path: root/src/
diff options
authorJesse Luehrs <>2022-01-03 05:33:21 -0500
committerJesse Luehrs <>2022-01-03 05:59:31 -0500
commit4142936f657004f88e259583136f25f566b0b1c0 (patch)
treea742607891e39a03587e0b22be73e3bb8dd49b32 /src/
parenta3af022f75af415709481cd6dcd73f4d33b472e4 (diff)
split up code into more files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 426 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 638496b..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-use async_std::io::{ReadExt as _, WriteExt as _};
-use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd as _, FromRawFd as _, IntoRawFd as _};
-use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt as _;
-struct Io {
- fds: std::collections::HashMap<
- std::os::unix::io::RawFd,
- std::os::unix::io::RawFd,
- >,
- pre_exec: Option<
- Box<dyn 'static + FnMut() -> std::io::Result<()> + Send + Sync>,
- >,
-impl Io {
- fn new() -> Self {
- let mut fds = std::collections::HashMap::new();
- fds.insert(0.as_raw_fd(), 0.as_raw_fd());
- fds.insert(1.as_raw_fd(), 1.as_raw_fd());
- fds.insert(2.as_raw_fd(), 2.as_raw_fd());
- Self {
- fds,
- pre_exec: None,
- }
- }
- fn stdin(&self) -> Option<async_std::fs::File> {
- self.fds
- .get(&0.as_raw_fd())
- .copied()
- .map(|fd| unsafe { async_std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd) })
- }
- fn set_stdin<T: std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd>(&mut self, stdin: T) {
- if let Some(fd) = self.fds.get(&0.as_raw_fd()) {
- if *fd > 2 {
- drop(unsafe { async_std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(*fd) });
- }
- }
- self.fds.insert(0.as_raw_fd(), stdin.into_raw_fd());
- }
- fn stdout(&self) -> Option<async_std::fs::File> {
- self.fds
- .get(&1.as_raw_fd())
- .copied()
- .map(|fd| unsafe { async_std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd) })
- }
- fn set_stdout<T: std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd>(&mut self, stdout: T) {
- if let Some(fd) = self.fds.get(&1.as_raw_fd()) {
- if *fd > 2 {
- drop(unsafe { async_std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(*fd) });
- }
- }
- self.fds.insert(1.as_raw_fd(), stdout.into_raw_fd());
- }
- fn stderr(&self) -> Option<async_std::fs::File> {
- self.fds
- .get(&2.as_raw_fd())
- .copied()
- .map(|fd| unsafe { async_std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd) })
- }
- fn set_stderr<T: std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd>(&mut self, stderr: T) {
- if let Some(fd) = self.fds.get(&2.as_raw_fd()) {
- if *fd > 2 {
- drop(unsafe { async_std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(*fd) });
- }
- }
- self.fds.insert(2.as_raw_fd(), stderr.into_raw_fd());
- }
- pub unsafe fn pre_exec<F>(&mut self, f: F)
- where
- F: 'static + FnMut() -> std::io::Result<()> + Send + Sync,
- {
- self.pre_exec = Some(Box::new(f));
- }
- async fn read_stdin(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
- if let Some(mut fh) = self.stdin() {
- let res =;
- let _ = fh.into_raw_fd();
- Ok(res?)
- } else {
- Ok(0)
- }
- }
- async fn write_stdout(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- if let Some(mut fh) = self.stdout() {
- let res = fh.write_all(buf).await;
- let _ = fh.into_raw_fd();
- Ok(|_| ())?)
- } else {
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- async fn write_stderr(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
- if let Some(mut fh) = self.stderr() {
- let res = fh.write_all(buf).await;
- let _ = fh.into_raw_fd();
- Ok(|_| ())?)
- } else {
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- fn setup_command(mut self, cmd: &mut crate::command::Command) {
- if let Some(stdin) = self.stdin() {
- let stdin = stdin.into_raw_fd();
- if stdin != 0 {
- cmd.stdin(unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(stdin) });
- self.fds.remove(&0.as_raw_fd());
- }
- }
- if let Some(stdout) = self.stdout() {
- let stdout = stdout.into_raw_fd();
- if stdout != 1 {
- cmd.stdout(unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(stdout) });
- self.fds.remove(&1.as_raw_fd());
- }
- }
- if let Some(stderr) = self.stderr() {
- let stderr = stderr.into_raw_fd();
- if stderr != 2 {
- cmd.stderr(unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(stderr) });
- self.fds.remove(&2.as_raw_fd());
- }
- }
- if let Some(pre_exec) = self.pre_exec.take() {
- unsafe { cmd.pre_exec(pre_exec) };
- }
- }
-impl Drop for Io {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- for fd in self.fds.values() {
- if *fd > 2 {
- drop(unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(*fd) });
- }
- }
- }
-type Builtin = &'static (dyn Fn(
- &crate::parse::Exe,
- &crate::command::Env,
- Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child>
- + Sync
- + Send);
-static BUILTINS: once_cell::sync::Lazy<
- std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, Builtin>,
-> = once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| {
- let mut builtins = std::collections::HashMap::new();
- builtins.insert("cd", &cd as Builtin);
- builtins.insert("echo", &echo);
- builtins.insert("and", &and);
- builtins.insert("or", &or);
- builtins.insert("command", &command);
- builtins.insert("builtin", &builtin);
- builtins
-pub struct Command {
- exe: crate::parse::Exe,
- f: Builtin,
- io: Io,
-impl Command {
