path: root/crawl-ref/source/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 996 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/ b/crawl-ref/source/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc8b2a50c0..0000000000
--- a/crawl-ref/source/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,996 +0,0 @@
- * File:
- * Created by: ennewalker on Sat Jan 5 01:33:53 2008 UTC
- *
- * Modified for Crawl Reference by $Author: j-p-e-g $ on $Date: 2008-03-07 $
- */
-#include "AppHdr.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "externs.h"
-#include "guic.h"
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <commdlg.h>
-#include <commctrl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <tchar.h>
-// WinClass & RegionClass definitions
-static HINSTANCE hInst;
-static int nCmdShow;
-// colors
-static COLORREF term_pix[MAX_TERM_COL];
-BYTE pix_transparent;
-BYTE pix_black;
-BYTE pix_white;
-BYTE pix_magenta;
-BYTE pix_rimcolor;
-RGBQUAD RegionClass::std_palette[256];
-bool GuicInit(HINSTANCE h, int nCmd)
- int i;
- hInst = h;
- nCmdShow = nCmd;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_TERM_COL; i++)
- {
- int *c = (int *)&term_colors[i];
- term_pix[i] = PALETTERGB( c[0], c[1], c[2] );
- }
- return (true);
-void GuicDeinit()
-void WinClass::SysInit()
- hWnd = NULL;
-void WinClass::SysDeinit()
-void RegionClass::SysInit()
- font = NULL;
-void RegionClass::SysDeinit()
- if (font != NULL && !font_copied) DeleteObject(font);
-void RegionClass::sys_flush()
-void TextRegionClass::SysInit(int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
- dos_char = false;
-void TextRegionClass::SysDeinit()
-void TileRegionClass::SysInit(int mx0, int my0, int dx0, int dy0)
-void TileRegionClass::SysDeinit()
-void MapRegionClass::SysInit(int x, int y, int o_x, int o_y)
-void MapRegionClass::SysDeinit()
-void RegionClass::init_font(const char *name, int height)
- int wid, hgt;
- HFONT ftmp;
- strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, name);
- lf.lfHeight = height;
- lf.lfWidth = 0;
- lf.lfEscapement = 0;
- lf.lfOrientation = lf.lfEscapement;
- lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
- lf.lfItalic = FALSE;
- lf.lfUnderline = FALSE;
- lf.lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
- lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
-#ifdef JP
- lf.lfCharSet = (dos_char) ? OEM_CHARSET:SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;
- lf.lfPitchAndFamily= FF_DONTCARE|FIXED_PITCH;
- lf.lfCharSet = (dos_char) ? OEM_CHARSET:ANSI_CHARSET;
- lf.lfPitchAndFamily= FF_MODERN|FIXED_PITCH;
- ftmp = CreateFontIndirect( &lf );
- if (!ftmp)
- {
- if (font) return;
- exit(1);
- }
- font = ftmp;
- wid = lf.lfWidth;
- hgt = lf.lfHeight;
- /* This part is taken from angband */
- /* Hack -- Unknown size */
- if (!wid || !hgt)
- {
- HDC hdcDesktop;
- HFONT hfOld;
- /* all this trouble to get the cell size */
- hdcDesktop = GetDC(HWND_DESKTOP);
- hfOld = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdcDesktop, font);
- GetTextMetrics(hdcDesktop, &tm);
- SelectObject(hdcDesktop, hfOld);
- ReleaseDC(HWND_DESKTOP, hdcDesktop);
- /* Font size info */
- wid = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
- hgt = tm.tmHeight;
- }
- fx = dx = wid;
- fy = dy = hgt;
-void RegionClass::change_font(const char *name, int height)
- if (font != NULL) DeleteObject(font);
- init_font(name, height);
-void RegionClass::copy_font(RegionClass *r)
- fx = r->fx;
- fy = r->fy;
- dx = r->dx;
- dy = r->dy;
- font = r->font;
-void RegionClass::set_std_palette(RGBQUAD *pPal)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- std_palette[i].rgbRed = pPal[i].rgbRed ;
- std_palette[i].rgbGreen = pPal[i].rgbGreen;
