path: root/test/luabot.lua
diff options
authorjluehrs2 <jluehrs2@uiuc.edu>2007-09-05 17:47:10 -0500
committerjluehrs2 <jluehrs2@uiuc.edu>2007-09-05 17:47:10 -0500
commitefbcefd6c12de4c6c70c63e67f56f4b02de7030f (patch)
tree3fe3285e03d07cdaae417fe5033e11a79f0c7296 /test/luabot.lua
parent2bac40a8a66f493a493b327e570ff4924956b11b (diff)
make the evalbot use per-user environments for evaling things, not one global one
Diffstat (limited to 'test/luabot.lua')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/test/luabot.lua b/test/luabot.lua
index 6c9b43a..01b2003 100644
--- a/test/luabot.lua
+++ b/test/luabot.lua
@@ -4,38 +4,94 @@ local irc = require 'irc'
irc.DEBUG = true
local nick = "luabot"
-local pre_code = [[
-io = nil
-os = nil
-loadfile = nil
-dofile = nil
-package = nil
-require = nil
-module = nil
-debug = nil
-irc.register_callback("connect", function()
- irc.join("#doytest")
+local envs = {}
-irc.register_callback("channel_msg", function(channel, from, message)
- local for_me, code = message:match("^(" .. nick .. ". )(.*)")
- if for_me then
+local function create_env()
+ return {
+ assert = assert,
+ collectgarbage = collectgarbage,
+ error = error,
+ getfenv = getfenv,
+ getmetatable = getmetatable,
+ ipairs = ipairs,
+ loadstring = loadstring,
+ next = next,
+ pairs = pairs,
+ pcall = pcall,
+ rawequal = rawequal,
+ rawget = rawget,
+ rawset = rawset,
+ select = select,
+ setfenv = setfenv,
+ setmetatable = setmetatable,
+ tonumber = tonumber,
+ tostring = tostring,
+ type = type,
+ unpack = unpack,
+ xpcall = xpcall,
+ coroutine = coroutine,
+ math = math,
+ string = string,
+ table = table,
+ }
+local commands = {
+ eval = function(channel, from, code)
code = code:gsub("^=", "return ")
- local fn, err = loadstring(pre_code .. code)
+ local fn, err = loadstring(code)
if not fn then
- irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Error loading code: " .. err)
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Error loading code: " .. code .. err:match(".*(:.-)$"))
+ setfenv(fn, envs[from])
local result = {pcall(fn)}
local success = table.remove(result, 1)
if not success then
- irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Error running code: " .. result[1])
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Error running code: " .. code .. result[1]:match(".*(:.-)$"))
- irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": " .. table.concat(result, ", "))
+ if result[1] == nil then
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": nil")
+ else
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": " .. table.concat(result, ", "))
+ end
+ end,
+ clear = function(channel, from)
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Clearing your environment")
+ envs[from] = create_env()
+ end,
+ help = function(channel, from, arg)
+ if not arg then
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Commands: !clear, !eval, !help")
+ elseif arg == "eval" then
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Evaluates a Lua statement in your own persistent environment")
+ elseif arg == "clear" then
+ irc.say(channel.name, from .. ": Clears your personal environment")
+ end
+ end
+irc.register_callback("connect", function()
+ irc.join("#doytest")
+irc.register_callback("channel_msg", function(channel, from, message)
+ message = message:gsub("^" .. nick .. "[:,>] ", "!eval ")
+ local is_cmd, cmd, arg = message:match("^(!)([%w_]+) ?(.-)$")
+ if is_cmd and commands[cmd] then
+ envs[from] = envs[from] or create_env()
+ commands[cmd](channel, from, arg)
+ end
+irc.register_callback("nick_change", function(from, old_nick)
+ if envs[old_nick] and not envs[from] then
+ envs[from] = envs[old_nick]
+ envs[old_nick] = nil