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-Muad'Dib's teachings have become the playground of scholastics, of the
-superstitious and the corrupt. He taught a balanced way of life, a philosophy
-with which a human can meet problems arising from an ever-changing universe.
-He said humankind is still evolving, in a process which will never end.
-He said this evolution moves on changing principles which are known only
-to eternity. How can corrupted reasoning play with such an essence?
- -- Words of the Mentat Duncan Idaho
- CHALLENGE: "Have you seen The Preacher?"
- RESPONSE: "I have seen a sandworm."
- CHALLENGE: "What about that sandworm?"
- RESPONSE: "It gives us the air we breathe."
- CHALLENGE: "Then why do we destroy its land?"
- RESPONSE: "Because Shai-Hulud [sandworm deified] orders it."
- -- Riddles of Arrakis by Harq al-Ada
- The sietch at the desert's rim
- Was Liet's, was Kynes's,
- Was Stilgar's, was Muad'Dib's
- And, once more, was Stilgar's.
- The Naibs one by one sleep in the sand,
- But the sietch endures.
- -- from a Fremen song
-melange (me'-lange also ma,lanj) n-s, origin uncertain (thought to derive from
-ancient Terran Franzh): a. mixture of spices; b. spice of Arrakis (Dune) with
-geriatric properties first noted by Yanshuph Ashkoko, royal chemist in reign of
-Shakkad the Wise; Arrakeen melange, found only in deepest desert sands of
-Arrakis, linked to prophetic visions of Paul Muad'Dib (Atreides), first Fremen
-Mahdi; also employed by Spacing Guild Navigators and the Bene Gesserit.
- -- Dictionary Royal fifth edition
-The Fremen must return to his original faith, to his genius in forming human
-communities; he must return to the past, where that lesson of survival was
-learned in the struggle with Arrakis. The only business of the Fremen should be
-that of opening his soul to the inner teachings. The worlds of the Imperium,
-the Landsraad and the CHOAM Confederacy have no message to give him.
-They will only rob him of his soul.
- -- The Preacher at Arrakeen
-I give you the desert chameleon, whose ability to blend itself into the
-background tells you all you need to know about the roots of ecology
-and the foundations of a personal identity.
- -- Book of Diatribes from the Hayt Chronicle
-The Universe is God's. It is one thing, a wholeness against which all
-separations may be identified. Transient life, even that self-aware and
-reasoning life which we call sentient, holds only fragile trusteeship on any
-portion of the wholeness.
- -- Commentaries from the C.E.T. (Commission of Ecumenical Translators)
-And I beheld another beast coming up out of the sand; and he had two horns like
-a lamb, but his mouth was fanged and fiery as the dragon and his body shimmered
-and burned with great heat while it did hiss like the serpent.
- -- Revised Orange Catholic Bible
-It is commonly reported, my dear Georad, that there exists great natural
-virtue in the melange experience. Perhaps this is true. There remain within
-me, however, profound doubts that every use of melange always brings virtue.
-Me seems that certain persons have corrupted the use of melange in defiance
-of God. In the words of the Ecumenon, they have disfigured the soul.
-They skim the surface of melange and believe thereby to attain grace.
-They deride their fellows, do great harm to godliness, and they distort
-the meaning of this abundant gift maliciously, surely a mutilation beyond
-the power of man to restore. To be truly at one with the virtue of the spice,
-uncorrupted in all ways, full of goodly honor, a man must permit his deeds and
-his words to agree. When your actions describe a system of evil consequences,
-you should be judged by those consequences and not by your explanations.
-It is thus that we should judge Muad'Dib.
- -- The Pedant Heresy
-Either we abandon the long-honored Theory of Relativity, or we cease to
-believe that we can engage in continued accurate prediction of the future.
-Indeed, knowing the future raises a host of questions which cannot be answered
-under conventional assumptions unless one first projects an Observer outside of
-Time and, second, nullifies all movement. If you accept the Theory of Relativity,
-it can be shown that Time and the Observer must stand still in relationship to
-each or inaccuracies will intervene. This would seem to say that it is
-impossible to engage in accurate prediction of the future. How, then, do we
-explain the continued seeking after this visionary goal by respected scientists?
