path: root/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/dctile.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/dctile.c')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/dctile.c b/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/dctile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aaadeca911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/dctile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+#include "bm.h"
+/** Some global **/
+int corpse=0;
+int mesh=0;
+int slant=0;
+int rim=0;
+FILE *mfp=NULL; // map html
+FILE *sfp=NULL; // "tiledef.h"
+FILE *tfp=NULL; // tiles.txt
+FILE *cfp=NULL; // lengths of tile counts
+int tilecount = 0;
+int tilecountidx = -1;
+int counts[1024];
+int countnames[100][100];
+char outname[1024], ctgname[100], subsname[100];
+char sdir[300];
+char realname[1024];
+char imgname[1024];
+char tiledefname[1024];
+char enumprefix[100];
+const int read_size = 2048;
+/*** BUFFER MEMORY ***/
+#define XX 30
+int xx0;
+#define YY 90
+#define LX (XX)
+/*** tmp buffer, floor , final output, final queue ***/
+unsigned char *tbuf[3],fbuf[3][32*32],*obuf[3], dbuf[3][32*32];
+/*** compose buffer */
+unsigned char cbuf[3][32*32];
+/*** normal floor*/
+#define WOADR(x,y,xx,yy) ((x)*32+xx+ xx0*32*((y)*32+yy))
+#define ADR(x,y) ((x)+(y)*32)
+/*** output width/height in block ***/
+int bx,by;
+int filler = 0;
+unsigned char bkg[3] = { 0x47, 0x6c, 0x6c };
+#define WID 32
+/* Wrapper routines **************/
+int load_pxxx(fnam) char *fnam;{
+ int x,y;
+ sprintf(realname,"%s%s%c%s.bmp",cpath,sdir,PATHSEP,fnam);
+ if(bmread(realname,&x,&y,tbuf)==0) return 0;
+ sprintf(realname,"%s%s.bmp",cpath,fnam);
+ if(bmread(realname,&x,&y,tbuf)==0) return 0;
+ if(subsname[0]){
+ sprintf(realname,"%s%s%c%s.bmp",cpath,sdir,PATHSEP,subsname);
+ if(bmread(realname,&x,&y,tbuf)==0) return 0;
+ sprintf(realname,"%s%s.bmp",cpath,subsname);
+ if(bmread(realname,&x,&y,tbuf)==0) return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void clr_buf() {
+ int xx,yy;
+ for(xx=0;xx<32;xx++){
+ for(yy=0;yy<32;yy++){
+ dbuf[0][ ADR(xx,yy) ]=bkg[0];
+ dbuf[1][ ADR(xx,yy) ]=bkg[1];
+ dbuf[2][ ADR(xx,yy) ]=bkg[2];
+ }
+ }
+void cp_floor(){
+ int xx,yy,c;
+ for(xx=0;xx<32;xx++)
+ for(yy=0;yy<32;yy++)
+ for(c=0;c<3;c++)
+ dbuf[c][ ADR(xx,yy) ]=fbuf[c][ ADR(xx,yy)];
+#define TILEX 32
+#define TILEY 32
+void make_rim(){
+ static unsigned char dflag[TILEX][TILEY];
+ int x,y,c,dd[3],ad;
+ int n0,n1,n2;
+ // dflag:
+ // 0 = background
+ // 1 = tile
+ // 2 = black
+ for(y=0;y<TILEY;y++){
+ for(x=0;x<TILEX;x++){
+ dflag[x][y]=1;
+ ad=ADR(x,y);
+ for(c=0;c<3;c++)dd[c]=dbuf[c][ad];
+ if( (dd[0]==bkg[0])&&(dd[1]==bkg[1])&& (dd[2]==bkg[2])) dflag[x][y]=0;
+ if( (dd[0]==0)&&(dd[1]==0)&& (dd[2]==0)) dflag[x][y]=2;
+ }
+ }
+ for(x=0;x<TILEX;x++){
+ for(y=0;y<TILEY;y++){
+ ad=x+y*TILEX;
+ if(dflag[x][y]==2 || dflag[x][y]==0){
+ n0=n1=n2=0;
+ if(x>0){
+ if(dflag[x-1][y]==0) n0++;
+ if(dflag[x-1][y]==1) n1++;
+ if(dflag[x-1][y]==2) n2++;
+ }
+ if(y>0){
+ if(dflag[x][y-1]==0) n0++;
+ if(dflag[x][y-1]==1) n1++;
+ if(dflag[x][y-1]==2) n2++;
+ }
+ if(x<31){
+ if(dflag[x+1][y]==0) n0++;
+ if(dflag[x+1][y]==1) n1++;
+ if(dflag[x+1][y]==2) n2++;
+ }
+ if(y<31){
+ if(dflag[x][y+1]==0) n0++;
+ if(dflag[x][y+1]==1) n1++;
+ if(dflag[x][y+1]==2) n2++;
+ }
