path: root/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/ b/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d2aaa1883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl-ref/source/rltiles/tool/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "tile_page.h"
+#include "tile_colour.h"
+#include "tile.h"
+#include <png.h>
+static bool write_png(const char *filename, tile_colour *pixels,
+ int width, int height)
+ FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ if (!fp)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can't open file '%s' for write.\n", filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
+ if (!png_ptr)
+ return false;
+ png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+ if (!info_ptr)
+ {
+ png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp)NULL);
+ return false;
+ }
+ png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
+ int bit_depth = 8;
+ int colour_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
+ int interlace_type = PNG_INTERLACE_NONE;
+ int compression_type = PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+ int filter_method = PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+ png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height,
+ bit_depth, colour_type, interlace_type,
+ compression_type, filter_method);
+ png_bytep* row_pointers = (png_bytep*)alloca(sizeof(png_bytep) * height);
+ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ row_pointers[y] = (png_byte*)&pixels[y * width];
+ png_set_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, row_pointers);
+ int png_transforms = PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY;
+ png_write_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, png_transforms, NULL);
+ png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
+ png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return true;
+tile_page::tile_page() : m_width(1024), m_height(0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete m_tiles[i];
+ }
+ m_tiles.clear();
+ m_counts.clear();
+bool tile_page::place_images()
+ // locate all the tiles on the page, so we can determine its size
+ // and the tex coords.
+ m_offsets.clear();
+ m_texcoords.clear();
+ int ymin, ycur, ymax;
+ int xmin, xcur, xmax;
+ ymin = ycur = ymax = xmin = xcur = xmax = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int ofs_x, ofs_y, tilew, tileh;
+ if (m_tiles[i]->shrink())
+ {
+ m_tiles[i]->get_bounding_box(ofs_x, ofs_y, tilew, tileh);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ofs_x = 0;
+ ofs_y = 0;
+ tilew = m_tiles[i]->width();
+ tileh = m_tiles[i]->height();
+ }
+ m_offsets.push_back(ofs_x);
+ m_offsets.push_back(ofs_y);
+ m_offsets.push_back(m_tiles[i]->width());
+ m_offsets.push_back(m_tiles[i]->height());
+ if (xcur + tilew > m_width)
+ {
+ ycur = ymin = ymax;
+ xcur = xmin = xmax = 0;
+ }
+ if (tileh + ycur >= ymax)
+ {
+ if (ycur != ymin)
+ {
+ ycur = ymin;
+ xcur = xmax;
+ xmin = xmax = xcur;
+ }
+ if (xcur + tilew > m_width)
+ {
+ ycur = ymin = ymax;
+ xcur = xmin = xmax = 0;
+ }
+ if (ycur == ymin)
+ {
+ ymax = std::max(ymin + (int)tileh, ymax);
+ }
+ }
+ m_height = ymax;
+ m_texcoords.push_back(xcur);
+ m_texcoords.push_back(ycur);
+ m_texcoords.push_back(xcur + tilew);
+ m_texcoords.push_back(ycur + tileh);
+ // Only add downwards, stretching out xmax as we go.
+ xmax = std::max(xmax, xcur + (int)tilew);
+ xcur = xmin;
+ ycur += tileh;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool tile_page::write_image(const char *filename)
+ if (m_width * m_height <= 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to write image. No images placed?\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ tile_colour *pixels = new tile_colour[m_width * m_height];
+ memset(pixels, 0, m_width * m_height * sizeof(tile_colour));
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int sx = m_texcoords[i*4];
+ int sy = m_texcoords[i*4+1];
+ int ex = m_texcoords[i*4+2];
+ int ey = m_texcoords[i*4+3];
+ int wx = ex - sx;
+ int wy = ey - sy;
+ int ofs_x = m_offsets[i*4];
+ int ofs_y = m_offsets[i*4+1];
+ for (int y = 0; y < wy; y++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < wx; x++)
+ {
+ tile_colour &dest = pixels[(sx+x) + (sy+y)*m_width];
+ tile_colour &src = m_tiles[i]->get_pixel(ofs_x+x, ofs_y+y);
+ dest = src;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool success = write_png(filename, pixels, m_width, m_height);
+ delete[] pixels;
+ return success;