path: root/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/tictactoe/tictactoe.lua b/test/tictactoe/tictactoe.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadbb2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tictactoe/tictactoe.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+local Board = require "tictactoe_board"
+local Player = require "tictactoe_player"
+require "curses"
+require "signal"
+-- deinitialize curses on exit, or when a signal is received, so we don't leave
+-- the terminal in a messed up state
+local function cleanup(sig)
+ curses.endwin()
+ if sig then
+ signal.signal(sig, "default")
+ signal.raise(sig)
+ end
+local function get_player_types()
+ local player1, player2
+ io.write("Is player 1 a human? ");
+ local response = io.read()
+ if response:sub(1, 1):lower() == "y" then
+ player1 = "human"
+ else
+ player1 = "computer"
+ end
+ io.write("Is player 2 a human? ");
+ local response = io.read()
+ if response:sub(1, 1):lower() == "y" then
+ player2 = "human"
+ else
+ player2 = "computer"
+ end
+ return player1, player2
+local function init_curses()
+ curses.initscr()
+ signal.signal("INT", cleanup)
+ signal.signal("TERM", cleanup)
+ curses.start_color()
+ curses.setup_term{nl = false, cbreak = true, echo = false, keypad = true}
+ for _, color in ipairs({"red", "blue", "green"}) do
+ curses.init_pair(color, color)
+ end
+local function init_board(ymax, xmax)
+ local ymax, xmax = curses.getmaxyx()
+ local board_y, board_x = Board.size()
+ -- center the board horizontally, and place the board a little above center
+ -- vertically, so that the caption isn't too low
+ return Board.new(math.floor(ymax - board_y) / 2 - 1,
+ math.floor(xmax - board_x) / 2)
+local function main()
+ -- initialize the game
+ local player1, player2 = get_player_types()
+ init_curses()
+ board = init_board()
+ players = { x = Player.new(player1, "x"), o = Player.new(player2, "o") }
+ -- start the main loop
+ local turn = "x"
+ board:draw()
+ curses.refresh()
+ while true do
+ if #board:empty_tiles() == 0 then
+ board:caption("Tie!")
+ break
+ end
+ board:mark(turn, players[turn]:get_move(board))
+ board:draw()
+ local winner, winner_tiles = board:winner()
+ if winner then
+ board:mark_winner(winner, winner_tiles)
+ board:caption(winner:upper() .. " wins!")
+ break
+ end
+ if turn == "x" then turn = "o" else turn = "x" end
+ end
+-- use pcall to catch lua errors, which we can't catch with our signal handlers
+-- (so that we can clean up curses if necessary)
+local success, err_msg = pcall(main)
+if success then
+ curses.getch()
+ cleanup()
+ cleanup()
+ print(err_msg)
diff --git a/test/tictactoe/tictactoe_board.lua b/test/tictactoe/tictactoe_board.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8962257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tictactoe/tictactoe_board.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+local error = error
+local insert = table.insert
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local type = type
+local unpack = unpack
+require 'curses'
+local addstr = curses.addstr
+local addch = curses.addch
+local clrtoeol = curses.clrtoeol
+local move = curses.move
+module 'tictactoe_board'
+-- constants
+local board_background = {
+ " | | ",
+ " | | ",
+ " | | ",
+ "---+---+---",
+ " | | ",
+ " | | ",
+ " | | ",
+ "---+---+---",
+ " | | ",
+ " | | ",
+ " | | ",
+-- constructor arguments are the coordinates on the screen where the board
+-- should be drawn
+function new(y, x)
+ -- the board uses empty tables to represent 'empty tile', since the
+ -- table constructor is guaranteed to produce unique tables, which will
+ -- compare not equal with each other
+ local board = {
+ { {}, {}, {} },
+ { {}, {}, {} },
+ { {}, {}, {} },
+ }
+ return setmetatable({board = board, yorig = y, xorig = x}, {__index = _M})
+function clone(self)
+ local copy = new(self.yorig, self.xorig)
+ for row in ipairs(self.board) do
+ for col in ipairs(self.board[row]) do
+ if self:at(row, col) ~= nil then
+ copy.board[row][col] = self.board[row][col]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return copy
+function size()
+ return #board_background, board_background[1]:len()
+-- translate board positions to positions on the screen
+-- return a table with named members, to pass directly to the curses functions
+function position(self, row, col)
+ return {y = self.yorig + (row - 1) * 4 + 1,
+ x = self.xorig + (col - 1) * 4 + 1}
+function draw(self)
+ -- draw the board
+ for i, line in ipairs(board_background) do
+ addstr({y = self.yorig + i - 1, x = self.xorig}, line)
+ end
+ -- draw the x's and o's
+ for row in ipairs(self.board) do
+ for col, tile in ipairs(self.board[row]) do
+ if tile == "x" then
+ addch(self:position(row, col), "X", {color = "red"})
+ elseif tile == "o" then
+ addch(self:position(row, col), "O", {color = "blue"})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function at(self, y, x)
+ if type(self.board[y][x]) == "table" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return self.board[y][x]
+ end
+-- return a list of empty tiles on the board, where tiles are 2 element lists
+-- of {y, x}
+function empty_tiles(self)
+ local ret = {}
+ for row in ipairs(self.board) do
+ for col in ipairs(self.board[row]) do
+ if self:at(row, col) == nil then
+ insert(ret, {row, col})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+function mark(self, turn, row, col)
+ if turn == "x" or turn == "o" then
+ self.board[row][col] = turn
+ else
+ error("mark called with \'" .. turn .. "\'")
+ end
+-- check whether there is a winner on the board
+-- returns the symbol for the winner (or nil if there is no winner), as well as
