eat him
+<SimonRC> "The clown throws a bucket of water. The water hits the clown. The clown turns around to see what is going on. The clown's ladder hits the clown! The clown throws a cream pie. The cream pie hits the clown."
+<SimonRC> being blind in NH sucks
+<SimonRC> (in the early stages, at least)
+<itsblah> being blind in real life would be worse
+<SimonRC> I need a guide dog.
+<itsblah> imagine all the troubles trying to play IRC or read nethack
+<SimonRC> indeed
+< _Q> ah SHIT
+< _Q> I just prayed
+< _Q> and lost all of my protection
+< _Q> AC went from -70 to -33
+< _Q> what idiot on the devteam decided to put the 'offer' command next to the 'pray' command?
+< TSC> Try Dvorak; P isn't next to O (:
+< sawtooth> lol...out of one pit and right into another!
+< Soul-Burn> what does the xx part mean in strength = 18/xx ?
+< greycat> it really means "We played way too damned much AD&D."
+< greycat> think of it as "18.03"
+< Soul-Burn> so y teh hell ?
+< greycat> Soul-Burn: because Gary Gygax did too much LSD?
+< Tatter> It means "oh shit, we need more strength values, but we ran out of numbers between 3 and 18."
+< Soul-Burn> so why between 3 and 18
+< Soul-Burn> and not make it 0 to 3000 ?
+< greycat> because you roll 3d6.
+< Tatter> Because they didn't want to let go of their casino dice...
+< racoon> tatter: 4d6?
+< Soul-Burn> 10d10
+< racoon> 1d100
+< Soul-Burn> 100d1
+< Tatter> Hmm... good point, I guess the LSD explanation is more likely
+<Shabby^> btw
+<Shabby^> quorn is actually really good
+<Shabby^> tho I'd rather have been ignorant about the manufacturing process
+<nekrom> what is it made using baby dolphin labour?
+<GreyKnight> Ground-up unicorn horns and babies' dreams
+<Shabby^> nekrom: now it's just grown in huge tanks of oxygenated water
+<GreyKnight> By baby dolphins
+<DukGalNamu> mumaks are pushovers
+<DukGalNamu> hmm
+<DukGalNamu> speaking of which
+<DukGalNamu> there should be a #tip option
+<DukGalNamu> tip a sleeping mumak gives you points
+<DukGalNamu> only if chaotic
+<Konstant1n> !ping
+<Rodney> Pong!
+<GreyPalad_n> !pong
+<Rodney> I wish you kids would quit bothering me...
+<DukGalNamu> !ping_of_death
+<DukGalNamu> huh
+<GreyPalad_n> !learn add #nethack:!deathping $ACT pings $ARGS to death
+<Rodney> Term #nethack:!deathping[1] successfully added.
+<GreyPalad_n> !deathping DukGalNamu
+* Rodney pings DukGalNamu to death
+<DukGalNamu> NOOOOOO
+< cbus> There is an amber flash as a lamp called magic hits the altar.
+* sauzan starts to sing Genie in a Bottle
+-->| GreyOoze has joined #nethack
+|<-- GreyKnight has left (Nick collision from services.)
+=-= GreyOoze is now known as GreyKnight
+* SimonRC was about to try pudding-farming with the grey ooze.
+*GreyKnight touches SimonRC
+<GreyKnight> Oh wait... not oozy anymore
+<GreyKnight> Now I just look perverted :-(
+< cbus> which status of the scroll of earth produces one rock?
+< Mucknert> cursed
+< Mucknert> directly on your head
+< cbus> perfect
+< cbus> just what i need !
+=-= GreyKnight is now known as GreyPaladin
+<GreyPaladin> I multiclassed.
+* GreyPaladin tries out his new powers
+<GreyPaladin> Smite Perversion!
+|<-- Arramiy has left ()
+<GreyPaladin> Hah! Got one.
+< thu> wow!
+< thu> lynxes are FAST
+< jilles> as fast as a minotaur, jaguar or fox
+< Skyp> they don't have to load the images, so they are faster
+-->| dtype ( has joined #nethack
+<Cheapy|> Heyyyyy
+<dtype> !ping
+<Cheapy|> it's dtype!
+<Rodney> Pong!
+<Cheapy|> And he came to see if his machine was up...
+< madgarden> I just turned into a wererat. I guess I shouldn't have eaten that wererat.
+< madgarden> How am I supposed to do anything as a rat? :)
+< konso> You can... err... squeak?
+< pakaran> grr
+< pakaran> BAD kitty
+< pakaran> and Melkor's altars in gehennom?
+< Mucknert> melkor?
+< Mucknert> its moloch
+< pakaran> sorry
+< pakaran> i'm an angband player
+<dpkg> well, nethack is a tty-based Dungeons and Dragons game that kicks butt all over *angband. The best variant of nethack is slashem. Sadly, the dev team seems to like releasing about 20 minutes worth of work every 2 years...
+< Rodney> Skyp (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 2153484 points, escaped (in celestial disgrace)
+< Mucknert> Skyp: loser :p
+< Skyp> Ok, what can I say... these chinese names all soudn the same, don't they? ,)
+< Rodney> Lyss (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2017 points, killed by a gas cloud
+< Lyss> oops
+< jilles> scroll of stinking cloud?
+< stormbin1> changed boots ;)
+< Firien> got 11532 points, best yet, and swarmed by killer beer >:(
+< Firien> er
+< Firien> bees
+< Racoontje> oh lol my dragon ate the priest
+< Racoontje> the god isnt angry
+< greycat> speak softly, and carry a black dragon
+<SpeedEvil> Actually, a blessed scroll of enchant car, and a potion of booze'd work too.
+<Tek-69> yo i second that potion
+<SpeedEvil> "The rust dissapears from your piece of crap."
+< Rodney> Klesha (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 3027 points, killed by a dog
+< Gout> yeenoghu was easy that dog was hell;-)
+< paxed> the bitch from gehennom. :P
+< Racoontje> What can you do if you are being stiffened?
+< Racoontje> Not that its happening atm, but, still
+* madness stifles naughty response
+< madness> "think of your grandmother on the toilet"
+< matthewmodern> i'm whoring out minetown while avoiding running them dry
+< caphuso> don't dip in minetown
+< matthewmodern> why? as long as I avoid running them dry I should be fine, no?
+< matthewmodern> whoops. got excalibur and annoyed guards on same turn
+< matthewmodern> was hoping for "trickle" message first
+< caphuso> well, getting excalibur always dries up the fountain, AFAIK
+< matthewmodern> oh, i somehow missed that detail. whoops.
+< dtype> t - 28 uncursed dilithium crystals
+< paxed> you can go to the edge of the universe with that amount.
+< matthewmodern> tomorro I intend to spend the majority of a 6 hour flight playing nethack on a PocketPC. As a result, I will most likely require both laser corresctive eye surgery and carpal tunnel treatment upon arrival.
+< Tatter> You thought I was crazy to search the ENTIRE FLOOR in the dark
+< Tatter> But I have a TOWEL now, and it was all worthwhile!
+< _Q> I *might* get +8 armor
+< _Q> once everything is +7
+< _Q> since you have to overenchant it to get to +7 in the first place
+< _Q> any other tasks you can think of?
+* greycat mentions something about a social life
+< paxed> hmm... a new bug listed on the bugpage. "Pets can be pulled through closed doors with a leash."
+< Pit> paxed: perhaps all the doors were outfitted with catflaps?
+< Rodney> tek69 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1641 points, killed by an elf zombie
+< Tek-69> damn I failed to elbereth 6 times in a row
+< kriebly> I had a dream where I walked into a cockatrice nest completely naked. I woke up petrified.
+<hacken_> eww you play in black and white?
+<braindancer> b/w rules
+<braindancer> it is how it is meant to be played
+<braindancer> look, back in the day we didn't even have a colour screen
+<hacken_> and then they invented color, and they saw this, and it was good.
+<sjdevnull> Back in the day, they didn't have an addressible cursor.
+<sjdevnull> We had glass ttys, and we liked it!
+<Wolfechu> How do you enter commands, punch cards?
+<hacken_> they had to reprogram the vacuum tubes
+<sjdevnull> Vacuum tubes! Bah! We god Ada Lovelace to move the rods around in our difference engine!
+<jcdangerously> Yeah, well, I had to walk three miles uphill in a blizzard just to get terminal access.
+<sjdevnull> Well, we walked three miles uphill in a blizzard to get terminal access--and then 3 miles uphill to get back home when we were done.
+<jcdangerously> Nice.
+<nornagon> mm, escher.
+< Arcane> ... A COPE?
+< Arcane> I have..
+< Arcane> An ornamental..
+< Arcane> COPE?
+< SpeedEvil> Just learn to cope.
+<Rodney> tek69 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 6561 points, killed by a soldier ant
+<bobbens> Go team ant :)
+<Tek-69> go team everyone actually. I love when rng decides it's gang bang time.
+<Jabberwock> I'm wondering why sys_write segfaults in my shellcode
+<mrivan> If it dumpd core you may have eaten an apple?
+<Nerull> ?? chickatrice
+<sylphie> ?? Kentucky Fried Chickatrice
+<sylphie> The soldier begins bashing you with a fried chickatrice. The soldier hits! You turned into a statue of the Colonel by the door.
+< Snpr> i have been abusing my body? when does this happen?
+< DrPotato> saturday morning (actually closer to noon) usually for me after being out on friday night.
+* paxed doesn't understand how levitation can work. isn't it supposed to be a plane filled with water that has bubbles of air in it?
+< jmstylr> it's a PLANE of water :)
+< Arcane> You feel shaking in your pack. A killer food ration flies out!
+< Yammz0r> i found out wil wheaton plays nethack
+< Yammz0r> now i gotta say, i'm not so crazy about playing
+< Yammz0r> i gotta say, the idea of doing somthing that wil wheaton does is -not- very appealing
+< itsblah> wil wheaton is living
+< itsblah> you say living isnt very appealing since wil wheaton is?
+< Yammz0r> yes.
+<Eidolos> merlincorey: So patch Rodney. :)
+<merlincorey> Eidolos: not a fan of perl
+<Eidolos> That's everyone's excuse!
+<Eidolos> Oh Larry Wall murdered my family, so I can't use Perl.
+<SpeedEvil> !lart Larry Wall
+* Rodney zaps a wand of larting at Larry Wall. Nothing happens...
+<Eidolos> Larry Wall is immune to Perl-based attacks.
+<SpeedEvil> !gamesby mind
+<SpeedEvil> !gamesby matter
+<Rodney> mind has played 19 games, between 20060327 and 20060330, highest score 310369, died 19 times
+<Rodney> No games for matter.
+< kbi> how come vault guards aren't detected by telepathy?
+< greycat> kbi: because they're not on the map until you summon them
+< kbi> greycat: even tho i can hear him counting?
+< greycat> it's, uh, an automatic counting machine.
+< paintcan> ah, i delete counterstrike to help my study and instead i play nethack
+< richard-> though if you YASD'd i might start a new game to get to your bones. :)
+< Arcane> Oh, wait, crap
+< Arcane> What exactly IS motionless?
+< nesta> you only move by teleportation or by being displaced
+< |404notfound> being displaced, as in only on the receiving end?
+< nesta> you don't even step off the starting square, and you sure don't use stairs
+< itsblah> sounds impossible
+< |404notfound> I take it motionless wasn't a conduct devised with ascension in mind
+< nesta> itsblah: that's been said about every loony conduct.
+< nailbunny> i like how the shopkeep mentions the usage fee even when he's asleep
+<nightswim> how long does hallucinating from a violet fungus last?
+<ContraDuck> nightswim: 200 or more turns
+<zezozose> the trip comes on in like 20 peak at about 100 turns which lasts about 75 turns, then you start to come down
+* Eidolos snickers.
+<Eidolos> Hallucination turn 131 is the best.
+<Eidolos> That's when the phones fly in.
+< SpeedEvil> Easy sokoban kit:Pickaxe, reverse genocide paper golems.
+< SpeedEvil> And a magic marker.
+< KimmoKM> Really easy sokoban-kit: Brains.
+< Snpr> what's with wizard's str?
+< Snpr> they are too powerful anyway :|
+< greycat> St: caps are racial, not class...ial.
+< Mucknert> happy birthday to me
+< SpeedEvil> How many candles should we put on your candelabrum?
+< Mucknert> SpeedEvil: 7
+< SpeedEvil> Too illiteral... How many candles on cake?
+< Mucknert> 22
+< sawtooth> hmm...couldn't find a about 22 candles in a cream pie?
+* sawtooth gets out the expensive camera to take a picture
+* Mucknert applies a looking glass in his direction first
+* sawtooth gets the game of "pin the tail on the floating eye" out. Don't try to cheat either! ;)
+<ihope> Getting rid of the floor is SO much easier with boots of levitation.
+<Eidolos> ihope: You better not be doing what I think you're doing!
+<ihope> Eidolos: what do you think I'm doing?
+<Eidolos> Can't tell ya, it's a secret.
+<argiopeweb> I bet he thinks you're digging out the mines...
+<SpeedEvil> Nethack really needs ginger as a food.
+<Eidolos> OPTIONS=fruit:a Tupperware(tm) container half-filled with ginger
+<SpeedEvil> Apply it to a horse, and it's a temporary speed boost.
