path: root/fortune/ideas
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1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fortune/ideas b/fortune/ideas
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index 0000000..4733e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fortune/ideas
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+Watchmen in minetown should get angry when you lock them in a room--if they see you close the door, and it gets locked, they assume you did it. (Unless they should be given keys?)
+ -- JoshJ
+Armor that stores: To carry mass amounts of items around, shove some of your horded treasure into a piece of armor and let your pet wear it. Thus Yarzok the Elvenking can lug your entire supply of dilithium crystals to the Astral Plane for you!
+ -- TheShrewdDude
+New conduct "virgin" -- broken when the player consorts with a foocubus. Unicorns are more likely to be peaceful around virgins and will not try so hard to stay out of gem-throwing lines.
+ -- Yui
+gas spores should propel levitators to the wall in a straight line upon exploding. (zoom!)
+ -- mathx
+If you're hallucinating when reading an uncursed scroll of genocide, it should tell you that it wiped out your role just to mess with you.
+ -- aioli
+vegetarians are immune to heart attacks
+ -- onlawn
+Pooping in a sink should be -3 to luck.
+ -- aioli
+when hallucinating, a heart attack is identified with the message "I'm coming to join you, Elizabeth!"
+ -- onlawn
+worms use [pass through] secret doors without identifying the secret passage
+ -- onlawn
+There should be a conduct "virgin" or "chaste" for if you've never had sex with a foocubus.
+ -- aioli
+email randomly spawns worms?
+ -- onlawn
+Thou shalt have sex with a bonobo to genocide people DAT IZ, BRUTHA deletedly thubvert thtupid or indigent IKEAs. (WOW, SO USEFUL)
+ -- aristotle73
+There should be three stooges uniques in nethack! ROFL!!
+ -- aioli
+Some kind of "virgin" conduct where you never consort with a succubus incubus or nymph
+ -- Eidolos
+Get nethack to adjust the screen size to ttyrec so I can get it to work on my vic-20.
+ -- assended
+I really think that quaffing see invisible should cure blindness. I mean, think about it. It makes sense.
+ -- aioli
+^^ rename it to potion of see visible
+ -- Eidolos
+Rodney should be responsive
+ -- Eidolos
+Eidolos should not be allowed near Rodney.
+ -- Eidolos
+People should get shot for playing with ??ideas. Wait... damn. *shoots self*
+ -- Dentarthurdent_
+It would be cool if the game kept track of whether or not you've consorted with an incubus or succubus.
+ -- aioli
+There should be a conduct under which you can only eat organic, fair-trade food. Breaking this conduct loses some score. Help promote global consciousness!
+ -- lament
+Sokoban level
+ -- Eidolos
+How about adding a graphical interface? ASCII graphics are decades old, and annoying to watch.
+ -- lament
+A player class based on Norse mythology.
+ -- lament
+ -- aristotle73
+donut shaped boulders
+ -- Eidolos
+zapping a wand of digging at a boulders make a donut-shaped boulder.
+ -- aioli
+casting stone to flesh at a donut-shaped bouder makes a huge meat ring (huge meat belt?)
+ -- assended
+eating a huge meat ring while poly'd into an Incubus should trigger the message "I've eaten bigger".
+ -- Rapidfire
+A huge meat ring, if fireproof, can be used as a life preserver in lava.
+ -- aioli
+Players should be able to sacrifice themselves.
+ -- lament
+Confused scroll of earth make donut shaped boulders
+ -- Eidolos
+Klein bottles. When attempting to quaff from one, a message appears: "That is a Klein bottle, not a potion!"
+ -- lament
+ -- doy
+Your z-score is this avg rank/sqrt(#games)
+ -- Crassworm
+Maybe yafm when a caveman makes a donut-shaped boulder
+ -- jmr
+attempting to polypile large amounts of donut-shaped boulders might make a donut-shaped boulder golem
+ -- aioli
+Stone to flesh wand
+ -- Eidolos
+Zapping a wand of stone to flesh at a donut-shaped boulder golem makes donut-shaped meat golems
+ -- Eidolos
+Flesh to stone wand zapped confused at a cockatrice turns it into a greased donut-shaped golem.
