path: root/test
diff options
authorjluehrs2 <jluehrs2@uiuc.edu>2007-08-26 22:07:38 -0500
committerjluehrs2 <jluehrs2@uiuc.edu>2007-08-26 22:07:38 -0500
commit86a0d68f9920cbcd382d8bb255639b022991def7 (patch)
treed9ecb2ec46ababa1654818d06d3015f5da746162 /test
parent27ea3f3876546997cfc838f6d605b8f4ca5adcd7 (diff)
add all of the current files
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/test.lua b/test/test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb40efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+--Implemented callbacks:
+-- on_nick_change(user, old_nick)
+-- on_join(chan, user)
+-- on_part(chan, user, part_msg)
+-- on_op(chan, from_user, to_user)
+-- on_deop(chan, from_user, to_user)
+-- on_voice(chan, from_user, to_user)
+-- on_devoice(chan, from_user, to_user)
+-- on_topic_change(chan)
+-- on_invite(from_user, chan)
+-- on_kick(chan, from_user, to_user)
+-- on_channel_msg(chan, from_user, msg)
+-- on_private_msg(from_user, msg)
+-- on_channel_notice(chan, from_user, msg)
+-- on_private_notice(from_user, msg)
+-- on_quit(user, quit_msg)
+-- on_me_join(chan)
+-- on_connect()
+-- on_channel_act(chan, from_user, msg)
+-- on_private_act(from_user, msg)
+-- on_dcc(from_user, to_user, arg, address, port, size)
+-- on_ctcp_error(from_user, to_user, msg)
+--Implemented functions:
+-- connect(args)
+-- quit(msg)
+-- join(chan)
+-- part(chan)
+-- say(to, msg)
+-- notice(to, msg)
+-- act(to, msg)
+-- server_version(cb)
+-- whois(cb, nick)
+-- server_time(cb)
+-- ctcp_ping(cb, nick)
+-- ctcp_time(cb, nick)
+-- ctcp_version(cb, nick)
+-- send(command, ...)
+-- get_ip()
+-- channels()
+-- chan:each_op()
+-- chan:each_voice()
+-- chan:each_user()
+-- chan:each_member()
+-- chan:ops()
+-- chan:voices()
+-- chan:users()
+-- chan:members()
+-- chan:ban(user)
+-- chan:unban(user)
+-- chan:voice(user)
+-- chan:devoice(user)
+-- chan:op(user)
+-- chan:deop(user)
+-- chan:set_limit(limit)
+-- chan:set_key(key)
+-- chan:set_private(b)
+-- chan:set_secret(b)
+-- chan:set_invite_only(b)
+-- chan:set_topic_lock(b)
+-- chan:set_no_outside_messages(b)
+-- chan:set_moderated(b)
+-- XXX: these should not be in the public interface... actually, this whole
+-- handling needs to be rewritten
+-- chan:add_user(user, mode)
+-- chan:remove_user(user)
+-- chan:change_status(user, b, mode)
+-- chan:contains(user)
+-- chan:change_nick(old_nick, new_nick
+-- dcc.send(nick, filename, [port])
+-- dcc.accept(filename, address, port, size, [packet_size])
+-- debug.enable()
+-- debug.disable()
+-- debug.set_output(file)
+-- debug.message(msg_type, msg, [color])
+-- debug.err(msg)
+-- debug.warn(msg)
+-- XXX: do any of these need to be public?
+-- misc.split(str, [delim], [end_delim], [lquotes], [rquotes])
+-- misc.basename(path, [sep])
+-- misc.dirname(path, [sep])
+-- misc.str_to_int(str, [bytes], [endian])
+-- misc.int_to_str(int, [endian])
+-- misc.ip_str_to_int(ip_str)
+-- misc.ip_int_to_str(ip_int)
+-- misc.get_unique_filename(filename)
+-- misc.try_call(fn, [...])
+-- misc.try_call_warn(msg, fn, [...])
+-- misc.parse_user(user)
+-- misc.value_iter(state, arg, pred)
+local irc = require "irc"
+local dcc = require "irc.dcc"
+irc.DEBUG = true
+local function print_state()
+ for chan in irc.channels() do
+ print(chan..": Channel ops: "..table.concat(chan:ops(), " "))
+ print(chan..": Channel voices: "..table.concat(chan:voices(), " "))
+ print(chan..": Channel normal users: "..table.concat(chan:users(), " "))
+ print(chan..": All channel members: "..table.concat(chan:members(), " "))
+ end
+function irc.on_connect()
+ print("Joining channel #doytest...")
+ irc.join("#doytest")
+ print("Joining channel #doytest2...")
+ irc.join("#doytest2")
+function irc.on_me_join(chan)
+ print("Join to " .. chan .. " complete.")