+<SpeedEvil> Sigh. I need to learn to think. Went into a room - thought 'aha, a boulder, gotta be careful of traps'
+<SpeedEvil> Click! You trigger a rolling boulder trap! You are hit by a boulder!--More--
+<Rodney> oj8 (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 133 points, killed by a boulder
+* argiopeweb doesn't want to laugh that that.
+<Eidolos> Too late?
+<argiopeweb> Now it is.
+<Eidolos> Hmm, it wasn't quote HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! funny, IMO. ;)
+<SpeedEvil> The sad thing was that I was out of line when I thought of that, then moved into line
+* argiopeweb is ashamed of himself.
+<argiopeweb> No, maybe a couple more HAs and an ROFL.
+<Eidolos> The guy DIED, man!
+<Eidolos> "We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of our belov-" "ROFL ROFL ROFL HE GOT BOULDER'D"
+< kriebly> ki-rins wear hats?
+< kriebly> that is just so CUUUTTE
+< Arkane> BAD ROUTER! Bad!
+< greycat> the cursed rusty -2 router named Packetsbane
+<towo> You("are bathed in radiance. An invisible choir sings: ");
+<towo> pline("Haha. Just kidding. April fools!");
+[19:24:56] <Rodney> ShenShei (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 8439 points, killed by a giant ant, while helpless
+[19:25:26] <Rodney> doy (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 780 points, killed by the ghost of ShenShei, while helpless
+[19:25:42] <Eidolos> That was quick, is there a floating eye in that bones or something?
+[19:26:24] <doy> Eidolos: yup
+< SpeedEvil> Wheee, amulet of lifesaving on a leprechaun...
+< billnye> it hurts even more when it's a nymph, and the amulet used to be yours
+< richard-> i see that both purple h and H are able to very wicked.
+< itsblah> yes, they are
+< itsblah> in fact, purple tends to be nasty in general
+< itsblah> you have your quest nemeses, the riders, major demons, towels, archons, titans, flayers, etc
+< richard-> grid bugs
+< itsblah> as i said, purple tends to be nasty
+<zezozose> it's not a good idea to talk about nethack to the uninitiated
+<zezozose> you sound like a mad man
+<jhaig> I ate one to stop it, but obviously you can only do that with one. In fact it came back to life while I was eating it at first.
+<aioli> i perhaps haven't been paying as much attention to the asc% as i should have
+<aioli> but at least i killed myself with a grappling hook
+<ContraDuck> you also appear to have choked on a big cock at one stage too
+<aioli> hehe good times
+<kroisis> things learned the hard way: If you are hunting mimics in an armor shop, don't try casting 'force bolt' along a line of armor at a known mimic unless you are SURE there are no 'crystal plate mail's between you and your target. Alternately, have major $ handy to pay for the ones you shatter -OR- you are ready to take on a shopkeeper and the 'keystone kops'... :(
+<nornagon> :/
+<kroisis> ...lost a very promising wizard just a bit ago that way....
+<ContraDuck> Traditionally people learn the "No force bolt in a shop" lesson in potion shops. I like your style, you do things differently.
+<kroisis> several years ago I had a char that killed 3 shopkeepers...his luck was attrocious after that...EVERYBODY hated him...he was in such dire straits a succubus wouldn't give him the time of day...he was in such dire straits, nymphs kept attacking him by giving him cursed stuff he was in such dire strait vampires didn't even want his blood....he was in such dire straits Jubilex looked at him and said to a nearby trapper "you eat that? Y
+<kroisis> our're CRAZY man!"
+< blindcoder> Sent in some mind flayers.
+< blindcoder> Oops
+< jilles> good elberething!
+< blindcoder> jilles: you know... I totally forgot about that one :(
+< nesta> Minotaur butts and Xan pricks
+< tilman> i just morphed into a frigging piranha, what to do now?
+< SpeedEvil> flop around looking toothy?
+< kbi> avoid bigger fish?
+< krilly> Pfff, tengu
+< krilly> I eat them for breakfast.
+< SpeedEvil> Tengu-flakes!
+< krilly> Tengu on toast, actually.
+<Talia> i wish my friend who got me into the game warned me about that.
+<Rodney> Queensownt (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1251966 points, killed by the wrath of Moloch
+<Rodney> Queensownt reaches #1943 on the top 2000 list.
+<Talia> *cry*
+<HiSPeed> hehe a convertor in votd ?
+<SpeedEvil> :/
+* SpeedEvil confronts Talia.
+<SpeedEvil> Err, comforts.
+<Talia> well.. live and learn.. as all the other times I died, I guess. :P
+<SpeedEvil> Sigh.
+<Talia> note to self: praying in gehennom = bad.
+<_bryce> Heh, I was reading the inventory list and misread it. Saw "magic marker" and "mirror" and read "magic mirror".
+<_bryce> That would be a funny item. "Who's the fairest of them all?" "Not you, you only have CHA 5."
+<SpeedEvil> invoke for poisoned apples?
+< Raeth> Is it sad that I consider watching TV to be watching someone else play NetHack?
+< nailbunny> hey at least you think while watching someone play nethack (hopefully)
+< nailbunny> and no commercials is nice
+<Cheapy|> GO TEAM @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+* GreyKnight thinks Cheapy|'s drunk too many of those potions already
+<dtype> I'm working on "identify"ing a few drinks from the fridge myself
+<itsblah> i usually have a slot for most of my tools
+<psyklops> I make my digger d, my whistle w, and my key/lockpick f (because it kinda looks like one, k is too far away from home keys)
+<psyklops> A-lamp, z-touchstone
+<psyklops> yep...
+<zezozose> y-cockatrice corpse
+<_bryce> uh
+<_bryce> that would be bad...
+<Rodney> psyklops (Sam Hum Mal Law), 518 points, killed by a wand
+<_bryce> bad day, eh psyklops? I was having one yesterday...
+<psyklops> bad day? haha... just average
+<psyklops> whoa, a scroll just calmed a shopkeeper...
+<psyklops> is ittaming?
+<braindancer> guess so
+<HiSPeed> cant think of any other scroll than a ?oFire (killing you in the process)
+<_bryce> a tame shopkeeper? that would be interesting...
+<HiSPeed> which tames the shk indirectly ;)
+* HiSPeed once had an army of captain-pets ;)
+<GreyKnight> Forward, my minions!
+<psyklops> why is he so mad at me for kicking his door down, it reappeared in seconds
+<GreyKnight> <shk> It had *sentimental value*!
+<Rodney> Exedor (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 326 points, choked on a newt corpse
+<GreyKnight> The lengths some people will go to to get a buzz.
+<psyklops> heh, do -1 levitation increase gravity?
+< Cheapy> Leocrottas are hard to explain; They are basically a bunch of animals in one
+< tweek__> bottom line: if you see one, run like fuck
+<MaximumRock_> i think
+<MaximumRock_> i am
+<MaximumRock_> going to
+<MaximumRock_> die
+<GreyKnight> That's
+<GreyKnight> most
+<GreyKnight> unfortunate
+<GreyKnight> my
+<GreyKnight> commiserations
+<GreyKnight> to
+<GreyKnight> your
+<GreyKnight> family
+<MaximumRock> OH GOD
+<MaximumRock> SNAKES
+<MaximumRock> ??water moccasin
+<GreyKnight> Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
+<_bryce> you an Arc? that would make it funnier.
+<zezozose> You open the blessed Ark of the Covenant. Your head explodes.--More--
+<_bryce> any way to tell if a fortune cookie tells the truth or is lying?
+<GreyKnight> BUC status helps
+<merlincorey> I think blessed ones have to be true
+<GreyKnight> yea
+<merlincorey> or at least I know cursed ones are bad
+<GreyKnight> blessed --> true, cursed --> false, uncursed --> either
+<zezozose> if you find a fortune cookie that says: 'this sentence is false', what would be the buc status of the cookie?
+<_bryce> wow. profound.
+<braindancer> ?>leocrotta[2]
+<braindancer> yeah was trying to send that to the channel so someone who died to it would read it..
+<braindancer> mischanneled and sat there for half a minute thinking rodney was lagging
+< Arcane> AlRIGHT!
+< Arcane> I got a Shopkeeper Killing Kit!
+< KimmoKM> What is it?
+< Arcane> Sleep XD
+<SpeedEvil> Hmm. Low cha valkyries may get bulemia...
+<ScottishPig> lol.
+<ScottishPig> Ugh. Rotten Egg. You suddenly vomit. You feel prettier!
+<ScottishPig> Cha++
+<Rodney> psyklops (Sam Hum Mal Law), 62702 points, killed by a wraith
+<psyklops> I'm so stupid... I don't deserve this game
+<lament> mrivan: you should explain that mathx guy why drinking from fountains is bad.
+<mrivan> it's bad because even I died from it
+* anselmus still doesn't believe in electricity
+<GreyKnight> anselmus: Must make blue dragons easier to deal with.
+<GreyKnight> 'Course, they're all white to you.
+<Rodney> Gralg (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 14283 points, killed by a raven, while helpless
+<sawtooth> nevermore!
+< zid> #a#a#a#a#a#a#a#a#a#
+< zid> nice organised bees :P
+< ix_> aaa
+< ix_> a@a
+< ix_> aaa <-- way better organization
+<zid> eating is for pussies
+<zid> B - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on left hand)
+<zid> T - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand)
+<zid> whoo 18/33 :P
+<zid> getting there
+<mathx> zid. find a store. purchase a life. only 56 zorkmids
+<pak21> I know this must have been done: a trainspotting spoof in Nethack style. Anyone?
+<SpeedEvil> small @ crawling across the ceiling, as a grave appears
+<zid> ?> mummy rapping
+<Rodney> mummy_rapping[1]: If you ever see this, run away. Quickly. Vanilla Ice was bad enough.
+<hifi> I kick my pet to death :
+<hifi> :(
+<SpeedEvil> I wish I'd kicked my pet to death
+<SpeedEvil> Useless bastard.
+<hifi> am I playing too much nethack when I almost kick my dog irl if it's in the way? :s
+<Eidolos> hifi: Just displace it.
+<braindancer> yeah, really
+<braindancer> or say: pardon me, <dogname>
+<Eidolos> Throwing tripe at a wall works too.
+<GM_nethack> #chat to it
+<hifi> it will look at me with the "wtf" -face
+<fontp> hrm. this is price IDing as a luckstone, but I can name it Heart of Ahriman
+<GreyKnight> Spelt correctly?
+<fontp> yeah, cut and pasted from the rodney entry
+<PLS> have you tried "The Heart of Ahriman"?
+<fontp> yea
+<fontp> that's wierd.
+<peabrain> You're not playing slash'em by mistake?
+<zid> can I steal minetown for my own ends?
+<zid> kill priest, convert altar?
+<towo> 'course.
+<Eidolos> I doubt Minetown will fit in your knapsack.
+<Arafangion> So, how do I use a crossbow?
+<zezozose> wield it and 'f'ire the bolts
+<Arafangion> Ahh, yo wield it, thanks zezozose
+<Rodney> rakemandez (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1967 points, killed by a crossbow bolt
+<zid> YOU SHOT HIM!
+<zid> MURDERER!
+<zid> process of ilimination.
+<zid> el?
+<zid> el
+<GM_nethack> ...
+* GM_nethack smacks zid with a blessed +3 club of improve spelling.
+<Eidolos> !lart _bryce
+* Rodney genocides idiots. _bryce is wiped out.
+<Eidolos> That'll teach you!
+<GreyKnight> !lart Eidolos
+<_bryce> Haven't you heard about the dangers of self-genocide?
+* Rodney genocides idiots. Eidolos is wiped out.
+<Tek-69> is there any chance of instadeath from trying to go down stairs while overtaxed?
+<braindancer> if holding footrice
+<SpeedEvil> only aty low hp
+<SpeedEvil> or that
+<Tek-69> ok thanks
+<Tek-69> i should be ok then
+<braindancer> does being jumped by monsters because you are overtaxed count?
+<billnye> 8 rounds of "--more--" because you came downstairs into a pack of rothes, or something?
+<Tek-69> nah i check the floors first. i was very carefule
+<Tek-69> careful even
+<billnye> "the mumak kicks. the mumak butts. the mumak pounds your lifeless corpse into a fine powder!"
+<Tek-69> dont jynx me bill!
+<Tek-69> damn you!
+<billnye> :)
+<Tek-69> =)
+<billnye> the Gnome Lord points all around and jinxes.
+<SpeedEvil> billnye: Fine paste surely?
+<GreyKnight> Unless you're a mummy
+<SpeedEvil> Or maybe it's a cooking thing.
+<SpeedEvil> Take fine powder. Fold in one adventurer.
+<SpeedEvil> Rub till smooth.
+<billnye> hehe
+<billnye> <mumakill> *fold* *spindle* *mutilate*
+<GreyKnight> Cook at gas mark 'D' for 100 turns or until brown.
+<GreyKnight> Serves mob of 8.
+<Eidolos> !lastgame Eidolos
+<Eidolos> Wow, what a loser.
+<albatross> indeed
+<Toksyuryel> I like this part:
+<Toksyuryel> Comestibles
+<Toksyuryel> L - a blessed greased lizard corpse
+<mathx> hahaha
+<mathx> greased lizard corpse? geez, what you gonna do with it exactly?