- std_palette[i].rgbBlue = pPal[i].rgbBlue ;
- if (pPal[i].rgbRed == 0
- && pPal[i].rgbGreen == 0
- && pPal[i].rgbBlue == 0)
- {
- pix_black = i;
- }
- if (pPal[i].rgbRed == 255
- && pPal[i].rgbGreen == 255
- && pPal[i].rgbBlue == 255)
- {
- pix_white = i;
- }
- if (pPal[i].rgbRed == 255
- && pPal[i].rgbGreen == 0
- && pPal[i].rgbBlue == 255)
- {
- pix_magenta = i;
- }
- if (pPal[i].rgbRed == 1
- && pPal[i].rgbGreen == 1
- && pPal[i].rgbBlue == 1)
- {
- pix_rimcolor = i;
- }
- }
- std_palette[pix_transparent].rgbRed = 0;
- std_palette[pix_transparent].rgbGreen = 0;
- std_palette[pix_transparent].rgbBlue = 0;
-void RegionClass::init_backbuf(RGBQUAD *pPal, int ncolor)
- int i;
- // first time
- if (backbuf == NULL)
- {
- // alloc for misc info
- backbuf = (dib_pack *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(dib_pack));
- // alloc for header+palette data
- backbuf->pDib = (LPBITMAPINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,
- (sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) );
- // set header data
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
- // set palette data
- for (i = 0; i < ncolor; i++)
- {
- // copy palette from given palette pPal
- backbuf->pDib->bmiColors[i].rgbRed = pPal[i].rgbRed ;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen = pPal[i].rgbGreen;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue = pPal[i].rgbBlue ;
- }
- }
- // set dimension
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biWidth = mx*dx;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biHeight = my*dy;
- backbuf->Width = mx * dx;
- backbuf->Height= my * dy;
- if (win != NULL)
- {
- // this routine should be called after the window is initialized
- if (win->hWnd != NULL)
- {
- HDC hdc1 = GetDC(0);
- HDC hdc2 = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- // alloc a region of the window
- backbuf->hDib = CreateDIBSection(hdc1, backbuf->pDib,
- DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID **)&(backbuf->pDibBits), NULL, 0);
- backbuf->hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc2);
- SelectObject(backbuf->hDC, backbuf->hDib);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc2);
- ReleaseDC(0, hdc1);
- }
- }
- backbuf->pDibZero = (backbuf->pDibBits
- + (backbuf->Height -1) * backbuf->Width);
-void RegionClass::resize_backbuf()
- int i;
- // discard it for resize
- if (backbuf->hDC != NULL) DeleteDC(backbuf->hDC);
- if (backbuf->hDib != NULL) DeleteObject(backbuf->hDib);
- // set dimension
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biWidth = mx*dx;
- backbuf->pDib->bmiHeader.biHeight = my*dy;
- backbuf->Width = mx * dx;
- backbuf->Height = my * dy;
- HDC hdc1 = GetDC(0);
- HDC hdc2 = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- // alloc a region of the window
- backbuf->hDib = CreateDIBSection(hdc1, backbuf->pDib,
- DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID **)&(backbuf->pDibBits), NULL, 0);
- backbuf->hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc2);
- SelectObject(backbuf->hDC, backbuf->hDib);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc2);
- ReleaseDC(0, hdc1);
- backbuf->pDibZero = (backbuf->pDibBits
- + (backbuf->Height -1) * backbuf->Width);
- for (i = 0; i< mx*dx*my*dy; i++)
- *(backbuf->pDibBits + i) = pix_black;
-void MapRegionClass::resize_backbuf()
- RegionClass::resize_backbuf();
-void TileRegionClass::resize_backbuf()
- RegionClass::resize_backbuf();
-void TextRegionClass::init_backbuf()
- /* not used */
-void TileRegionClass::init_backbuf(RGBQUAD *pPal)
- int i;
- if (!pPal)
- RegionClass::init_backbuf(std_palette, 256);
- else
- RegionClass::init_backbuf(pPal, 256);