-How, then, do we explain Muad'Dib?
- -- Lectures on Prescience by Harq al-Ada
-I hear the wind blowing across the desert and I see the moons of a winter night
-rising tike great ships in the void. To them I make my vow: I will be resolute
-and make an art of government; I will balance my inherited past and become a
-perfect storehouse of my relic memories. And I will be known for kindliness
-more than for knowledge. My face will shine down the corridors of time for as
-long as humans exist.
- -- Leto's Vow, After Harq al-Ada
-These are illusions of popular history which a successful religion must
-promote: Evil men never prosper; only the brave deserve the fair; honesty is
-the best policy; actions speak louder than words; virtue always triumphs; a
-good deed is its own reward; any bad human can be reformed; religious talismans
-protect one from demon possession; only females understand the ancient
-mysteries; the rich are doomed to unhappiness . . .
- -- From the Instruction Manual: Missionaria Protectiva
-A sophisticated human can become primitive. What this really means is that the
-human's way of life changes. Old values change, become linked to the landscape
-with its plants and animals. This new existence requires a working knowledge of
-those multiplex and cross-linked events usually referred to as nature.
-It requires a measure of respect for the inertial power within such natural
-systems. When a human gains this working knowledge and respect, that is called
-"being primitive." The converse, of course, is equally true: the primitive can
-become sophisticated, but not without accepting dreadful psychological damage.
- -- The Leto Commentary, After Harq al-Ada
-This was Muad'Dib's achievement: He saw the subliminal reservoir of each
-individual as an unconscious bank of memories going back to the primal cell of
-our common genesis. Each of us, he said, can measure out his distance from that
-common origin. Seeing this and telling of it, he made the audacious leap of
-decision. Muad'Dib set himself the task of integrating genetic memory into
-ongoing evaluation. Thus did he break through Time's veils, making a single
-thing of the future and the past. That was Muad'Dib's creation embodied in his
-son and his daughter.
- -- Testament of Arrakis by Harq al-Ada
-And he saw a vision of armor. The armor was not his own skin; it was stronger
-than plasteel. Nothing penetrated his armor -- not knife or poison or sand, not
-the dust of the desert or its desiccating heat. In his right hand he carried
-the power to make the Coriolis storm, to shake the earth and erode it into
-nothing. His eyes were fixed upon the Golden Path and in his left hand he
-carried the scepter of absolute mastery. And beyond the Golden Path, his eyes
-looked into eternity which he knew to be the food of his soul and of his
-everlasting flesh.
- -- Heighia, My Brother's Dream from The Book of Ghanima
-Atrocity is recognized as such by victim and perpetrator alike, by all who
-learn about it at whatever remove. Atrocity has no excuses, no mitigating
-argument. Atrocity never balances or rectifies the past. Atrocity merely arms
-the future for more atrocity. It is self-perpetuating upon itself -- a
-barbarous form of incest. Whoever commits atrocity also commits those future
-atrocities thus bred.
- -- The Apocrypha of Muad'Dib
-I will not argue with the Fremen claims that they are divinely inspired to
-transmit a religious revelation, it is their concurrent claim to ideological
-revelation which inspires me to shower them with derision. Of course, they make
-the dual claim in the hope that it will strengthen their mandarinate and help
-them to endure in a universe which finds them increasingly oppressive.
-It is in the name of all those oppressed people that I warn the Fremen:
-short-term expediency always fails in the long term.
- -- The Preacher at Arrakeen
-The life of a single human, as the life of a family or an entire people,
-persists as memory. My people must come to see this as part of their maturing
-process. They are people as organism, and in this persistent memory they store
-more and more experiences in a subliminal reservoir. Humankind hopes to call
-upon this material if it is needed for a changing universe. But much that is
-stored can be lost in that chance play of accident which we call "fate."