+<mathx> wait. dont answer.
+<Eidolos> >_>
+<rain> Wonder why he was sitting on the B!oGA
+<Toksyuryel> XD
+<Eidolos> I had excess holy water and grease damnit.
+<mathx> sounds like a party
+<GreyKnight> !gt C
+<Rodney> Go Team C!
+<Rodney> Frown (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 1627 points, killed by a fox, while helpless
+<GreyKnight> Stupid Frown, should've been killed by a centaur for better comedy.
+<Duke_> sorry ;)
+< Rodney> Arkane (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 0 points, killed by a system shock
+< Rodney> Arkane (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 0 points, killed by a system shock
+< Arcane> Oh COME ON
+< Raeth> A figurine of a black light!? O.o
+< Raeth> How do you make a figurine of a light source? Is it the scientific model?
+<ihope> ?? crunching sound
+* ihope wonders what who ate
+* GreyKnight hides the packet of crisps.
+<GreyKnight> Wasn't me.
+<Rodney> Davros (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 19547 points, killed by a dwarf king
+<GreyKnight> Davros thought he was safe because it wasn't a mind flayer.
+<GreyKnight> You consume chinese-style jackal. Eating chinese food made you feel hungry.
+< Rodney> Sangy (Sam Hum Mal Law), 141 points, killed by a black pudding
+< Cheapy_> what the
+< Cheapy_> how'd he get one of those so fast
+< kriebly> good children get pudding early
+< art> Next stop: VotD.
+< SpeedEvil> Does that make succubi valley girls?
+* Ian-Keith learned real quick about writing unknown scrolls when he did his first "IanKeith was here".
+<argiopeweb> I had a strange tingling run up my arm earlier while dipping something. What was that?
+<antivert> ** you're now pregnant with the lady of the lake's child
+<antivert> D:
+<argiopeweb> Pregnant with a ladies' child?
+<antivert> argiopeweb: yeah, good luck with that in nine months
+<rain> "A small sword named Excalibur Jr. rips through your abdomen! You die. --More--"
+<billnye> hahaha rain
+<argiopeweb> lol
+<billnye> "dywypi(nherited)? (Y/n/q)"
+* rain chuckles.
+<rain> Very nice.
+<richard-> wow. i've just learned how bad blowing up your BOH sucks
+<anselmus> "Patience in losses is an exercise in bestowing. Who fears not to lose, finds it not irksome to give." - tertullian
+* zid sits on his arse waiting for a brown pudding.
+<Cheapy|> zid, don't plan on making your own...
+<zid> TO SPAWN >_<
+< Rodney> Congressma (Ran Hum Fem Neu), 777926 points, killed by brainlessness
+< noctar> well, how can a congressman get killed by brainlessness...
+< noctar> i thought that was their natural ability...
+< ccalzone> Can anyone tell me if foocubi's effects are better if you let them take all your armour off or if you leave some on?
+< Cheapy_> Would you rather have sex with a full plate of armor on, or no armor?
+<Ian-Keith> WITH MY SWORD
+<solidsnake> hha
+<solidsnake> he should be a pussy
+<Eidolos> Just like the real thing?
+<Ian-Keith> OH FUCK ME
+* Talia consoles solidsnake's ghost.
+<SirHack_> I'm never playing wizard again. Every time I try I get a score of 3000 max, and about 10x that with barbarian.
+<SirHack_> Seems like it has so much potential, but i sure don't have the tricks.
+<ix_> SirHack_: daggers
+<ix_> thats your trick
+<SirHack_> Yeah, daggers?
+<SirHack_> Why daggers?
+<ix_> theyr sharper than rocks
+< cbus> The wood nymph picks up 2 hill orc corpses.
+< Zealot> That's one buff nymph
+< Diablo-D3> Man, if I was a barbarian, Id be turned on
+<Kuprin> only once did I find a cursed genocide scroll. Didn't realize it was. Thankfully I had teleport control, because master mindflayers suck.
+<__bryce> Did some research yesterday;
+<__bryce> apparently the word "cornuthaum" was made up - but it does make sense.
+<rain> The etymology
+<__bryce> Yes.
+<rain> Pretty interesting
+<rain> "Hey guys, what's a fancy way to say 'pointy wizard hat?'"
+<HanClinto> Is Zid happy with his little farm? :)
+<zid> indeed he is, i'll tell him when I see him
+<GreyKnight> extra life!
+<GreyKnight> You now have one million points. --More-- Suddenly, an amulet of life saving appears before you.
+<ihope> There. Fixied.
+<ek|M> !conduct
+<Rodney> Do not wear a pudding within the first 10000 turns.
+<Ian-Keith> OH GOOD
+<Eidolos> !rng listen_to_me dont_listen_to_me
+<Rodney> The RNG says: dont_listen_to_me
+<-- Rodney has quit (Remote closed the connection)
+<benjaminzedrine> so wish I had one of those in real life, but when you go to the store and buy one of those, SO CALLED magic markers. gohd, I wrote all over my favorite hawaiin shirt and tried to fight the neighbors dog.
+<argiopeweb> Time for wet dreams.
+<mathx> i just drank from a fountain, so yeah
+<mathx> 'water gushes forth!' - it landed on the far other side of the room
+<mathx> like 6 squares away
+<mathx> very odd never seen that before
+<argiopeweb> This is so dirty. I love it. :)
+<Talia> it really, really gushed foth
+<mathx> thats dirty too talia
+<mathx> calm down
+* mathx zaps a wand of slow talia
+* argiopeweb wields blessed hammer of flesh
+<mathx> dont tell me, its half way to turning to stone
+<argiopeweb> fixed.
+<mathx> oh you were fixed?
+<argiopeweb> No, no, the other type.
+<mathx> leads to safer succubi play
+<argiopeweb> It has become fixed in it's ways.
+<mathx> no baby pet succubi bursting from your pack later in game
+<Bethrezen> You consume a tin of deep fried black dragon meat. You feel very firm. A succubus says "Shall I remove your t-shirt, lover?"
+<argiopeweb> How true.
+< NNY> How do I get the bot stop sending me the lessons learned the hard way
+< NNY> I've learned now!
+< jmt> First two shops were liquor emporiums. This isn't a dungeon, it's a college town.
+< Peter__> duude
+< Peter__> an incubus is coming onto me.
+< tsuteiuQ> aw
+< cbus> how cute ;)
+< Peter__> we're gonna get married ^^
+* tsuteiuQ slips on his ring of conflict while whistling innocently
+< greycat> better get that prenuptial agreement signed.
+< _bryce> hmm, fine time for my connection to drop
+< _bryce> oh good, it didn't.
+< _bryce> Your connection is slowed slightly because of its load.
+<HanClinto> Shoot. Smokeys are blindness in this game.
+<alphamale> Confusion in mine.
+<jmr> mine was oil, seen ONE the whole time
+<Ian-Keith> not as bad as the time i got sickness
+<Eidolos> I'd prefer sickness over oil.
+<Eidolos> Just because oil is so hard to find or make.
+<Ian-Keith> quaffing oil doesn't do much except tell you it's smooth. :P
+<jmr> yep
+<Eidolos> And what does sickness do? A few points of damage?
+<Ian-Keith> it EATS YOUR FACE
+<peabrain> arke: also, it indicates you're ok to #pray currently. If you're not... Oh. Should've #prayed! :)
+<peabrain> arke: it's very rude to die while people are trying to give you advice.
+<arke> i whs nethack had some sort of big popup like
+<Eidolos> This must be what mrivan does.
+<rain> Nethack by committee?
+<Ian-Keith> Hey, I like getting second opinions
+<Eidolos> NetHack by the voices in his head
+<Ian-Keith> wth
+<Ian-Keith> this is the assiest armory ever
+<Ian-Keith> HAY GUYZ
+<Eidolos> Well, give them some credit.
+<Eidolos> There are holes straight to Hell.
+<Eidolos> In the hallway leading to their armory.
+<Ian-Keith> And jack shit in their armory
+<Eidolos> They have to sleep hearing their lost buddies screaming in agony.
+<Eidolos> You're so goddamn insensitive.
+<sjdevnull> Sylphie, killed by a poisonous corpse.
+<sjdevnull> That's the kind of death I want to see in a bones file.
+<Kuprin> ??amnesia
+<Kuprin> what exactly does an amnesia scroll make you lose?
+<GreyKnight> I forget.
+<Pryon> Cool. Finally got to Chuck Norris level in martial arts.
+<zem> i don't know about you but i'm american, we don't check to see if we're hungry before we eat
+<bobbens> wierd i cant find the .sadism.c from , anyone else see it?
+<SpeedEvil> bobbens: It's one of the cloaked source files.
+<SpeedEvil> That only appear on compilation.
+<ihope> !
+<GreyKnight> They have secret code in gcc that detects when NetHack is being compiled and inserts the stuff
+<bobbens> tricky devs :)
+<bobbens> im going to have to read up more on the code
+<Rodney> Stormy (Sam Hum Mal Law), 1689 points, killed by a soldier ant
+<itsblah> do we still do "go team ant!"?
+<Eidolos> GO. TEAM. ANT.
+<peabrain> Well, in slash'em I think playing a monk is the easiest way to ascend...
+<^l1dst4h^> mmh why? :)
+<ibroadfo> because they're like armoured battle-tanks
+<ibroadfo> that fly
+<ibroadfo> and shoot lasers that are on fire
+<Eidolos> Diagonal movement is for heathens.
+<Azeral> Diagonal movement is absolutely crucial.
+<nailbunny> it's what separates us from the grid bugs
+* Eidolos wonders what mrivan's first ascension was like.
+<GreyKnight> <mrivan> Dada! Mrivan do ascendy! Me get biccies now?
+<azgor> Leprechaun sex is highly overrated.
+< Rodney> jarnoid (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 3946 points, killed by a watch captain
+< jarnoid`> Was in a minetown shop and rubbed an unpaid magic lamp, wished for sdsm and then accidentally read an unIDd teleport scroll, and the lamp was still unpaid.
+< jarnoid`> This damn game is so unforgiving.
+< ahpla> nice bones though
+< jarnoid`> Remember to thank me when you find my armor.
+< ahpla> You miss jarnoid's ghost.
+< ahpla> :D
+< ahpla> peaceful watch captain
+< ahpla> c - a blessed greased silver dragon scale mail
+< jarnoid`> ahpla OMG :D
+<JohnH> Unicorn horns, as a cure for sickness, are essential.
+<JohnH> Especially if Daddy-D shows up.
+<JohnH> (Heh, I imagine Demogorgon showing up in a pimpmobile, with sunglasses and bling.)
+<paxed> with several foocubi riding with him in the pimpmobile
+< Pryon> YANI: altars on wheels
+(After WEERD had to go pick up his wife)
+<WEERD> back!
+<WEERD> ok let's grab that amulet!
+<Cheapy> WEERD, welcome back.
+<Cheapy> Wife got in the way of your ascension?
+<Cheapy> Darn women ruining everything ;)
+<WEERD> nah
+<WEERD> not in the way
+<WEERD> just a ?oPunnishment if you will!
+* SpeedEvil remembers trying to ascend through the mines with 2/2 hp
+<SpeedEvil> As the result of a prayer gone wrong.
+<Duke-> "The gnome farts! You die..." ?
+<Sembiance> Can an error be both blessed and poisoned?
+<Kuprin> arrow? Ya
+<mathx> how do I get a shk out of his store
+<Eidolos> /oTele?
+<mathx> ohter than that
+<braindancer> dig down next to him
+<mathx> feh i wantt him into the temple
+<mathx> so I can raise Juiblex
+<SpeedEvil> Why?
+<SpeedEvil> Ah
+<mathx> in a gory sex ceremony
+<mathx> for glory, man!
+<mathx> i love killing Juiblex in the mines
+<SpeedEvil> Have you got the 3 bannanas?
+<mathx> as a level 5 character.
+<mathx> *sigh*
+<mathx> the *3*?
+<SpeedEvil> My connection is slowed slightly because of my downloading po^h^hlinux distributions.
+<Rodney> Kuprin (Arc Gno Mal Neu), 145529 points, killed by an owlbear, while helpless
+<Kuprin> remind me never to listen to that talk of leveldraining ones self again.
+<Kuprin> !wadb mathx
+* Rodney shoots a Wide Angle Disintegration Beam at mathx.
+<Kuprin> !wadb rast
+* Rodney shoots a Wide Angle Disintegration Beam at rast.
+<anselmus> kup: what were you trying to do?
+<Kuprin> rebuy prot
+<Kuprin> everyone was like "just drain yourself"
+<Kuprin> so now I'm a valkyrie :P
+<anselmus> how did you become helpless?
+<Kuprin> engraving Elbereth
+<Kuprin> I think
+<Eidolos> What did you engrave with?
+<raxvulpine> "If everyone was like `jump off a bridge,' would you do it too?" "For naked -3 AC? Probably."
+<PsyMar> But sex can give you hp.
+<ivan`> knowing that nethack/slash'em is the best game ever has helped me avoid game-writing
+<argiopeweb> Ths RNG giveth, and the RNG taketh away again.
+<Moriarty_> argiopeweb: don't I know.