+ // n1 = tiles adjacent but not diagonal that are tile pixels
+ if(n1!=0 )
+ dbuf[0][x+y*32]=dbuf[1][x+y*32]=dbuf[2][x+y*32]=0x10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void cp_monst_32(){
+ int xx,yy,c,dd[3],ad;
+ char dflag[32][32];
+ int xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ox,oy;
+ if(corpse==1)
+ {
+ xmin=ymin=31;
+ xmax=ymax=0;
+ for(xx=0;xx<32;xx++){
+ for(yy=0;yy<32;yy++){
+ ad=ADR(xx,yy);
+ for(c=0;c<3;c++)dd[c]=tbuf[c][ad];
+ if( (dd[0]==bkg[0])&&(dd[1]==bkg[1])&& (dd[2]==bkg[2]))continue;
+ if( (dd[0]==0)&&(dd[1]==0)&& (dd[2]==0))continue;
+ if(xx<xmin)xmin=xx;
+ if(xx>xmax)xmax=xx;
+ if(yy<ymin)ymin=yy;
+ if(yy>ymax)ymax=yy;
+ }
+ }
+ ox=(xmax+xmin)/2-16;
+ oy=(ymax+ymin)/2-16;
+ }
+ for(xx=0;xx<32;xx++){
+ for(yy=0;yy<32;yy++){
+ dflag[xx][yy]=0;
+ ad=ADR(xx,yy);
+ if(corpse==1){
+ int x1=xx+ox;
+ int y1=(yy+oy)*2-16;
+ int cy=18;
+ if(xx<4 || xx>=28)cy+=2;else
+ if(xx<12 || xx>=20) cy+=1;
+ if(yy>=cy-1 && yy<=cy+0)continue;
+ x1 += (y1-16)/4;
+ if(y1>=cy){y1-=2;x1-=3;}else {y1 +=2;x1+=3;}
+ if(x1<0 || x1>=32 || y1<0 || y1>=32)continue;
+ ad=ADR(x1,y1);
+ }
+ /*** normal***/
+ for(c=0;c<3;c++){dd[c]=tbuf[c][ad];}
+ if(mesh==2){
+ if( (dd[0]!=bkg[0])||(dd[1]!=bkg[1])|| (dd[2]!=bkg[2])){
+ if( ((xx+yy)&1) ==0)dd[0]=dd[1]=dd[2]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mesh==1){
+ if( (((xx/2)+(yy/2))&1) ==1)dd[0]=dd[1]=dd[2]=0;
+ }
+ if( (dd[0]==bkg[0])&&(dd[1]==bkg[1])&& (dd[2]==bkg[2]))continue;
+ if( (corpse==1) &&(dd[0]==0)&&(dd[1]==0)&& (dd[2]==0))continue;
+ for(c=0;c<3;c++) {dbuf[c][ADR(xx,yy)]=dd[c];}
+ dflag[xx][yy]=1;
+ }
+ }
+#if 1
+int cy=18;
+if(xx<4 || xx>=28)cy+=2;else
+if(xx<12 || xx>=20) cy+=1;
+if(dflag[xx][cy-2]==1 && dflag[xx][cy+1]==1 ){
+for(yy=cy-1;yy<=cy-0;yy++){ dbuf[0][ADR(xx,yy)]=32;
+/** shade**/
+if(dflag[xx][yy]==0 && dflag[xx-1][yy-1]==1){
+if(dflag[xx][yy]==0 && dflag[xx-1][yy-1]==0
+ && dflag[xx-2][yy-2]==1 && dflag[xx-3][yy-3]==1){
+void bflush(){
+int xx,yy,c;
+obuf[c][WOADR(bx,by,xx,yy)]= dbuf[c][ADR(xx,yy)];
+void load_monst(fnam) char *fnam;{
+ if( load_pxxx(fnam)){
+ printf("no file pxxx/%s.bmp or %s/%s.bmp\n",fnam,sdir,fnam);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ cp_monst_32();
+ bflush();
+void process_config(char *fname)
+ int x,y;
+ int i,j;
+ char tmp[read_size],st[read_size];
+ char *nuke;
+ FILE *fp=fopen(fname,"r");
+ if(fp==NULL){
+ printf("Error no config file %s\nHit return",fname);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ while(1){
+ fgets(tmp,read_size,fp);
+ if(feof(fp))break;
+ i=0;while(i<read_size && tmp[i]>=32)i++;
+ tmp[i]=0;
+ if(getname(tmp,"back",st))
+ {
+ /*** Set Background BMP (format "%back bmpname") ***/
+ if(strncmp(st,"none",4)==0)
+ {
+ /** clear **/
+ for(i=0;i<32*32;i++){fbuf[0][i]=bkg[0];fbuf[1][i]=bkg[1];fbuf[2][i]=bkg[2];}
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ load_pxxx(st);
+ for(i=0;i<32*32;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++)fbuf[j][i]=tbuf[j][i];
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"include",st)){
+ char fn2[read_size];
+ sprintf(fn2,"%s%s",cpath, st);
+ if(strcmp(fname,fn2)!=0) process_config(fn2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"htmlfile",st))
+ {
+ char fn2[read_size];
+ sprintf(fn2,"%s%s",cpath, st);
+ mfp=fopen(fn2,"w");