-Much may not be integrated into evolutionary relationships, and thus may not
-be evaluated and keyed into activity by those ongoing environmental changes
-which inflict themselves upon flesh. The species can forget! This is the
-special value of the Kwisatz Haderach which the Bene Gesserits never suspected:
-the Kwisatz Haderach cannot forget.
- -- The Book of Leto, After Harq al-Ada
-A Fremen dies when he is too long from the desert; this we call "the water
- -- Stilgar, the Commentaries
- You have loved Caladan
- And lamented its lost host --
- But pain discovers
- New lovers cannot erase
- Those forever ghost.
- -- Refrain from The Habbanya Lament
-The assumption that humans exist within an essentially impermanent universe,
-taken as an operational precept, demands that the intellect become a totally
-aware balancing instrument. But the intellect cannot react thus without
-involving the entire organism. Such an organism may be recognized by its
-burning, driving behavior. And thus it is with a society treated as organism.
-But here we encounter an old inertia. Societies move to the goading of ancient,
-reactive impulses. They demand permanence. Any attempt to display the universe
-of impermanence arouses rejection patterns, fear, anger, and despair. Then how
-do we explain the acceptance of prescience? Simply: the giver of prescient
-visions, because he speaks of an absolute (permanent) realization, may be
-greeted with joy by humankind even while predicting the most dire events.
- -- The Book of Leto, After Harq al-Ada
-Good government never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of
-those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the
-will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of
-government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders.
- -- Law and Governance, The Spacing Guild Manual
-This is the fallacy of power: ultimately it is effective only in an absolute,
-a limited universe. But the basic lesson of our relativistic universe is that
-things change. Any power must always meet a greater power. Paul Muad'Dib taught
-this lesson to the Sardaukar on the Plains of Arrakeen. His descendants have
-yet to learn the lesson for themselves.
- -- The Preacher at Arrakeen
-When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to
-your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because
-that is according to my principles.
- -- Words of an ancient philosopher (Attributed by Harq al-Ada to one Louis
-You Bene Gesserit call your activity of the Panoplia Prophetica a "Science of
-Religion." Very well. I, a seeker after another kind of scientist, find this an
-appropriate definition. You do, indeed, build your own myths, but so do all
-societies. You I must warn, however. You are behaving as so many other
-misguided scientists have behaved. Your actions reveal that you wish to take
-something out of [away from] life. It is time you were reminded of that which
-you so often profess: One cannot have a single thing without its opposite.
- -- The Preacher at Arrakeen: A Message to the Sisterhood
-The universe is just there; that's the only way a Fedaykin can view it and
-remain the master of his senses. The universe neither threatens nor promises.
-It holds things beyond our sway: the fall of a meteor, the eruption of a
-spiceblow, growing old and dying. These are the realities of this universe and
-they must be faced regardless of how you feel about them. You cannot fend off
-such realities with words. They will come at you in their own wordless way and
-then, then you will understand what is meant by "life and death."
-Understanding this, you will be filled with joy.
- -- Muad'Dib to his Fedaykin
-It is said of Muad'Dib that once when he saw a weed trying to grow
-between two rocks, he moved one of the rocks. Later, when the weed
-was seen to be flourishing, he covered it with the remaining rock.
-"That was its fate," he explained.
- -- The Commentaries
-Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms.
-No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the
-aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in
-the interests of the ruling class -- whether that class be hereditary royalty,
-oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy.
- -- Politics as Repeat Phenomenon: Bene Gesserit Training Manual
-In this age when the means of human transport include devices which can span
-the deeps of space in transtime, and other devices which can carry men swiftly
-over virtually impassable planetary surfaces, it seems odd to think of
-attempting long journeys afoot. Yet this remains a primary means of travel on
-Arrakis, a fact attributed partly to preference and partly to the brutal
-treatment which this planet reserves for anything mechanical. In the strictures
-of Arrakis, human flesh remains the most durable and reliable resource for the
-Hajj. Perhaps it is the implicit awareness of this fact which makes Arrakis the
-ultimate mirror of the soul.