+<Cheapy|> argiopeweb, but mostly just 'taketh away'
+<mekkis> you know what having 4 "oLS enables you to do?
+<zdude255> uh, die 4 times and live?
+<mekkis> no, die with 4 "oLS in your bag of holding.
+<zdude255> that works too
+<I3rian> The engraving on the floor vanishes. What would you like to remind yourself not to put in your BoH? [I or ?*]
+< mekkis> polyself to nymph
+< Jove> Then touch yourself.
+* Violist is summoned
+<mekkis> how important is reflection?
+<Dirm> how important is living? :)
+<mekkis> it's really not entirely necessary
+<jmr> ill just do it naked and barehanded
+<jmr> uh, the castle, that is
+<Zauren> My god this is the biggest store I've ever seen
+<sjdevnull> Nice zauren. Couple lamp possibles too.
+<sjdevnull> Probably bugles.
+<sjdevnull> And schnikey that's a lot of towels. :-/
+< Violist> AAGh
+< Violist> stupid. fscking. IRC
+< Violist> Remind me to NEVER EVER EVER type IRC in the nethack window
+< Rodney> Violist (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 43844 points, killed by an invisible stalker
+<Doran> Are crystal balls worth bothering with?
+<SpeedEvil> Only if you're a crystal golem.
+<ooG> awk. who cares? everyone knows what ur means. It's just as official english as "afaik" or "rotflmao"
+-!- ooG was kicked from #nethack by part [Here lies ooG, killed by brainlessness]
+<NNY> a roach just crawled out of my work keyboard
+<raxvulpine> "The bugs unsuccessfully fight your attempt to write!"
+* Andares hits Crassworm.
+* Crassworm divides! Your fist rots.
+<raxvulpine> I'm sure that most elven women are just as ugly as the rest of us. You've just got a skewed idea of the elven population thanks to the patriarchal media.
+<PsyMar> Actually, most elven males look like pretty hot women too
+<Crassworm> The invisible arch-lich zaps a wand of digging!
+<Crassworm> The floor here is too hard to dig in.
+<Crassworm> that's right, bitch
+<Altimeter> Healers are so hard. :)
+<aioli> yeah -- hardest class i think
+<aioli> unless you're a pacifist, hehe
+<SpeedEvil> Advanced calculus is a very hard class too.
+miraage: how can i prevent mind flayers from wiping my memory?
+mekkis: miraage, genocide them
+Rodney: Stabwound (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 119 points, killed by kicking a wall
+merlincorey: imagine how hard you would have to kick a wall to die from it
+<krael> so I turned around and walked for about 10 feet or so, then I got jumped
+<fontp> you should have engraved the E word
+<Rodney> TOUCHDOWN!
+<Rodney> Wonderin (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 553 points, killed by a little dog
+<Eidolos> For those watching, I'm going to ascend lawful.
+<Jove> Eidolos hits the correct High Altar on the first try...on turn 21940.
+<Eidolos> In case you just went "WTF"
+<aioli> Well, Anhur just went WTF.
+< sjdevnull> If I were a dwarf or bugbear, I'd wonder WTF I did to make everyone genocide my species all the time.
+< Diablo-D3> man
+< Diablo-D3> They need to make a nethack of real life
+< Tatter> They've already made a real life role playing game...
+< Tatter> "Roll a charisma check to see if you manage to pick up the hot cheerleader." "I get a +3 for having my own car!"
+< jmt> I \heart ASCII. Tiles are for people with too little imagination.
+< SLethe> markos (Ran Dro Fem Cha), 819 points, killed by touching Holy Spear of Light
+< markos_64> who said autopickup isn't deadly?
+< cbus> You see here 305 meatballs.
+< mroth> mamma mia
+< rSss> I feel guilty for killing black unicorn?
+< Lyss> are u chaotic?
+< greycat> yes, the u was chaotic ;-)
+< joshk> You see here a holy wafer.
+< joshk> what the fuck
+< paxed> wafer, not water
+< Rodney> rSss (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 597 points, killed by a black pudding
+< paxed> you got killed by english food!
+< rSss> it ambushed me
+< rebo123> eidolos is about to score first ascension
+< rebo123> on his /own/ tournament
+< DarkPenguin> oh damnit
+< DarkPenguin> Major demon
+< DarkPenguin> shrieker
+< Soul-Burn> LOL
+< Soul-Burn> shrieker is not a major demon
+< DarkPenguin> It said that
+< Soul-Burn> it's a lvl1 creature
+< DarkPenguin> wtf I killed AudryII
+< TauPan> DarkPenguin: you're trippin man!
+< ek|M> so... any hints on what options to set?
+< sjdevnull> NETHACKOPTIONS=!suck,mrivan,RNGfavor
+< Crassworm> What do you want to take off? [LUV or ?*]
+< Crassworm> leave the LUV on!
+<Poeir> I've got a problem.
+<cheapy|> Poeir, other than the fact that it's saturday night and you're playing nethack?
+<braindancer> tried to fix a messed up soko by squeezing
+<braindancer> suddenly a nymph gets to my stash...
+<alphamale> The nymph cackles gleefully! --more--
+<raxvulpine> Anden: I have decided (I'm farming in my current game) that pudding farming absolutely sucks and is mind-numbing.
+<raxvulpine> It's so boring I've stopped doing it at work.
+<ContraDuck> How come things can travel through the portals without the amulet?
+<Crassworm> good question
+<aioli> hax.
+< Tatter> Hah... I just made out with a succubus while we were both flying over the water in Juiblex's lair
+< Tatter> That's got to be the ultimate in kinky sex there...
+< jmt> Chapter 9 in that HHGTTG book.
+< Tatter> Join the meter high club today!
+< jmt> "The next night, they did it again, this time with Sony walkmen."
+<ChronoWiz> you know how if you try to read a book that is too hard you get stunned or it explodes or you get teleported
+<ChronoWiz> that just happened to me irl
+Maketakunai: Floating eye stuns you with its gaze! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! A newt bites you! --More--
+Maketakunai: You are dead. Would you like your possessions identified?
+<Eidolos> Today's fun fact: Making a floating eye invisible is only helpful for avoiding the gaze if you cannot see invisible floating eyes.
+<Rodney> Eidolos (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 6522 points, killed by a gold golem, while helpless
+<Rodney> ashel (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 158 points, killed by the ghost of ashel
+<ashel> irony :(
+<Zauren> Then again, cursed geno?
+<Zauren> I saw someone sit on a burned square
+<Zauren> And reverse geno MMFs
+<Zauren> For the int gain
+<Zauren> That takes guts
+<rast> hell, i did it once WITHOUT the E
+<rast> that kinda takes a lack of brains :/
+<Kahjo-TZ> "Hmm, I'm about to embark on an epic quest to retrieve an age old artifact from Hell. Better bring my cat along"
+< Graylight> see spoiler spl2-343 for more details.
+< alphamale> Connect potion pot5-yzx with vial 284b to applied item 4b28-b98zbl.
+< alphamale> Ikeahack
+<ihope_> The barrow wight is dead!
+<ashel> ding dong the wight is dead! which old wight? the barrow wight!
+< anselmus> "With but one eye, the Cyclops should be easy to blind. Remember this." - what is hippocrates smoking?
+<runcible> i always feel somewhat inadequate without a weapon with some exciting effect. you get so used to the massive hammer strikes, silver sears, etc
+<raxvulpine> You could name your weapon something exciting. "You swing your longsword called The massive hammer strikes!"
+<Gaulgath> You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.
+<Gaulgath> Noo!
+<Spazm> your pet died
+<Gaulgath> O RLY?
+<Rodney> Zauren (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 732 points, killed by a dwarf king
+<Zauren> I was paralyzed in fear of the purple h
+<ashel> The watch captain and the priest have been in the temple for like 2000 turns now. They're totally getting it on in there
+< aioli> i hope whoever invented the mysterious force gets his or her penis caught in a gear
+< raxvulpine> Your attempt to be gender-neutral there only sort of worked.
+<Aim_Here> Pet-stealing is so boring. Real Men dig their way out of shops
+<Toksyuryel> And then have the shopkeepers chase them all over the dungeons >.>
+<Eidolos> Real Men kill the shk and don't even take anything.
+* Yui_ hmms at graffiti: "they say a diamond is another kind of luck stone"
+< jmt> Sure, Yui, give a girl a diamond and you might get lucky. :-)
+< madness> stormbind: just protection racket
+< madness> a jacket is body armour, yes ?
+< Mucknert> yeah.. it tries to be ;)
+* madness takes a risk
+< paxed> hum... protection jacket for madness
+< madness> J - 3 cockatrice corpses
+< madness> yikes :P
+< greycat> planning on making a salad, are we?
+< paxed> or wokking?
+< greycat> "This smells like stir-fried cockatrices."
+<murklins> what is this mysterious force and why does it want me in this damn level so much?
+<sawtooth> murklins: i dunno, but if it's the force i know it always sends me to non-teleport levels
+<Rodney> SimonRC (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 63576 points, petrified by a cockatrice
+<SimonRC> Note to self: make sure gloves are on before attacking cockatrice.
+<skacer> all this time i thought the rock mole and the rock piercer were the same exact thing
+<StoneCypher> they are, for about five letters
+<Rodney> azgor (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 5124 points, killed by a killer bee, while helpless
+<azgor> curses!
+<SheeEttin> Foiled again?
+<azgor> frayed sew
+<lament> yo momma and my mojo go all the way
+< th> whee. we got cursed -2 charisma t-shirts from work. tight as hell and wont come off
+< imork> I'm a little disturbed by the idea of a tourist that can smell the difference between lieutenants and captains... :)
+< greycat> it's the extra brass.
+<bobbens> you could be a SDSM collector
+<bobbens> "this is a vintage SDSM from 1935, you can see by the coloring on the scales"
+<ek|M> "The nymph pretends to be friendly. It explodes!"
+<ChocoCid> lol.
+<NSNS> Reminds me of a girl I know.
+<_777_> ha!
+<_777_> r - 17 scrolls of enchant weapon
+<Angcrist> I wish scrolls were carbon paper, so you could write stacks
+<Tek-69> that would be pretty sweet, though a little unbalancing :p
+<Grunt> r - 17 scrolls of blank paper. You use a magic marker...
+<Grunt> Angcrist: perhaps that would be a use for unused blank spellbooks.
+<Grunt> You scribble all over the pages of the spellbook and tear them from the bindings. q - 137 scrolls of genocide.
+< sawtooth> You sink into the lava. You turn into Darth Vader! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
+<liljenny> did you wish for charging scrolls for that wand of wishing
+<Anden> well
+<Anden> about that
+<Anden> erm
+<Anden> I was going to, but I had a litle typo accident
+<liljenny> :(
+<Anden> and wrote genocide instead of charging
+<Eidolos> You guys are going to <3 the new Rodney
+<Eidolos> <Rodney3> rax has played 21 games: highest score 9497140, median score 1530, mean score 1051781.66, interquartile mean 33627.
+<aeon17x> there should be a Statistician class
+<Angcrist> rodney the statistician :o
+<runcible> ooh, just what we need.. more statistics! :>
+<Rodney> heliogabal (Val Hum Fem Neu), 496 points, killed by a crossbow bolt
+<Aspertame> Killed by a Crossbow bolt always gives me a mental image of "I wonder if this thing's loaded?"
+<raxvulpine> You young kids get all these wishes and don't know how to appreciate them. Back in my day, we didn't have diving for victory or fountain quaffing. We had to go 30 dungeon levels uphill in the snow both ways to get a (1:0) wand of wishing, and we liked it. And we didn't spend it on a spellbook of identify! We wished for a magic marker, like good God-fearing people.
+<Grunt> WHAT!?
+<Rodney> SGrunt (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 592551 points, killed by a fire vortex
+<lament> in my pants!
+<Grunt> Not that amulet, bryce.
+<Feory> !conduct
+<Rodney> Conduct: Never wear your starting weapon unless blindfolded.
+* billnye runs around with a +1 longsword on his head
+<billnye> I can't SEEEE yoooou
+<Feory> !conduct
+<Rodney> Do what everyone on IRC tells you to.
+<Altimeter> LOL
+<intx13> lol
+<billnye> hahahaha
+<billnye> nice one
+<Angcrist> I'll take that conduct :)
+<Altimeter> HOLD DOWN .
+<Grunt> Hit yourself with a pickaxe. REPEATEDLY.
+<Feory> well, I know never to take advce from you guys
+* Grunt invokes nightmarish images in his mind. Grunt wields the Internet. Grunt reads a scroll of enchant weapon!
+<doy> the Internet glows purple
+<Grunt> doy: \o/
+<Grunt> The Internet feels as good as new!
+<intx13> The nymph steals the blessed Internet!
+<Grunt> Haha.
+<Grunt> You see the Internet here.
+<sylphie> Suddenly, the Internet disappears!
+<intx13> The little dog eats the Internet
+<Grunt> The Internet takes on a strange transparency.
+<Smello> The Internet wields a blessed lag monster corpse! The Internet hits! You are slowing down.
+<Deranged> aristotle73, kittens are small children...
+* Grunt zaps a wand of teleportation at HappyFoppy!
+*** HappyFoppy has quit (bye.)
+<ChocoCid> "You hit on the succubus!"