+-- a list of the tiles that make up the win, so that we can mark them later
+function winner(self)
+ -- check rows and columns
+ for i = 1, 3 do
+ if self.board[i][1] == self.board[i][2] and
+ self.board[i][2] == self.board[i][3] then
+ return self.board[i][i], {{i, 1}, {i, 2}, {i, 3}}
+ elseif self.board[1][i] == self.board[2][i] and
+ self.board[2][i] == self.board[3][i] then
+ return self.board[i][i], {{1, i}, {2, i}, {3, i}}
+ end
+ end
+ -- check diagonals
+ if self.board[1][1] == self.board[2][2] and
+ self.board[2][2] == self.board[3][3] then
+ return self.board[2][2], {{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}}
+ elseif self.board[3][1] == self.board[2][2] and
+ self.board[2][2] == self.board[1][3] then
+ return self.board[2][2], {{3, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 3}}
+ end
+function mark_winner(self, winner, winner_tiles)
+ for _, loc in ipairs(winner_tiles) do
+ addch(self:position(unpack(loc)), winner:upper(), {color = "green"})
+ end
+-- draw a string centered under the board
+function caption(self, str)
+ move(self.yorig + #board_background + 1, 0)
+ clrtoeol()
+ addstr({y = self.yorig + #board_background + 1,
+ x = self.xorig + (board_background[1]:len() - 1) / 2 -
+ str:len() / 2},
+ str)
diff --git a/test/tictactoe/tictactoe_player.lua b/test/tictactoe/tictactoe_player.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9d56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tictactoe/tictactoe_player.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+local insert = table.insert
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local remove = table.remove
+local unpack = unpack
+require 'curses'
+local addch = curses.addch
+local getch = curses.getch
+module 'tictactoe_player'
+local function get_move_human(self, board)
+ -- first find the first empty tile on the board, so that we start the
+ -- cursor off in an empty tile
+ local y, x
+ for row in ipairs(board.board) do
+ for col in ipairs(board.board[row]) do
+ if board:at(row, col) == nil then
+ y, x = row, col
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if y or x then break end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local c
+ -- draw the character we are about to put down under the cursor only if
+ -- the tile under the cursor is empty
+ if board:at(y, x) == nil then
+ addch(board:position(y, x), self.symbol:upper())
+ c = getch(board:position(y, x))
+ addch(board:position(y, x), " ")
+ else
+ c = getch(board:position(y, x))
+ end
+ if c == "left" or c == "h" then
+ x = (x - 2) % 3 + 1
+ elseif c == "right" or c == "l" then
+ x = x % 3 + 1
+ elseif c == "up" or c == "k" then
+ y = (y - 2) % 3 + 1
+ elseif c == "down" or c == "j" then
+ y = y % 3 + 1
+ elseif c == "enter" or c == " " then
+ -- don't return illegal moves
+ if board:at(y, x) == nil then
+ return y, x
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- recursive helper function for the computer's move calculation
+-- it returns true if the player can certainly win from the given board
+-- position and the given turn
+-- it returns false if the player will lose against a perfect opponent
+-- it returns nil if the player can force a draw, but cannot win
+-- the second return value is a list of positions that correspond to the move
+-- predictions for the rest of the game
+local function find_move(self, board, turn)
+ local tiles = board:empty_tiles()
+ -- hardcode starting move, since there's only one best move anyway, and
+ -- this speeds things up quite a bit
+ if #tiles == 9 then
+ return nil, {{3, 3}}
+ end
+ local winner = board:winner()
+ if winner then
+ if winner == self.symbol then return true, {}
+ else return false
+ end
+ elseif #tiles == 0 then
+ return nil, {}
+ else
+ local next_turn
+ if turn == "x" then next_turn = "o" else next_turn = "x" end
+ local won, path, tie_path
+ for _, tile in ipairs(tiles) do
+ -- create a copy of the board with the next position to try
+ -- filled in, and see if there is a winning position
+ local copy = board:clone()
+ copy:mark(turn, unpack(tile))
+ won, path = find_move(self, copy, next_turn)
+ if self.symbol == turn then
+ -- if it's our turn and the move we just tried will certainly
+ -- win, then return that move
+ if won == true then
+ insert(path, tile)
+ return true, path
+ end
+ else
+ -- if it's the opponent's turn and the opponent's move will
+ -- make us lose, then drop the rest of this branch
+ if won == false then return false end
+ end
+ -- keep track of if we found a path that will result in a tie,
+ -- since that is the second best result
+ if won == nil then
+ insert(path, tile)
+ tie_path = path
+ end
+ end
+ -- if we haven't yet returned with a winning path, then return with
+ -- a tie if possible
+ if tie_path then return nil, tie_path end
+ -- if we get here and it's our turn, that means that all possibilities
+ -- for our move will make us lose, so drop this branch
+ -- if we get here and it's the opponent's turn, that means that
+ -- all possibilities for the opponent's move will make us win, so just
+ -- return any path
+ if self.symbol == turn then return false
+ else return true, path
+ end
+ end
+local function get_move_computer(self, board)
+ local win, path = find_move(self, board, self.symbol)
+ -- the next move is the end of the path that find_move returned
+ return unpack(remove(path))
+function new(type, symbol)
+ local get_move
+ if type == "human" then
+ get_move = get_move_human
+ else
+ get_move = get_move_computer
+ end
+ -- we don't need an actual object, a table will do fine
+ return {get_move = get_move, symbol = symbol}