path: root/crawl-ref/source/scripts/place-population.lua
diff options
authorDarshan Shaligram <>2010-01-09 01:21:44 +0530
committerDarshan Shaligram <>2010-01-09 01:47:09 +0530
commit9841ce45ea91c1ad394d706fd748ffc1fd9d9de0 (patch)
tree047cbb69276a6b8c55d9b22c1e01442a8bd7d173 /crawl-ref/source/scripts/place-population.lua
parent915b92e5527c1300fa701a31e3dcbc070b48d177 (diff)
Add -script option to Crawl to run a Lua script. Scripts are similar to tests, but can be parameterised.
Add a script to generate 150 level at a named place and report on all the monsters generated there.
Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source/scripts/place-population.lua')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/scripts/place-population.lua b/crawl-ref/source/scripts/place-population.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a95616cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/scripts/place-population.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+-- Counts monsters in a specify level, or level range.
+local niters = 150
+local output_file = "monster-report.out"
+local excluded_things = util.set({ "plant", "fungus", "bush" })
+local function count_monsters_at(place, set)
+ debug.goto_place(place)
+ test.regenerate_level()
+ local monster_set = set or { }
+ for mons in test.level_monster_iterator() do
+ local mname =
+ if not excluded_things[mname] then
+ local count = monster_set[mname] or 0
+ monster_set[mname] = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return monster_set
+local function report_monster_counts_at(place, mcount_map)
+ local text = ''
+ text = text .. "\n-------------------------------------------\n"
+ text = text .. place .. " monsters per-level\n"
+ text = text .. "-------------------------------------------\n"
+ local monster_counts = util.pairs(mcount_map)
+ table.sort(monster_counts, function (a, b)
+ return a[2] > b[2]
+ end)
+ local total = 0
+ for _, monster_pop in ipairs(monster_counts) do
+ total = total + monster_pop[2]
+ end
+ for _, monster_pop in ipairs(monster_counts) do
+ text = text .. string.format("%6.2f (%6.2f%%) %s\n",
+ monster_pop[2] * 1.0 / niters,
+ monster_pop[2] * 100.0 / total,
+ monster_pop[1])
+ end
+ return text
+local function report_monster_counts(mcounts)
+ local places = util.keys(mcounts)
+ table.sort(places)
+ local text = ''
+ for _, place in ipairs(places) do
+ text = text .. report_monster_counts_at(place, mcounts[place])
+ end
+ file.writefile(output_file, text)
+ crawl.mpr("Dumped monster stats to " .. output_file)
+local function count_monsters_from(start_place, end_place)
+ local place = start_place
+ local mcounts = { }
+ while place do
+ local mset = { }
+ for i = 1, niters do
+ crawl.mesclr()
+ crawl.mpr("Counting monsters at " .. place .. " (" ..
+ i .. "/" .. niters .. ")")
+ count_monsters_at(place, mset)
+ end
+ mcounts[place] = mset
+ if place == end_place then
+ break
+ end
+ place = test.deeper_place_from(place)
+ end
+ report_monster_counts(mcounts)
+local function parse_resets(resets)
+ local pieces = crawl.split(resets, ",")
+ local resets = { }
+ for _, p in ipairs(pieces) do
+ local _, _, place, depth = string.find(p, "^(.+)=(%d+)$")
+ table.insert(resets, { place, tonumber(depth) })
+ end
+ return resets
+local function branch_resets()
+ local args = crawl.script_args()
+ local resets = { }
+ for _, arg in ipairs(args) do
+ local _, _, rawresets = string.find(arg, "^-reset=(.*)")
+ if rawresets then
+ util.append(resets, parse_resets(rawresets))
+ end
+ end
+ return resets
+local function set_branch_depths()
+ for _, reset in ipairs(branch_resets()) do
+ debug.goto_place(reset[1], reset[2])
+ end
+local function start_end_levels()
+ local args = script.simple_args()
+ if #args == 0 then
+ script.usage([[
+Usage: place-population <start> [<end>]
+For instance: place-population Shoal:1 Shoal:5
+ place-population Lair:3
+You may optionally force branches to have entrances at specific places
+ place-population -reset=Lair:1=8,Snake:1=3 Snake:5
+With the general form:
+ -reset=<place>=<depth>[,<place>=<depth>,...]
+where <place> is a valid place name as used in .des files, and <depth> is the
+depth of the branch's entrance in its parent branch. Thus -reset=Snake:1=3
+implies that the entrance of the Snake Pit is assumed to be on Lair:3.
+ end
+ return args[1], args[2] or args[1]
+local lstart, lend = start_end_levels()
+count_monsters_from(lstart, lend)