+ if(mfp==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("Error could not open %s\nHit return",fn2);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fprintf(mfp,"<HTML><head>\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"tilelist",st))
+ {
+ char fn2[read_size];
+ sprintf(fn2,"%s%s",cpath, st);
+ tfp=fopen(fn2,"w");
+ if(tfp==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("Error could not open %s\nHit return",fn2);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%tilefile %s\n", imgname);
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%rim %d\n", rim);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"tiledef",st))
+ {
+ char fn[read_size];
+ sprintf(fn,"%s%s",cpath,st);
+ strcpy(tiledefname, st);;
+ sfp=fopen(fn,"w");
+ if(sfp==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("Error could not open %s\nHit return",fn);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fprintf(sfp,"/* Automatically generated by tile generator. */\n");
+ fprintf(sfp, "enum TILE_%sIDX {\n", enumprefix);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"tilecount",st))
+ {
+ char fn[read_size];
+ sprintf(fn,"%s%s",cpath,st);
+ cfp=fopen(fn,"w");
+ if(cfp==NULL)
+ {
+ printf("Error could not open %s\nHit return",fn);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fprintf(cfp,"/* Automatically generated by tile generator. */\n");
+ fprintf(cfp,"#include \"%s\"\n", tiledefname);
+ fprintf(cfp, "enum TILE_%sCOUNT_IDX {\n", enumprefix);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"enumprefix",st))
+ {
+ strcpy(enumprefix, st);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"htmlhead",st))
+ {
+ if(mfp)fprintf(mfp,"%s\n",st);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"htmlbody",st))
+ {
+ if(mfp)fprintf(mfp,"</head><body>\n<map name=\"nhmap\">\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getval(tmp,"slant",&slant)) continue;
+ if (getval(tmp,"rim",&rim))
+ {
+ if (tfp) fprintf(tfp, "%%rim %d\n", rim);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getval(tmp,"mesh",&mesh)) continue;
+ if (getval(tmp,"corpse",&corpse)) continue;
+ if (getname(tmp,"ctg",ctgname)) continue;
+ if (getname(tmp,"subst",subsname)) continue;
+ if (getname(tmp,"sdir",sdir)) continue;
+ if (getname(tmp,"name", outname))
+ {
+ sprintf(imgname, "%s.bmp", outname);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"htmlimg",imgname)) continue;
+ if (getval(tmp,"width",&xx0)) continue;
+ if (tmp[0]=='#' || tmp[0]<32){
+ if(tmp[0]<32) fprintf(sfp,"\n");
+ if(tmp[0]=='#')fprintf(sfp,"//%s\n",tmp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // begin a 32x32 composing sequence
+ if (getname(tmp,"start",st))
+ {
+ clr_buf();
+ for (i = 0; i < 32*32; i++)
+ {
+ cbuf[0][i] = fbuf[0][i];
+ cbuf[1][i] = fbuf[1][i];
+ cbuf[2][i] = fbuf[2][i];
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // compose an image onto the current buffer
+ if (getname(tmp,"compose",st))
+ {
+ if(load_pxxx(st)){
+ printf("no file pxxx/%s.bmp or %s/%s.bmp\n",st,sdir,st);
+ getchar();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<32*32;i++)
+ {
+ if (tbuf[0][i] != bkg[0] ||
+ tbuf[1][i] != bkg[1] ||
+ tbuf[2][i] != bkg[2])
+ {
+ cbuf[0][i] = tbuf[0][i];
+ cbuf[1][i] = tbuf[1][i];
+ cbuf[2][i] = tbuf[2][i];
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (getname(tmp,"nextrow",st))