+ print(chan .. ": Channel type: " .. chan.chanmode)
+ if chan.topic.text and chan.topic.text ~= "" then
+ print(chan .. ": Channel topic: " .. chan.topic.text)
+ print(" Set by " .. chan.topic.user ..
+ " at " .. os.date("%c", chan.topic.time))
+ end
+ irc.act(chan.name, "is here")
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_join(chan, user)
+ print("I saw a join to " .. chan)
+ if tostring(user) ~= "doylua" then
+ irc.say(tostring(chan), "Hi, " .. user)
+ end
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_part(chan, user, part_msg)
+ print("I saw a part from " .. chan .. " saying " .. part_msg)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_nick_change(new_nick, old_nick)
+ print("I saw a nick change: " .. old_nick .. " -> " .. new_nick)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_kick(chan, user)
+ print("I saw a kick in " .. chan)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_quit(chan, user)
+ print("I saw a quit from " .. chan)
+ print_state()
+local function whois_cb(cb_data)
+ print("WHOIS data for " .. cb_data.nick)
+ if cb_data.user then print("Username: " .. cb_data.user) end
+ if cb_data.host then print("Host: " .. cb_data.host) end
+ if cb_data.realname then print("Realname: " .. cb_data.realname) end
+ if cb_data.server then print("Server: " .. cb_data.server) end
+ if cb_data.serverinfo then print("Serverinfo: " .. cb_data.serverinfo) end
+ if cb_data.away_msg then print("Awaymsg: " .. cb_data.away_msg) end
+ if cb_data.is_oper then print(nick .. "is an IRCop") end
+ if cb_data.idle_time then print("Idletime: " .. cb_data.idle_time) end
+ if cb_data.channels then
+ print("Channel list for " .. cb_data.nick .. ":")
+ for _, channel in ipairs(cb_data.channels) do print(channel) end
+ end
+local function serverversion_cb(cb_data)
+ print("VERSION data for " .. cb_data.server)
+ print("Version: " .. cb_data.version)
+ print("Comments: " .. cb_data.comments)
+local function ping_cb(cb_data)
+ print("CTCP PING for " .. cb_data.nick)
+ print("Roundtrip time: " .. cb_data.time .. "s")
+local function time_cb(cb_data)
+ print("CTCP TIME for " .. cb_data.nick)
+ print("Localtime: " .. cb_data.time)
+local function version_cb(cb_data)
+ print("CTCP VERSION for " .. cb_data.nick)
+ print("Version: " .. cb_data.version)
+local function stime_cb(cb_data)
+ print("TIME for " .. cb_data.server)
+ print("Server time: " .. cb_data.time)
+function irc.on_channel_msg(chan, from, msg)
+ if from == "doy" then
+ if msg == "leave" then
+ irc.part(chan.name)
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 3) == "op " then
+ chan:op(msg:sub(4))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "deop " then
+ chan:deop(msg:sub(6))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 6) == "voice " then
+ chan:voice(msg:sub(7))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 8) == "devoice " then
+ chan:devoice(msg:sub(9))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "kick " then
+ chan:kick(msg:sub(6))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "send " then
+ dcc.send(from, msg:sub(6))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 6) == "whois " then
+ irc.whois(whois_cb, msg:sub(7))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 8) == "sversion" then
+ irc.server_version(serverversion_cb)
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "ping " then
+ irc.ctcp_ping(ping_cb, msg:sub(6))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "time " then
+ irc.ctcp_time(time_cb, msg:sub(6))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 8) == "version " then
+ irc.ctcp_version(version_cb, msg:sub(9))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "stime" then
+ irc.server_time(stime_cb)
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 6) == "trace " then
+ irc.trace(trace_cb, msg:sub(7))
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "trace" then
+ irc.trace(trace_cb)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if from ~= "doylua" then
+ irc.say(chan.name, from .. ": " .. msg)
+ end
+function irc.on_private_msg(from, msg)
+ if from == "doy" then
+ if msg == "leave" then
+ irc.quit("gone")
+ return
+ elseif msg:sub(1, 5) == "send " then
+ dcc.send(from, msg:sub(6))
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if from ~= "doylua" then
+ irc.say(from, msg)
+ end
+function irc.on_channel_act(chan, from, msg)
+ irc.act(chan.name, "jumps on " .. from)
+function irc.on_private_act(from, msg)
+ irc.act(from, "jumps on you")
+function irc.on_op(chan, from, nick)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_deop(chan, from, nick)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_voice(chan, from, nick)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_devoice(chan, from, nick)
+ print_state()
+function irc.on_dcc()
+ return true
+irc.connect{network = "irc.freenode.net", nick = "doylua", pass = "doylua"}