+<aristotle73> Sometimes I think my pets want to die. My kitten just ran into a falling rock trap. Am I really that bad of an owner in NetHack that my pets flee to the nearest most convenient method of suicide?
+< Smeghead_> heh, "l - 2245 rocks"
+< hatta> smoke them all
+< Smeghead_> smoke?
+< hatta> you don't smoke rocks?
+<Rodney> aristotle7 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 4 points, killed by a jackal
+<aristotle73> Fucking hell...
+<intx13> ouch, bad luck on that one
+<Grunt> aristotle7 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 4 points, killed by not paying attention
+<Lucca_> attention demands 27096 gold pieces. Pay? (yn)
+<ChocoCid> v - a fizzy potion named Coca-Cola
+<Grunt> Your pack shakes violently! Your fizzy potion named Coca-Cola explodes!
+<sawtooth> You drink the fizzy potion named Coca-Cola. You have a bad case of stomach acid!
+<ChocoCid> "The Coca-Cola explodes out of your pack! Its fizz sounds like, 'daddy?'"
+<Pulse> losing a dog isn't a big deal anyway
+<Pulse> pets are easy come easy go
+<towo> I just thought I was in #wikipedia, where this kind of discussion would have disturbed me.
+<intx13> jeez.. magicbane is pretty damn cool
+<Grunt> The magic-absorbing blade amazes intx13!
+<alphamale> You touch the leperchaun. The leperchaun is miraculously healed!
+<alphamale> A voice booms out 'I crown thee... carpenter from Nazareth!'
+<Shawn2> does eating a silver dragon corpse give any intrinsics?
+<greycat> no
+<Anden> reflection intrinisic would be nice
+<ek|M> eating a silver dragon has a 70% chance of gaining the "satiated" intrinsic
+<imork> stand in a corridor and zap a wand of death at the wall. that will id reflection
+<blx> imork, thank you. i will try that
+<Rodney> Zawk (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 4573 points, killed by a lynx
+<cheapy|> damn you antiquated webbrowsers! DAMN YOU TO HELL
+Laptrop: is it me or do giants take FOREVER to eat anything?
+lament: it's very difficult to use a fork when you can barely see it
+Laptrop: I guess
+< Angcrist> "The priest of Moloch removes a robe and puts on a robe."
+< Angcrist> did he just flash me? :O
+<aristotle73> "The wood nymph smiles at the black pudding engagingly." <---- Damn, nymphs are sluts. They'll try to get it on with anything
+< Laptrop> ?? You feel a strange wind
+< Calamarain> Laptrop: Beans for lunch?
+<GreyKnight> What happen?
+<LordMatthius> SOMEONE SET US UP THE c?OG
+<GreyKnight> What?!
+<greycat> Main crystal ball on!
+<GreyKnight> It's you!
+<GreyKnight> What you say?!!
+<greycat> you have no amulet of life saving make your #pray
+<GreyKnight> Ha ha ha ha ...
+<sylphie> Take off every ANT!
+<GreyKnight> You know what you doing.
+<GreyKnight> Move 'ant'.
+<GreyKnight> For great justice.
+<itsblah> oh man, there was discussion of failing stuff earlier
+<Feory> there was?
+<itsblah> and then i thought, in my mind, that a "fail flail" sounds funny when you say it
+<itsblah> it flails around, but fails to hit anything
+<Grunt> You attempt to hit the hill orc with your fail flail. You fail it.
+<billnye> its: "flail" is a funny word all by its lonesome
+<fraggsta> flail as in the motion?
+* Grunt pushes fraggsta onto ice. fraggsta flails.
+<billnye> "your attempt to hit the hill orc with your fail SUCCEEDS...
+* billnye waits
+<billnye> you flail it.
+<fraggsta> Your fail flail fails to flail. You flail.
+<sawtooth> You flail at being funny.
+<ledneh> hurrah, there's an Install Fonts thingy in the Fonts control panel now
+<ledneh> thanks
+<Duke-> which are you trying?
+<ledneh> the bitstream vera fonts
+<GreyKnight> bitstream vera sans mono looks halfway decent
+<ledneh> whoa, bitstream vera sans mono really messed up my wall characters
+<ledneh> :(
+<Duke-> ledneh: that's wierd, it works well with IBMgraphics for me
+<ledneh> what's the key to change graphics again?
+<Duke-> ledneh: er, actually it was DECgraphics
+<Duke-> ledneh: O for options, h for DECgraphics
+<ledneh> I'm on IBM now, maybe DEC is better
+<ledneh> okay, lessee
+<ledneh> no, wait, I WAS on DEC, IBM is even worse
+<ledneh> too bad, I like the font
+<GreyKnight> ascii ftw
+<Duke-> ledneh: you could also try DejaVu Sans, it's the same font with more special characters (for other languages etc.), maybe it would help, but I dunno
+<ledneh> ... you know, I just realized I'm fiddling with the graphics of a TEXT-BASED GAME
+<ledneh> somehow, this feels philosophical
+< moebius> so I create a troll
+< moebius> then I see him grab an "oLS
+< moebius> to try to poly him to no head
+< moebius> which I did!
+< moebius> his helmet fell off!
+< moebius> but not the amu
+< moebius> acid blobs have necks?
+< moebius> went upstairs to teh water nymph
+< moebius> charmed her
+< moebius> brought him up as a blob
+< moebius> put them next to each other
+< moebius> put on the conflict
+< moebius> and she seduced it off
+< moebius> and dropped it
+< moebius> (of course I still had to get back my armor that she stole
+from me when I first tried to get her to seduce the blob before I charmed her)
+< moebius> so I found another nymph
+< moebius> and they nymph'd out with one another
+< moebius> it was hot
+< moebius> and I got my shit back
+<ledneh> ?? polished silver shield
+<ledneh> finally, reflection!
+<ledneh> thank GOD
+<ledneh> I just need MR
+<ledneh> ...
+<ledneh> okay
+<ledneh> YASD
+<ledneh> I can't believe I just did this
+<Rodney> Ledneh (Val Hum Fem Neu), 265953 points, petrified by tasting Medusa meat
+<ledneh> that's like four seriously good looking games screwed by sheer stupidity in the past week
+<ledneh> I think the RNG is trying to tell me something ;__________;
+<moussambani> don't blame the RNG for "sheer stupidity" :-P
+<ledneh> ...
+<ledneh> shut it mouss
+<ledneh> >:(
+<moussambani> note the :-P
+<fontppp> tasting medusa meat ?
+<ledneh> SHUT IT MOUSS >:(
+<ledneh> SHUT IT
+<Dirm> sweet, having already found 2 boh, I got the soko boh level, and then just to make sure I had a boh, one of the mimics on the level gave me a boh before I finished the puzzle
+<_NESoutlaw> "& a major demon (Demogorgon)"
+<_NESoutlaw> Okay, time to break wishless conduct.
+<art> What the hell are you doing at the castle at level 5?
+<zid> having fun
+<art> You know those eels can drown you, right?
+<zid> yep
+<zid> eep
+<zid> dead is me
+<HappyFoppy> Elbereth
+<Smeghead_> Ebelreth! Ebelerth! Ebelerht!
+<Stabwound> E|bereth
+<Rodney> Nilla (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 659 points, killed by a kobold, while helpless
+<Smeghead_> E?bereth
+<lorimer> ...relying on finger-E, until you understand when the best time to use it is, is not a productive way to survive :)
+<Stabwound> huh? I love gambling with a finger-E when I only have 1 round until I die
+<HappyFoppy> E?b)re|?
+<lorimer> all clauses in sentence required to properly comprehend statement
+<HappyFoppy> Later... ' ?b? h. '.
+<HappyFoppy> uhm why is this jackal attacking me :(
+<HappyFoppy> :D
+<Rodney> Nilla (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 76 points, killed by a jackal
+<intx13> i know i've been flayed.. but i didn't think i'd forget a level 6 levels up from where it happened :(
+<intx13> oh well
+<PinkoKnight> it depends what part of your brain he ate :-)
+<intx13> lol true
+<intx13> yeah, castle
+<intx13> there's definitly a barbed devil in here now
+<Altimeter> At least they don't eat the part with the motor skills ...
+<PinkoKnight> "You suddenly forget how to clench. A brown pudding appears behind you!"
+<intx13> oh god, PinkoKnight
+<intx13> :(
+<ihope_> Clench?
+<PinkoKnight> hey, that guy's been through the whole dungeon and hasn't pooped yet
+<PinkoKnight> He must be in dire straits :-(
+<Altimeter> Oh wow. :)
+<intx13> i know.. and he's eating rotten demon meat and dog food
+<PinkoKnight> On a related note, you ever wonder what happens to empty potion bottles?
+<ihope_> P - a bottle of you-know-what
+<PinkoKnight> p - a yellow potion
+<jmr> The xan scratches your back! How nice of him.
+<Erik____> yeesh my wizard started with rings of teleportation and adornment, destroy armor and light scrolls and a wand of light
+<argiopeweb> Erik____Nice.
+<Erik____> oh and a potion of booze
+<Laptrop> obvious party wizard
+<Erik____> i guess he just planned on going down to the dungeon to get drunk and disoriented
+<imork> totally
+<Erik____> well he is an orc
+<Laptrop> why else would he bring his kitten along?
+<billnye> heh
+<imork> adornment so you look hot, booze so they look hot...
+<billnye> that's a good mental image
+<Erik____> with a wisdom of 9
+<Laptrop> that explains it
+<imork> destroy armor to get nekked fast
+<Erik____> haha
+<Laptrop> your starting equipment should depend on your wisdom
+<imork> teleportation for when she wakes up in the morning
+<Laptrop> haha
+<imork> not sure about the light, though, I'm more a fan of dark
+14:47 < Magus|Screen> ;)
+(Note: This dates back to an old saying by GreyKnight: "ROCKS FALL EVERYONE DIES ESPECIALLY VIOLIST")
+14:47 < Rodney> Pinyl (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 139 points, killed by a falling rock
+14:48 < Magus|Screen> ...that's...ironic as hell.
+<Rodney> Mossbot (Arc Hum Mal Law), 160 points, killed by a falling rock
+<GreyKnight> A rolling mossbot gathers no rocks
+<temujin> Why is this succubus asking me if I know my credit score?
+<temujin> Oh, I'm playing the ad-supported NetHack
+<Rodney> Gaulgath (Val Hum Fem Law), 119 points, killed by a goblin
+<Kuprin> what did you do?
+<Kuprin> just kinda die?
+<Gaulgath> Yes
+<GreyKnight> Sudden and gratituous total existence failure.
+<doy> There is a message on this scroll. This message is from 'IanKeith'.--More--
+<doy> It reads: "I give this game my blessings <3".
+<stumbly> :\
+<GreyKnight> doomed :-(
+<SpeedEvil> Medusa doesn't care - she'll make you hard as stone, even if you're ugly.
+<Scarred> they died on an altar so there's no grave description
+<fontppp> what did forensics reveal?
+<fontppp> killed by angry god?
+<fontppp> priest
+<Scarred> not sure
+<fontppp> the yellow dart turned on him
+<Scarred> there's a half eaten lichen corpse
+<fontppp> CSI : Dungeons of Doom
+* Zerotonine ( has joined #nethack
+<Zerotonine> today, i learned many things:
+<Zerotonine> * don't let watchmen see you when kicking open doors in mine town
+<Zerotonine> * don't kill watchmen after they attack you
+<Zerotonine> * don't eat their corpses after killing them
+<Zerotonine> * don't sacrifice them on the altar
+<Rodney> Zerotonine (Val Hum Fem Law), 4846 points, killed by the wrath of Tyr
+<Scarred> nice a fire ant had a magic marker; what was he going to write down?
+<jmr> a bug report
+<Hogulus> Hogulus (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 0 points, killed by an insatiable thirst for fountain-water
+<Rodney> Pinyl (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 494 points, killed by a water moccasin
+<Grunt> go team fountain!
+<workimer> QUAFF! QUAFF! QUAFF!
+<workimer> FOUNTAIN FUNNEL!
+<Rodney> Pinyl (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 96 points, killed by a water demon
+<alphamale> :D
+<Grunt> \o/
+< TheRabbit> Woo. Orb of Fate. "As you pick up the orb of weight your mind is filled with--Who cares? I'm too busy trying to lift from the knees."
+23.30 <Rodney> Kitten (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 229 points, killed by a sewer rat
+23.30 <Rodney> Kitten (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 0 points, killed by an electric shock
+23.30 <Rodney> nhyasd (Val Hum Fem Law), 75791 points, killed by a warg
+23.30 <Rodney> heliogabal (Val Hum Fem Law), 3342 points, killed by a werewolf
+23.30 <shel-> heh
+23.31 <shel-> it's death o'clock
+<lament> i love standing on a burned elbereth
+<lament> (surrounded by a bunch of angry elvenkings wielding rubber chickens)
+<Rodney> PsyMar (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 7426 points, killed by a gnome, while helpless
+<cjeris> Apply what? F - an iron chain--more-- You chain your bag of holding to your leg.
+<Pthag> Hmm. Do shields do bad things to monks?
+<bobbens> yes
+<bobbens> no stun hit in melee
+<SheeEttin> Yes, they EAT THEIR BABIES
+<bobbens> i think also a - to hit
+<Smello> I eat babies
+<bobbens> babies are bad for cholesterol
+<Smello> My, that was a yummy baby!