- -- Handbook of the Hajj
-In all major socializing forces you will find an underlying movement to gain
-and maintain power through the use of words. From witch doctor to priest to
-bureaucrat it is all the same. A governed populace must be conditioned to
-accept power-words as actual things, to confuse the symbolized system with the
-tangible universe. In the maintenance of such a power structure, certain
-symbols are kept out of the reach of common understanding -- symbols such as
-those dealing with economic manipulation or those which define the local
-interpretation of sanity. Symbol-secrecy of this form leads to the development
-of fragmented sub-languages, each being a signal that its users are
-accumulating some form of power. With this insight into a power process, our
-Imperial Security Force must be ever alert to the formation of sub-languages.
- -- Lecture to the Arrakeen War College by, The Princess Irulan
-The password was given to me by a man who died in the dungeons of Arrakeen.
-You see, that is where I got this ring in the shape of a tortoise.
-It was in the suk outside the city where I was hidden by the rebels.
-The password? Oh, that has been changed many times since then.
-It was "Persistence." And the countersign was "Tortoise."
-It got me out of there alive. That's why I bought this ring: a reminder.
- -- Tagir Mohandis: Conversations with a Friend
-I saw his blood and a piece of his robe which had been ripped by sharp claws.
-His sister reports vividly of the tigers, the sureness of their attack.
-We have questioned one of the plotters, and others are dead or in custody.
-Everything points to a Corrino plot. A Truthsayer has attested to this testimony.
- -- Stilgar's Report to the Landsraad Commission
-Above all else, the mentat must be a generalist, not a specialist. It is
-wise to have decisions of great moment monitored by generalists. Experts and
-specialists lead you quickly into chaos. They are a source of useless nit
-picking, the ferocious quibble over a comma. The mentat-generalist, on the
-other hand, should bring to decision-making a healthy common sense. He must
-not cut himself off from the broad sweep of what is happening in his universe.
-He must remain capable of saying: "There's no real mystery about this at the
-moment. This is what we want now. It may prove wrong later, but we'll correct
-that when we come to it." The mentat-generalist must understand that anything
-which we can identify as our universe is merely part of larger phenomena.
-But the expert looks backward; he looks into the narrow standards of his own
-specialty. The generalist looks outward; he looks for living principles,
-knowing full well that such principles change, that they develop. It is to the
-characteristics of change itself that the mentat-generalist must look.
-There can be no permanent catalogue of such change, no handbook or manual.
-You must look at it with as few preconceptions as possible, asking yourself:
-"Now what is this thing doing?"
- -- The Mentat Handbook
-The one-eyed view of our universe says you must not look far afield for
-problems. Such problems may never arrive. Instead, tend to the wolf within
-your fences. The packs ranging outside may not even exist.
- -- The Azhar Book; Shamra I:4
-Only in the realm of mathematics can you understand Muad'Dib's precise view of
-the future. Thus: first, we postulate any number of point-dimensions in space.
-(This is the classic n-fold extended aggregate of n dimensions.) With this
-framework, Time as commonly understood becomes an aggregate of one-dimensional
-properties. Applying this to the Muad'Dib phenomenon, we find that we either
-are confronted by new properties of Time or (by reduction through the infinity
-calculus) we are dealing with separate systems which contain n body properties.
-For Muad'Dib, we assume the latter. As demonstrated by the reduction, the point
-dimensions of the n-fold can only have separate existence within different
-frameworks of Time. Separate dimensions of Time are thus demonstrated to
-coexist. This being the inescapable case, Muad'Dib's predictions required that
-he perceive the n-fold not as extended aggregate but as an operation within a
-single framework. In effect, he froze his universe into that one framework
-which was his view of Time.
- -- Palimbasha: Lectures at Sietch Tabr
-We can still remember the golden days before Heisenberg, who showed humans
-the walls enclosing our predestined arguments. The lives within me find this
-amusing. Knowledge, you see, has no uses without purpose, but purpose is what
-builds enclosing walls.