- for (i = 0; i< mx*dx*my*dy; i++)
- *(backbuf->pDibBits + i) = pix_black;
-void MapRegionClass::init_backbuf()
- BYTE black = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_COL; i++)
- {
- scol[i].rgbBlue = map_colors[i][2];
- scol[i].rgbGreen = map_colors[i][1];
- scol[i].rgbRed = map_colors[i][0];
- scol[i].rgbReserved = 0;
- }
- // just resize
- if (backbuf != NULL)
- RegionClass::init_backbuf(NULL, 0);
- else
- RegionClass::init_backbuf(scol, MAX_MAP_COL);
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_COL; i++)
- {
- if (backbuf->pDib->bmiColors[i].rgbRed == 0
- && backbuf->pDib->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen == 0
- && backbuf->pDib->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue == 0)
- {
- black = i;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i< mx*dx*my*dy; i++)
- *(backbuf->pDibBits + i) = black;
-// defined to object, not to class
-void TextRegionClass::draw_string(int x, int y, unsigned char *buf,
- int len, int col)
- HDC hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- RECT rc;
- rc.left = ox + x * dx;
- rc.right = rc.left + len * dx;
- = oy + y * dy;
- rc.bottom = + dy;
- SelectObject(hdc, font);
- SetBkColor(hdc, term_pix[col>>4]);
- SetTextColor(hdc, term_pix[col&0x0f]);
- ExtTextOut(hdc, rc.left,, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc,
- (char *)buf, len, NULL);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void TextRegionClass::draw_cursor(int x, int y)
- RECT rc;
- HDC hdc;
- int cx = x - cx_ofs;
- int cy = y - cy_ofs;
- if (!flag)
- return;
- hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- SelectObject(hdc, font);
- rc.left = ox + cx * dx ;
- rc.right = rc.left + (2 * dx);
- = oy + cy * dy;
- rc.bottom = + dy;
- SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
- SetTextColor(hdc, term_pix[0x0f]);
- ExtTextOut(hdc, rc.left,, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc,
- "_ ", 2, NULL);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void TextRegionClass::erase_cursor()
- int x0 = cursor_x;
- int y0 = cursor_y;
- int adrs = y0 * mx + x0;
- int col = abuf[adrs];
- if (!flag)
- return;
- RECT rc;
- HDC hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- SelectObject(hdc, font);
- //restore previous cursor cell
- rc.left = ox + x0 * dx;
- rc.right = rc.left + (2 * dx);
- = oy + y0 * dy;
- rc.bottom = + dy;
- unsigned char rchar[3];
- SetBkColor(hdc, term_pix[col>>4]);
- SetTextColor(hdc, term_pix[col&0x0f]);
- rchar[0] = cbuf[adrs];
-#ifdef JP
- if ( (rchar[0]&0x80) && !dos_char /*_ismbblead( rchar[0])*/ )
- {
- rchar[1] = cbuf[adrs+1];
- rchar[2] = '\0';
- ExtTextOut(hdc, rc.left,, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc,
- (char *)&rchar, 2, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- rchar[1] = '\0';
- ExtTextOut(hdc, rc.left,, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc,
- (char *)&rchar, 1, NULL);
- }
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void WinClass::clear()
- fillrect(0, 0, wx-1, wy-1, PIX_BLACK);
-void RegionClass::clear()
- fillrect(0, 0, wx-1, wy-1, PIX_BLACK);
-void TileRegionClass::clear()
- RegionClass::clear();
-void MapRegionClass::clear()
- for (int i = 0; i < mx2*my2; i++)
- mbuf[i] = PIX_BLACK;
- RegionClass::clear();
-void TextRegionClass::clear()
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < mx*my; i++)
- {
- cbuf[i] = ' ';
- abuf[i] = 0;
- }
- RegionClass::clear();
-BOOL WinClass::create(const char *name)
- RECT rc;
- rc.left = 0;
- rc.right = wx;
- = 0;
- rc.bottom = wy;
- //game_state = STAT_NORMAL;
- if ( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) < (oy + wy) )
- oy = 0;