+ -- Crassworm
+The stone to flesh wand is immune from turning into a meat stick
+ -- aioli
+Zapping flesh to stone at a cursed meat stick while confused produces a stone dildo.
+ -- Crassworm
+Zapping a rope to fish wand at a rope golem turns it into several (amount depends on dungeon level) fishy monsters
+ -- lament
+Genociding monsters that are already extinct should do something
+ -- Eidolos
+New class: surfer
+ -- aioli
+wand of flesh to stone
+ -- Eidolos
+There should be a YAFM for genociding surfers
+ -- aioli
+wand of calculate z-score
+ -- Crassworm
+tin of altoids
+ -- Eidolos
+Throwing wooden items at the Oracle should make YAFM about woodchuckers.
+ -- assended
+Better yet, throwing wooden items while poly'd into a woodchuck.
+ -- Dentarthurdent_
+new extended command #sniff for magic markers, makes you hallucinate for 2d35 turns
+ -- Eidolos
+eating a tin of altoids cancels the effect against undead of having eaten garlic recently
+ -- aioli
+Adding an altoid to a potion of coke makes an explosion, damaging you for 4d5
+ -- Crassworm
+you should be able to genocide/revgeno items
+ -- Eidolos
+Potion of lube: mixing a flesh-to-stoned meatstick with one produces a +3 dildo and summons a succubus
+ -- Crassworm
+PVC pipes
+ -- Eidolos
+Way to access ideas entry from the game
+ -- Crassworm
+ -- doy
+a wand of coitus interruptus
+ -- aioli
+Sacrificing a giant meat ring on the neutral high altar should have a yafm
+ -- Eidolos
+ -- assended
+ -- assended
+polymorphing a duck corpse makes duck tape.
+ -- aioli
+People should stop submitting ideas that consist of "$foo should have YAFM". At least come up with a message yourself, doofi.
+ -- Dentarthurdent_
+implement real-time pinball as a replacement for sokoban
+ -- Crassworm
+fort ludios should have even more dragons
+ -- Eidolos
+implement tetris as a replacement for real time pinball
+ -- doy
+tin of spam
+ -- assended
+What about a new conduct: "You never had sex"
+ -- aioli
+Cursed hats should sometimes have smaller hats inside them. recursively.
+ -- Eidolos
+The final score listing should mock one who has extincted puddings. 'A chior sings out: "Farmer!"
+ -- jmr
+If you're not wearing pants by the time you get to minetown, the guards should detain you for indecent exposure.
+ -- Crassworm
+Cursed Worms should have smaller worms inside them, recursively
+ -- Rapidfire
+Opening a tin of worm meat should have a yafm
+ -- Eidolos
+YAFM list
+ -- assended
+spellbook of create familiar should teleport you back to a dungeon level you've fully explored
+ -- Eidolos
+Monks should be able to run across lava barefoot as a test of skill and courage
+ -- Crassworm
+Dune references
+ -- aioli
+Adding a YAFM should produce a smaller YAFM inside then, recursively
+ -- jsn-
+convert Bag of holding to bag of tricks by filling it with corpses and zapping with turn undead.
+ -- assended
+Expand the foodless conduct
+ -- Eidolos
+After ants and snakes have been geno'd/extincted, priests should summon donut-shaped meat golems
+ -- Eidolos
+new role: mentat
+ -- Eidolos
+ -- Eidolos
+Crossword puzzles!
+ -- Crassworm
+scroll of random uselessness like from crawl, also butterflies
+ -- Eidolos
+Arrows should have a malus when fighting donut-shaped * golems.
+ -- aioli
+Oh right. I understand the problem. NOW that we got explicit rules, common sense is not applicable anymore, right?
+ -- anselmus
+more information about hacking networks
+ -- doy
+ -- Eidolos
+Shooting lasers at boulders should make large donut shaped boulders
+ -- doy
+Golem golem: if you zap a /oPoly at a line of three or more golems they merge and become a supergolem!
+ -- alphamale
+An elaborate laser/mirror puzzle
+ -- HMSbatman
+Sharks in the castle moat should shoot Frickin' Lasers
+ -- Rapidfire
+death star
+ -- Eidolos
+frickin jedis
+ -- DainDwarf
+if you have exactly 7777 hp you should enter 7777 mode where every hit does 7777 damage
+ -- Eidolos