- -- Leto Atreides II, His Voice
-If you believe certain words, you believe their hidden arguments. When you
-believe something is right or wrong, true or false, you believe the assumptions
-in the words which express the arguments. Such assumptions are often full of
-holes, but remain most precious to the convinced.
- -- The Open-Ended Proof from, The Panoplia Prophetica
-Because of the one-pointed Time awareness in which the conventional mind
-remains immersed, humans tend to think of everything in a sequential,
-word-oriented framework. This mental trap produces very short-term concepts of
-effectiveness and consequences, a condition of constant, unplanned response to
- -- Liet-Kynes, The Arrakis Workbook
-You will learn the integrated communication methods as you complete the next
-step in your mentat education. This is a gestalten function which will overlay
-data paths in your awareness, resolving complexities and masses of input from
-the mentat index-catalogue techniques which you already have mastered. Your
-initial problem will be the breaking tensions arising from the divergent
-assembly of minutiae/data on specialized subjects. Be warned. Without mentat
-overlay integration, you can be immersed in the Babel Problem, which is the
-label we give to the omnipresent dangers of achieving wrong combinations from
-accurate information.
- -- The Mentat Handbook
- O Paul, thou Muad'Dib,
- Mahdi of all men,
- Thy breath exhaled
- Sent forth the hurricane.
- -- Songs of Muad'Dib
-Many forces sought control of the Atreides twins and, when the death of
-Leto was announced, this movement of plot and counterplot was amplified.
-Note the relative motivations: the Sisterhood feared Alia, an adult Abomination,
-but still wanted those genetic characteristics carried by the Atreides.
-The Church hierarchy of Auqaf and Hajj saw only the power implicit in control of
-Muad'Dib's heir. CHOAM wanted a doorway to the wealth of Dune. Farad'n and his
-Sardaukar sought a return to glory for House Corrino. The Spacing Guild feared
-the equation Arrakis = melange; without the spice they could not navigate.
-Jessica wished to repair what her disobedience to the Bene Gesserit had created.
-few thought to ask the twins what their plans might be, until it was too late.
- -- The Book of Kreos
-There is no guilt or innocence in you. All of that is past. Guilt belabors the
-dead and I am not the Iron Hammer. You multitude of the dead are merely people
-who have done certain things, and the memory of those things illuminates my path.
- -- Leto II to His Memory-Lives, After Harq al-Ada
-Humankind periodically goes through a speedup of its affairs, thereby
-experiencing the race between the renewable vitality of the living and the
-beckoning vitiation of decadence. In this periodic race, any pause becomes
-luxury. Only then can one reflect that all is permitted; all is possible.
- -- The Apocrypha of Muad'Dib
-Natural selection has been described as an environment selectively screening
-for those who will have progeny. Where humans are concerned, though, this is an
-extremely limiting viewpoint. Reproduction by sex tends toward experiment and
-innovation. It raises many questions, including the ancient one about whether
-environment is a selective agent after the variation occurs, or whether
-environment plays a pre-selective role in determining the variations which it
-screens. Dune did not realty answer those questions: it merely raised new
-questions which Leto and the Sisterhood may attempt to answer over the next
-five hundred generations.
- -- The Dune Catastrophe, After Harq al-Ada
- One small bird has called thee
- From a beak streaked crimson.
- It cried once over Sietch Tabr
- And thou went forth unto Funeral Plain.
- -- Lament for Leto II
-Peace demands solutions, but we never reach living solutions; we only work
-toward them. A fixed solution is, by definition, a dead solution. The trouble
-with peace is that it tends to punish mistakes instead of rewarding brilliance.
- -- The Words of My Father: an account of Muad'Dib reconstructed by Harq al-Ada
-This rocky shrine to the skull of a ruler grants no prayers. It has become
-the grave of lamentations. Only the wind hears the voice of this place.
-The cries of night creatures and the passing wonder of two moons, all say his
-day has ended. No more supplicants come. The visitors have gone from the feast.
