path: root/vimrc
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authorjluehrs2 <>2008-04-21 21:05:42 -0500
committerjluehrs2 <>2008-04-21 21:05:42 -0500
commit6f64beb749f679db81502c8a326fcac7c63c5f32 (patch)
tree2942d0b5c6ca4c4af912b8db63f6e1fbbdee25f5 /vimrc
parent9102fc87f974bf41f3e00c0a536d432cd29b805e (diff)
add a function to display the current nesting levels of enumeration items in latex
Diffstat (limited to 'vimrc')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc
index b115965..18a525b 100644
--- a/vimrc
+++ b/vimrc
@@ -217,10 +217,68 @@ endfunction
" Latex {{{
let s:latex_types = {'thm': 'Theorem', 'cor': 'Corollary',
\ 'lem': 'Lemma', 'defn': 'Definition'}
-function Latex_foldtext()
- let line = getline(v:foldstart)
+function s:lower_letter(i) " {{{
+ return tolower(s:upper_letter(a:i))
+endfunction " }}}
+function s:roman_numeral(i) " {{{
+ let numeral = ''
+ let chars = 'ivxlcdm'
+ let i = a:i
+ for base in [0, 2, 4]
+ let c1 = strpart(chars, base, 1)
+ let c5 = strpart(chars, base + 1, 1)
+ let c10 = strpart(chars, base + 2, 1)
+ let digit = i % 10
+ if digit == 1
+ let numeral = c1 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 2
+ let numeral = c1 . c1 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 3
+ let numeral = c1 . c1 . c1 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 4
+ let numeral = c1 . c5 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 5
+ let numeral = c5 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 6
+ let numeral = c5 . c1 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 7
+ let numeral = c5 . c1 . c1 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 8
+ let numeral = c5 . c1 . c1 . c1 . numeral
+ elseif digit == 9
+ let numeral = c1 . c10 . numeral
+ endif
+ let i = i / 10
+ if i == 0
+ break
+ end
+ endfor
- " if we get the start of a theorem, format the display nicely
+ return repeat('m', i) . numeral
+endfunction " }}}
+function s:upper_letter(i) " {{{
+ if a:i < 26
+ return nr2char(char2nr('A') + a:i - 1)
+ else
+ return 'ERROR'
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}
+function s:enumeration(depth, index) " {{{
+ if a:depth == 0
+ return a:index + 1
+ elseif a:depth == 1
+ return '(' . s:lower_letter(a:index + 1) . ')'
+ elseif a:depth == 2
+ return s:roman_numeral(a:index + 1)
+ elseif a:depth == 3
+ return s:upper_letter(a:index + 1)
+ else
+ return 'Error: invalid depth'
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}
+function Latex_foldtext() " {{{
+ let line = getline(v:foldstart)
+ " format theorems/etc nicely {{{
let matches = matchlist(line, '\\begin{\([^}]*\)}')
if !empty(matches) && has_key(s:latex_types, matches[1])
let type = s:latex_types[matches[1]]
@@ -240,9 +298,45 @@ function Latex_foldtext()
return Base_foldtext(type . label)
- return Base_foldtext()
+ " }}}
+ " format enumeration items nicely {{{
+ let matches = matchlist(line, '\\item\%(\[\(.*\)\]\)\?')
+ if !empty(matches)
+ let item_name = []
+ let item_index = 0
+ let nesting = 0
+ for linenum in range(v:foldstart - 1, 0, -1)
+ let line = getline(linenum)
+ if line =~ '\\item'
+ if nesting == 0
+ let item_index += 1
+ endif
+ elseif line =~ '\\begin{enumeration}'
+ if nesting > 0
+ let nesting -= 1
+ else
+ let item_name += [item_index]
+ let item_index = -1
+ endif
+ elseif line =~ '\\end{enumeration}'
+ let nesting += 1
+ elseif line =~ '\\begin{document}'
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let item_name = reverse(item_name)
+ for i in range(len(item_name))
+ let item_name[i] = s:enumeration(i, item_name[i])
+ endfor
+ let line = 'Item: ' . join(item_name, '.')
+ if matches[1] != ''
+ let line .= ' [' . matches[1] . ']'
+ endif
+ return Base_foldtext(line)
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ return Base_foldtext(line)
+endfunction " }}}
" }}}
" C++ {{{
function Cpp_foldtext()