+< tesko> does naming your weapon after the first thing you kill really help any?
+< raxvulpine> If the first thing you kill is an Orcrist and you are wielding an elven broadsword, then still no.
+< billnye> not unless your weapon is an elven dagger and you name it after the "Sting" you just killed
+< billnye> hehe
+* billnye high fives rax
+<LittleWhiteMouse> Well, I'm glad this channel exists. Sharing the death of my Wizard with my mom just doesn't console me...
+<mathx> why do gods give freakin spellbooks to rogues
+<billnye> what's their specialty skill?
+<Ian-Keith> "suck"
+<billnye> Ian-Keith: "you are now more skilled in sucky spells. you feel you could be more sucky."
+<teabing> does anyone know how the game generates altars?
+<shel-> teabing: It calculates a random number using rn0 with a parameter based on the dungeon level, discounting guaranteed altars, factors in the number of altars already created, then sets that number to 0 so I don't get any altars in the dungeons, ever.
+< foof> Ooh. A +1 T-shirt.
+< alphamale> +1 is the best band.
+< alphamale> I got their new CD, "Blessed Greased Fixed".
+<alphamale> The black pudding zaps the wand of wishing! The black pudding wishes for hand-like appendages for zapping wands with! You feel like there are some quantum mechanics at play here.
+<alphamale> What do you wish for? blessed fixed +2 Sting
+<Lucca_> greased?
+<alphamale> Easy greasy.
+<alphamale> You grease your fists. The succubus looks queasy.
+<Rodney> aristotle7 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 490118 points, killed by Vlad the Impaler
+<OsirisBRD> Bad ring of conflict!
+<OsirisBRD> Bad!
+<OsirisBRD> Good amulet of Life savings!
+<OsirisBRD> Good!
+<scwizard> ?? barrow wright
+<scwizard> how you spell it?
+<Mumbo> how'd I manage to get a pet iron piercer
+<foof> did you throw it an iron ration?
+<Mumbo> that's got to be it
+<Rodney> Unforgiven (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 275 points, killed by Mr. Boyabai, the shopkeeper
+<ColonelPanic001> wtf.
+<ColonelPanic001> I opened the door, he welcomed me, then killed me
+<ColonelPanic001> what a jerk
+<Mikky`> ring of conflict, perhaps?
+<PsyMar> Did you have a ring of conflict on?
+<ColonelPanic001> ARG!
+<ColonelPanic001> I did :\
+<billnye> ColonelPanic001: it's not polite not to welcome your customers ;)
+<Grunt> "Hello, ColonelPanic! Welcome to Asidonhopo's shop of death!" Asidonhopo hits! You die.
+<Pooka> i am going to eat my pony
+<kuffs> Pooka: I think that pisses your god off
+<Pooka> oh
+<Pooka> but he looks yummy
+<shel-> Don't eat former pets.
+<Rodney> zem (Kni Hum Mal Law), 76 points, killed by a riding accident
+<tesko> a riding accident?
+<shel-> Fell off horse
+<Everdying> not overexertion, then? :P
+<zem> well, i kicked it and it threw me off
+<Eidolos> Going downstairs while burdened and mounted.. you fall off the horse and stuff.
+<Eidolos> Or that.
+<shel-> What do you expect? :p
+<zem> i wanted to kick the door!
+<zem> but instead i wound up like superman
+<Eidolos> It asks you if you want to kick your steed though!
+<zem> yeah, i hit space
+<zem> "next prompt please"
+<Rodney> limewater (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 1114 points, killed by a pony
+<shel-> ^ may that be a warning to you
+<Rodney> emacs (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, slipped while mounting a saddled pony
+<Rodney> momfreeek (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1455 points, killed by a pony
+<shel-> ok, what is going on
+<ekiM> lol
+<shel-> Is there some sort of pony uprising
+<shel-> Seriously, what
+<Rodney> sheldash (Kni Hum Mal Law), 80 points, killed by kicking a pony corpse
+<irCuBiC> ...
+<ekiM> someone's playing silly buggers
+<Rodney> ashel (Kni Hum Fem Law), 0 points, killed by a riding accident
+<Pooka> i shoud not have eaten my pony
+<Pooka> thats when all started
+<Rodney> omgponies (Kni Hum Mal Law), 84 points, choked on a pony corpse
+<raxvulpine> Oh crap, I forgot that I got flayed.
+<Gaulgath> Wow, that feline and pony lined up to create a "fu"
+<Gaulgath> I think my god is trying to tell me something.
+<Dentarthurdent> then a trice and a kobold joined them...
+* Botje reads a cursed scroll of genocide
+<Botje> What do you want to genocide: Grunt
+<Botje> Sent in some Grunts
+* Grunt_ ( has joined #nethack
+* Grunt__ ( has joined #nethack
+<Gaulgath> YEEESSSS
+<Gaulgath> YES YES
+<Gaulgath> Wooty woot woot
+[<Gaulgath> Mojo for me! Mojo for Me!
+<Grunt> \o/
+<Grunt> Gaulgath (Val Hum Fem Law), 740 points, killed by touching Mjollnir
+<Grunt> <_<
+kuffs: homework is for non-ascenders
+<Botje> You see here an Olog-hai corpse. It casts aspersions on your ancestry.
+<Rodney> followers[6]: Note that liches are NOT followers, but they will escape up stairs if you are nearby and they are deeply hurt. (They're very sensitive, you know.)
+<mathx> lol
+<mathx> i love that.
+<Grunt> mathx: You cast aspersions on the lich's ancestry. The lich sobs hysterically! The lich escapes upstairs!
+<mathx> haha
+<Ian-Keith> The lich locks itself in its room!
+<Ian-Keith> The lich listens to Linkin Park.
+<Ian-Keith> Lichen Park?
+<Ian-Keith> <_<
+< wastrel> how convenient, ?oSM sitting on the floor of the sanctum
+< shel-> smell monster?
+< shel-> oh, scare
+<Feory> Okay, these speed boots are kinda useless... all they do is mean I get to see "you miss the <monster>" so much more, and have to wait forever for my pet...
+<Grunt> The rock mole eats 5000000 gold pieces! The rock mole chokes over its food.
+<shel-> A rich meal
+<bpt> You can probably write valid Perl programs in Nethack with the right combinations of major demons, pieces of gold, rings and random monsters
+<Eidolos> All NetHack screenshots are valid Perl!
+<cdi> HaHa! 1st smokey potion gives a wish! Hmm ... what to wish for.
+<shel-> A BANANA
+<cdi> I don't think that confers MR or reflection
+<Rodney> atheist (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 6324 points, killed by a priest of Set
+<Kernigh> Priest kills atheist?
+<scwizard> "Your health currently feels amplified!"
+<Grunt> That's a pair of extremely bad puns
+<Grunt> I really wish they'd change that message :P
+<SpeedEvil> Yeah
+<fraggsta> I see what they did there :V
+<Eidolos> A pair of extremely bad puns? That sounds like what most NetHack messages strive to be.
+< bobbens> whats the range on a magic harp?
+< Aim_Here> 5 octaves
+<spazm> "Mr.Squeakers picks up a long sword named Sunsword."
+<spazm> "Mr.Squeakers starves."
+<spazm> nooooooo!
+<argiopeweb> But there's no such thing as too much nethack.
+<Jmadman311> I can't agree with that
+<Jmadman311> at the beginning of the june tournament, I played almost 5 days straight and ascended three times
+<Jmadman311> my wrists actually hurt at the contact points to the computer
+<Jmadman311> and the skin was becoming smooth and calloused
+<shambler> madman indeed
+< dtriscuit> "ABABB" doesn't exactly sound like divine music to me.
+<SimonRC> "Genocide what (type the name)?" "Republicans" "Wiped out all politicians."
+<SimonRC> hmm, must have been blessed.
+<PsyMar> for future reference, you can type a semicolon in nethack, that's the "find out what things are" command
+<shel-> colon
+<shel-> if you're standing there
+<PsyMar> Colon for your current square.
+<AZzKikR> semicolon
+<PsyMar> Semicolon for things at a distance.
+<SomeoneElseYes> Semicolon
+<shel-> hemidemisemicolon
+<SomeoneElseYes> megacolon
+<Xarann> Arch-Colon
+<shel-> übercolon
+<AZzKikR> cologne
+<shel-> colon lord
+<SomeoneElseYes> Colon king.
+<shel-> köln
+<PsyMar> colonoscopy
+<AZzKikR> colony
+<shel-> blessed greased fixed +2 colon
+<SomeoneElseYes> You beging praying to Colon.
+<Eldak> colon powell
+<PsyMar> Colonial
+<Xarann> colonomatic
+<SomeoneElseYes> The colonmatic dragon.
+<Capuchin> oh crap, what should i wish for?
+<AZzKikR> a colon
+<shel-> a colon
+<Eidolos> Have any of YOU sokoscummed for "oR? I doubt it.
+<aioli> i've never run my testicles over with a lawn mower in order to make a fifty, but that doesn't disprove the usefulness of fifty dollar bills
+<Violist> first I turn into a yellow light
+<Violist> now a jellyfish
+<Crassworm> best polymorphs evar.
+<Violist> GRRR
+<Violist> c'mon, someone just poke the jellyfish...
+<aioli> Gnome 1: haha, the adventurer is a yellow light! Gnome 2: no, leave him be. it's more annoying that way.
+<Forai> that was the most fucking annoying death I ever had...
+<Rodney> Forai (Kni Hum Mal Law), 3532 points, killed by a horse called Gunba
+<SheeEttin> What happened?
+<Forai> The RNG fucking hates me
+* jfactor snickers
+<Forai> 'cause every time I'd try to eat
+<Forai> BAM, ROTTEN
+<Forai> Then I kick a sink for food, Puddings come out
+<Forai> THANK GOD I had excalibur and killed them
+<Forai> I heal in the middle of the fight by praying
+<Forai> Have like, 11 hp after the whole thing
+<Forai> then I'm walking through to get back to my altar to sac the puddings
+<Forai> BAM, DOG
+<Forai> I have One food ration, and throw it
+<Forai> I throw it a partially eaten food ration and resume walking
+<SheeEttin> Sounds like a party.
+<lorimer> rofl rofl, u got horsie'd
+<Forai> ...
+<SheeEttin> Hey, that reminds me, time to check the QuoteDB.
+<ekiM> You feel vaguely nervous. KABLAMM!!!! You trigger a land mine!
+<ekiM> good call, me
+(18:55:57) SomeoneElseYes: The amulet is burdening me.
+<shel-> I always put the Amulet in my bag to keep it safe
+<bobbens> shel-: doesnt fit :)
+<shel-> ?? sarcasm > bobbens
+<in game, stumbly names his Amulet of Yendor "marvin can't tie his own shoes">
+<Eidolos> ON SHAP
+<jsn>- :)
+<mrivan> you're right
+<Eidolos> He has velcro shoes.
+<mrivan> I don't own shoes
+<Eidolos> Now I feel bad for making fun of your shoes.
+<jsn-> kind of conduct
+<Grunt> spazm is going to kill Vlad with a credit card
+<Grunt> Vlad the Impaler, killed by excessive interest rates.
+<Eldak> so if i have a room full of P, and i split one, do they push each other out into the hallway?
+<argiopeweb> Eldak: Is there a reason that you're farming?
+<Eldak> umm
+<Eldak> so i can be cool
+<raxvulpine> Lots of young people choose to experiment at some point in their lives.
+<Eldak> like you guys
+<argiopeweb> Eldak: That's a good enough reason for me.
+<raxvulpine> "All the cool kids are doing it," they might say. In a society so permissive of acts like pudding farming, is it really any surprise that our nation's children are poking black masses of seething, roiling matter with metal rods?
+rast [] entered the room.
+scwizard: RAST!
+scwizard: ZOMG!
+rast: BBQ?
+scwizard: indeed
+scwizard: I ascended :D
+rast left the room (quit: Client Quit).
+<Jmadman311> alright. gonna go home and then start the ascension run!
+<shel-> sounds like a plan.
+<shel-> 1) Go home
+<shel-> 2) Become demigoddess
+<shel-> 3) Cook dinner
+<Jmadman311> all in a day's work.
+<zid> heh, wrong potion
+* zid is now the proud owner of 250 cursed blank papers
+<Veinor> Almost had a Go Team Ant here.
+(2 minutes later)
+<Rodney> Veinor (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2403 points, killed by a giant ant
+<shel-> The voice of Huan Ti thunders: "Thou durst call upon me?"
+<shel-> "Then die, mortal!"
+<shel-> He sent down a succubus
+<shel-> & a major demon (succubus of Huan Ti)
+<Jmadman311> ahahha
+<lament> Then have sex, mortal!
+<snowy> Die... of SEX!
+<shel-> I'm not sure how I'm going to die, but I don't want to imagine it.
+<shel-> Time stands still while you and the succubus of Huan Ti lie in each other's arms...
+<shel-> You seem to have enjoyed it more than the succubus of Huan Ti... You feel good enough to do it again.
+<shel-> This is the worst "death" ever. I seem to be gaining stats instead.
+<shel-> heh, he sent down an incubus this time
+<DukGalNamu> Eidolos: any op in here?