- if ( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) < (ox + wx) )
- ox = 0;
- AdjustWindowRectEx(&rc,
- false, 0);
- if (hWnd == NULL)
- {
- hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, "CrawlList",name,
- ox, oy, //pos
- rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, //size
- ShowWindow( hWnd, nCmdShow );
- }
- if (!hWnd)
- return (FALSE);
- clear();
- return (TRUE);
-void WinClass::move()
- SetWindowPos(hWnd, 0, ox, oy, wx, wy, SWP_NOSIZE);
- UpdateWindow( hWnd );
-void WinClass::resize()
- RECT rc;
- rc.left = 0;
- rc.right = wx;
- = 0;
- rc.bottom = wy;
- AdjustWindowRectEx(&rc,
- false, 0);
- SetWindowPos(hWnd, 0, ox, oy,
- rc.right - rc.left,
- rc.bottom -,
- UpdateWindow( hWnd );
-void TileRegionClass::redraw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- if (!flag) return;
- if (!is_active()) return;
- HDC hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- BitBlt(hdc, ox, oy, mx*dx, my*dy,
- backbuf->hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void MapRegionClass::redraw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- if (!flag) return;
- if (!is_active()) return;
- HDC hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- BitBlt(hdc, ox, oy, dx*mx, dy*my,
- backbuf->hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void MapRegionClass::draw_data(unsigned char *buf, bool show_mark,
- int mark_x, int mark_y)
- if (!flag)
- return;
- LPBYTE ppix ,dpix;
- int inc_x, inc_y, inc_x0, inc_y0;
- int bufx = mx * dx;
- int bufy = my * dy;
- bufx = (bufx+3)/4;
- bufx *= 4;
-#define BUF_IDX(x,y, x1, y1) ((x)*dx-(y)*dy*bufx + (x1) - (y1)*bufx)
- // upper left corner
- LPBYTE pDibBit0 = backbuf->pDibBits + bufx*(bufy-1);
- ppix = pDibBit0;
- inc_x = dx;
- inc_x0 = 1;
- inc_y = - mx2 * inc_x + BUF_IDX(0, 1, 0, 0);
- inc_y0 = - dx * inc_x0 + BUF_IDX(0, 0, 0, 1);
- // erase old markers
- for (int j = 0; j < dy * marker_length; j++)
- *(pDibBit0 + BUF_IDX(old_mark_x, 0, dx/2 + x_margin, j)) = MAP_BLACK;
- for (int j = 0; j < dx * marker_length; j++)
- *(pDibBit0 + BUF_IDX(0, old_mark_y, j, dy/2 + y_margin)) = MAP_BLACK;
- force_redraw = true;
- dpix = ppix;
- for (int j = 0; j < my2; j++)
- {
- unsigned char *ptr = &buf[j * (mx2 - x_margin)];
- for (int i = 0; i < mx2; i++)
- {
- int col = (j >= my2 - y_margin || i >= mx2 - x_margin) ?
- MAP_BLACK : ptr[i];
- if ( col != get_col(i,j) || force_redraw
- || i < marker_length || j < marker_length)
- {
- dpix = ppix;
- for (int y = 0; y < dy; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < dx; x++)
- {
- *dpix = col;
- dpix += inc_x0;
- }
- dpix += inc_y0;
- }
- set_col(col, i, j);
- }
- ppix += inc_x;
- }
- ppix += inc_y;
- }
- old_mark_x = mark_x;
- old_mark_y = mark_y;
- if (show_mark)
- {
- // draw new markers
- for (int j = 0; j < dy * marker_length; j++)
- *(pDibBit0 + BUF_IDX(mark_x, 0, dx/2 + x_margin, j)) = MAP_WHITE;
- for (int j = 0; j < dx * marker_length; j++)
- *(pDibBit0 + BUF_IDX(0, mark_y, j, dy/2 + y_margin)) = MAP_WHITE;
- }
- redraw();
- force_redraw = false;
-// img_type related
-LPBYTE dib_ref_pixel(dib_pack* dib, int x, int y)
- int w = ((3 + dib->Width)/4)*4;
- LPBYTE ref = dib->pDibBits + x + (dib->Height -1 -y) * w;
- return (ref);
-bool ImgIsTransparentAt(img_type img, int x, int y)
- if (pix_transparent == *( dib_ref_pixel(img, x, y) ))
- return (true);
- return (false);
-void ImgSetTransparentPix(img_type img)
- pix_transparent = (BYTE)*(img->pDibZero);
-img_type ImgCreateSimple(int wx, int wy)
- if (wx == 0 || wy == 0)
- return NULL;
- dib_pack *ptr = (dib_pack *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(dib_pack));
- ptr->pDibBits = (LPBYTE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, wx*wy );