-How bare the pathway down this mountain.
- -- Lines at the Shrine of an Atreides Duke, Anon.
-There exist obvious higher-order influences in any planetary system. This is
-often demonstrated by introducing terraform life onto newly discovered planets.
-In all such cases, the life in similar zones develops striking similarities of
-adaptive form. This form signifies much more than shape; it connotes a survival
-organization and a relationship of such organizations. The human quest for this
-interdependent order and our niche within it represents a profound necessity.
-The quest can, however, be perverted into a conservative grip on sameness.
-This has always proved deadly for the entire system.
- -- The Dune Catastrophe, After Harq al-Ada
-What you of the CHOAM directorate seem unable to understand is that you seldom
-find real loyalties in commerce. When did you last hear of a clerk giving his
-life for the company? Perhaps your deficiency rests in the false assumption
-that you can order men to think and cooperate. This has been a failure of
-everything from religions to general staffs throughout history. General staffs
-have a long record of destroying their own nations. As to religions, I
-recommend a rereading of Thomas Aquinas. As to you of CHOAM, what nonsense you
-believe! Men must want to do things out of their own innermost drives. People,
-not commercial organizations or chains of command, are what make great
-civilizations work. Every civilization depends upon the quality of the
-individuals it produces. If you over-organize humans, over-legalize them,
-suppress their urge to greatness -- they cannot work and their civilization
- -- A letter to CHOAM, Attributed to The Preacher
-The future of prescience cannot always be locked into the rules of the past.
-The threads of existence tangle according to many unknown laws. Prescient
-future insists on its own rules. It will not conform to the ordering of the
-Zensunni nor to the ordering of science. Prescience builds a relative
-integrity. It demands the work of this instant, always warning that you
-cannot weave every thread into the fabric of the past.
- -- Kalima: The Words of Muad'Dib, The Shuloch Commentary
-Fremen speech implies great concision, a precise sense of expression. It is
-immersed in the illusion of absolutes. Its assumptions are a fertile ground for
-absolutist religions. Furthermore, Fremen are fond of moralizing. They confront
-the terrifying instability of all things with institutionalized statements.
-They say: "We know there is no summa of all attainable knowledge; that is the
-preserve of God. But whatever men can learn, men can contain." Out of this
-knife-edged approach to the universe they carve a fantastic belief in signs and
-omens and in their own destiny. This is an origin of their Kralizec legend: the
-war at the end of the universe.
- -- Bene Gesserit Private Reports/folio 800881
-The spirit of Muad'Dib is more than words, more than the letter of the Law
-which arises in his name. Muad'Dib must always be that inner outrage against
-the complacently powerful, against the charlatans and the dogmatic fanatics.
-It is that inner outrage which must have its say because Muad'Dib taught us
-one thing above all others: that humans can endure only in a fraternity of
-social justice.
- -- The Fedaykin Compact
-Limits of survival are set by climate, those long drifts of change which a
-generation may fail to notice. And it is the extremes of climate which set the
-pattern. Lonely, finite humans may observe climatic provinces, fluctuations of
-annual weather and, occasionally may observe such things as "This is a colder
-year than I've ever known. " Such things are sensible. But humans are seldom
-alerted to the shifting average through a great span of years. And it is
-precisely in this alerting that humans learn how to survive on any planet.
-They must learn climate.
- -- Arrakis, the Transformation, After Harq al-Ada
-Thou didst divide the sand by thy strength; Thou breakest the heads of the
-dragons in the desert. Yea, I behold thee as a beast coming up from the dunes;
-thou hast the two horns of the lamb, but thou speakest as the dragon.
- -- Revised Orange Catholic Bible Arran 11:4
-Fremen were the first humans to develop a conscious/unconscious symbology
-through which to experience the movements and relationships of their planetary
-system. They were the first people anywhere to express climate in terms of a
-semi-mathematic language whose written symbols embody (and internalize) the
-external relationships. The language itself was part of the system it
-described. Its written form carried the shape of what it described.