- pub fn new(exe: &crate::parse::Exe) -> Option<Self> {
- BUILTINS.get(exe.exe()).map(|f| Self {
- exe: exe.clone(),
- f,
- io: Io::new(),
- })
- }
- pub fn stdin(&mut self, fh: std::fs::File) {
- }
- pub fn stdout(&mut self, fh: std::fs::File) {
- }
- pub fn stderr(&mut self, fh: std::fs::File) {
- }
- pub unsafe fn pre_exec<F>(&mut self, f: F)
- where
- F: 'static + FnMut() -> std::io::Result<()> + Send + Sync,
- {
- }
- pub fn spawn(self, env: &crate::command::Env) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- let Self { f, exe, io } = self;
- (f)(&exe, env, io)
- }
-pub struct Child {
- fut: std::pin::Pin<
- Box<
- dyn std::future::Future<Output = std::process::ExitStatus>
- + Sync
- + Send,
- >,
- >,
- wrapped_child: Option<Box<crate::command::Child>>,
-impl Child {
- pub fn id(&self) -> Option<u32> {
- self.wrapped_child.as_ref().and_then(|cmd|
- }
- #[async_recursion::async_recursion]
- pub async fn status(
- self,
- ) -> anyhow::Result<async_std::process::ExitStatus> {
- if let Some(child) = self.wrapped_child {
- child.status().await
- } else {
- Ok(self.fut.await)
- }
- }
-// clippy can't tell that the type is necessary
-fn cd(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- async fn async_cd(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- _env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
- ) -> std::process::ExitStatus {
- let dir = exe
- .args()
- .into_iter()
- .map(std::convert::AsRef::as_ref)
- .next()
- .unwrap_or("");
- let dir = if dir.is_empty() {
- home()
- } else if dir.starts_with('~') {
- let path: std::path::PathBuf = dir.into();
- if let std::path::Component::Normal(prefix) =
- path.components().next().unwrap()
- {
- if prefix.to_str() == Some("~") {
- home().join(path.strip_prefix(prefix).unwrap())
- } else {
- // TODO
- io.write_stderr(b"unimplemented\n").await.unwrap();
- return async_std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(1 << 8);
- }
- } else {
- unreachable!()
- }
- } else {
- dir.into()
- };
- let code = match std::env::set_current_dir(&dir) {
- Ok(()) => 0,
- Err(e) => {
- io.write_stderr(
- format!(
- "{}: {}: {}\n",
- exe.exe(),
- crate::format::io_error(&e),
- dir.display()
- )
- .as_bytes(),
- )
- .await
- .unwrap();
- 1
- }
- };
- async_std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(code << 8)
- }
- let exe = exe.clone();
- let env = env.clone();
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { async_cd(&exe, &env, io).await }),
- wrapped_child: None,
- })
-// clippy can't tell that the type is necessary
-// mostly just for testing and ensuring that builtins work, i'll likely remove
-// this later, since the binary seems totally fine
-fn echo(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- async fn async_echo(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- _env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
- ) -> std::process::ExitStatus {
- macro_rules! write_stdout {
- ($bytes:expr) => {
- if let Err(e) = io.write_stdout($bytes).await {
- io.write_stderr(format!("echo: {}", e).as_bytes())
- .await
- .unwrap();
- return async_std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(1 << 8);
- }
- };
- }
- let count = exe.args().count();
- for (i, arg) in exe.args().enumerate() {
- write_stdout!(arg.as_bytes());
- if i == count - 1 {
- write_stdout!(b"\n");
- } else {
- write_stdout!(b" ");
- }
- }
- async_std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(0)
- }
- let exe = exe.clone();
- let env = env.clone();
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { async_echo(&exe, &env, io).await }),
- wrapped_child: None,
- })
-fn and(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- let exe = exe.shift();
- if env.latest_status().success() {
- let mut cmd = crate::command::Command::new(&exe);
- io.setup_command(&mut cmd);
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { unreachable!() }),
- wrapped_child: Some(Box::new(cmd.spawn(env)?)),
- })
- } else {
- let env = env.clone();
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { *env.latest_status() }),
- wrapped_child: None,
- })
- }
-fn or(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- let exe = exe.shift();
- if env.latest_status().success() {
- let env = env.clone();
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { *env.latest_status() }),
- wrapped_child: None,
- })
- } else {
- let mut cmd = crate::command::Command::new(&exe);
- io.setup_command(&mut cmd);
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { unreachable!() }),
- wrapped_child: Some(Box::new(cmd.spawn(env)?)),
- })
- }
-fn command(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- let exe = exe.shift();
- let mut cmd = crate::command::Command::new_binary(&exe);
- io.setup_command(&mut cmd);
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { unreachable!() }),
- wrapped_child: Some(Box::new(cmd.spawn(env)?)),
- })
-fn builtin(
- exe: &crate::parse::Exe,
- env: &crate::command::Env,
- io: Io,
-) -> anyhow::Result<Child> {
- let exe = exe.shift();
- let mut cmd = crate::command::Command::new_builtin(&exe);
- io.setup_command(&mut cmd);
- Ok(Child {
- fut: Box::pin(async move { unreachable!() }),
- wrapped_child: Some(Box::new(cmd.spawn(env)?)),
- })
-fn home() -> std::path::PathBuf {
- std::env::var_os("HOME").unwrap().into()