path: root/t/33-moosex-globref.t
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2010-06-15 01:36:37 -0500
committerJesse Luehrs <>2010-06-15 01:36:37 -0500
commit60c5f48aff6a579ce22bd4b4245f7be346609901 (patch)
tree7025b94a0470cef60d9c3694d0dbf247f5b30aaa /t/33-moosex-globref.t
parent571bfa3b91ff5567338948776b6fce84d3ede09e (diff)
convert to new dzil stuff
Diffstat (limited to 't/33-moosex-globref.t')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/33-moosex-globref.t b/t/33-moosex-globref.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be8c26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/33-moosex-globref.t
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+ eval "use MooseX::GlobRef ()";
+ plan skip_all => "MooseX::GlobRef is required for this test" if $@;
+ plan tests => 10;
+# XXX: the way the IO modules are loaded means we can't just rely on cmop to
+# load these properly/:
+use IO::Handle;
+use IO::File;
+ require Moose;
+ package Foo::Exporter;
+ use Moose::Exporter;
+ Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods(also => ['Moose']);
+ sub init_meta {
+ shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ Moose->init_meta(%options);
+ Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaclass_roles(
+ for_class => $options{for_class},
+ metaclass_roles => ['MooseX::NonMoose::Meta::Role::Class'],
+ constructor_class_roles =>
+ ['MooseX::NonMoose::Meta::Role::Constructor'],
+ instance_metaclass_roles =>
+ ['MooseX::GlobRef::Role::Meta::Instance'],
+ );
+ return Class::MOP::class_of($options{for_class});
+ }
+package IO::Handle::Moose;
+BEGIN { Foo::Exporter->import }
+extends 'IO::Handle';
+has bar => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+sub FOREIGNBUILDARGS { return }
+package IO::File::Moose;
+BEGIN { Foo::Exporter->import }
+extends 'IO::File';
+has baz => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+sub FOREIGNBUILDARGS { return }
+package main;
+my $handle = IO::Handle::Moose->new(bar => 'BAR');
+is($handle->bar, 'BAR', 'moose accessor works properly');
+is($handle->bar, 'RAB', 'moose accessor works properly (setting)');
+$handle = IO::Handle::Moose->new(bar => 'BAR');
+is($handle->bar, 'BAR', 'moose accessor works properly');
+is($handle->bar, 'RAB', 'moose accessor works properly (setting)');
+SKIP: {
+ my $fh = IO::File::Moose->new(baz => 'BAZ');
+ open $fh, "+>", undef
+ or skip "couldn't open a temporary file", 3;
+ is($fh->baz, 'BAZ', "accessor works");
+ $fh->baz('ZAB');
+ is($fh->baz, 'ZAB', "accessor works (writing)");
+ $fh->print("foo\n");
+ print $fh "bar\n";
+ $fh->seek(0, 0);
+ my $buf;
+ $fh->read($buf, 8);
+ is($buf, "foo\nbar\n", "filehandle still works as normal");
+SKIP: {
+ my $fh = IO::File::Moose->new(baz => 'BAZ');
+ open $fh, "+>", undef
+ or skip "couldn't open a temporary file", 3;
+ is($fh->baz, 'BAZ', "accessor works");
+ $fh->baz('ZAB');
+ is($fh->baz, 'ZAB', "accessor works (writing)");
+ $fh->print("foo\n");
+ print $fh "bar\n";
+ $fh->seek(0, 0);
+ my $buf;
+ $fh->read($buf, 8);
+ is($buf, "foo\nbar\n", "filehandle still works as normal");