-The intimate local knowledge of what was available to support life was implicit
-in this development. One can measure the extent of this language/system
-interaction by the fact that Fremen accepted themselves as foraging and
-browsing animals.
- -- The Story of Liet-Kynes by Harq al-Ada
-After the Fremen, all Planetologists see life as expressions of energy and look
-for the overriding relationships. In small pieces, bits and parcels which grow
-into general understanding, the Fremen racial wisdom is translated into a new
-certainty. The thing Fremen have as a people, any people can have. They need
-but develop a sense for energy relationships. They need but observe that energy
-soaks up the patterns of things and builds with those patterns.
- -- The Arrakeen Catastrophe, After Harq al-Ada
-Any path which narrows future possibilities may become a lethal trap. Humans
-are not threading their way through a maze; they scan a vast horizon filled
-with unique opportunities. The narrowing viewpoint of the maze should appeal
-only to creatures with their noses buried in sand. Sexually produced uniqueness
-and differences are the life-protection of the spices.
- -- The Spacing Guild Handbook
-By these acts Leto II removed himself from the evolutionary succession.
-He did it with a deliberate cutting action, saying: "To be independent is to be
-removed." Both twins saw beyond the needs of memory as a measuring process,
-that is, a way of determining their distance from their human origins. But it
-was left to Leto II to do the audacious thing, recognizing that a real creation
-is independent of its creator. He refused to reenact the evolutionary sequence,
-saying, "That, too, takes me farther and farther from humanity." He saw the
-implications in this: that there can be no truly closed systems in life.
- -- The Holy Metamorphosis, by Harq al-Ada
-Muad'Dib was disinherited and he spoke for the disinherited of all time.
-He cried out against that profound injustice which alienates the individual
-from that which he was taught to believe, from that which seemed to come to
-him as a right.
- -- The Mahdinate, An Analysis by Harq al-Ada
-Church and State, scientific reason and faith, the individual and his
-community, even progress and tradition -- all of these can be reconciled in the
-teachings of Muad'Dib. He taught us that there exist no intransigent opposites
-except in the beliefs of men. Anyone can rip aside the veil of Time. You can
-discover the future in the past or in your own imagination. Doing this, you win
-back your consciousness in your inner being. You know then that the universe is
-a coherent whole and you are indivisible from it.
- -- The Preacher at Arrakeen, After Harq al-Ada
-Muad'Dib gave us a particular kind of knowledge about prophetic insight, about
-the behavior which surrounds such insight and its influence upon events which
-are seen to be "on line." (That is, events which are set to occur in a related
-system which the prophet reveals and interprets.) As has been noted elsewhere,
-such insight operates as a peculiar trap for the prophet himself. He can become
-the victim of what he knows -- which is a relatively common human failing. The
-danger is that those who predict real events may overtook the polarizing effect
-brought about by overindulgence in their own truth. They tend to forget that
-nothing in a polarized universe can exist without its opposite being present.
- -- The Prescient Vision, by Harq al-Ada
-The child who refuses to travel in the father's harness, this is the symbol of
-man's most unique capability. "I do not have to be what my father was. I do not
-have to obey my father's rules or even believe everything he believed. It is my
-strength as a human that I can make my own choices of what to believe and what
-not to believe, of what to be and what not to be."
- -- Leto Atreides II, The Harq al-Ada Biography
-The assumption that a whole system can be made to work better through
-an assault on its conscious elements betrays a dangerous ignorance.
-This has often been the ignorant approach of those who call themselves
-scientists and technologists.
- -- The Butlerian Jihad, by Harq al-Ada
-As with so many other religions, Muad'Dib's Golden Elixir of Life degenerated
-into external wizardry. Its mystical signs became mere symbols for deeper
-psychological processes, and those processes, of course, ran wild. What they
-needed was a living god, and they didn't have one, a situation which Muad'Dib's
-son has corrected.
- -- Saying attributed to Lu Tung-pin, (Lu, The Guest of the Cavern)