- ptr->pDibZero = ptr->pDibBits + (wy -1)* wx;
- ptr->Width = wx;
- ptr->Height = wy;
- ptr->pDib = NULL;
- ptr->hDib = NULL;
- ptr->hDC = NULL;
- return (ptr);
-void ImgDestroy(img_type img)
- if (!img)
- return;
- if (img->pDib)
- GlobalFree(img->pDib);
- if (img->hDC)
- DeleteDC(img->hDC);
- if (img->hDib)
- DeleteObject(img->hDib);
- GlobalFree(img);
-img_type ImgLoadFile(const char *name)
- HANDLE fh;
- DWORD dummy;
- int BitsSize;
- HDC hdc1;
- dib_pack *img;
- hdc1 = GetDC(0);
- fh = CreateFile(name, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
- return NULL;
- SetFilePointer(fh, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
- if (!ReadFile(fh,&bmHead, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), &dummy, NULL))
- return NULL;
- img = (dib_pack *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(dib_pack));
- if (!img)
- return NULL;
- img->pDib = (LPBITMAPINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,
- (sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) );
- if (img->pDib == NULL)
- {
- GlobalFree(img);
- return NULL;
- }
- SetFilePointer(fh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
- if (!ReadFile(fh, img->pDib,
- sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD),
- &dummy, NULL))
- {
- GlobalFree(img->pDib);
- GlobalFree(img);
- return NULL;
- }
- img->hDib = CreateDIBSection(hdc1, img->pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
- (VOID **)&(img->pDibBits), NULL,0);
- if (img->hDib == NULL)
- {
- GlobalFree(img->pDib);
- GlobalFree(img);
- return NULL;
- }
- BitsSize = bmHead.bfSize-bmHead.bfOffBits;
- SetFilePointer(fh, bmHead.bfOffBits, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
- if (!ReadFile(fh, img->pDibBits, BitsSize, &dummy, NULL))
- {
- GlobalFree(img->hDib);
- GlobalFree(img->pDib);
- GlobalFree(img);
- return NULL;
- }
- CloseHandle(fh);
- img->Width = img->pDib->bmiHeader.biWidth ;
- img->Height = img->pDib->bmiHeader.biHeight;
- img->pDibZero = img->pDibBits + (img->Height - 1) * img->Width;
- ReleaseDC(0, hdc1);
- return img;
-void ImgClear(img_type img)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i< (img->Width * img->Height); i++)
- *(img->pDibBits + i) = pix_transparent;
-// Copy internal image to another internal image
-void ImgCopy(img_type src, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy,
- img_type dest, int dx, int dy, int copy)
- int x, y;
- BYTE pix;
- if (copy)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < wx; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < wy; y++)
- {
- pix = *( dib_ref_pixel(src, sx+x, sy+y) );
- *( dib_ref_pixel(dest, dx+x, dy+y) ) = pix;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (x = 0; x < wx; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < wy; y++)
- {
- pix = *( dib_ref_pixel(src, sx+x, sy+y) );
- if (pix!=pix_transparent)
- *( dib_ref_pixel(dest, dx+x, dy+y) ) = pix;
- }
- }
-// Copy internal image to another internal image
-void ImgCopyH(img_type src, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy,
- img_type dest, int dx, int dy, int copy)
- int x, y;
- BYTE pix;
- if (copy)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < wx; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < wy; y++)
- {
- pix = *( dib_ref_pixel(src, sx+x, sy+y) );
- if (pix == pix_rimcolor) pix = pix_magenta;
- *( dib_ref_pixel(dest, dx+x, dy+y) ) = pix;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (x = 0; x < wx; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < wy; y++)
- {
- pix = *( dib_ref_pixel(src, sx+x, sy+y) );
- if (pix == pix_rimcolor)
- pix = pix_magenta;
- if (pix != pix_transparent)
- *( dib_ref_pixel(dest, dx+x, dy+y) ) = pix;
- }
- }
