path: root/dzen.h
blob: 4a4bf528e361becdcbabb2dc8bf758165cca5155 (plain) (tree)












































 * (C)opyright 2007-2009 Robert Manea <rob dot manea at gmail dot com>
 * See LICENSE file for license details.

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xresource.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>

#define FONT		"-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#define BGCOLOR		"#111111"
#define FGCOLOR		"grey70"
#define ESC_CHAR    '^'

#define ALIGNLEFT   1
#define ALIGNRIGHT  2

#define MIN_BUF_SIZE   1024
#define MAX_LINE_LEN   8192


#ifndef Button6
# define Button6 6

#ifndef Button7
# define Button7 7

enum { ColFG, ColBG, ColLast };

/* exapansion directions */
enum { noexpand, left, right, both };

typedef struct DZEN Dzen;
typedef struct Fnt Fnt;
typedef struct TW TWIN;
typedef struct SW SWIN;
typedef struct _Sline Sline;

struct Fnt {
	XFontStruct *xfont;
	XFontSet set;
	int ascent;
	int descent;
	int height;
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
	XftFont *xftfont;
	XGlyphInfo *extents;
	int width;

/* clickable areas */
typedef struct _CLICK_A {
    int active;
	int button;
	int start_x;
	int end_x;
	int start_y;
	int end_y;
	char cmd[1024];
} click_a;
extern click_a sens_areas[MAX_CLICKABLE_AREAS];
extern int sens_areas_cnt;
extern int xorig;

/* title window */
struct TW {
	int x, y, width, height;

	char *name;
	Window win;
	Drawable drawable;
	char alignment;
	int expand;
	int x_right_corner;
	Bool ishidden;

/* slave window */
struct SW {
	int x, y, width, height;

	char *name;
	Window win;
	Window *line;
	Drawable *drawable;

	/* input buffer */
	char **tbuf; 
	int tsize;
	int tcnt;
	/* line fg colors */
	unsigned long *tcol;

	int max_lines;
	int first_line_vis;
	int last_line_vis;
	int sel_line;

	char alignment;
	Bool ismenu;
	Bool ishmenu;
	Bool issticky;
	Bool ismapped;

struct DZEN {
	int x, y, w, h;
	Bool running;
	unsigned long norm[ColLast];

	TWIN title_win;
	SWIN slave_win;

	/* sensitive areas */
	Window sa_win;

	const char *fnt;
	const char *bg;
	const char *fg;
	int line_height;

	Display *dpy;
	int screen;
	unsigned int depth;

	Visual *visual;
	GC gc, rgc, tgc;
	Fnt font;
	Fnt fnpl[64];

	Bool ispersistent;
	Bool tsupdate;
	Bool colorize;
	unsigned long timeout;
	long cur_line;
	int ret_val;

	/* should always be 0 if DZEN_XINERAMA not defined */
	int xinescreen;

extern Dzen dzen;

void free_buffer(void);
void x_draw_body(void);

/* draw.c */
extern void drawtext(const char *text,
		int reverse,
		int line,
		int align);
extern char * parse_line(const char * text, 
		int linenr, 
		int align, 
		int reverse, 
		int nodraw);
extern long getcolor(const char *colstr);		/* returns color of colstr */
extern void setfont(const char *fontstr);		/* sets global font */
extern unsigned int textw(const char *text);	/* returns width of text in px */
extern void drawheader(const char *text);
extern void drawbody(char *text);

/* util.c */
extern void *emalloc(unsigned int size);		/* allocates memory, exits on error */
extern void eprint(const char *errstr, ...);	/* prints errstr and exits with 1 */
extern char *estrdup(const char *str);			/* duplicates str, exits on allocation error */
extern void spawn(const char *arg);				/* execute arg */

extern long colorcache_get(const char *name); /* gets a cached color */
extern void colorcache_set(const char *name, long value); /* sets a cached color */
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
extern int xftcolorcache_get(const char *name, XftColor *color); /* gets a cached color */
extern void xftcolorcache_set(const char *name, XftColor *color); /* sets a cached color */