+<Eidolos> DukGalNamu: I sure hope not, I'm DOSing Rodney.
+<Kernigh> I once heard a lot of rumbling on a level. I think what happened was that a gnome triggered the boulder trap and died, then the other gnomes tried to take its daggers and died its sucession. Eventually that level had no gnomes.
+<freeone3000> I found a pancake. Lying on the floor. In a place called The Dungeons of Doom.
+<freeone3000> And I'm going to eat it.
+<hacken> tiles make baby jesus cry
+<Dentarthurdent_> f - a big stick (weapon in hand).
+<Dentarthurdent_> #chat
+<Dentarthurdent_> You speak softly.
+<ArtBell> The magic-absorbing blade probes Juiblex! You kill Juiblex!
+<ArtBell> poor Jubilex
+<n54> that's not nice... ;_;
+<ArtBell> he didnt even want me to be his friend
+<ArtBell> I tried Charm Monster
+<ArtBell> :(
+<n54> oh, not peaceful?
+<ArtBell> I whapped him with a cockatrice
+<ArtBell> since it doesnt effect him I thought he'd just giggle.
+<mtffm> ??potion of healing
+<ArtBell> it was just a joke
+<ArtBell> but he got all pissy
+<ArtBell> so I had to kill him
+<ArtBell> :(
+<Rodney> longone (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 125966 points, petrified by a cockatrice corpse
+<SomeoneElseYes> Cockatrice death.
+<Eidolos> Now he's long AND hard
+Rodney: dormammu (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 925 points, poisoned by a rotted small mimic corpse
+dormammu: is really awful at this game, heh.
+SomeoneElseYes: Don't eat corpses more than 50 turns old.
+dormammu: Of course, I suppose it's my fault for eating that rotted corpse.
+Dentarthurdent_: "You can't resist the temptation to mimic a dead adventurer."
+<runcible> depending on your experience, i don't think keeping L intact is 'fun' per se
+<lament> runcible: it certainly makes gehennom more exciting :D
+<lament> ie instead of "ugh, another boring maze level" you get "ugh, another borGET AWAY FROM ME YOU PINK FUCK"
+Arafangion: dranger: It's freaky playing a game where you _recognize_ the gods and you are disgusted by them.
+spazm: nethack is just like real life like that
+spazm: the gods require BLOOD!
+alphamale: You begin praying to God.
+alphamale: You feel that God doesn't give a toss.
+alphamale: YOu convert to Judaism!
+spazm: that and whenever i sac a human demogorgon apears
+spazm: jesus summons demogorgon! jesus attacks a stop beside you! jesus just misses!
+Arafangion: alphamale: That'd hardly be Jewish.
+spazm: jesus uses the touch of death! thankfully it didnt work
+alphamale: I crown thee... Carpenter from Nazarene!
+alphamale: Uh oh, the legionnaire wields the Spear of Longinus!
+spazm: lol
+alphamale: Fortunately for you, it didn't work.
+spazm: spear of destiny, please
+alphamale: spear of mint
+greycat: spear of shake
+spazm: you kill jesus! but wait... 3 days later his medallion begins to glow!
+dranger: Jesus dies!
+dranger: Ok, so he doesn't die.
+spazm: #turn a-a potion of water, really turn a potion of water into booze? [ynq]
+dranger: What do you want to eat? j - 5 loaves of bread
+dranger: What do you want to eat? j - 5 loaves of bread
+spazm: jesus starts game with water walking boots
+dranger: The Jesus touches you! You can move around again.
+<Gaulgath> HOLY SH-
+<Gaulgath> I think I just had an orgasm
+<Gaulgath> a - wand of wishing
+<Eidolos> wishgasm
+<TheShrewdDude> "You see here a wand of wishing -more-"
+<TheShrewdDude> "You experience an orgasm -more-"
+<TheShrewdDude> "You can move again."
+<n54> lol
+<Gaulgath> XD
+<Eidolos> The mother-in-law wakes up!
+<teabing> that's about the only thing that hasnt happened to me that could cause an orgasm
+<TheShrewdDude> ....
+<irCuBiC> ...
+<irCuBiC> timing, anyone?
+<stumbly> I use ex-gfs for pet names, but i'm demented.
+<raxvulpine> "You kick Susan! Susan yelps!"
+<stumbly> You have a sad feeling for a moment, but then it passes.... true
+<jmr> just dont get werefoo'd
+<jmr> the infamous werefood, hotdog by day, but at night... a bagel!
+<SomeoneElseYes> I'm still wondering: HOW do you look throgh greased lenses?
+<jmr> astral vision
+<shel-> astral vision is used
+<shel-> after earth vision, air vision, fire vision, and water vision were deemed failures.
+<shel-> not to mention heart vision.
+<delamarche> my favorite was when I dropped my luckstone when key-mashing becuse I was eating a sandwich
+<alphamale> Pray more and you'll be granted a wide-angle disintegration beam!
+<alphamale> The BFG of nethack
+< mfactor> liquor emporium x2 in less then 6 lvls
+< mfactor> huge ones
+< Dentarthurdent_> party at mfactor's dungeon!
+<aero2600> I'd love to see mathx cream pie his dragon.
+<PM: mathx> hey
+<PM: mathx> the polyself bug is in Rodney
+<PM: mathx> plain to see for abuse...
+<Eidolos> !learn info polyself bug
+<Rodney> polyself_bug has contributions by: [1]Eidolos [2]Eidolos [3]Eidolos [4]Eidolos [5]Grunt
+<aero2600> Whoa.. why does a potion of oil cost so much?
+<Eidolos> Did you apply-test in the store?
+<aero2600> Nope.
+<Eidolos> Shks really screw you over when you light up in the store.
+<Eidolos> "Usage fee! Yendorian fuel tax! Oh, and you owe me full price of the potion IN ADDITION MWA HA HA"
+<Jackalbait> woot, /oFire
+<Jackalbait> dammit
+<Jackalbait> instadeath
+<Rodney> jackalbait (Val Dwa Fem Law), 33068 points, poisoned by a rabid rat
+< sk> dudleys dungeon is mainly just boring and/or not funny
+< Koston> ack.
+< KeljuIvan> There are some gems though
+< Koston> and plenty of worthless pieces of glass
+< Chilliwack> how old are you :O
+< SomeoneElseYes> 15.
+< Chilliwack> 16 "[
+< SomeoneElseYes> That's only a year.
+< Cheapy|> ah. 15 and 16. Here's some advice
+< Cheapy|> Quit playing nethack and get a girlfriend. Nethack will be here in 20 years.
+< StoneCydh> standard internet rebuttal: find a girlfriend who plays nethack
+< Cheapy|> StoneCydh, yea, good luck finding those
+< Cheapy|> There's active work being done.
+<ihope> You see here -2147483646 gold pieces.
+<Mumbo> stop breaking the game, ihope
+<Zanasj> antimatter gold pieces?
+<teabing> SheeEttin (Val Hum Fem Law), 2249 points, killed by eating a spear embedded in a floating eye corpse
+<SheeEttin> I rarely play valks.
+<SheeEttin> The water nymph smiles at the little dog seductively. --More--
+<teabing> "The little dog mounts the water nymph"
+<Chilliwack> The little dog winks and gives the water nymph a small piece of paper with his number. --More-
+<Eidolos> heh
+<Eidolos> mountin' nymph
+<SheeEttin> Seems the dog proved to be too much for the nymph. :P
+<SheeEttin> Got my shield back. :)
+< WEERD> Pony Tamed
+< WEERD> they are such badass pets in the early-game
+< WEERD> and so fscking easy to tame!
+< muumiponi> yes we are
+< BenUrban> java telnet? are you nuts?
+< hello_hello_hel> the most unsecure client
+< BenUrban> there's no encryption
+< BenUrban> thus no security
+< mathx> people who want secure nethack sessions?
+< mathx> gimme a fscking break
+< aardvarkj> I don't want anyone to see the number on my PYEC.
+< Chilliwack> my charisma irl is like
+< Chilliwack> 4
+< MiniCat> haha.
+< BenUrban> not even an incubus will have sex with you...
+< Chilliwack> one foocubus to another ".... wtf IS that?!"
+< Chilliwack> "it can move, so it's probably got organs" "yeah, but are you willing to find out?" "hell no"
+< AskHL> "You cover your banana with a thick layer of grease."
+<BilldaCat> wife is dragging me to the gym, i'll finish dying later i guess
+<Yui> damn wives dragging us out to have lives
+<Yui> maybe I should get me one of those
+<Yui> can you get them at BestBuy?
+<Stevie-O> I recall one game, I took one step, and a rock fell on my pet and killed it.
+<Stevie-O> I went right back up the <
+<Eidolos> "Sorry Kos, this just isn't going to work"
+<dash> is the RNG trying to tell me something when that "engagement ring" turned out to be a ring of conflict?
+<Rodney> benurban (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 1649333 points, choked on a cram ration
+< Beartrap86> what happens when and incubus and a succubus meet?
+< Beartrap86> woah giant beehive
+< Elliott> I don't think bees is what would be produced...
+< WEERD> t - a runed broadsword named Stormbringer."
+< WEERD> at XP lv 6!
+< WEERD> hells yeah!!
+< fontpd> i forsee a death by angry shk
+< fontpd> possibly the very y-creezy that you were previously 'fronting' upon.
+< jbenedetto> lol
+< fontpd> killed by drive-by zapping
+< jbenedetto> SHIT MAN ITS THE KOPS
+* jbenedetto escapes upstairs with y-creezy's TV
+(y-creezy == Y-crad, tool shop keeper)
+<Dentarthurdent> You and the kraken and the kraken and the kraken and the kraken and the kraken and the kraken went to your reward with 4006511 points
+<jmr> one reason to ascend is so poeple can't smack you with !asc when you talk out your ass
+<Dentarthurdent_> haha, found the VS so fast it's not even funny
+<Dawnrazor> then why are you laughing >:U
+<Dentarthurdent_> got me there
+<Tapin> s - a blessed magic marker (0:97) What do you want to write? Anna Karenina
+<Rodney> Bilbo (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 494 points, killed by a hobbit, while helpless
+<Rodney> DarthL33tS (Val Dwa Fem Law), 4091 points, killed by an orcish arrow
+<Rodney> d0nut (Arc Hum Mal Law), 4406 points, poisoned by an orcish arrow
+<GreyKnight> The orcs are coming!
+* GreyKnight runs
+<Rodney> ichgucknur (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 23956 points, killed by a blue jelly
+<GreyKnight> Phew, the blue jellies have saved us from the orc menace.
+<GreyKnight> <workimer> it's all about the blue jellies
+<Eidolos> This game hates me
+<cdi> what happened?
+<Eidolos> It's showering me with awesome stuff
+<cdi> And it hates you how?
+<Eidolos> now if I end up ascending people will just say "well of course he ascended, even ben could've ascended _that_ one"
+<cdi> now now. We wouldn't say that
+<Eidolos> anselmus will :)
+<cdi> "even ari could've ascended _that_ one" would be more likely.
+<runcible> anselmus whines no matter what
+<Eidolos> :)
+* stumbly leaves a tube of preparation H with an anonymous note for anselmus.
+<Zawk> damn. fell into water...twice. My daggers a nigh-useless now
+<GreyKnight> You throw a dagger-shaped lump of rust at the dwarf.
+<mathx> q - a cockatrice corpse. You are beginning to feel hungry.
+< Aiku> ??your pack shakes
+< Aiku> ??you smell charred flesh
+< billnye> mmm, hamburger
+< jbenedetto> BBQ in your backpack?
+< jbenedetto> i recommend turning the other cheek, your likely getting a little crisp
+Stevie-O: there have been, like, 3 or 4 potion shops in this game
+BenUrban: wow
+Dentarthurdent_: Party at Stevie-O's dungeon! Where's the chicks?
+***BenUrban forgets which ones are chicks
+Dentarthurdent_: n
+BenUrban: lol
+Dentarthurdent_: they're such teases though
+Dentarthurdent_: i'm a & fan
+BenUrban: yeah & kicks ass
+BenUrban: especially while you're wielding excalibur or the staff
+Dentarthurdent_: fun time, but when they dump you they sure dump you hard
+BenUrban: Dentarthurdent_: not if you are wielding excalibur or the staff
+Dentarthurdent_: yeah, & like it when you have a big sword/staff :P
+<Azzkikr> #offer ing humans while i am human is a bad idea, huh?
+<Chilliwack> very
+<raxvulpine> Azzkikr: Unless you are chaotic _and_ know what you are doing.
+<+Rodney> azzkikr (Val Hum Fem Law), 3263 points, killed by a priestess of Tyr
+<Azzkikr> well, i didn't know what i was doing
+<raxvulpine> Nope!
+<Rodney> cdi (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 8456 points, killed by a soldier ant
+<cdi> GO TEAM ANT!
+<Rodney> og01 (Pri Hum Fem Cha), 43205 points, killed by Yeenoghu
+<og01> heheh could be an interesting mine town bones file...
+<BenUrban> ...