-// Copy internal image to another internal image
-void ImgCopyMasked(img_type src, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy,
- img_type dest, int dx, int dy, char *mask)
- int x, y;
- BYTE pix;
- int count = 0;
- for (y = 0; y < wy; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < wx; x++)
- {
- pix = *( dib_ref_pixel(src, sx+x, sy+y) );
- if (mask[count] == 0 && pix != pix_transparent)
- *( dib_ref_pixel(dest, dx+x, dy+y) ) = pix;
- count++;
- }
-// Copy internal image to another internal image
-void ImgCopyMaskedH(img_type src, int sx, int sy, int wx, int wy,
- img_type dest, int dx, int dy, char *mask)
- int x, y;
- BYTE pix;
- int count = 0;
- for (y = 0; y < wy; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < wx; x++)
- {
- pix = *( dib_ref_pixel(src, sx+x, sy+y) );
- if (pix == pix_rimcolor)
- pix = pix_magenta;
- if (mask[count] == 0 && pix != pix_transparent)
- *( dib_ref_pixel(dest, dx+x, dy+y) ) = pix;
- count++;
- }
-void WinClass::fillrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color)
- HDC hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
- HBRUSH curbrush;
- HDC curbrushhdc = NULL;
- RECT currect;
- curbrush = CreateSolidBrush(term_pix[color]);
- currect.left = left;
- currect.right = right;
- = top;
- currect.bottom = bottom;
- SelectObject(curbrushhdc, curbrush);
- FillRect(hdc, &currect, curbrush);
- DeleteObject(curbrush);
- DeleteDC(curbrushhdc);
- ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);
-void TileRegionClass::DrawPanel(int left, int top, int width, int height)
- framerect(left, top , left + width, top + height, PIX_WHITE);
- framerect(left + 1, top + 1, left + width, top + height, PIX_DARKGREY);
- fillrect (left + 1, top + 1, left + width - 1, top + height -1, PIX_LIGHTGREY);
-void RegionClass::framerect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color)
- HDC hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- HBRUSH curbrush;
- HDC curbrushhdc = NULL;
- RECT currect;
- curbrush = CreateSolidBrush(term_pix[color]);
- currect.left = sx + left;
- currect.right = sx + right;
- = sy + top;
- currect.bottom = sy + bottom;
- SelectObject(curbrushhdc, curbrush);
- FrameRect(hdc, &currect, curbrush);
- DeleteObject(curbrush);
- DeleteDC(curbrushhdc);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void TileRegionClass::framerect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
- int color)
- HDC dhdc = backbuf->hDC;
- HBRUSH curbrush;
- HDC curbrushhdc = NULL;
- RECT currect;
- curbrush = CreateSolidBrush(term_pix[color]);
- currect.left = left;
- currect.right = right;
- = top;
- currect.bottom = bottom;
- SelectObject(curbrushhdc, curbrush);
- FrameRect(dhdc, &currect, curbrush);
- DeleteObject(curbrush);
- DeleteDC(curbrushhdc);
-void RegionClass::fillrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int color)
- HDC hdc = GetDC(win->hWnd);
- HBRUSH curbrush;
- HDC curbrushhdc = NULL;
- RECT currect;
- curbrush = CreateSolidBrush(term_pix[color]);
- currect.left = sx + left;
- currect.right = sx + right;
- = sy + top;
- currect.bottom = sy + bottom;
- SelectObject(curbrushhdc, curbrush);
- FillRect(hdc, &currect, curbrush);
- DeleteObject(curbrush);
- DeleteDC(curbrushhdc);
- ReleaseDC(win->hWnd, hdc);
-void TileRegionClass::fillrect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
- int color)
- HDC dhdc = backbuf->hDC;
- HBRUSH curbrush;
- HDC curbrushhdc = NULL;
- RECT currect;
- curbrush = CreateSolidBrush(term_pix[color]);
- currect.left = left;
- currect.right = right;
- = top;
- currect.bottom = bottom;
- SelectObject(curbrushhdc, curbrush);
- FillRect(dhdc, &currect, curbrush);
- DeleteObject(curbrush);
- DeleteDC(curbrushhdc);