+ {
+ if (bx == 0)
+ continue;
+ while (bx != xx0)
+ {
+ fprintf(sfp, " TILE_%sFILLER%d,\n", enumprefix, filler++);
+ bx++;
+ }
+ bx = 0;
+ by ++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // finish composing
+ if (getname(tmp,"finish",st))
+ {
+ realname[0] = 0;
+ for (i=0;i<32*32;i++)
+ {
+ tbuf[0][i] = cbuf[0][i];
+ tbuf[1][i] = cbuf[1][i];
+ tbuf[2][i] = cbuf[2][i];
+ }
+ cp_monst_32();
+ bflush();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*** normal bitmap ***/
+ clr_buf();cp_floor();
+ i=0;while(i<read_size && tmp[i]>32)i++;
+ tmp[i]=0; strcpy(st, &tmp[i+1]);
+ if (tfp)
+ {
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%sx %d\n%%sy %d\n%%ex %d\n%%ey %d\n",
+ bx*WID,by*WID,bx*WID+WID-1,by*WID+WID-1);
+ }
+ load_monst(tmp);
+ }
+ if(mfp)
+ {
+ fprintf(
+ mfp,"<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"%d,%d,%d,%d\" alt=\"%s\" href=\"%s\">\n",
+ bx*WID,by*WID,bx*WID+WID-1,by*WID+WID-1,
+ st,realname);
+ }
+ if (tfp)
+ {
+ if (corpse)
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%skip\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(tfp,"%%file %s\n", realname);
+ }
+ if(!strstr(st,"IGNORE_COMMENT")){
+ nuke=strstr(st,"/*");if(nuke)*nuke=0;
+ if (st && strcmp(st, "") != 0 && strcmp(st, "\n") != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(sfp," TILE_%s,\n",st);
+ if (cfp)
+ {
+ if (tilecountidx == -1)
+ tilecountidx++;
+ else
+ counts[tilecountidx++] = tilecount;
+ fprintf(cfp, " IDX_%s,\n",st);
+ sprintf(countnames[tilecountidx], "TILE_%s", st);
+ tilecount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(sfp, " TILE_%sFILLER%d,\n", enumprefix, filler++);
+ tilecount++;
+ }
+ }
+ bx++;if(bx==xx0){bx=0;by++;;}
+ }/* while */
+ fclose(fp);
+int main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ int i;
+ char fn[100];
+ bx=by=0;
+ process_cpath(argv[0]);
+ xx0=XX;
+ ctgname[0]=0;
+ subsname[0]=0;
+ sdir[0]=0;
+ enumprefix[0] = 0;
+ stdpal();
+ fixalloc(tbuf,256*256);
+ fixalloc(obuf, LX*64*(YY)*64);
+ strcpy(outname,"tile");
+ strcpy(imgname,"tile.bmp");
+ printf("%s\ncpath=%s\n",argv[0],cpath);
+ if(argc==1)
+ sprintf(fn,"%sdc-2d.txt",cpath);
+ else
+ strcpy(fn,argv[1]);
+ process_config(fn);
+ if (sfp)
+ {
+ fprintf(sfp, "TILE_%sTOTAL};\n\n", enumprefix);
+ fprintf(sfp,"#define TILE_%sPER_ROW %d\n", enumprefix, xx0);
+ fclose(sfp);
+ }
+ if(mfp)
+ {
+ fprintf(mfp,"</map>\n<img src=%s usemap=\"#nhmap\" >\n", imgname);
+ fprintf(mfp,"</body></html>\n");
+ fclose(mfp);
+ }
+ if (cfp)
+ {
+ int i;
+ fprintf(cfp, " IDX_%sTOTAL\n};\n\n", enumprefix);
+ counts[tilecountidx++] = tilecount;
+ fprintf(cfp, "int tile_%scount[IDX_%sTOTAL] =\n{\n",
+ enumprefix, enumprefix);
+ for (i = 0; i < tilecountidx; i++)
+ {
+ fprintf(cfp, (i < tilecountidx - 1) ? " %d,\n" : " %d\n",
+ counts[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(cfp, "};\n\n");
+ fprintf(cfp, "int tile_%sstart[IDX_%sTOTAL] = \n{\n",
+ enumprefix, enumprefix);
+ for (i = 0; i < tilecountidx; i++)
+ {
+ fprintf(cfp, (i < tilecountidx - 1) ? " %s,\n" : " %s\n",
+ countnames[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(cfp, "};\n\n");
+ close(cfp);
+ }
+ if(tfp)
+ {
+ fclose(tfp);
+ }
+ i=by*32;
+ if(bx!=0)i+=32;
+ sprintf(fn,"%s%s.bmp",cpath,outname);
+ bmwrite(fn,xx0*32,i,obuf);
+ return 0;