+<BenUrban> don't you dare give me minetown bones
+<BenUrban> i'm a fscking level 1 healer
+<og01> well i didnt mean to attack him
+<og01> and turn him hostile
+<og01> on my level i summoned loads of demons in mine town, (because i was bord), accidently attack Yeenoghu while confused
+<og01> Jublieex is floating around somewhere on that level aswell (although he is peaceful)
+<BenUrban> peaceful to some
+<AskHL> I don't suppose he will be peaceful to eventual bones-finders necessarily
+<og01> well if anybody gets that bones their screwed then
+<BenUrban> exactly
+<og01> oh well - just another challenge for them to overcome...
+[6 minutes later]
+<BenUrban> It hits! It hits! It hits! Something casts a spell at you!--More--
+<BenUrban> you motherfucker
+* BenUrban stabs og01
+* BenUrban stabs og01 again
+<BenUrban> this is what happens when you are LEVEL ONE and encounter Yeenoghu bones
+<BenUrban> og01: if i ever encounter you IRL i'm going to have to kick your ass
+<Jamosup> O.o
+<Jamosup> BenUrban (??? ??? ??? ???), low points, killed by Yeenoghu
+<alphamale> :D
+<BenUrban> You never hit with a wielded weapon.
+<BenUrban> almost pacifist
+<BenUrban> was going for protection
+<Rodney> benurban (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 380 points, killed by invisible Yeenoghu
+<BenUrban> heh you forgot invisible
+* Jamosup hits himself on the head
+<Nerull> Hrmm, bones level
+<Nerull> Some doggy called Rosebud nipping at my heels
+<Rodney> Nerull2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 1815 points, killed by a dog called Rosebud
+Rodney: Conduct: Do not wield your starting weapon within the first 4000 turns.
+Chilliwack: that's impossible, you start with it wielded
+Chilliwack: boo
+Anden: monk can do it
+Anden: and tourist
+ekiM: and tourist
+Chilliwack: impossible for classes who start with a weapon, dammit
+Anden: tourists start with darts
+wonko: i have aggravate monster :)
+Stevie-O: you have aggravate monste?
+Stevie-O: why would you go and do such a thing?
+wonko: hehe
+wonko: i was not paying attention while saccing, and sacced my pet horsey instead of that evil one
+wonko: ..twice
+<Erik____> now why would the Tourists elect someone called The Master of Thieves as their mayor?
+<Erik____> they deserve what they've gotten
+jackalbait: grr, werejackal summoned twice
+billnye: well, DUH
+billnye: look at your nick, man!
+[15:17] <Rodney> stinking (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 2322 points, killed by a bolt of fire
+[15:17] <Rodney> WereCar (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 195487 points, killed by a black pudding
+[15:17] <Rodney> Ledneh (Ran Hum Fem Neu), 592 points, killed by a falling object
+[15:17] <Rodney> Marl (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 1075 points, killed by a hobgoblin
+<Rapidfire> MULTIKILL
+worst: Hopefully I'll ascend this time, and never feel the need to play again...
+worst: but just in case, how do I set pickup types in the options file?
+<lrathbon> any hot chick nethackers here?
+<murklins> pyrolisk?
+<Quint_Sakugarne> wow
+<Quint_Sakugarne> the green mold just "turned to flee".
+<NeremWorld> "That's it. I'm growing out of here."
+<zubin> leprechaun hall is significantly more fun with a rubber chicken
+<zubin> and stealth
+<zubin> however...
+<zubin> sigh
+<zubin> pits and c corpses do not mix.
+<Rodney> zubbdk (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 147944 points, petrified by a
+cockatrice corpse
+<BenUrban> oh that REALLY sucks
+<BenUrban> You sink like a rock. You drown.--More--
+<BenUrban> displaced my dragon while blanking stuff
+<BenUrban> oh ffs
+<BenUrban> i didn't even finish diluting that last potion
+<BenUrban> all because amulets rust
+<BenUrban> if it weren't for that, i would have been wearing my "ls
+<BenUrban> *sob*
+<BenUrban> benurban (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 417388 points, displaced into a pool of water by a silver dragon named Dragon 1
+< shel-> Anyone know what NetHack does during a lunar eclipse?
+< shel-> You feel unlucky! No moon tonight
+LittleWhiteMouse: The last time I polypiled it was for grease...
+LittleWhiteMouse: Because some guy brought a bunch of succubi and nymphs to astral and forgot to bring lube...
+gr0ck: what is grease used for?
+n00bish: does transferring items to/from boh take any time?
+n00bish: gr0ck, anal
+gr0ck: that's it?
+LittleWhiteMouse: There are other uses.
+n00bish: well, this too
+n00bish: ?> hentai conduct
+Rodney: hentai_conduct[1]: Ascend naked wielding a blessed greased carrot and with a pet kraken. Bonus points if the kraken is leashed. Optionally, wear only a pair of high boots.
+***og01 slaps Og01 with a chickatrice corpse
+***og01 starts to slow down
+***og01 eats a lizard corpse
+alphamale: everybody must get stoned
+***og01 passes on the chickatrice corpse
+og01: man do i feel stoned
+Greentryst: wield, wield, pass
+<lament> girls love well-equipped archeologists
+<sawtooth> lament: is that a stone idol in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
+<Empy> I read a cursed spellbook
+<Hiroga> 'grats
+<Taurandir> Is that hard?
+<Botje> free teleport!
+<+Rodney> kasdaye (Val Dwa Fem Law), 389 points, poisoned by a rotted floating eye corpse
+< shel-> you experience a strange gastric acuity
+< Stevie-O> !rng @race
+<+Rodney> The RNG says: Elf
+< Stevie-O> !rng @race
+<+Rodney> The RNG says: Elf
+< Stevie-O> !rng @race
+<+Rodney> The RNG says: Elf
+< Stevie-O> meh. I'll be a gnome
+< futilius> It's probably just me, but every time I turn into a rat, the message looks like "you can't even do a handstand with this load"
+< alphamale> You hear a chugging sound. You hear someone exclaim, 'SPRING BREAK!'
+<Stevie-O> wow.
+<Stevie-O> Spotted jelly didn't crop a corpse, but it DID drop an icebox *full* of corpses.
+<Scarred> he was a serial killer of the spotted jelly world
+<billnye> Taurandir: the good news? the stuff that exercises St: will actually make noticeable improvements
+<billnye> the good news is you'll still suck
+<billnye> bad
+<billnye> the bad news
+<billnye> >_>
+<Quint_Sakugarne> interesting.
+<Quint_Sakugarne> i got hot air from the rotten tin
+<Quint_Sakugarne> the good tin gave me nothing.
+<Scarred> life's like a box of chocolates, you never know which one is going to be an intrinsic granting rotten gray ooze
+< dhalgren> You find an invisible black light posing as a statue.
+< dhalgren> I wonder what that looked like
+< KimmoKM> ??guardian angle
+< KimmoKM> ??angle
+< greycat> hah
+< greycat> "You can't harm me! I'm acute!"
+< Sweeper> pisco sour + nethack + fan + laptop on the porch +
+< Sweeper> a pack of camels
+< Sweeper> ready to destroy body AND mind :D
+<+Rodney> dgoddard (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 77 points, killed by the wrath of The Lady
+< CrusaderEsper> oops, someone was praying too much
+< CrusaderEsper> or too early...
+< billnye> The Ladies don't like it when you're too desperate
+< Elgo> i am stuck
+< Elgo> i must control my digging frenzy....
+< Jeevz> are you a rock mole?
+< Elgo> no, i'm a level one charachter in the castle.
+< Jeevz> seriously?
+* Jeevz tunes in
+< Elgo> yes....
+< Elgo> Xp:1/2
+< Elgo> And there is a minotaur upstairs.
+< billnye> even better is the T:495
+< Jeevz> wtf??
+< kriebly> time to wun, Wabbit
+< Jeevz> I would love to see you ascend this
+< kriebly> I would love to see you survive this
+< Jeevz> and i thought my fountain-quaffing was OCD
+< kriebly> you need 24 cursed potions of gain level
+< Jeevz> haha
+< TSC> I'm surprised a lich hasn't come out to greet you
+< TSC> It's probably good that you're so low-level
+< Jeevz> why stop here?
+< Jeevz> storm that shit
+< kriebly> yeah, storm
+< billnye> have fun storming the castle!
+< kriebly> maybe they'll all die laughing
+< billnye> "you think they can do it?"
+< billnye> it'd take a miracle.
+< Jeevz> maybe if we all pray at once
+< Jeevz> and clap our hands.
+< Violist> not doing too well with nethack
+< Violist> but on the flipside, I'm studying for tests more and geenrally being better at school
+< Violist> going to have to remedy this situation
+<Stevie-O> a 2x3 room with a fountain and three traps.
+<stumbly> sounds like my kitchen
+<hivemind> Question
+<Derekstiles> fire!
+<runcible> no!
+<hivemind> What happens at the end of a "Dig for Victory"?
+<runcible> victory!
+<hivemind> :/?
+<mardi> best way to move a large chest full of junk down about 5 levels?
+<Derekstiles> bag of holding?
+<mardi> my BOH is full of other junk :p
+<Derekstiles> oh
+<Derekstiles> no idea
+<DainDwarf> Find a good friend that will do it for you?
+<Anden> drop it down a hole?
+<snow> call the movers
+<mardi> i wish my dog would drag it down...
+<snow> won't dropping it down a hole break things?
+<Derekstiles> take everything breakable out
+<Derekstiles> and put like, books in it
+<Tamaki> Polymorph into something and eat --wait
+<Derekstiles> hahahahahah
+* snow laughs
+<Derekstiles> polymorph into something with incredible strength
+<Derekstiles> and lift it over your shoulder with a carefree laugh
+<BenUrban> you wanna get high?
+<mardi> sure!
+* BenUrban hands mardi a cursed potion of gain level
+<mardi> the potion says: an uncursed potion called Holy Water
+<mardi> i made them at an altar myself
+<Zanasj> wut
+<Zanasj> an uncursed potion called Holy Water ?!
+<billnye> mardi: you didn't make them very well :)
+<zubin> that's neither holy nor water.
+<Ryanbomber> The water nymph stole an uncursed wand of death.
+<Ryanbomber> this can only end in tragedy
+<Ryanbomber> oh come on, nethack, at least give me a chance
+<+Rodney> Ryanbomber (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 8904 points, killed by a death ray
+<Ryanbomber> "You hear a distant explosion" = some poor sap stepped on a land mine, right?
+<Ryanbomber> And just because nethack likes making fun of me I stepped on a land mine right after I said that
+<raxvulpine> Poor sap.
+Rodney: gabriel (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 503 points, killed by a gnome lord
+Rodney: Kawaihae (Pri Elf Fem Cha), 4626 points, killed by a gnome lord
+Jmadman311: sheesh, gnome lord rampage
+Rodney: Bonestein (Pri Hum Mal Law), 740 points, killed by a gnome lord, while helpless
+Jmadman311: hahahaha
+<futilius> this time I thought I was putting a spare BoH intoa stash
+<futilius> instead I was putting it into my main BoH
+<futilius> now I don't have one
+<futilius> which is worse than losing my scrolls and potions and money and polyfodder
+<cdi> futilius: as long as a /wishing didn't go *poof* in the process, you aren't allowed to cry
+<futilius> It did
+<futilius> 1:2
+<cdi> there there, it'll be ok
+* cdi hands futilius a hanky
+* futilius blows nose, hands back hanky
+<futilius> a
+<futilius> what do you want to apply?
+<futilius> q - an uncursed towel
+<futilius> you wipe away your tears with a towel
+< John-K> So, why did you genocide those cute kittens?
+< Mints> John-K, felt like it
+< lorimer> "Every time you ... damn, we're out of kittens"
+<BrianFreud> !rng sex sex sex nethack sex
+<Rodney> The RNG says: nethack
+<stumbly> norly, i have lots of powerful magic over in the bag!
+* stumbly kicks the bag
+<cdi> You hear a muffled shatter
+<stumbly> bet that was my hopes of ascending
+<stumbly> so fragile
+<SomeoneElseYes> Ahhh. I just loaded NetHack... "Restoring save file... Hello SomeoneElse, the human Ranger, welcome back to NetHack!"
+<SomeoneElseYes> I have no idea what I was just doing.
+<raxvulpine> SomeoneElseYes: You were probably dying.
+<Rodney> SomeoneEls (Ran Hum Mal Cha), 2754 points, killed by a giant mimic
+< eduh> in soviet nethack, your possessions identify you!
+< tipu_> "Tvoi tovari hotjat tebja identifitsirovat? [da]"
+< alphamale> [dn]
+< tipu_> you don't say "njet" in soviet nethack
+< alphamale> An invisible Red Army choir sings, and you are bathed in Chernobyl radiation... The voice of Lenin rings out: "Haraso, tovari".
+< alphamale> You are granted a dacha by the Black Sea...
+<taurandir> Succubus has raised my wisdom enough that I can cast restore ability with 0% fail
+<Zanasj> that's all she raised?
+<Vortor> Why don't they put spike pits under their trap doors?
+<Vortor> That's what I would do.
+<JeredCain> Wrong trap door.
+<JeredCain> There's one in the ceiling.
+<Vortor> I might also line up like 5 trap doors
+<Vortor> and then put a spike trap.
+<lorimer> They've already got spiked pits.
+<lorimer> Why waste a perfectly good trapdoor?
+<DerekStyl> "terminal" velocity? :P
+<Vortor> .-.
+<DerekStyl> they can't all be winners